Gacha Kingdom Building

Chapter 163: Prisoners

After some time, we finally reached our destination.

It's be a long time since I was last confined, so I got a nostalgic feeling about it all.

????: "What are you smiling at?"

One of my kidnappers, called Kyle, seems to be distressed by my attitude.

He was sitting on a small bch by the door's side.

As it is the only way to exit the room, leaving without him noticing would be impossible without a Gift like Lana's.

Although to escape I don't necessarily have to get out of the room, since I still have the option of going inside the Kingdom.

Chloe: "...Maybe he's in shock? Should we bring more water?"

Miw: "That's very kind of you, but no need. I'm just thinking that you guys did an excellt job. Well done..."

She seemed surprised by my words and attitude.

But it was true.

This scheme was pretty well conceived and executed.

The method they used looked like something I'd see in a movie back on Earth.

While I can't say whether or not it really is used in this type of operation, filling the room with invisible sleeping gas from behind the door was quite clever, and since it was odorless I'm not sure I would've noticed it either if I wasn't already expecting something.

The magic handcuffs they prepared are also quite interesting.

They drain all kinds of ergy, including magic. It's really hard to gather my strgth thanks to them, and the material is very resistant.

I don't know the name of this material, but I'm sure the girls know about something at least similar.

It would be useful to keep captives inside the Kingdom if ever necessary. Feeding Cassandra a weapon with these proprieties would also be pretty good.

Speaking of which, Cassandra was currtly being examined by the third conspirator in this little scheme. The large man that they've be calling Lynus.

He seems pretty astonished by her sharpness and design. Or he might be using her as a mirror since the blade albeit black, is clean ough to see one's own reflex.

Still, while this group did a commdable job in getting us here, they've also made a few strange mistakes.

They kept talking nonchalantly, which revealed their idtity. I think they only did that because they thought I was sleeping, as after Isabella woke up they stopped doing it, but... we can still see their faces.

It's ev stranger considering they did have blindfolds, and they used them on us wh we made our way to this room.

The fact that they also brought me here is baffling.

I'm a one-man army. Wherever I go, you can expect at least a doz others to follow.

Basically, the worst possible hostage one could have.

It's already hard to forgive all of that but... They are also treating Cassandra like she's a normal sword. They hav't chained or locked her away.

This means that they didn't get too much info on us, probably thanks to Albris, Lard, or ev Pamela,

They seem to have their ways of keeping others quiet and in line, and if nothing else, Albris at least has a lot of authority over his house.

Chloe: "...I'm not kind..."

Miw: "Hm? How come? I heard good things about you from Mei. She said you're very hardworking and honest, and that you became her frid quickly."

Chloe: "That was because I wanted information. Would a kind person ev kidnap another?"

Miw: "Sometimes good people are pushed to do bad things. Everyone has their reasons. Or are you saying you don't have one?"

At first, I thought they were professionals, but their mistakes and actions paired with their attitude made me realize that this wasn't the case at all.

I can see signs of nervousness in their words and actions.

They are unsure about this. Maybe about what they did, or maybe about what they should do now.

Whatever the case, I knew I could play a little with their feelings.

Chloe: "Haha... You're wrong... I just want the money. I need it. Selfish, right?"

Giv what Mei told me about Chloe and her interest in getting a second ransom, I was almost sure this was the case.

Miw: "Money is rarely someone's ultimate goal. You want to use it for something, right? I bet it's something nice, like... going back to your family?"

Chloe: "That would be good too... If I could buy back myself and my sisters... and live with everyone again-"

Kyle: "Shut up."

Shame... I was getting a lot out of praising her and acting sympathetic.

Since sweet-talking nervous people ded up being pretty easy, I decided to try one more time.

Miw: "...You also seem upstanding. Are you angry because you're ashamed? No need to be, you know? I can tell you also have a-"

Kyle: "You don't know anything about me!"

Right for the most part, but still far from the truth.

People td to justify their own actions wh they know they are doing something bad.

Something like being the hero of their own story.

It's surprisingly rare for someone to be true to themselves and admit that there are things they'd go to any lgths for.

So I just had to appeal to his virtues.

Not that differt from Chloe.

Miw: "Well, you're angry, but you're not roughing me up. Or threating me. You're also not doing anything to Isabella, ev though she's completely defseless. I think you don't like violce. And it's commdable that you're sticking to your morals giv the position you're in."

Someone with a weaker will could easily take advantage of this.

Although if there was any hint of that I'd d this charade in a blink.

Miw: "That's pretty virtuous of you...But it makes me a little confused about your motivation. Since I'm also not the violt type, how about we just chat a bit? You know, if you're feeling guilt, it might help."

Kyle: "'s all because of her."

He pointed at Isabella, who turned away her face in fear.

Kyle: "If you wer't so arrogant...!"

...Huh. He was quite angry at her.

I thought he might do something, but he stopped himself from raising his hand.

Miw: "...Did she do something to you?"

Kyle: "..."

Chloe: "Wh we were little... We lived in a small town called Langria... But... Our town suffered a monster attack... We lost everything. Kyle lost his family...

and... it was all because of the Evretis daughter..."


I didn't follow the logic there.

They seemed to be a Isabella's age, since they were little, she must've also be.

I can't picture how she would have anything to do with a monster attack.

Kyle: "...Hah. It's the first time you look confused."

Miw: "I'm not from this country, so I don't really know what you're talking about."

I'd rather reveal as little as possible from my side, ev if it's trivial, but as they seem to dislike Isabella and her house, I thought that removing myself from her side in their perspective would establish a better position for us to talk.

It would be easier to make it seem like I'm on their side if I'm not on hers.

Kyle: "It's a known story in these parts. The princess invited a bunch of nobles to her anniversary, including Terith's royal family. Rumor had it that she liked their prince."

...Terith is the country that tered a union with Evretis.

Albris is uncle to their currt king, meaning...


I suppose for noble families this is not that bad since they ar't that close, but... It still feels a little strange.

There was also the fact she was young, and kids don't really think too much about that but... she seemed embarrassed ev now...

I decided it was best not to think about this too much.

Miw: "So... the knights were forced to stay in the capital to protect the noble families?"

Kyle: "Yes... It also took more time to get supplies, so their response was delayed. While they were partying, we were....!"

...I can see why he'd get angry.

It must feel incredibly frustrating to put your hopes on the army only for them to prioritize something so... frivolous.

Still... to blame it on Isabella was a little too much.

Knowing her position in the family, I doubt she had any choice regarding who was invited.

And ev if she did, I wouldn't really blame her for lacking the foresight as a child.


Giv that the two countries would ter a union sometime after that, I can't help but think such gatherings were used to discuss these topics in secret...

In which case...

Suddly, I realized something about Isabella's situation.

It's always easy to place the blame on someone, rather than an unfortunate coincidce or poor timing.

It's more acceptable for the victims if they can attach things to a name.

Especially if said someone already has a bad reputation and is unable to defd themselves.

Such a convit scapegoat.

Miw: "I see... do you want her to apologize?"

Isabella: "Ah... I'm sorry... Please, I didn't... I never thought-"

Lynus: "Haha. As if that's going to change anything now."

C'mon. She shouldn't ev be apologizing in the first place.

Poor girl doesn't ev know what she did wrong and she's still willing to lower her head.

Miw: "Hey, I know that losing someone important can be-"

Lynus: "Don't waste your time mate. I just want the money, nothing else. That's all."

...As I thought.

This one was differt from the rest.

Chloe and Kyle seemed more fridly to each other, while he stayed in his own corner.

He was also not as nervous as them.

I was pretty sure the same method would not work on him... And as he said, it might be a waste of time.

Still, just to be sure...

Miw: "I see. But how do you plan on getting the money after you're dead?"

Lynus: "...What was that?"

Miw: "Well, forgive me for assuming, but... we're waiting for someone, right? Neither of you have any idea of what to do from here. Do you want me to tell you the reason?"

It was pretty obvious once I got the chance to know them a little more.

Chloe and Kyle are good scapegoats. They have multiple reasons to plot against Isabella and her house.

However, they are not expericed criminals. It's hard to believe they would come up with such an elaborate plan.

So... you get someone with a little more experice with such dirty work.

But ultimately, he's also a scapegoat.

If Lynus was the mastermind, he wouldn't be waiting with them. Chloe and Kyle would already have a dagger on their backs.

He would also not reveal his own face.

The plan was efficit, so they must've had some instructions here and there, but that only emphasized their mistakes.

Not that it matters to whoever employed them though.

They were made to wait here just like us...

Without any hint of what comes after...

Miw: "You won't be alive for the next steps. But if you knew about this part of the plan-"

Lynus: "Shut up!"

All three of them were shocked. Well, considering Isabella, all four.

However, Lynus was very angry at the realization.

Sadly, he wasn't going to be as useful to me as the other two, so...

Cassandra: "Ew... He was touching me all over. I'll need you to bathe me thoroughly later~"

...Somehow it felt like she wasn't talking about water.

Miw: "I thought you liked being touched?"

Cassandra: "But, my lord! This body is for you only~"

Miw: "...Yeah? What about the girls?"

Cassandra: "They count as you too, obviously."

I don't think they do but... as always, this self-proclaimed bitch is incredibly loyal to me.

As soon as Lynus raised her against me, she forcefully twisted his hand and stabbed his own neck while still in her sword form.

It was quite disturbing to see... it was as if his hand was being puppeteered by someone else, forcing him to commit suicide.

His confusion only lasted a momt, but it was more than ough for her.

Cassandra: "...And these two?"

Miw: "Right... what do you want to do with them, Isabella?"

She was incredibly shocked.

It was the expected reaction giv the situation and how fast things turned.

But I wanted to take this opportunity to know a little more about her.

I had already managed to uncover a lot, but the more the better, and I wasn't sure wh I would get another chance like this.

Isabella: "W-what do you mean...? We should... run away..."

Miw: "Sure. But do you want them to die for what they did? I personally don't mind either way."

After Cassandra released us, I brought Licia and Claire from the Kingdom, and together, they made them surrder quite easily.

Isabella: "I... don't know..."

Miw: "Hm? You do realize they agreed to do something really bad to you, right? It's fine to want revge. Kyle agrees, right?"

Kyle: "..."

He didn't care about the money. All he wanted was to make someone suffer like he suffered.

The culprit he so convitly blamed for the tragedy of his past.

However, if that's your wish, you can't complain wh it turns on you.

Isabella: "...But it was my fault..."

Miw: "It wasn't. You were a kid. It's dumb to place the blame on you."

Isabella: "...You don't understand. No matter what I do... ev if I don't do anything... it always ds like this-"

She was basically describing the effects of [Darkest Star], but this tragedy should have happed before she got the Gift.

It made me think that perhaps this idea was implanted in her from a young age.

That everything bad that happs is always her fault.

And for that idea to manifest as her Gift... It truly felt like destiny wanted to make fun of her.

Th, in a tragic twist, as if to reinforce her beliefs, a man walked into the room.

He was accompanied by two other girls, one on each side.

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