Forsaken By The Gods, I Made A Contract With the Demon King

Chapter 86: Entrance Exam (6)

Levi opened his eyes slowly, his vision swimming with confusion.

The world around him seemed distorted—overlapping like time had fragmented into separate frames.

Valerius who was sitting idle the last time he saw, was now moving toward him with urgency.

Valerius' lips moved, but no sound reached Levi's ears.

The purple energy swirling around Levi crackled like a storm. The intensity of it made it hard to focus. He blinked, trying to shake off the strange sensation.

Valerius appeared in several places at once—some standing, some stepping forward, others still watching. It was as if Levi were seeing multiple timelines converge in one moment.

His head throbbed painfully.

The weight of his Lunacy pressed hard against his mind, making it difficult to hold on. The more he tried to focus, the more his surroundings slipped away. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, drowning out everything else.

Levi glanced around, his dizziness intensifying. He saw the others—students and even the assistant instructor, Orion—on their knees, struggling for some reason.

Some lay unconscious, their bodies limp and lifeless.

'What… happened?' Levi's thoughts were sluggish, unable to keep up with what he was seeing. The last thing he remembered was sitting, focusing on the power of his Lunacy.

But now—this?

Before Levi could fully grasp the change, a sudden blow struck the back of his head. Pain exploded, and his vision darkened. For a brief second, everything slowed.

He saw Valerius—only one version of him this time…

And then, nothing.

His eyes rolled back, and his consciousness slipped away.


Being hailed as the best academy in the world, The Favored Ones Academy had strict assessment rules for incoming freshmen.

There were no reference or favor systems - all students had to meet specific conditions to enter.

While heirs of prominent Sanctuaries and families typically avoided the Academy, as their family support was superior to what the academy could provide them, this was not the case for smaller or fallen families.

Many from such backgrounds aspired to enter the Academy, but the path to enter the academy was fraught with challenges.

First, they had to pass all five assessments and rank within the top 460 among lakhs of students who applied to join the academy.

Or alternatively, they could attract an instructor's attention to secure a scholarship.

Both options were incredibly difficult, and all they could hope for was to get lucky while performing their best.

Now, regarding the five assessments, there was a certain pattern to how they unfolded. The first assessment varied each year, relying entirely on the instructor's whims.

Whether they chose candidates blindly or imposed some bizarre test, no one would dare question them. That was simply the nature of the Academy.

It was definitely not fair, but when had anything in life been fair?

After passing the first round, the students faced a simulated monster in the second round, followed by a spar against fellow students in the third. Currently, one such assessment was taking place.

In the small arena, a girl stood, her heart pounding as she stared down a grotesque creature.

Its body twisted and warped, the sinewy neck of a crocodile melding with the muscular frame of a horse. The creature's scaled skin glistened under the artificial lights, and its dark, menacing eyes fixed on her with primal hunger. She could almost hear its hot, heavy breath as it prepared to charge.

Though the girl knew it was just a simulation, the sight was incredibly disturbing. She wondered if such a monster truly existed or if it was merely a figment of the instructors' twisted imaginations.

Nevertheless, taking a deep breath, she centered herself.

The familiar stance she had practiced thousands of time, provided her a comfort amidst the horror. Her left leg slid back instinctively, grounding her, while her right leg bent slightly, poised for action.

Her one hand rested on the hilt of her sword, while the other was on its sheath. She felt the weight of her blade - it was perfect.

If Levi were here, he would recognize this style instantly.

It was the same technique that the blue-haired girl he had been teamed up with in Paradise had used. But this girl didn't have blue hair, but white.

Her stark white hair was tied back in a ponytail that swayed with her movements.

With a deafening roar, the creature lunged, muscles rippling beneath its scaly skin. It closed the distance in an instant, powerful legs propelling it forward with terrifying speed.

The girl's instincts kicked in as she executed a swift sidestep, feeling the rush of wind as the creature barreled past her. Instead of striking, she focused on her footing, channeling her energy into the next moment.

In a split second, she vanished from sight, her form a mere whisper in the air. The arena blurred around her, and her senses heightened, adrenaline coursing through her veins.

A second later, she reappeared behind the creature, seemingly defying the laws of reality. Her sword slid effortlessly back into its sheath, awaiting her command.

Before the creature could register her movement, she had unleashed her attack. A red line sliced vertically through the creature's body.

As her motion completed, she slid her sword back into its sheath with a satisfying click.

At the same time, the creature split apart, and blood—or rather, the simulation of blood—gushed forth, painting the arena in vivid red.

Silently, she glanced toward one end of the arena, where an instructor observed her with satisfied eyes, a hint of approval gleaming in their gaze.


Lore Snippet 12 - Credits

After the first cataclysm, the world changed dramatically, leading to the collapse of many countries. The old currency system became unusable, creating chaos in the economy, society, and the environment. To adapt to these new realities, the five unions came together to create a single digital currency known asCredits.

This new system aimed to make trade easier and more reliable across the globe. While implementing Credits was challenging, and some minor currencies still exist in certain areas, the five unions ultimately succeeded in making Credits the primary currency on Earth.

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