Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Gilgamesh was really interested in who this being really was, who had the courage to challenge him and was still after Valerie.

"His name is Ahriman" Nyx said as her body trembled slightly reflecting her fear.

However, Gilgamesh focused on the name she had spoken.

Ahriman. He had heard it somewhere before. A God of the Middle East, but that was all he could remember.

"But perhaps you know him by another name; Angra Mainyu"

Gilgamesh's eyes widened at what he had heard.

"The Zoroastrian God of Darkness and Evil...! He who is said to represent all evil in the world...!" the King of Heroes' voice came out in a surprised sigh.

After all, the biblical God was considered the representation of all that was good in the world. Although he was not of the same pantheon, the God of Darkness was his opposite.

"But his Pantheon disappeared long ago, even if Angra Mainyu were alive his power would be no greater than that of a normal human" Gilgamesh said seriously.

The fact that the Pantheon of the God of Darkness had disappeared and many of the Gods together already made the existence of this God somewhat rare.

And the lack of followers would have weakened him immensely, after all the Gods drew much of their power from the faith of humans.

But the being he had faced was very powerful, certainly Godlike, although Gilgamesh was sure that it was containing much of its power.

Nyx nodded in agreement.

"True, that would be the case for most gods. However, Gilgamesh, have you ever wondered that? Why is it that, although their pantheons have disappeared, some Gods have continued to persist in their existence? Why is it that some Gods, who live on in the faith of human worshipers through their prayers and actions, can survive even when they are no longer actively worshipped? The answer is quite simple. It is because of their domains" replied Nyx calmly.

"Their domains?" asked Gilgamesh.

"What do you think will happen with an evil God? Humans don't even need to actively pray for him or act on his behalf. Simply their thoughts of condemning another for their perceived crime are enough to fuel his power. Just imagine, the collective thoughts, or faith, of 7 billion humans all going to Angra Mainyu?"

Gilgamesh's eyes widened as he heard what Nyx spoke.

"If that is true..." Gilgamesh began.

"I have seen him and felt his power" Nyx said as her body trembled with fear at the memory of that being, "And I believe his power would not lose even to the legendary Hindu God of Destruction"

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed at that, he certainly didn't expect the level of power to be so great.

"But something bothers me" Nyx said catching Gilgamesh's attention.

"Even though Angra Mainyu was the representation of 'All Evil in the World' him getting this power was very sudden, something overnight" said Nyx calmly.

"That's very strange" said Gilgamesh narrowing his eyes.

Angra Mainyu's power was supposed to increase over time, not just happen out of nowhere.

"When I knew him I ended up asking what happened, and he told me strange things like that a force from beyond this world helped him or things like that, even some strange names" said Nyx as she looked confused.

"What specifically did he say?" asked Gilgamesh as his eyes narrowed.

He had a suspicion about what was going on, but it was still too early to jump to conclusions.

"He said that the beings who helped him were the Goddesses Laima, Krta and Dkla. But I have never heard of such Goddesses" Nyx said without understanding.

However, to Nyx's surprise, she was soon taken out of Gilgamesh's arms by Gilgamesh himself.

Looking at the King of Heroes, the Primordial Goddess widened her eyes.

Gilgamesh had his crimson eyes glowing in fury while a golden aura heavily covered his body.

"Those damned" Gilgamesh grunted with barely contained anger in his voice.

He should have known those Goddesses had something to do with this, the last thing they said to him should have warned him.

"Oh, before we forget! We've made some ... changes to things that we think you'll like. Have fun ~!"

It was obvious that those three had something to do with it.

She who wanted fun should be laughing at Gilgamesh at that moment.

They should have used their power to gather the faith of the humans in Angra Mainyu and boosted their power even further to put him on that level.

"Gil..." the voice of Nyx came out worried as she saw the expression of his love.

Sighing Gilgamesh resumed his calm as his power calmed down.

"Everything is fine, is there anything else?" asked Gilgamesh as he turned his attention back to the Goddess.

"Well, Angra Mainyu has a strong army, besides those monsters" said Nyx fearfully.

"What do you mean" Gilgamesh without understanding.

"Even among his servants, there are some of exceptional power, so powerful that they could rival members of the Top 10" said Nyx as her body trembled with fear as she remembered the power of those beings.

"What were their names?" asked Gilgamesh curiously.

Seeing how everything was going on it would be really nice to get as much information as possible.

"I don't know, but they had some nicknames like Alter and Saber and Berserker and stuff like that" Nyx said nonchalantly.

By not looking, Nyx was unable to see the sheer shock present on Gilgamesh's face at what he had heard.

If what Nyx had spoken was true then that meant that Angra Mainyu had the power to summon servants to fight at her side.

"Those damned Goddesses even granted that power to him" thought Gilgamesh in disbelief.

He really couldn't believe that the Goddesses were going so far for their own amusement.

"And also..." Nyx began catching Gilgamesh's attention.

"There is also Angra Mainyu's right-hand man, Alester Baltazar. His power is almost as great as Angra Mainyu's. But he is much more frightening" said Nyx trembling slightly.

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes at what he heard, there was no being in DxD with that name.

"What are the Goddesses up to?" thought Gilgamesh without understanding.

Gilgamesh turned his eyes to Nyx and saw that the Goddess was trembling slightly and slung her arm over his shoulder as she embraced the Goddess.

Nyx blushed as her head was pressed against Gilgamesh's chest in a warm embrace.

"You don't need to worry, Nyx, nothing will happen" Gilgamesh said in a soothing tone.

Gilgamesh lightly touched Nyx's head as under the Goddess a deep fatigue came over her and she fell asleep.

Slowly Gilgamesh laid Nyx's body down on the bed while smiling lightly.

"Thank you for risking so much for me" Gilgamesh said in a loving tone.

Gilgamesh sighed as he processed everything that was happening, everything he had heard from Nyx filled his mind.

Just when he thought he had solved his problems others arose.

"You can come in you knew" Gilgamesh said looking at the door.

The door to the room slowly opened and Sebas was revealed standing calmly.

The King of Heroes knew that Sebas had been there the whole time since Nyx had arrived.

"Did you know about Angra Mainyu and all that?" asked Gilgamesh as he turned to the butler.

The old man shook his head in denial.

"No, I didn't know about it. It was a big surprise to me too" said Sebas calmly.

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