Ghost of Culture

79 Already Claimed One Herione

Hearing my words, Mito Scarlet cannot help but look away from my eyes.

Away from my member too. My very massive member, throbbing quite violently between my legs and standing absolutely erected like a mast to peek above the waistline. Its head is so close to her sex, so very close.

Nearly touching her.

Just a step forwards, a little step forwards, and I would touch her. I would be touching this pretty girl, who is so unsure of herself right now. She has been defeated in a single combat, and she truly knows it. Knows it well.

And now, Mito is under my mercy, and with a bit of persuasion on my part, she will be under me. Hah!

I knew I could do it. Of course, I could. No one in this world can stand up to the awesome might of my Ghostly Style of Lust! Smash them until you can smash them!

That shall be the motto of my fighting style. Booboobooboobs!

"No. I cannot. I have to keep it, Ghostly."

Mito whispers weakly, and within her mind, I immediately learn that she is referring to her virginity.

Eh? She is a virgin? Oh. Is that so? If she is, it would be so awesome. I actually want her more now, so come to me, the Deflowerer Grandmaster of the Ghostly Style.

There is nothing to fear, my beautiful child. I have deflowered three busty teenagers just like you with my great tool of reckoning. Hah!

What is on my mind plasters all over my face, and it is a good thing that Mito has looked away. If Mito did not, her opinion of me would have plummeted. I mean it should have if she does not already know about my perverted nature.

I did absolutely nothing to hide that nature, and I will not be bothered to. I like who I am, and I am so proud of it. Proud to be a pervert! The Ghost of Culture! Hah!

And as to why Mito has to keep her virginity, it is due to the fact that she is engaged. I mean, seriously, she is engaged? Engaged to someone that she barely knows sine she was little, all due to her parents, but then again, she is actually from a wealthy family.

Mito is a prestige girl even if she does not show it herself.

As a matter of fact, she is actually rebelling against her backgrounds and upbringings of sort, and from her battle spirit, the Red Dragon of Ruin, that rebellious nature of hers will bring her family to a state of ruin.

That is her future, following the plot of the setting.

And just like any clich plot like this, the protagonist will swoop in to save her. Fight against her asshole of a fiance as well because that is part of the clich for Mito Scarlet is one of the heroines.

She is actually one of the total four heroines of the story. The Red Heroine.

The other heroines are host of White, Blue and Green dragons. All of them are girls, obviously, for the protagonist is the only male dragon amongst them. Yup. Super clich.

Oh. There are actually five heroines to the story. Orvis is one as well. The Black Heroine.

Basically, I am the protagonist before I even claim to be the protagonist. I have stolen Orvis from right out of Hayate! Awesome.

And as a protagonist, I am not going to be that stupid clich Japanese protagonist. No. Definitely not, for I am the Ghost of Culture. I will demonstrate my culture. Heh.

Time to seal the deal then.

"You cannot does not mean that you will not, Mito Scarlet. There is no reason to be afraid of anything or anyone because you are strong."

I tell Mito, taking on my charming self. I can be charming. Very charming, at least I like to think so, and if what happen to Mary, Alice and Sophia could be considered, I do have some charms on me.

But then again, those three busty teenagers are lacking in the common-sense department. Mito does not. I think.

Mito returns her eyes to me, demonstrating the desire to act upon what she truly wants. It is dwelling within her eyes.

And I suppose that the normal plot of the storyline involves something like Hayate beating her up, and then, by some miracle or manga logic, Mito would fall madly in love with him, thus wanting him to be hers in a sort of yandere kind of way.

Sounds clich, and therefore, it will probably happen that way.

And since that is the case, time to drive it home, Ghostly. You are the protagonist of this story now, so be the best cultured protagonist that you can be. Tell this girl what she wants to hear, and she will be yours.

Forever yours! Hah!

"You are strong, Mito Scarlet. One of the strongest fighters that I have met, and I would love to study under you, learning your hand-to-hand combat techniques along with everything about you, and I do mean everything. Every little thing."

I tell Mito Scarlet, whisperingly. Smoothly and affectionately, and I think the acknowledgement about her being one of the strongest fighters is more than enough to get her to fall for me. It is that easy for this setting.

As for the rest, I do mean it. I want to know everything that there is to know about her, starting from getting to know her physically. Very physically.

Getting physical is the best way to learn about someone. Maybe I understand that advice wrongly, but I do like my version better. Way more fun too. Involves a lot of smashing. Hah!

"You would, Ghostly?"

Mito questions as she feels her chest becomes extremely heavy, and it is not really due to the armors that she is wearing. I can have a good guess to why she is wearing armor despite the fact it makes her slow. Plus, she does not need it due to her fighting style.

Since everything in this setting is probably a clich and basing on her personality and background, she wants everyone to see her as a powerful person in her right, not simply a helpless woman.

The armor hides that fact. Or maybe she is wearing as protection against her fiance.

The latter feels more likely, considering her fiance is probably someone super powerful. Definitely as having a powerful and overcontrolling fiance is also a clich.

Anyway, hearing her questions, I grin salaciously and lean forwards, getting super close and personal to Mito. But unlike previously, Mito does not tense up or tries to back away from me.

She is currently mesmerized by me. Like really mesmerized. Is it because of the moment? Or because of something else? Whatever it is, it seems like I had stolen more than just Orvis from Hayate. Hah!

Awesome. Just awesome.

"Yes, I would, Mito Scarlet. I will even be yours if you can persuade me to it."

I tell her softly while maintaining my grin. My perverted grin, yet despite the grin, Mito does not avert her gaze, for she wants me. She really wants me.

It might be all the sexual energy flowing through her mind and body. Or it might because of the setting, or the combination of the two. Whatever it is, I am loving this. So great to be the protagonist.

"Persuade you, Ghostly?"

Mito questions once she regains some sense of herself. She has no idea why she is feeling such a way, and she does not hate it. No. Not at all.

"Yes, Mito Scarlet, persuade me. With your technique. Not combat techniques. With much enjoyable techniques. With your mouth, tongue and throat. I am sure that you can do it since I am already hard for you. Like very hard. You would get to keep your virginity that way, and you would get me."

I tell her. Manipulating her, and if this is the real world, no way something like this would have worked.

But this is not the real world. This is a world based on a manga. A world operating on its own logic and principle, and as such, Mito is actually contemplating my offer.

Like really contemplating it.

Mito did freeze up for a moment, as I basically ask her to suck my cock. And while that sounds insanely crazy for someone like her, she would not have to give away her virginity or anything of the sort.

Plus, she actually wants to do it.

That is the lustful energy talking, convincing her that it is a good deal. A really good deal. She will able to have me and get rid of this growing lust within her as well.

Mito nods slowly before smiling, fully accepting her decision.

"Alright, Ghostly. If I cannot beat you in single combat, I will beat you another way, but if you lose, you will submit to me and call me captain."

Mito demands, and as absurd that might sound if I put some braincells into it, I just nod and smile. All to not jinx whatever happen next.

Yes! And for the love of the Great Maker, please do not be a stupid manga clich. Seriously, whenever the protagonist about to get it with a girl, something interrupts.

I glance around to see if something or someone is going to interrupt while Mito drops her knees right there and then. Is it really happening? Yes! Fucking yes! No interruption. Even Orvis becomes silence!

My eyes return to Mito, watching her come face to face with my massive cock. Seeing it so close now, she realizes how fucking hung I am.

So much so that she actually has a second thought about defeating me with her oral technique.

Even so, the confidence and boisterous attitude remain on her face, and she swallows the lump in her throat, gulping hard before removing her gauntlets. They would get in the way, and I am thankful that she knows it as well.

I tense up when her hands make sudden contact. Experimentally too while she breathes in my ghostly musk, allowing it to fill her entire being. She shivers to stop herself from melting right there and then, due to the burning lusts between her loin.

How does it feel to have something as big as my cock in her snatch?

That is what she is thinking, while becoming entranced by my huge member.

"I did not think it is this big, Ghostly. And it is still growing."

Mito comments, making me chuckle. My cock is big, but not that massive, at least not the biggest that I ever had. Or even the longest. Richard is longer. Harry is fatter. This sounds a bit gay.

But seriously, Richard and Harry are just really endowed, just so they can fuck their daughter hard and deep. I am fine with my cock, as it is not how big or thick a cock is. It is how you make every girl worship it.


My hand comes down to rest atop of her head. My fingers run along her hair and then curl themselves around her ponytail, gripping it firmly. Gently for a brief moment.

"Yeah. That means I really like you, Mito Scarlet, and as much as I like you staring at it, I like you more if you suck it and show me your oral technique."

I tell her with a smile. Her oral techniques would be interesting, as she has never sucked an actual cock before. She does have practice on fake ones, but fake ones are not real ones.

This would mark the first time for Mito, but even so, she tries to hide the fact. She does not know that she cannot hide anything from me.

My All-Seeing Eyes ability and my Thought Bubble ability grant me the power to know everything there is to know about her.


Mito nods and stares at my cock for a little bit more before leaning forwards. Both of her hands wrap around my length, and her tongue slips out of her mouth to flick the mushroom tip. Experimentally at first, but quickly becomes expertly.

She begins to lick the cockhead while stroking my length, simulating a hand job. And despite this is the first time she had done such a thing to anyone, I admit, her technique is awesome!

Unholy fuck! Combine with her enthusiasms and confidences, Mito might actually be able to beat me up, but I am not going down without a fight. Hah!

I allow her to play with my member for about a minute before letting out a low growl.

That gathers her attention, and her purplish eyes dart up and match my downwards gaze. As she does so, my grip around her ponytail tightens while my pulsating member twitches within her grasp.

"Open, Mito."

I command, and Mito follows it immediately as if she is in a trance. Her lovely pink lips part and allow my shaft to pass through them easily. Her tongue runs along the underside of my hard cock, sliding all the way as I push myself into her mouth until I hit the back of her throat.

Since this is the first time Mito truly has a real cock, one that forces itself into throat without any sign of hesitation, she cannot help but coughs and gags instinctively at the feeling of something elongated pressing against her tonsils.

Nevertheless, it is remarkable for her to be able to take me like this.

And I hold her still for a moment, making sure that she gets use to the sensation while trying to lick or suck my member with her tongue and mouth. The licking and sucking sensation around my thick girth are quite indescribable, urging to wreck her mouth and throat with my maddening cock.

Of course, I would, especially when having such a lovely strong girl prostrating before me and inhaling my cock. As such, I pull back slightly and then thrust forwards, spearing the mushroom tip of my cock straight down her throat, causing her to gag and choke around my member.

Before Mito Scarlet is able to stable herself at the forceful intrusion, I pull back once more before with a grin on my face, slamming my hips forwards, driving my cock into her throat again, rewarding myself that gagging and choking sound.

I repeat again and again and again.

"Gagkh! Gulk! Gah! Gulk! Gagkh! Gagkh! Gak! Glug! Glug! Gagkh!"

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