Forsaken By The Gods, I Made A Contract With the Demon King

Chapter 3: The Stronghold

Levi's vision blurred momentarily as he stepped through the Bliss Portal. The golden light that had enveloped him vanished, replaced by a harsh, dusty landscape.

[Welcome to Paradise]

A mechanical voice resounded as he blinked, adjusting to the glaring sunlight and the wasteland that stretched out before him. The sight was far from the idyllic paradise he had imagined.

Before him stood a sprawling, fortified stronghold, its massive, steel walls were a stark contrast to the barren land surrounding it. The stronghold, clearly built with advanced mech tech, loomed like a sentinel over the wasteland. Enormous metallic structures and automated defenses lined the perimeter, humming with energy.

The ground was dry and cracked, with a perpetual layer of dust swirling in the wind. Sparse patches of withered trees dotted the landscape, offering little respite from the two bright suns that hung over his head.

"So this is 'Paradise'?" Levi muttered, his voice tinged with disappointment.

The air was thick with dust, making him cough as he took in his surroundings. He understood now why humans had no plans to settle in this land, it was a hostile environment, unsuitable for habitation.

Looking around in curiosity and disappointment, Levi moved forward leaving behind the massive ring structure behind him.

Levi might not have been able to see the entire structure of the Stronghold, but from an aerial view, it would surely be a sight to behold. Hundreds of ring structures encircled the periphery of the stronghold, each resembling the one Levi had just exited. At the very center, a massive tower soared into the sky, spanning over fifty floors.

As Levi approached the tall tower, a series of automated security measures were activated. Scanners and drones hovered around him, ensuring he posed no threat.

After a thorough scan, a pathway opened, leading him inside the stronghold.

Once inside, Levi was greeted by a bustling scene. The interior was a hive of activity, with people moving about purposefully. Many were clad in sleek, functional armor, their movements precise and practiced.

The stronghold's interior was a blend of advanced technology and makeshift structures, showcasing humanity's resilience and adaptability.

"Hey, you there!" A voice called out, breaking Levi's thoughts.

He turned to see a man approaching, his demeanor authoritative. The man wore an insignia featuring an ever-flowing fountain or perhaps a spring.

One look at the insignia and Levi instantly recognized it.

"Faithful Abundance!"

It was the symbol of a well-known sanctuary called Faithful Abundance, established by followers of the God of Prosperity.

Even a slum rat like him, who worked in factories, was aware of them, that alone spoke volumes about their reputation.

As Levi was lost in his thoughts, the man continued walking towards him.

"You must be one of the new arrivals," the man said, looking Levi up and down. "Follow me. We're about to start the orientation for newcomers."

Levi nodded and fell in step behind the man. As he followed, Levi wondered what ability this man possessed. He noticed the man's well-built, muscular frame and the intimidating aura surrounding him.

'He must be pretty strong,' he thought and silently followed behind.

They walked through the stronghold, passing various workshops and training grounds. Everywhere he looked, people were engaged in different activities – repairing equipment, practicing combat techniques, or discussing strategies.

Finally, they arrived at a large hall where a group of people around his age had gathered.

Levi noticed that the atmosphere was charged with anticipation and nervous energy.

Somehow he found the excited eyes of the youngsters bothering, so he just found a spot near the back and sat there. He didn't want to get in trouble accidentally by walking around carelessly, he had read so many novels where that happens.

Nevertheless, he didn't have to wait long as a tall woman with a commanding presence stepped onto a makeshift stage at the front of the hall.

She slowly walked towards the center of the stage, her footsteps echoing through the hall.

By the time she reached the middle, the hall was dead silent. All the youngsters who had been chatting and buzzing around fell quiet and turned their attention to her.

"Welcome to Paradise," she began, her voice carrying effortlessly across the room of hundreds without even a need for sound amplifying device.

"I am Seraphine, a Priestess of Faithful Abundance." She paused before speaking up.

"You are all here because you seek the favor of the gods. Today, we will take you to the place where the Gods can test you, where you will face monsters and prove your worth. Those who succeed may earn a contract with a god and join the Academy of Favored Ones for further training."

The room buzzed with murmurs as the youngster's eyes lit up at the mention of Favoured Ones Academy.

Their reaction was normal, the Favored One's Academy was the dream of every child and even their parents. It was a pathway to a noble life on Earth. Simply having the privilege of being its alumni was enough to secure a luxurious life, and graduates were welcomed with open arms by all the sanctuaries.

Of course, they were excited to hear about it. However, what she didn't tell them was that only one or two of them might even have the chance to join the academy, as the entry conditions were incredibly strict.

Seraphine raised her hand, silencing the crowd. "Before we depart, let me make one thing clear. This is not a game. Out there, your life is on the line. Fight with everything you have, and remember, the gods are always watching."

With that and some other instructions, she signaled for the group to move out. Levi joined the throng of newcomers as they exited the hall and made their way out as guided. The journey was short, but the anticipation made it feel much longer.

The place that they were going was situated outside the stronghold, in a more open area of the wasteland.

As they started moving towards the heavy walls that fortified the stronghold, Levi took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest.

This was it – the moment he had been waiting for. As he looked around at the other newcomers, he saw the same mixture of determination and fear reflected in their eyes.

'Time to change my life.'

He thought almost certain that he would get a contract from the god.


Lore Snippet 03 - Sanctuaries

Guilds formed by groups of people who serve under the same god. For sanctuaries to exist, they require an altar, which can only be created by the combined power of at least ten followers.

Sanctuaries have different levels of positions: Follower, Priest, Paladin, Templar, Holy Knight, Bishop, Cardinal, Archbishop, and Saint. It is worth noting that not every sanctuary will have all these positions filled. The positions are determined by the followers' worth, and many sanctuaries only have a Holy Knight or Bishop as their leader.

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