Ghost of Culture

41 What She Wants, She Shall Have

Unlike Alice, Sophia didn't bring any annoying holy crosses to somehow burn me with.

She brings only her sexy self along with a change of clothes and a few other things, such as shampoos and toothbrushes and so on.

Honestly, I prefer that Sophia didn't bring anything at all, including her current uniform.


But that obviously isn't possible because her milf of a mother would beat my ass up. I remember that her mother is quite violence, to the point that her father is pretty much scared shitless.

He is more or less a slave within their household.

Damn. At least Richard didn't stoop that low. He has some balls. Some huge balls, but that isn't exactly what I mean. Still. Richard is trapped in this rather loveless and of constantly blue-balls marriage.

At least until along came a spider.

I mean me. Hah!

With great power comes great responsibility.

Responsibility to one's daughter. I shall fuck her straight.

Honestly, if I don't, who will? Richard certainly wouldn't on his own. Hell. He might even do something he shouldn't have without me.

By which I mean, killing himself.

It is a good thing that Richard no longer has such suicidal thoughts, at least I don't think so.

Why must you kill yourself when you have such a lovely angel with bright blue eyes and golden locks cascading down her lovely shoulders obeying your will.

I kind of enjoy watching my daughter, Sophia and Alice hurdling together and discussing what they are going to do for the rest of the afternoon.

But without any television in the house or a way to access the Internet, their options are fairly limited, and it isn't surprising that they opt to play some school-approved board games while reading the bible together.

Unholy fuck!

I am not joking about this.

Like my daughter, Sophia and Alice are religiously devoted and parentally protected, all thanks to their respective mothers. Their school helps greatly in that regard too.

Aside from doing homework, the girls really have nothing else to do at home besides reading the bible and trying to understand the teaching of God. It is one way to reach him.

I know of another. Jesus is also God, right? Heh.

Maybe I can use the bible to my advantage.

I have to think more about this since it has been a while, but I vaguely recall that incest does happened in the bible. Sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. Abraham marrying his half-sister Sarah. Amram and his aunt Jochebed. Amnon and his half-sister Tamar.

And of course, my favorite: Lot and his daughters. His daughters basically **** him.

Wow. Now that I think about it, I should read the bible more often.

When was the last time that I had sit down and read it properly?

Feels like years. It is probably years.

But it seems like I should just read my own bible instead, as soon as I have it made.

Not only my Holy Bible is far more cultural, it also teaches good fathers how to truly love their good daughters. Hah!

Ahem. Alright. I am actually wasting time standing here. Time that don't have a lot of anymore because of Alice. Fuck. I will make her pay me back in full.

"Girls. Lunch will be ready in an hour or so, so if any of you need me for any reason, you can come and talk to me. Don't be shy now."

I tell the girls, giving Alice a bit more attention than usual. I wonder if she will take me up on my offer, but only time will tell.

Once I have said that, head back into the kitchen to prepare lunch. By me, I mean Richard.

Since I only have like a couple of hours on the clock, I rather not waste time doing useless shit.

I have implanted my plan into his mind, so Richard will carry out the task like a good meat puppet that he is.

Richard does question those plans of mine every now and then, forcing me to take over his body just to reinforce the ideas again. I can't really have him thinking outside the scripts.

Almost an hour goes by before Alice enters the kitchen. Although that is my cue to take over because I fear Richard might screw thing up, but I want to see what he can do without me helping him.

Obviously, I lust for Alice and Sophia because Richard lusts for them as well. I think anyone would due to how lovely they are.

It is also hard not to stare at their bust, especially Alice.

Her bust is as big if not bigger than my daughter's, and that is saying something.

"Is something wrong, Alice?"

Richard asks the girl once he notices her standing in the doorway. It takes him a while since he is laser focused on making the best meal for the girls as possible. I think he is missing the secret sauce.


"I am not sure, Mr. Wilson. Um. Mary tells me a lot about that special cream of yours, and I really want some for myself and my mother. Can I please have some?"

Alice asks, causing Richard to cough heavily.

He nearly chokes because he was tasting the soup. I could taste it as well even if I am not in the driver seat. It isn't as hot as I like, but it will do.

Of course, I am not really sure how effective it will be since no one is actually guiding me.

To be honest, I didn't expect to get this far with Richard, but I suppose I am just super lucky.

Or people around this neighborhood is super dumb. This seems more likely.

In either case, I am the one who benefits the most. I haven't had this much fun before, not even when I was alive. Knowing that there are no consequences whatsoever makes me a lot more bold than usual.

Like 100% more than usual. I was never this bold. Or this bald.

"Right now, Alice?"

Richard questions after swallowing the lump in his throat. His eyes scanning up and down Alice, from her chest to her lovely legs.

Alice is still wearing her veil, but I could still see her beautiful face in full.

"If it isn't too much to ask, Mr. Wilson."

Alice responses, not really understanding what she is asking for. If she did, she wouldn't be asking for it. Heh.

And I wonder how much Mary has told her at school and in her room when I am not there. It is really hard to tell from just reading her thought alone, but hey, if she wants some facials, I am happy to give her one.

More than happy, actually.

Of course, Richard fucks it up even though the girl basically throws herself at him.

He is too afraid to go through with it, especially with his daughter and Sophia in the house.

Sophia more than his daughter because Mary will go along with whatever he tells her now. Whatever I tell her since she is such a good little girl. I mean good girl.

My daughter is not little by any mean to be honest.

I close my eyes and open them again before putting down the ladle. I also switch off the gas stove just to make sure nothing get burns while I deal with Alice by creaming her face.

This is a good time as any.

Plus, I am pretty hard already. My junior is threatening to bust mightily.

"It isn't, but it is a bit hard to get the cream out. Have my daughter tells you where it comes from?"

I question and pay close attention to the thought bubble hovering above her head. It actually tells me a lot more than what she can tell me.

"No, Mr. Wilson. Mary only said that only you can make them, so I have to ask you about it."

Alice answers. Her dark eyes blink.

"Ah yes. That is true, but not exactly. You see, my trouser snake bit my cock. It's something that all

I begin, but Alice interrupts me halfway.

She actually knows what a cock is. It is just another word for penis in her mind, and she certainly does know what a penis is. That alone means Alice is far more knowledgeable than my daughter.

Damn. That throws a wrench in my plan.

Or is it? I have to make sure.

"Eh? Are you alright?"

Alice utters in shock. Although she doesn't know what a trouser snake is, but she understands that it's some sort of snake, and it has bitten my cock.

I pause for a moment to think what I should say without making her runs out of the kitchen and shouts for help. That would not be good.

Honestly, what do I know about Alice? She is helpful and sincere even though sometimes I wish that she isn't. Wait. She is helpful? That could work.

"Actually no, Alice. I am not fine even if I look like it at the moment. My cock is very swollen thanks to the bite. My daughter is helping me with it as best as she can, but I fear that she might not be enough for the huge task. It is quite hard, you see. If only someone can help me along with her."

I answer Alice rather sadly.


Alice purses her lips.

"Maybe I can, Mr. Wilson."

Yup. Alice would offer herself. That is just how she is, and I am such a bastard to take advantage of it, but hey, if I wasn't one, I wouldn't be here now, would I?

"That could work, Alice. Um. But I'm a bit embarrassed. Have you seen a cock before?"

I question and pay close attention to the thought bubble. She thinks a lot more than she actually says, so it gives me a lot of idea of how to maneuver correctly.

"No, but mummy had told me that it is what boys use to pee."

Alice answers, making me chuckle.

It seems that she doesn't know everything, including that she is not supposed to touch one. Phew.

"Yes, but because the snake has bit me, I can't really pee properly anymore. Here. Have a look, but please don't scream or anything like that. I am very embarrassed."

I immediately pull down my trouser, showing her my erected cock and causing her gasp. I did so with absolutely no hesitation.

"Oh wow, it is so swollen. You really can't pee properly, Mr. Wilson?"

Alice comments. She actually takes a few steps toward me to have a closer look. She has never seen a penis in person before, so it is quite an interesting experience to her.

She is also very concern for me.

As for me, it is not really a new experience since my daughter was the same, but it still makes me hard, considering I am thinking of having Alice sucks me off while I make lunch.

That would be awesome, wouldn't it?


"My daughter helps me by sucking the venom out with her mouth since I couldn't really do it myself, and that venom is the cream she has talked to you about. It can be used for a lot of things too, as long as it used quickly. This is also why it is a bit hard to get the cream out for you myself, but of course, if you do it, I don't mind."

I point out as I lean back against the kitchen counter almost casually.


Alice questions.

"Yeah. You can have as much as you want. I don't mind. In fact, it will relieve my cock. Just kneel here and suck it out with your mouth."

I tell her with a straight face.

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Having an actual nun kneeling right between my legs and services my hard cock could be really great, but having a lovely teenager dressing up as one is probably more awesome.

"Okay. If you don't mind, Mr. Wilson."

Alice responses and kneels where I have pointed her. Just like my daughter a few days ago, she really has no clue what to do, so I help her along.

It isn't that hard.

I mean not easy, considering that Alice is looking up at me with her dark eyes with all the innocent of a child. She is certainly not a child. Not by any mean.

"Alright. Open your mouth, Alice. Yes. Like that."

I direct her as I press my cock against her parted lips, running the cockhead against them for a moment before pushing it into her willing mouth, inch by inch.

Unholy fuck!

I didn't think it is this easy, but what Alice wants, who am I deny her? Hah!

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