Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 183: Family Vacation, Virginia Beach

"Hey, ogre. It's be a while."

Silas smiled and shook his head at Chloe's words. If it had be someone else who called him an ogre, he would have definitely dismissed that person.

He had moved past getting angry or upset about being called an ogre.

It's just that whever Chloe called him that name, it always made him smile.

The reason for this was because whever she used that nickname, he could feel the playfulness in her voice.

"Hi, Chloe. It's really be a while," Silas chuckled.

"Wow! You sound differt. You must have really changed since I last saw you. For you to call me, you must have spok to my dad, and he passed my message to you."

"Yeah, I did. I was actually surprised wh I got the message. I was curious, actually."

"Well, the truth is that I saw the news… about Daniel's father, and I was surprised. Wh I saw it, I thought of you, but I found it hard to believe that you could actually take down Lucas. That was until I asked my dad, and he cleared my doubts. I don't mean to pry into your private life or anything, Silas, but I'm curious."

Silas already knew where the conversation was going based on what Chloe said.

"What are you curious about, Chloe?" Silas asked, his voice taking on a serious tone.

He could already guess what she was curious about, but he wanted to hear her response.

"...How did you do it? How did you achieve so much wealth in just two years? You already own cars worth millions of dollars. It would have be differt if they were regular cars; one could say that you took them on loan or something. But one of them is a Bugatti, and it costs more than $0 million.

Not just that—you also retained my father's company for more than $0 million. All these changes..." She paused for a momt, and Silas heard her sigh.

"Actually, it's funny wh I think about it. The only person everyone believed would never amount to anything in life has achieved the most. Honestly, I didn't have much hope for you, especially with how dumb and how much of a pushover you were in school.

Silas, I want to say thank you for retaining my dad's company. It may not seem like much to you, but it means a lot to me. The company was on the verge of going bankrupt before you retained it, and your action saved it.

So, thank you. To show my appreciation, I was wondering if we could meet up and have dinner or something. I'll be the one footing the bill."

Chloe had said a lot, but the part about her father's company being on the verge of bankruptcy left Silas feeling slightly speechless.

He didn't know how to respond to that information. He had no idea that Chloe's father had a law firm, and it was ev more surprising to learn that it was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Silas pushed his thoughts about that aside. He had already indirectly and uninttionally solved the law firm's bankruptcy situation by retaining it, so there was no need to dwell on it.

What interested him now was Chloe's last stce.

'She's inviting me out...' Silas smiled at the thought of going out with Chloe.

"Sure, let me know wh you're ready," Silas said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll you. Bye, ogre," she said and hung up.

The smile on Silas' face wided wh he heard her call him ogre before hanging up.

If this had be before, due to his hatred for the opposite sex and people in geral, he would have refused Chloe's invitation—but not anymore.

After the night he confronted his dad, he let go of all the hatred and prejudice in his heart.

Now that he thought about it, there was no reason for him to let what happed in high school define him as a person.

'That was a pretty dumb thing to do. It was no differt from how my dad used to behave,' Silas sighed.

He felt it was a good thing that he found himself before he got lost completely in his baseless hatred.

Silas was hopeful that something might happ betwe him and Chloe. Maybe something could ignite betwe the two of them… Okay, maybe he was being too hopeful, but a man's got to dream, right?

Honestly, he felt that it would be better if nothing happed betwe them since he didn't know if he would actually be free for what might follow.

"Ughhh... Why dwell on these thoughts? If I really want to get a girlfrid, I can get one. It's not that hard," Silas said to himself as he pushed himself off his bed and made his way downstairs to the living area.

Wh he got to the living area, he saw his father sitting on the sofa with Kim and Alex seated on either side of him.

He smiled and joined them on the sofa.

"Big brother!" Alex exclaimed wh he saw Silas sit down.

He stood up from his seat and wt to sit beside him.

"Hey, champ," Silas smiled as he ruffled his hair.

He looked at his father, who was smiling at him, and shrugged.

"Big brother, about the family vacation..." Alex asked, reminding Silas of their conversation the previous night.

Silas hadn't forgott about his plan for a family vacation; he just hadn't had the time to discuss it with everyone else.

Silas looked at his father and Kim, who were both curiously waiting for him to explain more about what Alex had mtioned.

"Dad, Kim, I was thinking of a family vacation. We choose a place and go there for a week. Just to have a good time and bond. No work-related stuff or anything serious—just all of us relaxing," Silas said, and he saw his father's eyes light up in approval.

"That's a great idea, son. I've actually be thinking about it for a while, but I wasn't sure if it was feasible due to your schedule and Kim's," Chris said, feeling excited.

Silas smiled and looked at Kim, wanting to know her opinion.

"The idea of a family vacation is a good one. I'll arrange things at the office and make time. Just as you said, Silas, it would be a very good opportunity for everyone to bond. I'm in," Kim said, giving her opinion.

"Okay, th. Since everyone's in agreemt, why don't we choose where to go?" Silas asked as his gaze fell on them.

He saw the blank looks on their faces and knew they had no ideas for where they could go.

Silas didn't blame them; it wasn't their fault.

Actually, it wasn't that Chris and Kim didn't have ideas for where to go on the family vacation. They had multiple options, but they wanted to hear from Silas first.

As Chris, Kim, and Silas were still thinking of what to suggest, they heard Alex's voice.

"Let's go to the beach! I heard from my frid that Virginia Beach is the best family vacation place."

"It's settled th. Virginia Beach it is," Chris said in agreemt.

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