Gentle Beast

Chapter 42

*Warning: Keep in mind during this chapter that Ryan has no point of reference forJ Xio u's humanness. He gets a little pushy in this chapter, unwanted even, but!He backs off when she lays down her rules by the end. And for that, I can only say he's trying really hard to accommodateher, even if he doesn't understand, and she's still too shocked to verbalize what's wrong.

If you want to skip the potential trigger, skip the italics.*

The girl's lips were soft and felt like clouds of honey, smelled like it too.

T/N: Can I just say this was one of the hardest chapters to translate? I suffer the Secondhand Embarrassment Syndrome and this one was tough. I wish they would talka little more. You know, get rid of this miscommunication issue, but -shrugs- what can you do? Hopefully, Ryan can start to put intuition to use soon. . .

Sorry for the first translator's note, but I had to. This was a difficult chapter, especially since it has that potential trigger and I have no idea what to do with it. . . But our female lead is strong and this won't set her back from her goals.

I hope you stick around to the end!

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