Chapter 8

Half the private room grew quiet in an instant.

The people who were farther away didnt actually hear the conversation at their table, but it was as if the heavy atmosphere spread in an instant. Everyone noticed something was up and they all looked over, one after the other.

For a while, the private room was as quiet as a library.

No one was clear on the details of Yu Sui and Shi Luos relationship. Their matters their debts of gratitude and grievances were just those which could be seen on the surface. Their actual thoughts were never made public.

To say that these two got along about as well as fire and water would be understating their relationship.

If Shi Luo were to take out a watermelon knife this instant to have it out with Yu Sui, no one would be too surprised.

From the moment they learned that Yu Sui had returned to China, everyone had the vague feeling that this would happen sooner or later.

One by one, the people who were singing, drinking, and playing dice stopped and looked surreptitiously at them with bated breaths, their nerves somewhat keyed up.

Shi Luo was already half drunk. The redness on his neck had spread all the way into the low neckline of his T-shirt, enhancing the wicked air about him. Shi Luo raised his hand and rubbed his neck. He reached out with his long leg to bring over a low stool.

With legs bent, he sat in front of Yu Sui, facing across from him with the table between them.

Youve already been back for so long. Shi Luo stared at Yu Sui intently. He slowly pulled open the tab on his can of beer while saying, I havent been able to properly greet Yu Shen.

Without waiting for Yu Sui to speak, Chen Huo interrupted with a smile. Well, arent we all greeting each other now? Hey, your game last week was absolutely ruthless! I replayed the game from your perspective, it was clear that you were going for Wawa, Im telling you ...

Shi Luo refused to be distracted and treated Chen Huo as if he wasnt even there. He looked at Yu Sui and asked, Is Yu Shen forming a new club?

Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo. He was surprised but then dismissed it.

Shi Luo really was too smart.

Gu Gan vigilantly watched the already intoxicated Shi Luo. He asked quietly, Shi Luo, I think youve had a bit too much to drink. Maybe I should call your team assistant for you? Or I could take you back.

You can talk about this some other day...

Gu Gan had once looked after Shi Luo. Although Shi Luo had become even more reclusive in the past two years, he has always respected Gu Gan. This time though, Shi Luo couldnt attend to him. Shi Luo turned a deaf ear to what he was saying.

He only had Yu Sui in his eyes. Yu Shen, youre build a new club. Im right, arent I?

Yu Sui knew that he could no longer avoid the matter, and after a moment, said, Yes.

Shi Luo nodded and said to himself, Look, I guessed correctly again.

Shi Luo took a sip of his beer and asked, Then, are you still missing a striker?

Everyone was stupefied.

The players sitting some distance away looked at each other helplessly.

What does Shi Luo mean by this? Could it be that he wanted to join the Yu Suis team? Havent you two decided long ago to grow old and die without having any dealings with each other?

Just how much has he had to drink to compel him to take the initiative to ask Yu Sui if they still needed strikers? If these two winded up in the same team, wouldnt a single inappropriate remark be enough to get someone stabbed?

Wouldnt that team simply be an abyss of extreme misery?

Gu Gan and Chen Huo looked at each other. They didnt understand what Shi Luo meant by this. Just a while ago, wasnt this little wolf cub just raring to bite Yu Sui to death?

Compared to the shock of the crowd, Yu Sui was still quite calm. After a moment of silence, he said, We are still lacking strikers.

Shi Luo stared straight into Yu Suis eyes. As I am now, am I now qualified to be your teammate?

Yu Sui had long ago accepted that he had no place to feel grief-stricken. But looking at Shi Luo, he unexpectedly found it a bit hard to breathe.

Yu Sui nodded. You are.

Shi Luo let out a snort of laughter, his eyes full of ridicule.

Chen Huos face immediately relaxed.

Shi Luo smiled for a moment and nodded: Im qualified&#k2026;thats good then&#k2026;

Werent they just playing dice over there? Shi Luo took another sip of beer and looked at Yu Sui. Yu Shen, would you like to play a game with me?

Chen Huos tone wasnt good. He tried to forestall, saying, Play what with you?

It was as though Shi Luo could only see Yu Sui as he stared fixedly at the other. His long middle finger tapped against the marble tabletop. He slowly said, On this tray, there are nine glasses of vodka used for mixing cocktails, the kind that has a proof of over 90%....and one glass of lemon tea.

Shi Luo looked at Yu Sui and the corners of his mouth ticked up slightly. Yu Shen, pick a cup and drink it all down. If you manage to pick the lemon tea ...

Thats utter sh*t! Chen Huo had come to the end of his patience. Whod be crazy enough to play this game with you? Thats a one in ten chance, whod be able to pick that? And say that he does manage to pick the right one, then what?

He gets a cup of lemon tea? Youre crazy...

If you pick it out, Shi Luo interrupted Chen Huo, Ill waive the contract fee to join your new team.

In an instant, there was absolute silence in the private room.

Shi Luos eyes were fierce and grim. I wont need to pay me a penny and Ill work myself to the bone for you. I will play for you for an entire season. So, are you playing or not?

Chen Huo was stunned. He was dumbfounded by this sudden gift, and he instantly forgot what scolding hed been about to deliver. Stuttering, he said, But if he chooses ... The vodka?

Shi Luo stared at Yu Sui who had remained silent all through out. He could hardly conceal the hatred in his eyes. He slowly said from between gritted teeth, You have to drink the entire glass of whatever you choose.

Drink the entire glass?! Chen Huo exploded in anger. Are you insane? This big a glass has at least 400 milliliters in it! Normal people drinking something like that would result in some serious consequences and youre making him drink that?!

Others might have no idea but dont you know about his condition?!

His life is valuable, and my contract fee for an entire season is worthless? Shi Luo said calmly, High risk, high return. Thats just fair.

Gu Gan gave Shi Luo a warning look. Evil.

Shi Luo turned a deaf ear. He felt around for a cigarette and put it between his lips. He bowed his head and lit it. Yu Shen, its a one in ten chance.

Are you playing?

Shi Luo took a puff of his cigarette. His tone was no longer so patient. If youre not going to play, Ill have the server take it away.

Chen Huo was agitated. He wont play! Take it away!

Shi Luo was about to get up...

Yu Sui said, Ill play.

Shi Luos fingers trembled slightly, almost letting the ashes burn his hand.

Are you thinking straight?! After a moment of being stupefied, Chen Huo was completely infuriated. He said sternly, You f*cking looking to die? What about your stomach? Dont you know what could happen to you?

You want to end up in the ER again?

Yu Suis face was serene, and he said again, Ill play.

Shi Luo blew out some smoke and cursed silently.

Shi Luo threw his half smoked cigarette into his empty beer can. Let me state it clearly ...

Shi Luo looked up at Yu Sui, These are the rules of the game. No matter which glass you choose, you have to drink the entire glass.

Yu Sui nodded. I understand.

Yu Sui. Gu Gan never could have foreseen things turning out like this. Had he known Shi Luo would act like this, Gu Gan would have never invited him without permission. He frowned. Dont joke.

Everyone has had a bit too much to drink. Stop with the jokes, I think its time we wrapped this up.

I owe you a lot. Yu Sui took a bottle of milk someone had placed by the side of the table. He unscrewed the bottle and took a few gulps. Its no use trying to talk me out of this. Im playing.

What do you mean youre playing?! What good is drinking some milk now? Thats vodka! Those could be used as explosives! Chen Huo wanted to throttle the both of them.

He glared fiercely at Yu Sui. He stepped in close, lowered his voice and said through clenched teeth. You ... if you really want him, we can just get him from IAC!

How much is it? Well buy it! How much money could be worth more than your life?

Yu Sui slowly shook his head. We cant buy it.

Shi Luo heard it perfectly clear. He laughed mockingly. Now you want to buy? Sorry, once I walk out that door, theres no way I would join your team, ever.

Chen Huo was so angry, he was about to explode. You whelp!

Sitting to the side, Wawa couldnt sit still anymore. He timidly urged, Shi Ge... Dont take this too far. Even if there was some kind of argument or misunderstanding in the past, theres no need for this to end up with someone in the hospital, right?

Isnt this a bit excessive...

Shi Luo ignored Wawa.

Yu Sui looked down and picked up his phone to send a message to his personal doctor in China. He then set his phone aside and surveyed the ten large transparent drinks on the table.

Shi Luo had probably instructed the server earlier. Each cup was covered with a layer of fresh mint leaves used for cocktails. It completely covered any bubbles that might possibly float to the top of the drink and it also interfered with the color of the drink.

It seemed that they were afraid hed try to guess via the alcoholic smell and so they had also flooded the entire tray with vodka. The alcoholic smell assailed their nostrils and there was no way to differentiate.

Yu Sui looked at it silently for a minute, and gave up relying on his experience to choose.

The ten glasses were so well grouped together that even the bartender wouldnt be able to tell.

Chen Huos face was flushed with anger. He said through gritted teeth, Are you crazy? The probability is so small it would be impossible to pick it out! Havent you understood yet?

This little wolf cub is out for revenge! He wants to send you to the hospital without getting his hands dirty!

Shi Luo opened himself another can of beer and didnt refute.

Yu Sui looked up at Shi Luo. He saw how he was extremely adept at smoking and drinking, and was suddenly lost in thought.

Its only been two years.

Across the wide table and nine glasses of deadly drinks, for a moment, the two looked at each other face to face.

Before, I left in a bit of a hurry, and I forgot to tell you something.

Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo. It was my fault. I went back on my word.

Shi Luos eyes instantly reddened.

Shi Luo had difficulty swallowing and he said in a hoarse voice, Drink.

Yu Sui nodded. He didnt bother choosing and simply picked up a large glass of drink. He quickly tipped his head back and took a drink before Chen Huo and the others could stop him. His entire person froze.

What is it? Spit it out! If its not lemon tea, spit it out! Chen Huo was about to climb the walls in worry. Whats with that face?

The cars downstairs. Get up! Ill take you to the hospital ...

Yu Sui slowly took another mouthful. ...Its lemon tea.

Everyone in the private room collectively breathed a sigh of relief. They then all broke out in a cold sweat over how close theyd come to disaster.

Chen Huo still couldnt believe it. He snatched it up, smelled it, and muttered, The f*ck ... whats with that Ou Huang like luck of yours?.

Yu Wei slowly drank the entire glass of lemon tea. Shi Luo took a deep breath, set aside his beer can, and gracefully accepted his loss. I will contact you later about the transfer. You should have your lawyers draw up the contract.

Everyone in the box started to whisper amongst themselves, marveling for Yu Sui. This was no longer just plain good luck. He didnt have to spend a penny, and he managed to sign on the no. 1 striker on the national server!

Gu Gan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Afraid that something else might happen, he got up and said, Okay, you can just discuss the details privately. Its getting late, lets leave matters here for now.

After watching such drama, everyone was no longer in any mood to sing. One by one, everyone nodded and started to make their way out. Only Shi Luo was still sitting at the table silently, watching the remaining nine glasses of vodka quietly on the table.

Lets go! Chen Huos back was drenched in sweat. He had just recovered from a fright and urged Yu Sui. Go, go. We can discuss about this arrangement.

Yu Suis movements were sluggish. He followed the flow of people down the elevator, and then waited at the entrance lobby of the club.

Chen Huos heart was still pounding, he rubbed his chest, saying, Scared me to death ... you too! Hes already gone crazy but do you have to join him too? Normally, you treasure your life so much!

What was that just now? If you really wind up in the hospital, this time it wont be as simple as just staying there for a month!

No one knew what Yu Sui was thinking. He didnt say a word.

Do you think its a good thing that hes coming over? Just now hed been trying to make you drink to your death. The more Chen Huo thought about it, the more apprehensive he felt. Before, he already wasnt such a good kid, but hes become even more troublesome. Now, hes out for your life.

Just look! This is the cub you brought back to raise back then!

There was suddenly a flash of light in Yu Suis eyes, and he turned and went back in.

Chen Huo was suddenly worried. Oh my God, what is it now?!

Chen Huo was about to follow Yu Sui, but Gu Gan, who had gone to the underground garage, came back and asked him for the car keys. Chen Huo couldnt attend to both things at once.

While he hurriedly rummaged in his bag for the misplaced car keys to give to Gu Gan, Yu Sui had already given him the slip and entered the elevator.

The elevator rose to the top floor, and with a ting the doors opened and Yu Sui stepped out and headed for the private room.

In the deserted private room, Shi Luo was still there just as theyve left him.

Shi Luo glanced up and frowned with obvious dissatisfaction. Youve won. Why havent you left? Did you come back to laugh at me?

Yu Sui stared at the nine drinks remaining on the table, his fingertips trembling slightly.

Shi Luo then realized something and said sharply, Its over, get out of here!!!

Yu Sui turned a deaf ear and without giving Shi Luo a chance to block him, went forward and drank one of untouched glasses.

Yu Suis eyes changed instantly.

His eyes trembled, and he turned to look at Shi Luo incredulously.

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Shi Luos eyes were completely red as though he wanted to kill someone. He stepped forward and grabbed Yus wrist, his voice was hoarse, and he gritted out word per word, I, said........ Leave.

Yu Suis lips trembled slightly, and he slowly but firmly pushed away Shi Luos hand. He took another glass of untouched vodka and took a sip.

Yu Suis entire person was rooted in place.

After a while, Yu Sui picked up another glass once again, took a sip and put it down; took another glass, took a sip, and put it down again.

Shi Luo had his jaw clenched tightly.

Like this, Yu Sui, with hands trembling, took glass after glass, until he had drank from each of the remaining nine glasses.

Ten cups of drinks, each and every one of which was lemon tea.

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