Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 786 New trash

Chapter 786 New trash

Su Jing quickly came to the first floor and he did not take the pets with him this time. Because of the existence of the Space Barrier, Su Jing doesn’t need pets to guard around the perimeter of the new garbage.

As soon as he entered it, he saw that a vortex had appeared in the sky as before, and a large amount of garbage was being dumped down.

However, unlike the past, this garbage did not fall on the ground, but was suspended in mid-air by the special magnetic field of the Garbage Station, and then sorted and separated into piles in the mid-air.

There was already a pile of woods, a pile of clothes, a pile of dust… The Garbage is not only not broken due to falling and colliding but is directly distinguished in an orderly manner.

“The upgraded Garbage Station is really good!”

Su Jing once again sighed in his heart, after a while, the garbage finally stopped dumping, and the vortex in the air disappeared.

Su Jing swept through more than 20 piles of garbage of various sizes and had a general impression of the world that this garbage had come from.

Judging from those ancient clothes, the garbage this time should be from some ancient Universe. And judging by more than half of the soggy, stinky trash, it must have come from the water’s edge.

According to his past experience, this is not a good sign, because garbage at the water’s edge not only stinks, it rots faster due to being socked in the water, and the chances of finding something good are lower.

“What is this little pile of garbage?”

Su Jing looked at the corner and saw a pile of small and inconspicuous garbage. The amount of garbage in this small pile could have only filled a single bucket.

Compared with other mountain-like garbage dumps, it seemed out of place in the area. After taking a closer look, Su Jing confirmed the classification of this small pile of garbage - lifeform.

Among the small pile of garbage, there are quite a few small conch snails, there were all kinds of snails but there was nothing unusual. In addition, there are more than a dozen mussels, they appear to have tiger-like markings, which look very rare.

Su Jing was afraid that they would die, so he took a glass jar and filled it with a lot of seawater. But before he could throw these shells and mussels in the seawater, he suddenly heard a dull roar, like the cry of a little tiger.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

Su Jing stopped and listened carefully, but no sound was heard. With some doubts in his mind, he continued to throw the remaining snails and mussels in, and at the same time, he released his spiritual force to carefully observe the snails and mussels.

At this moment, he heard the tiger-like roar again and noticed that a mussel that had just been thrown into the water tank opened a shell and bubbles rolled out of it. The roar seemed to be issued by it.

“Oh My God, is this a mussel or a tiger?”

Su Jing was amazed by the scene he saw. He planned to verify it. He hypnotized a few mussels and made them roar. Sure enough, they all roared like little tigers. Although they were a little immature, they were quite domineering.

Su Jing heard that some animals are relatively weak, so they like to imitate the sounds of powerful animals to scare off their enemies. For example, some ordinary snakes will shake branches with their tails to imitate the sound of rattlesnakes.

Could this mussel also imitate the sound of a rattlesnake? Or in this case the sound of a Tiger. But that’s not right, if they want to imitate something then they should imitate the sound of a powerful lifeform in the sea. Roaring like a tiger would do them no good.

Su Jing could only sigh at the fact that some of the worlds are so amazing and big. He picked up one of the mussels and carefully studied and observed it.

In fact, the first thing he thought about was whether it would be good to eat this mussel, but before eating it, it would be a good idea to study it first.

“Open!” Su Jing gave an order, and the mussel immediately opened. Su Jing saw that the meat inside was golden yellow in color, and it looked as if it was tender and delicious.

However, what took Su Jing’s attention was the fact that there was a bulging bulge inside the thin layer of meat in the lower half of the shell.

“Pearl?” Su Jing’s eyes lit up, after all, what else could be in the mussels other than pearls?

He released his spiritual force to probe in, and he was even more sure that this pearl was quite large, and it was more than twelve millimeters in diameter, and very round.

However, Su Jing was only a little surprised to find a pearl of this size as the price of pearls with a diameter of 12 mm, no matter how good the quality is, is limited.

If ordinary people pick it up, it may amount to good extra money for that person, but for Su Jing, it is a drop in the bucket.

Not to mention other treasures, among the treasures that the Green-Eyed Fishes find in the sea every day, there are many more mussels and pearls with bigger diameters than this one.

Su Jing checked another dozen mussels and gradually became a little uneasy. There were eighteen mussels in total, but eleven of them had pearls. Isn’t this probability too high? This is not farmed but grows naturally in the garbage heap.

“Let’s break and open it.” Su Jing decided n his course of action.

Su Jing’s spiritual force can detect whether the pearl inside the mussel is round or not, but it can’t detect the color and whether there are any flaws in it. He chose a slightly larger one and cut lightly on the pearl to reveal the pearl inside.

This pearl is not only round and smooth, but also golden in color, and it is without any flaws. It is a flawless Golden Pearl.

At present, due to the difficulty of cultivating golden pearls, their production number is very small, and they are very beautiful and very attractive, so they are very expensive.

“A dozen of such pearls are not worth a lot of money, but what if there are hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of them? This kind of mussel seems to be very good at producing pearls. So Su Jing can try to cultivate them and see if the pearls can be multiplied. If this became successfull then it would become a promising industry.” Su Jing thought happily.

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