Ghost of Culture

12 Back To School

Slut is asking me about the accounting report, which I totally did for her days ago.

That isn't her name, obviously.

No one would name their child that, I don't think.

Or do they?

Now that I think more about it, why the hell not? It is a cool name, right up there with names like Rose and Beauty, basically telling everyone what kind of lovely person the child will grow up to be.

It also allows childlovers from going straight up to kids with such names and inviting them to

Maybe I should keep those thoughts to myself. Hah!

Her actual name isn't really that important, as I shall now and forever remember her as Slut.

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My brain is better being filled up with manly cultures than remembering the names of stupid people.

Slut is a slut by all definitions of the word, and the only reason that she has gotten her job here at the company is due to her being very good at spreading her legs.

I recall hearing a rumor about her giving the interviewer a blowjob.

What a slut! Why hasn't she given me one yet?

I have done so many things for her over the months, so she should at least give me one for motivation, but nope, I get nothing for doing any of this.

What the actual fuck!?

Give me a blowjob, you goddamn slut! You have given every Tom, Dick and Harry in the office one, so why not me? Those are the actual names of my colleagues, by the way.

That's it! I am not doing it anymore until she sucks my cock!

"Yes. Here it is. I just finish it yesterday. You can have a look over it before you hand it in."

Richard responses as I facepalm mentally.

You are a dumbass, Richard. If you didn't waste your time doing other people's work, you could have been promoted already.

"Really? Wow. Thank you. Umm can you help me with this one too? Great. Thanks."

Slut drops more works onto the table before taking the report back to her desk.

The fuck!? I am not doing it anymore. No more! You hear me, Richard!?

My host obviously couldn't hear me, and I couldn't be bother wasting my precious time to correct this problem for him. I rather spend more time feeding my sexy teenage daughter.

As such, I take a nap and let Richard does whatever the fuck he does in the office.

If I have time, I will fix this problem and make sure the slut pays me all back in full, with creamy interest right up her cunt and ass.

I totally would.

When I finally in control of the body again, I find myself finish parking my car outside the all-girl school, readying to pick up my daughter. There is a strange kind of tightness in my gut, and I recall that Richard is having guilt about what had happened.

Honestly, be a man of culture! Be a man of culture!

My eyes capture the countless fuckable teenagers coming out of the school's gate to head home with their parents or alone. Their knee-length skirt and blazer, advertising their tight ass and perfect bust, leave very little to the imagination.

I am practically drooling at all the lovely treats on sexy long legs. I want nothing more than to eat them all up. I mean for them all to eat me up.

Please do. Please do! Oh, please do!

The priests acting as teacher and counselors at the school must really love their job, considering how gullible the students all are.

The students are obviously being conditioned that way by the school and its teaching methods.

Maybe there is a conspiracy going on?

I need to get in on the scam as soon as possible. Just to teach them all about sex personally. Spreading my meaty culture all over their face. Hah!

My eyes eventually land on my daughter. It is hard to miss her amongst the crowd with her beautiful face and attractive figure.

Mary is talking to a couple of friends of hers. I have met all of her friends before, and I find them all to be similarly ignorance about all thing sexual like my daughter. I guess I will have to teach them about such thing in place of their father.

It is a good thing they are as attractive as my daughter with her stunning face and blond mane. Seeing my daughter in all her glory stirs my junior awake. It was already awake before, to be honest.

Mary finally sees me and waves. I wave back at her and allow her to say goodbye to her friends. Once she did that, she hoists her backpack over her shoulder and jogs over to the car.

And as my daughter smoothly slides herself into the car and settles her lovely butts into the passenger seat, my junior twitches again.

"Hi, daddy! You are on time today."

Mary greets me and takes a good look at me, trying to examine me like a doctor or a sexy nurse. I like the later more, but huge-breasted doctor isn't too shabby.

"Hey, sweetie. How was school?"

I response and inhale the sight of my daughter. I haven't seen her at all since morning. I know. I know. I was asleep the whole time, but once I am awake, my consciousness does merge with Richard again, and the man haven't seen his daughter since morning when he drops her off.

"It was great, daddy. How about you? How was work?"

Mary trills with a beautiful smile. Her pink lips surround her white teeth.

"I'm fine too, sweetie. I'm fine too. What did you learn in class today? Anything I should know about?"

I response and continue to ask my teenage daughter some more questions about her day and school, and as she rattles on cheerfully, I take a good look at those pink lips, recalling all the steamy loads that I have unloaded between them.

"Don't you think so, daddy?"

My daughter asks. She is frowning now. What was she talking about? I didn't pay attention the whole time since I was fantasizing about fucking her face. What? I will say it as it is!

"Huh? I'm sorry, sweetie, can you repeat the question?"

I ask.

"I want to throw a party for my friends this Saturday. I have talked to mum about it about a week ago, but she tells me to ask you since she won't be home. So, can I, daddy?"

Mary asks, hopefully.

A party huh? And her gullible friends are coming, she says? Of course, she can. I cannot let such a great opportunity slide.

But what is the occasion, though? Ah. Who gives a shit. I just want to stick it in my daughter and those sexy teenagers. It will be a cock party. Or was it called a pussy party?

"I think that is a good idea, sweetie. Is it possible to have a costume party? I can dress up too."

I point out. Her eyes widen slightly.

"That is a great idea, daddy. I will ask my friends about. But I don't think they will mind. Ah. What kind of costume should I wear? I don't have any

Mary continues talking, but I am no longer listening. My mind is thinking about how to get those sexy friends of her to blow me and swallow my milk. It will be so awesome.

It will be so fucking awesome!

"Daddy? Shouldn't we head home? Everyone has already left."

My daughter snaps me out of my fantasy. My cock is straining against my pants, and I don't think I will make it home like this. Sure. The house is very close to the school, but I am about to bust a nut here.

"Ah, sorry sweetie."

I look at the surrounding before turning my attention back to my lovely daughter. Should I really do it right here? Right in front of the school?

"But before that, I think you will have to suck out the poison again, sweetie."

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