Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 162 Welcoming Rina.

"You don't need to be concerned about radiation. The device hasn't been activated yet because I am currently charging the battery necessary to initiate the process," he explained, tilting his head and gesturing towards his hands that were placed on the black box they had brought for him.

"Yes, sir," Daniel replied, feeling completely at ease after Aron's statement.

"Do you have any more questions?" Aron asked when Daniel fell silent, possibly due to some of the words in Aron's previous statement about filling the battery. Daniel had remained quiet, watching anxiously, afraid of disturbing Aron's focus once again.

"Yes, I have a few more," Daniel replied respectfully.

"Then go ahead and ask them," Aron said. Despite having conversations with Nova, Felix, Sarah, Rina, and his family, he hadn't really had a conversation with anyone other than them in a very long time and he wanted to experience that interaction once again with his respectful subordinates.

"Did you create those clouds?" Daniel asked, pointing at the sky, which was covered by dark and large clouds. Upon closer observation, one could notice that the clouds had a brownish color to them.

"Not exactly me, but it happened as a result of the machine's excavation and a few other factors," he answered with a smile.

"How did digging a hole result in such large and dark clouds?" another man from Daniel's group asked, unable to comprehend the connection between the two.

"That machine excavates by breaking apart atoms, and once they are fragmented, their lightness allows them to be carried by the winds," Aron explained, gazing at the sky. "Typically, they would be carried away by the wind, dispersing far from here. However, since we are near the ocean, the moisture level is high. The broken atoms are captured by water atoms, which, as they rise and accumulate a sufficient amount, contribute to the formation of clouds. These clouds become dusty in appearance because, as the water atoms combine, they bring along other atoms from the ground, causing them to amalgamate. This combination of factors results in the unique color of the clouds we see."

"But how did they persist for more than three weeks?" another member asked, recalling that the clouds had continuously covered the location, whereas there were no such clouds when they first arrived to bring the first batch of materials.

"Do you know what clouds are made of?" Aron asked the man with a smile on his face, indicating that he wasn't mocking him but rather setting the stage for an explanation that would make it easier to understand the subsequent answer.

"If I recall correctly, cloud formation involves water vapor, wind for transportation, and altitude for cooling, although I'm uncertain if those are the only factors," the man replied, indicating his grasp of the process at a fundamental level.

"You're absolutely right, but a few additional conditions come into play as well," Aron agreed. "One of them is atmospheric stability, which determines the vertical movement of air masses and influences cloud formation. Another crucial factor is the presence of condensation nuclei, which are tiny particles like dust, pollutants, or even salt crystals that provide surfaces for water vapor to condense upon, aiding in the formation of clouds."

Observing the man's puzzled expression when he mentioned condensation nuclei, Aron realized that there was some confusion. He proceeded to clarify, "Condensation nuclei are the particles onto which water vapor condenses, forming small water droplets. Once these droplets gather and combine, the process you're familiar with takes place, leading to the formation of clouds."

Aron then continued with what he would have said if the man had fully answered his question. "This place meets all the conditions for cloud formation except for one crucial element: a significant quantity of condensation particles. As I mentioned earlier, these particles can be dust, pollutants, and various other substances. Now, consider this: What do you think will occur if we introduce a substantial amount of these missing particles?" Aron concluded his explanation with a thought-provoking question.

"Clouds," Daniel exclaimed, immediately grasping the connection and understood where Aron was leading with his line of thought.

"Correct," Aron affirmed, pointing to the sky. "And thanks to that, we have successfully averted any prying eyes that might have witnessed everything we were doing." A smile graced his face, indicating satisfaction with the outcome.

They engaged in a lively exchange of questions and conversation, with Aron answering their inquiries and reciprocating by posing his own queries. Meanwhile, his hands remained steadfastly in the same position for the next five hours, ensuring that the black box was adequately filled with mana.

For the remainder of the week, prior to receiving the shipment of tritium from Rina, Aron utilized the time to construct the surrounding infrastructure and empty areas within the hole that housed the sizable fusion reactor, which occupied over half of the space. He meticulously worked on creating a suitable environment around the reactor to support its operation.


A week later.I think you should take a look at

"Welcome," Aron greeted Rina warmly as he received her at a small airport specially arranged to accommodate her private plane. 

Aron had deliberately selected this airport to ensure Rina's safe arrival, as he suspected that her brother may have already dispatched individuals to monitor her movements. However, such concerns were nullified at this airport, as he had taken the precaution of renting the entire facility for the day. All the airport employees had been granted a day off, leaving only Aron and a select group of ARES members present to welcome her.

"You've certainly become quite a formidable force," Rina remarked, her gaze sweeping across the nearly deserted airport, where only a small group remained, consisting of herself, Aron, her trusted guard Alex, her secretary Chloe, and a few ARES members maintaining security.

"I do my best to protect what belongs to me and ensure it remains in my possession," Aron replied with a smile, fully aware that Rina would comprehend the underlying meaning of his statement. 

"But the speed at which you gained power is truly astonishing, and it's impressive that it hasn't gone to your head," Rina responded candidly, making no effort to conceal her thoughts or observations.

"In my free time, I've devoted myself to studying history, and from it, I've learned that arrogance often leads to downfall. Consequently, I've made it a personal principle to avoid succumbing to such traits," Aron explained, maintaining a smile. "Furthermore, I have someone by my side who will remind me whenever I begin to exhibit any signs of arrogance. It helps keep me grounded and focused on the right path."

"Fortunate indeed," Rina remarked, her voice carrying a subtle hint of envy towards that someone who could play such a vital role.

Aron noticed the change in Rina's demeanor and, not fully comprehending its meaning, sought to clarify his point. "Don't you also have someone who fulfills that role?" he asked, gesturing discreetly with his eyes towards her secretary standing behind her.

"That's true," Rina acknowledged with a smile, noticing Chloe's blush and the happiness radiating from her.

"Where is the cargo?" Aron inquired, his gaze shifting towards Alex, noticing that he was empty-handed.

"In the cargo compartment of the plane. However, it's quite heavy as it's stored in a sturdy stainless steel container. You'll need a few people to assist you in carrying it," Rina informed Aron, scanning the area around him and noticing that there were no individuals nearby except for those maintaining the perimeter check, who were located at a considerable distance.

"No need for them. I will handle it myself," Aron declared confidently. He began walking towards the plane, rolling up his shirt sleeves to reveal his well-toned and defined muscles.

Rina, skeptical of Aron's ability to lift the object since it necessitated the strength of more than four people and had to be hoisted using a small crane due to its weight exceeding 300 kilograms, trailed behind Aron silently. She intended to advise him to summon his subordinates once his attempt to carry it proved unsuccessful..

As Aron approached the aircraft and accessed the cargo compartment on the side, he discovered a solitary box securely tied down with an excess of cables. With a smile on his face he began the task of untying each cable meticulously, one by one.

With each cable successfully removed, Aron positioned both hands around the box and effortlessly lifted it, as though it weighed merely a kilogram or slightly more. Remarkably, not a trace of strain appeared on his face, indicating his absolute composure and ease with the task.

Astonishment overtook Rina, her secretary Chloe, and the bodyguard Alex as their eyes widened, almost bulging out of their faces, witnessing Aron's astonishing display of strength that defied all logic. 

Their disbelief and surprise intensified as he began to walk, maintaining a firm grip on the box, towards the parked cars, situated roughly three hundred meters away from the plane. 

The distance he had to cover while carrying such a substantial weight seemed quite daunting.

"Finally, it's done," Aron declared, securing the box inside the trunk of the car and discreetly inscribing a protective rune on it. He closed the boot door with a sense of accomplishment. Turning to the still stunned Rina, he inquired, "Will they be joining us in our car, or should I provide them with a vehicle to follow us?"

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