From Human to Skeleton: Revived with Infinite System Crystals

Chapter 47 Actions Move Fast

Chapter 47  Actions Move Fast

Todd shot a quizzical glance at Ty as he admitted, "I hadn't really considered it in that way, I suppose. Still, it's a bit chilling to witness such violent ends."

As the chamber settled back into silence, a heavy sigh resonated from the Demon King, carrying the weight of the day's judgments.

As he slouched in his towering seat, a touch of fatigue appeared over his usually stern expression. Observing the change, Ty walked up to him, intending to check on his demeanor.

"Oh, you're finally awake," the Demon King remarked, snapping his fingers. The colossal room seemed to shrink as he transformed himself down to a smaller form, standing at 6'8" in a tailored suit and blazer.

The refined fabric contrasted against the chamber's stern stone, giving him a semblance of normalcy amidst the eerie courtroom.

He then ran his hands through his slick black hair, an habitual action, which he used to massage away the weariness.

His usually ablaze red eyes which contained a fierce resolve, now displayed a gentle glint of exhaustion, with a hint of weariness that reflected in the subtle crinkle at the edges.

With a tinge of annoyance in his words, yet filled with a playful undertone that danced beneath as he said, "What took you so long anyways? I've been playing daycare for almost a month now. I told you to just retrieve the relic, not bring every friend you met like it was going to be some sleepover."

His jest carried through the room, dispelling the grim atmosphere that was clinging to the stone walls.

His annoyance seemed to have dissolved along with his words, replaced with a trace of amusement at the remarkable and unexpected events that unfolded under his reign.

With flames jetting out from the open slots on his armor shoulders, Ty threw a bony hand over his skull.

While the flames still flowed down with ease, they still offered him a slight sting, a sensation which he had managed to push to the back of his mind.

"Sorry about that," Ty began, "things just unfolded so quickly after the Angelic girl showed up again, and before I knew it, the entire area was being engulfed in a purplish liquid and – "

The Demon King interrupted Ty, stating, "No need to go into full details. I've already read your memories of the events of what happened, though some moments were blacked out, and I wasn't able to view them." n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

"They were right around the time you were fighting the flame guy," the Demon King continued, "Something happened during that time which allowed you to use Zarkos Porzingis' ability of regeneration. Honestly, with the lock on your soul having fragmented into 7 seals now, it appears that during this blackout one of the seals broke, and shortly after that you killed him and Von, the Head Guard."

Ty, looking confused as he repeated, "Who is Zarkos?"

"Zarkos is the name of the person whose body you inhibit now, he was killed during my Father's reign, long before the Angelic Race took over. He was killed by the first captain of the Angelic Army shortly after my Father's removal," explained the Demon King.

Even more stunned, Ty stated, "You have a father? How can a Demon King have a father?"

"What, you think I just poofed out of nowhere?" The Demon King retorted with a hint of jest.


Ty gave a light-hearted chuckle before stating, "I guess, it's not something I can really think about. It's hard to fathom the time you run on; we humans live and die so quickly, I suppose it's just hard to grasp living so long."

"That ties into my other point," the Demon King interjected. "You can't just bring people here until they have faced their natural deaths. This is the designation of the soul's final place. It makes things complicated if they arrive earlier than they are supposed to."

"Oh yeah, I did see you judging their souls and putting more souls into that giant door," Ty recalled.

"Exactly. What is the point of it all anyway? An endless cycle of rebirth, and people living and dying only to be judged. It seems it doesn't matter where it takes place; people are always suffering or causing suffering to others," Ty pondered aloud.

The Demon King let out a soft sigh, "I suppose finding the ideal meaning might be difficult, but where there is life and free will, there will always be good or evil. It's up to those souls to decide how they will lead their lives. In retrospect, when coming here, if a soul fails here, it's expunged and will never re-enter the cycle of rebirth. However, it matters little, as a good soul is a product of its environment more times than it's not."

"This really isn't the time for such deep conversations, though," the Demon King shifted the topic slightly. "Your goal hasn't changed, has it?"

"N-no sir, my only goal is to get back," Ty affirmed, his resolve clear in his voice.

The Demon King paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully before speaking, "Ty, there's something else you should know," he said in a milder tone, a hint of concern breaking through his usually composed demeanor.

Ty tilted his head slightly, a silent indication for the Demon King to continue.

"Your girlfriend, Jade... she was attacked by Erebos," the Demon King revealed, his eyes meeting Ty's hollow sockets.

A cold shock ran through Ty's being at the mention of Jade's name. The flames on his body flickered wildly for a moment, mirroring the sudden surge of emotions within him.

His mind raced with images of Jade, worry gnawing at him. However, before he could voice out his fears, the Demon King continued.

"But she's in good health now. It's unclear why he's taken the approach he has," he said, his words carrying a sense of reassurance that slightly eased the turmoil within Ty.

Ty took a moment to process the information and the flames on his back simmered down a bit as some relief washed over him, knowing that Jade was safe. Yet, the fact that Erebos had targeted her stirred a rage deep within him.

The Demon King observed Ty, understanding the whirlpool of emotions he must be going through. He stood up from his throne before stretching out his massive frame and said.

"We will continue this conversation over dinner with the rest of the group." Saying that he changed the course of the conversation, giving Ty some time to process the information.


Just then, a loud ding resonated through the room, signaling that the Demon King's attention was needed elsewhere. "I have matters to attend to with judging souls for now," he added, making his way toward the judgment hall while his footsteps echoed through the chamber.

Taking a moment of pause, he turned back towards Ty and said, "Prepare yourself; we have much to discuss later," before disappearing into the adjoining hall.

Todd, who was still helping his kids with cleaning, looked over at Ty. The silence between them spoke volumes, yet Todd broke it with a soft, "How did the talk go?"

The flames on Ty's body flickered gently as he recounted the conversation. His voice carried a mix of relief and newfound determination as he shared the news about Jade and Erebos.

While his bony face couldn't portray any of his emotions, his anger was clearly evident, "The person who was responsible for my current form has now attacked my loved ones," he said, the flames on his back suddenly started dancing angrily as he lost his calm from just a moment ago.

"That's all I know for the time being, but I need to get ready to go back," Ty continued as he clenched his fists. Although the path ahead seemed to be fraught with danger, the urgency to protect his loved ones and to confront the threats that were looming over them fueled his determination even more than ever.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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