From the Heavens Descended an Immortal Sister

Chapter 181: Chapter 179: Unwilling to Admit_1

As Fang R's words fell, Bai Qi's gaze lingered on the g for a long time.

The room was terrifyingly quiet, with time ticking away second by second. Fang R suddly felt a bit awkward, wondering if the girl had suddly become sane. If so, his indirect probing plan would be ruined.

The silce lasted so long that Fang R couldn't help but want to break it, but just as he was about to speak, Bai Qi suddly turned a with her head lowered.

"Let's go eat…" she said softly.


Fang R looked at her shift from being angry to suddly falling silt and felt a bit unsettled, still unable to fathom what the imaginative girl was thinking.

"Alright," Fang R nodded in agreemt.

Bai Qi quickly left the room, and Fang R followed, taking out his room card to lock the door behind him.

Walking behind Bai Qi, he couldn't shake the feeling that she was too silt, completely out of character. He wanted to ask her something but thought it would be better to wait until they were at the dining table.


They arrived at another small restaurant where the dishes were already served.

Bai Qi held her chopsticks but did not reach for any dish. Her whole face was covered by the visor of her cap, prevting Fang R from seeing ev the slightest glimpse of her expression.

"What's… what's wrong with you?" Fang R evtually couldn't hold back and asked.


Bai Qi whispered faintly and th started to pick up food with her chopsticks and eat.

Fang R felt baffled. This wasn't the effect he had hoped for. Wasn't it supposed to make Bai Qi suddly understand some things, and th redefine the terms of their marital agreemt with him?

Why had the atmosphere become so heavy?


Underneath the cap, Bai Qi's face bore a vacant expression as she moved her chopsticks slowly and seemed lethargic while eating.

Earlier at the hotel, Fang R's sudd remarks made her realize a lot of things.

"If you don't like me, why bother so much?"

This particular stce had struck her deeply.

Right, she suddly realized she had be meddling too much.

Why was she meddling in these matters? Wer't these things of her concern?

Was it out of loyalty to their marriage vow?

But now, Fang R liked her, yet she didn't reciprocate his feelings. She clearly didn't like him, so why was she still interfering in his affairs? He wasn't oply together with another woman, there was no loss of face for her. Speaking of marital loyalty, but her heart was elsewhere, while Fang R's heart was with her.

Though there were no actual deeds, anytime fidelity was mtioned, it was her mtal unfaithfulness that stood out.

And because of Fang R's words, she suddly realized ev more.

For instance, during lunch today, wh a woman came looking for Fang R, she felt her reaction had be a bit too extreme.

She had someone she liked and wanted to be with that person, but she only allowed herself to pursue a relationship with the one she liked after her gagemt was annulled.

Similarly, Fang R liked her, so he could also like someone else, right? All he had to do was not develop a relationship with that woman before the annulmt, and he could like whoever he wanted.

But her behavior at noon today was no longer just about restricting him from being involved with other wom; she had directly limited Fang R from liking other people.

It was only at this momt that she suddly realized the problem and therefore wt over the evts of the lunch in detail, discovering many of her own actions that ev she couldn't understand.

For example, wh Fang R "acted out" in anger with her today, such behavior should only occur betwe two people who have feelings for each other, not betwe her and Fang R.

Moreover, wh Fang R was acting out in anger, why did she go out of her way to coax him? To accompany him shopping to relax?

This was no longer about Fang R being aggrieved because of her arrival here, for which she wanted to compsate. This matter was solely about the argumt betwe them, without any feelings of indebtedness mixed in.

If Fang R's feelings for her were unrequited, th she should have decisively clarified their relationship at lunch today; that would have be truly in Fang R's best interest. So why did she choose not to speak out?

Out of consideration for his feelings? Bai Qi thought back and realized that clearly wasn't the reason.

And wh that woman in the dress came in, why did she feel angry? What was wrong with Fang R going out to talk to another woman? Wasn't that perfectly normal?

In the d, wh Fang R left the restaurant, she ate a big meal by herself in a fit of sulk, ev overeating to the point of pain. Why did she do that?

Was it because Fang R was unfaithful to their marriage, so she had to hurt herself? No, that wasn't necessary. She didn't like him, so she shouldn't hurt herself over these things...

It wasn't until Fang R said that stce in the hotel that she suddly realized there was something subtle in her heart that she was unwilling to acknowledge.

But undiably, she had developed a sse of possessivess toward Fang R.

She wondered if she might be falling for this man, but th thought it impossible, as she clearly liked Brother Song.

Yet, that would make all of her actions at lunch today inexplicable.

If she didn't like him, why did she coax him just because they had argued in anger, harm her own stomach because he wt out with another woman, or start angrily questioning upon smelling a trace of perfume in his room...

Whether this was love or not, Bai Qi didn't know, and she didn't want to admit it.

If it was love, th did she fall for two people at the same time? Was she a fickle woman?

After much thought, Bai Qi had no appetite to eat again; she wanted to give up thinking about the problem, yet there was an unyielding feeling inside her that kept drawing her toward the issue, leaving no room to think about anything else.

"I was just making an analogy earlier, and I might have spok in a bad tone because you made too much of a fuss, so I..."

Seeing that she was silt the whole time, Fang R thought he had said something wrong at the hotel and quickly rattled off a few words to excuse himself.

He rambled on for quite a bit, but Bai Qi on the opposite side still gave no response.

The meal was eat in utter silce.

After paying for the meal, Bai Qi didn't say a word to him and wt straight back to her room and shut the door.

Fang R was bewildered, unable to understand what the imaginative girl was thinking.

"The ancits do not deceive me, a woman's heart is like a needle in the ocean! Not a bit of a lie!"

Muttering to himself, Fang R also returned to his room and closed the door. Meanwhile, inside the room, Mu Huanqing had already be sitting by the bed for some time.

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