From the Heavens Descended an Immortal Sister

Chapter 34: Chapter 34: The Man in the Mall_1

"Wrap this outfit up, too!"

Inside the clothing store, Fang Ren was excitedly speaking to the sales clerk beside him, his eyes fixated on Mu Huanqing, who had just emerged from the dressing room, looking totally smitten, staring at her intensely.

"Ah Ran... can you not look at me like that?"

Mu Huanqing felt a wave of embarrassment at his silly, drooling excitement, making her want to dive back into the dressing room and never come out.

"Big beauty, you've got your boyfriend totally mesmerized and you're still shy? You should be happy," the nearby sales clerk, a woman in her mid-thirties, said with a beaming smile as she continued to issue invoices.

Ever since this young couple had entered the store, her mood had skyrocketed with joy, non-stop. Although the young man didn't look all that rich, he was as willing to spend money on his girlfriend as water flowing freely.

"Try this one on, too!"

Fang Ren immediately grabbed a white mini skirt and rushed to Mu Huanqing, pushing her towards the dressing room.

"Ah Ran... this is too short," Mu Huanqing said, her brow furrowed slightly.

Fang Ren leaned in close to her ear with a sleazy expression and whispered, "Just wear it at home for me to see."

"You're such a rogue," Mu Huanqing blushed but still took the white mini skirt from his hand. She didn't immediately enter the dressing room, instead, she looked at the mountain of clothes they had already bought and said, "But we've already bought so many, let's not buy any more."

Since they arrived at the clothing store, just changing outfits had already taken half an hour. She was almost constantly going in and out of the dressing room, changing until her hands were tired.

"No worries, no worries, this is the last one," Fang Ren said, unable to hide a mischievous grin on his face.

"All right then..."

Mu Huanqing turned around with a mix of reluctance and shyness.

"Hey! Wait a minute!"

Just then, a woman's voice suddenly came from behind them. Mu Huanqing stopped in her tracks, and Fang Ren subconsciously turned their heads.

Behind them at a short distance, a very fashionably dressed woman with heavy makeup was approaching with a frown on her face.

The woman had green hair, seemingly the popular style circulating online recently, a designer bag slung over her shoulder, sunglasses on her face, and her attire, though not very matching, brandished labels and exuded an exposed aura.

The sales clerk lit up with happiness at the sight of the woman and hurried over, saying, "Miss Zhu, you're here again! We've just gotten a new batch in the store. Shall I show you?"

Zhu Xiaohui didn't even glance at the sales clerk, her gaze coldly fixed on Mu Huanqing across from her, and with an air of superiority, she said, "No need, I like that skirt, just wrap it up for me."

"But, Miss Zhu..."

The sales clerk hesitated upon hearing this. Zhu Xiaohui was the mistress of the store's owner, very arrogant and unreasonable, always trying every means to get what she wanted.

"But nothing, just wrap it up when I tell you to, what's with all the nonsense?" Zhu Xiaohui looked disgustedly at the sales clerk, her voice dripping with scorn.

The clerk came over to Fang Ren with a helpless expression and whispered, "You see, young man, we probably can't let you try on this piece of clothing. This lady is our boss's girlfriend, and I have to listen to her, or I'll definitely be in trouble."

Fang Ren looked at Zhu Xiaohui with disdain; he had never seen a woman with such poor manners, completely lacking in the basic decency of first-come, first-serve.

"So, you're saying that if we were to buy this skirt in the end, you'd be fired on the spot?" Fang Ren asked, frowning.

"Yes, young man. Some of my colleagues were fired just like that before. Please, help me out? I can give you the lowest price on the clothes we've already wrapped up," the sales clerk said, her face full of distress.

"Then give it to her," Mu Huanqing handed the mini skirt back to the sales clerk without hesitation.

She didn't really care, as she didn't like the skirt anyway. If it hadn't been Ah Ran who had given it to her, she wouldn't even have considered trying it on. Since that woman seemed to like it so much, she might as well give it to her.

Moreover, if a skirt ended up costing the sales clerk her job, Mu Huanqing felt she would hold a bit of guilt in her heart.

"Really speechless, there's all sorts of people in the world."

Seeing the low quality of the woman, capable of spewing dirty words out of her mouth, Fang Ren could only feel resigned. He was just an ordinary person; it was pointless to argue with this woman.

In the end, it was just a trivial matter; Sister Hui Qing didn't like it anyway, and the skirt he had in mind for her to wear was, cough cough... much prettier, and quite a bit shorter.

"Thank you so much,"

The sales clerk gratefully thanked them, swiftly took back the white skirt, and went to Zhu Xiaohui, saying, "Miss Zhu, I'll wrap this up for you right now."


Zhu Xiaohui slapped the white dress out of the salesperson's hand onto the ground with a disgusted face and said, "Didn't you see there's something dirty on it? And you're handing it to me? Are you trying to disgust me?"

"No, Miss Zhu, I..."

"All day long it's Miss Zhu, Miss Zhu, do you think I'm a prostitute?" Zhu Xiaohui bellowed in anger.

"What's going on?"

Just then, a man in a suit walked in from outside; his clothes exuded luxury, and he was wearing a gold watch, his hair slicked back.

As the man entered, Zhu Xiaohui's angry expression suddenly turned into a look of grievance. She immediately ran over and clung to the man's arm coquettishly, "Brother Zang, look, the dress I liked has been dirtied by those two people. This salesperson even tried to wrap up the dirty dress for me."

Wang Cang looked at the skirt on the ground and said indulgently to Zhu Xiaohui, "Don't worry, baby, I'll take care of it for you."

In these few short moments, Fang Ren was stunned. Was this woman mentally ill, or was she an Oscar-winning actress? This change was just too much.

Mu Huanqing was witnessing something new for the first time. She never knew such a woman existed, one who could outdo even the most far-fetched soap opera.

The salesperson said with a pale face, "Boss, actually, it wasn't like that, listen to me..."

"Shut up." Wang Cang furrowed his brows and roared, then turned to look in Fang Ren's direction, "Was it you guys who caused this? Now get out..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Wang Cang's gaze involuntarily settled on Mu Huanqing next to them, and suddenly he was dumbfounded.

Wang Cang had seen all kinds of stunning women over his years in the Flower Capital. However, this woman was far beyond the comparison to those so-called stunning beauties.

The moment she came into his sight, he felt a strong visual impact, as if he had taken drugs, exciting every nerve in his brain.

Love at first sight...

For the first time, Wang Cang realized the true meaning of this idiom; there really was such a feeling in the world!

"Brother Zang, what are you staring at? It was them, they dirtied the dress I liked. Hurry up and chase them away," Zhu Xiaohui became anxious when she saw Wang Cang looking dazed and leaned her chest against his arm more coquettishly.

"Shut up!"

Wang Cang suddenly turned his head and glared at Zhu Xiaohui with disgust. He was already tired of this woman. If he hadn't hooked up with someone better, he would have kicked Zhu Xiaohui to the curb long ago.

"Brother Zang, you..."

Zhu Xiaohui was taken aback when he glared at her.

Wang Cang immediately pushed away Zhu Xiaohui, who was clinging to his arm, and walked towards Fang Ren. His years of snatching other people's girlfriends had taught him that initiating a conversation with the target right away increased the chances of failure.

"You two, I'm the owner of this store. My friend was a bit out of line earlier. I apologize on her behalf and hope you won't take it to heart," Wang Cang said with a smile, keeping his gaze mostly on Fang Ren like an old hand at this.

When Zhu Xiaohui heard what he said, she rushed forward and said, "Brother Zang, what do you mean? When did we become just friends?"

"Zhu Xiaohui, I have always treated you as a friend, but you went and treated my customers like idiots. What if other visitors get the wrong impression of my store?" Wang Cang said angrily.

"Wang Cang! Are you going to..."

Zhu Xiaohui tried to continue, but Wang Cang immediately cut her off, "Shut up! Get out now, you're not welcome here!"

Wang Cang pointed to the salesperson and said, "Get her out of here now. Her behavior is directly affecting the image of our store in the minds of our customers."

The salesperson was delighted to hear this; Zhu Xiaohui had been throwing her weight around for nearly half a month now, and she had built up a lot of resentment. Now that the boss had kicked her out, she naturally wanted to get back at her.

Without a word, the salesperson immediately stretched out her hand and grabbed Zhu Xiaohui to drag her out.

"Don't drag me! Wang Cang! Have you forgotten how you first seduced me?" Zhu Xiaohui roared as she was being dragged, her previous dignified appearance gone.

"You two, I'm really sorry about today. As you can see, my friend is a bit unstable, always fantasizing that I'm her boyfriend," Wang Cang said with a smile. "To make up for today, I'll waive your bill as a way of making friends."

Fang Ren watched, utterly perplexed. After all this, the woman's acting skills turned out to be worse than the man's! If she's the leading actress, then this guy must be the 'Immortal.'

"No need."

Fang Ren flatly refused. The speed at which this guy switched women was truly astonishing. Upon seeing another pretty woman, he just kicked the previous one away.

Today, he'd truly learned what a real scoundrel was.

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