Ghost of Culture

86 Happiness From Falseness

That single word of mine causes Kaguya Ryoden to be on the verge of tears, and while she is becoming very emotional, her mind is filled with an unending amount of thoughts and contemplations.

And from that, I have learned all that I needed to know about Kaguya as a person prior to her untimely death at the hands of her husband. Her former husband, I should say. Their marriage is definitely over by now.

Time for me to move in then. Heh.

Joke asides, I can say that her former husband was such a huge dick for attempting to kill her son and then accidentally killing her in the process. Accidentally? Apparently, Kaguya seems to think so, given the fact that she was not the object of his murderous intention.

Honestly, why did anyone have to die simply because her former husband had come to learn the fact of what kind of monster Hayate would one day become.

Surely, any battle-hardened father would be proud of their child being capable to surpassing one day in term of powers and techniques, but sadly, not this asshole of a husband and father. He wants to be the strongest in the world for all time, and he would now even his own child to usurp him.

What an asshole, and what a fucking stupid reason. What use of having great power when you literally have no one to protect? Hell. That is the only motivation to become stronger, and it is clich as fuck.

I should not be pissed about this, but I do. Maybe it is because of Kaguya? Or maybe it is because I am putting way too much thought into the plot of this setting.

In any case, like any good mother would, Kaguya gave up her life to bring her son to her father for his protection. Her father is so badass that her former husband backs away then disappears for years and years afterwards.

Yup. Totally a badass grandpa. I wish he was my grandfather, not saying that my actual grandfather is a jerk or something of the sort. No. My grandfather was probably pretty cool, but sadly, he died before I was born. Yeah. I never knew my grandfather. I knew about my grandmother though, who was a hell of a lady.

Too bad that anyway, Hayate does not know what had happened to his mother, asides from the fact that she died when he was very young. He would eventually learn of the truth and face his asshole of a father in one hell of a climactic battle.

Probably the last true battle in the manga. No anymore within this setting.

Oh wait. Maybe that battle might still happen, and if it does, without the Black Dragon of Annihilation helping him out, Hayate will definitely lose his life against his father. There is no doubt about that, and it would make the death of his mother a moot point.

This would obviously be considered a bad ending.

And I am not sure why I am still thinking about Hayate as the protagonist.

I am the protagonist now. I have taken Orvis from him. Mito Scarlet too. Plenty of other busty beautiful girls who would have been in his harem, and if any asshole tries to hurt any of the girl within my harem, I swear I will smash them up. I mean fuck them up. I mean making sure that they wish they had never been born!

So hard to say thing as it is because of all the sexual innuendos. Heh.

But seriously, no one touches my girls but me! No one! Just like no one should have hurt this beautiful and emotional woman standing right in front of me. I cannot help but wanting to take Kaguya into my arms and protect her with all my strengths and powers.

Fondling her too. Hah!

Hey. I am a pervert, and I am proud of that fact! I am not truly me if I do not ogle at Kaguya, from her mesmerizing blue eyes to her luscious moist lips. Lips that I want to capture around mine without any hesitation.

Her lips are just so inviting, so pure.

Just like her pearly milky skin around her revealed neckline and shoulders.

The kimono does nothing to hide those facts, and looking down further, her incredible busts are really straining against the fabric of her clothes, threating to break out and revealing their wonderfulness to everyone. Oh. Just me at the moment.

All mine. Mine! Mine! Mine! Awesome! Booboobooboobs.

Needlessly to say, Junior stirs mightily within the tight confines of my pant while I check out the valley of heaven between her delicious globes. I cannot wait to transverse that soft chasm, exploring in depth myself. It will not be the only chasm that I want to explore. Definitely not.

There are two more tight chasms between her smooth and shapely legs. Very revealing legs just thanks to how her kimono is binding around her voluptuous body.

Wow. Just wow.

Her curvaceous figure will definitely cause any man to be as straight as a board. Not just their interests in woman, but whatever they are packing between their legs as well. All of this is without her needing to speak a single word.

And when Kaguya does speak, her voice is like melody to my ears, and I wonder if this is what a busty angel sounds like. Damn it. If it is, how dare someone has the heart to kill such an angel!? No way! No fucking way.

Damn that guy! He dares to kill her, thus making the world a gloomier place with her, and just for that, I will definitely murder his ass! Beautiful girl must be protected and loved, not killed and discarded!

Ahem. I am getting ahead of myself there. Challenging possibly the strongest person in this setting as I am right now would instantly mean my death. I need to gather more power before I can do something of the sort.

Is there even enough time for that? This is quite a complex story, one that cannot be completed within a single day. It is to be expected, as it is a manga, one that is designed to run forever.

Meh. I will definitely pay that guy back for hurting someone like Kaguya.

"Are you are you really really Hayate?"

Kaguya speaks up, and I can feel quiverness within her voice. A few tears manage to escape those blue eyes of hers, sliding her porcelain face. Despite that, she smiles at me, bringing this familiar warmness within me. The warmness that I have missed so much.

Strange. How strange.

The entire mindscape shimmers and floods with warmness and brightness that a mother could bring, and it is the reflection of her state of mind. No. My state of mind. I crave it. I really do, and I am unable to help myself becoming emotional as her.

I need a moment to calm down. To fully calm down. It is likely not possible, so I will use these emotions to my own advantage.

"Y-yes. Yes, I am. I am Hayate Ryoden."

I answer Kaguya and take a single step towards her. A weak step, for effect mostly, but it feels as real and genuine as any others simply due to what I am feeling right now. I wonder if this is exactly what I will feel when I get to see my mother again.

This warmness and happiness. It just makes me look towards that day. I just need to become stronger and stronger, strong enough to reach that day! The day that I will be reunited with my mother as well as my father.

Even though I am telling Kaguya that I am her son, she still has doubts in her mind. This is because she has this image of her matured son within her head despite never getting to see him grown up, and to be honest, that image that she has is fairly accurate to what Hayate looks like.

I do not look anything like Hayate, and I am obviously better looking than Hayate. Hah!

And since Kaguya is doubting me and my words, I decide to doubt her in return. Me doubting her will either make her accept me or lose me forever, and considering that she loves her son very much, the first outcome will be more than likely thanks to my machination.

But if it does not work out, then I will probably figure out another way to get into her chasm. Hah!

Wait. What was the reason to why I am talking to her again? Oh right. Trying to get her to release one of the seals on Orvis. Totally forgot about that due to her beauty. Damn.

Focus, Ghostly. Focus. Do your thing and capture her heart! Conquer everything and make her yours!


"Are you really my mother? No. You cannot be. You are too beautiful to be my mother. My mother is not someone as beautiful as you. She dies when I was little, and grandfather had always told me that my mother is just a normal person, not someone as beautiful as you."

I reject her while emphasizing that she is beautiful.

My rejection of her hurt obviously hurts, so much so that Kaguya immediately puts away any doubt in her mind about me being her son. The fear of losing me is too frightening, considering that she herself has never had the chance to talk to her son.

Yes. It is very tragic, and I am a bastard for lying to her, but honestly, people are a lot happier by living the lie than knowing the truth.

I certainly would, and if I could go back in time and stand up to those bullies, things would have turned out so much different. I am not talking about what I am now thanks to the Great Maker, since that will happen, nonetheless, but I would not have these guilts if I have lived a full life with my parents.

The end would still be the same, considering that I cannot move on to the afterlife like my parents had done so, and loitering around in the mortal world would mean running into the Great Maker again.

I wonder why I cannot move on to the afterlife. Does it have something to do with my soul? Meh. If it is, it does not really matter. I will break into the afterlife sooner or later. Preferably when I am powerful enough to run amok instead of running away all the time.


Before I turn around and walk away from Kaguya to show my resolution, she takes a leap forward. She is so fast that the distance between us vanishes, allowing her to stand in front of me within an instant.

Unholy shit! I can ese her move, but it is just merely a blur.

If Kaguya is that strong then how strong is the guy that I vow to kill in revenge for her death? And how strong is the badass grandpa? Pretty strong, I must say.

Eh? What would happen if that badass grandpa realizes that Orvis is no longer within Hayate? Oh shit, I know! I did not think that through! Wait a second, I did not intend to take Orvis out of Hayate, and I certainly will not give her back.

Orvis is mine. Giving her back mean giving her up, and I am not going to do that. My girls are mine! No one can have them!

Before I am able to think of a solution to that particular problem, Kaguya reaches out and pinches my cheek. Just lightly as she has total control of her strength. A bright smile appears across her face when she did, spreading as far as she can spread my cheek.

What the hell!? I will spread your ass for that. I will spread a lot more than just your butthole. Hah!

"What the hell is that for!?"

I call out once I gather my wit. I should have said something earlier, but her beautiful face is like within kissing distance. It is hard to say anything like that, especially when I take in her lovely scent. Damn. It is making me horny.

"No foul language."

Kaguya chastises me while examining my face closely. My upper body too. If she looks any lower, she will note that I am sporting an erection. A huge erection for her. That kind of wrong, but then again, it is not like she is my mother. There is absolutely no problem of me banging her. Hah!

The question remains, how do I do that? Maybe I can get her to teach me a few techniques and letting me test them out on her. Heh.

Kaguya finds that I am somewhat handsome. Of course, I am. I do try and look my very best within my mindscape, for when I bring in hot mums that I totally want to bang. Booboobooboobs.

Seriously though, I am not really a bad looking person. Probably better than most guys, but then again, to my mother, I am always the most handsome person in her eyes. Just like I am the most handsome person to Kaguya since she accepts that I am her son.

This will not backfire whatsoever. Hah!

Speaking of which, time to play it cool. Reinforcing the idea of me being her son.

I roll my eyes at her remark before snorting rather rebelliously. It is for effect, but I think it is also the most natural response to what she just did. Damn. She is hot. Like superhot. I have to tried really hard not to look down her cleavage. Her incredibly cleavage.

Great Maker! This is torturous! So torturous. Having such a beautiful woman so close to me, yet, I am unable to do anything. No fondling. No squeezing. No kissing. Ah! Shut up Junior! I am working on it!

"Who are you, my mother?"

I question while rubbing my cheek and then turning away from her. It takes a lot of effort, considering that she is the only thing that worth staring at in this whole mindscape. In any mindscape, really. Yup.

Kaguya responses before wrapping her hands around me and pulling me into a tight embrace. So soft, oh so very soft! Unholy shit! Is she trying to make me nut!? Her massive breasts press themselves onto my chest, letting me feel everything. Great Maker!

I have to fight pretty hard to prevent Junior from pressing against her, all while not to take note of the tears running down her face. She cannot remember the last time that she had hugged her son like so, thus it is hard for me to break away from her.

"I have always wondered how you will live without me and what kind of man you will become. It must have been hard for you, growing up without me or your father. I am so sorry for leaving you. It is not my intention."

Kaguya apologizes while embracing me tightly. Just like she would embrace her son. In her mind, I am her son. The only son that she knows about.

I decide to return the embrace, wrapping my hands around her and rubbing her lower back. Her lovely lower back, bringing forth this peaceful feeling. She has given up everything in life just for this moment, and it is all that matter within her mind.

As soon as the embrace tightens, my erection presses against her body, making her blink. She notices it, but she did not say anything. In her mind, it is probably natural, considering that I am not aware of her being my mother.

Kaguya allows me to embrace her, feeling her whole body against mine without any hesitation. Damn, I do love this. Love it a lot. Like a lot. Her cheek even rubbing against my shoulder, allowing me to drink in the smell of her hair.

The embrace eventually ends, allowing Kaguya and I look at each other face to face. I try to express a sign of confusion, but it is hard when she matches my gaze.

"So, you are my mother? I never imagine having such a babe for a mother. You are just so beautiful. I cannot imagine it."

I speak my mind freely, and Kaguya giggles at my remark. There is a touch of red upon her cheeks, and it is nice to see my charm is still working.

"And I never imagine you growing to be such a hunk. Ah. Tell me how you have been all of these years alone?"

Kaguya quickly changes the subject, and I decide one step at a time is a good idea. Play it cool, and she will fall for me. It is simply due to how the setting work, and her believing herself to be my mother will not stop her emotions. Hah!

To that end, I expand on what I know about Hayate from his profile, relaying to Kaguya while keeping an eye on her thought bubble. She recalls many things, and I use that to build upon my bullshits. Seeing some of her hopes and dreams come true really make her truly happy.

And for that moment, I truly had thought that I was sharing my life to my mother and learning about the life that had lived before being dead. It is not a bad feeling. No. Not really.

Must be really nice if it is real. Well. It is real to Kaguya, and I think that is good enough for now.

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