Chapter 33

Yu Sui clicked accept on his friend request. He then opened the in-game friends list page. On Yu Suis empty friends page, only Shi Luo was listed there.

For a long while, Yu Sui looked at Shi Luos profile image. Afterwards, he continued to queue up for a game.

Although the game will randomly assign you teammates for a match, it wasnt actually completely random. The system will arrange players from roughly the same points range into the same team.

With how limited the number of players there were on the top, the likelihood of them running into each other wasnt small. The only reason they havent run into each other these past two years was because they were playing on different servers.

On his side, Shi Luo continued to queue up for matches, but the two never ran into each other again.

But online, this incident had already grown legs. Netizen were weighing in on it with fervent frenzy.

Every player has fans, the basic difference was in how many or less there were. The number of a players fans was generally correlated to his individual rank. Players who gave their fans a little more face, had a little more fans, but it didnt affect the overall principle behind it.

Only two players were ever an exception to this principle.

One was Shi Luo, and the other was Yu Sui.

Shi Luo didnt have any results when he debuted, but because he brought over his old fans from his house dance broadcasting days and with Team FS fans, he already had a lot of fans despite having no record.

For a long time, he was constantly being called into question, they ridiculed the fan club culture. But Shi Luo struggled and worked hard. After changing to a striker, his individual ability soared. After half a year, he became a stable starter as a striker.

He blocked the mouths of everyone who said that he relied on his face to enter the gaming circle. If a player worked hard, the fans lung power increased. In normal times, they were invincible in any fight.

Yu Suis situation was even more magical. His individual level had been at the very top since his debut. His face value was also top-notch. His number of fans and other players number of fans simply werent on the same level.

It basically steamrolled over everyone. Later, because he dropped out of the local division, he lost 90% of his fans. It seemed only reasonable that they would be left with no fighting power.

But because the base number had been too big, there were still quite a lot of them left and all that remained were die-hard loyalists.

Usually, they didnt fight and they were perpetually peaceful, but if someone were to touch their bottom line, their awesome fighting power would be brought to the fore.

You could just imagine the ensuring chaos when these two groups met.

When it comes to spraying people, the e-sports circle had a monopoly on the top spot. So far, it has been unrivaled. The firepower it directs to other circles was already enough to grind them up but when it directed that firepower to within themselves, it was even more intense.

To anyone with a discerning eye, what happened that night was simply a coincidence. But Shi Luos fans couldnt bear the fact that it had been Shi Luo who had taken the initiative to add Whisper as a friend. Fans would dote on their own players.

His fans felt that from the very start of the game, Yu Sui could have already made his identity clear. Hiding it until the end, meant that this was deliberate deception. When it comes to deception, there were a lot more instances of that from their past.

If they didnt tear apart this scumbag, he truly wouldnt be worthy of all the breakfast money Shi Luo gave Yu Sui back then! Everyone spiritedly opened their mics and blasted Yu Suis forum.

Although, all this time, Yu Suis fans have been lying down and letting others insult them, they werent going to take it from Shi Luos camp! If it werent for our Whisper, your Shi Luo would still be dancing disco on his live broadcasts.

In any case, he was the one who let him into this profession, does he not bear even he littlest bit of sentimentality for that? Can this young one conduct himself with a bit of conscience?

Yu Sui and Shi Luo hadnt crossed paths for two years. The fans on both sides hadnt dealt with each other for a long time. New and old hatreds were stacked together. No one wanted to back down when they were being ripped apart like this.

If things remained like this, it would have still been fine. After all, Yu Sui and Shi Luo, especially Yu Sui, had long been through a hundred battles and didnt care a wit about this.

But the more materials the fans knew from when they were on the same team, the more trivial the matters they brought up. The two sides sprayed each other while exposing dirt on the other from two years ago.

Yu Sui went to eat hotpot and because it wouldnt cook, he went to eat hotpot with the Bison Team and later on because theyd been scrambling over the dishes, he got into a fight with Violent Shu.

Shi Luo clearly knew that Yu Sui didnt eat breakfast but two years ago, Shi Luo always dragged Yu Sui to have breakfast outside in order to mess up his biological clock. And look, sure enough, this whelp got his way and Yu Sui developed gastric bleeding and had to be hospitalized...

The more they sprayed, the more distressed they felt for their own players. Yu Suis fans ran to his Weibo and posted comment after comment, hating iron for not becoming steel. Arent you an assassin-type medic, when did you become so soft?

Shi Luos situation was even more miserable. He was in the middle of a live broadcast. Shi Luos fans ran to his live broadcast room and bombarded him with questions. Why did you add him as a friend?

Did he take the college entrance exams in your stead? Did he catch an atomic bomb barehanded for you?

Shi Luo who was still in the middle of his broadcast, couldnt bear it anymore and he sent a message to Zhou Huo. [Are you going to handle this or not? Why dont you get some water army to paint this over? !

! ! ]

Zhou Huo just happened to be in the middle of a call with Yu Sui.

After quietly playing match after match for one whole night, Yu Sui had charged his way to the 158th spot on the national server. He picked up the phone and listened for a bit. Zhou Huo asked carefully, Do you want Evil to make a Weibo post? Saying it was just a car crash?

It was nothing, playing that match had been comfortable, that kind of thing?

Yu Sui quit the game interface, Why do you have to force him to put on an act?

Zhou Huo gave a hollow laugh. Why are you calling this forcing&#k2026;

Yu Sui said, If this isnt forcing someone, then what is? You know very well that he feels very awkward about me right now. Why are you forcing him to express his position?

Expressing his position isnt going to be any skin off his back. Zhou Huo tried to smooth things over, Dont you think theyre insulting you too much?

Didnt you say Ive always been a scumbag? Yu Sui said calmly, Why would I need to be afraid of being sprayed?

Zhou Huo didnt say anything. He tried to probe out. Im asking this without holding out much hope but Yu Shen, what was your plan originally? I understand that you dont want to put any pressure on Shi Luo.

But it cant be that things with Shi Luo will always be like this, right? In any case, Im a manager that you have a bit of respect for. So, can you tell me?

Yu Sui was silent.

Zhou Huo was on guard. Let me say it first. If you two are always going to be like this, I really cant do my job. Later, when you go out to play a match, am I going to have to arrange two separate cars for you two?

The relationship hasnt reached that point yet. Yu Sui said, I know how to separate my public and private life. I can cooperate with him to play, that wont be a problem.

Zhou Huo was a little relieved. As long as they were able to produce results, other matters wouldnt be a problem. But, for one, he sincerely cared about Yu Sui and secondly, he was very gossipy. He couldnt help but ask, So...

privately? What are you thinking?

Yu Sui said, Thats my own business.

Zhou Huo smelled something fishy and smiled, Why? Finally ready to repair the relationship?

Yu Sui lowered his eyes.

How could he not want to repair his relationship with Shi Luo?

When he had first gone to Europe, there was a long time when although Yu Sui was still invincible on the field, in private, his condition was very bad. It got to the point that his boss at the time was a bit worried as well.

At that time Puppy once asked Yu Sui if he was missing Shi Luo a bit.

Th sourc of this conte/nt n/o/v/(l)bi((n))

Yu Sui said no.

What was there to miss? Did he miss him calling him ge? Did he miss him pouring hot water for him?

But Yu Sui had been lying.

Although the time hed had with Shi Luo was short and there had been a lot of external pains, but that time was indeed the most beautiful period in Yu Suis career.

Zhou Huo didnt know what Yu Sui was thinking, but his hopes had been rekindled. He was eager to give it a try. How are you planning to fix it? And up to what point will you fix it?

Yu Sui looked quietly at his computer screen and said after a while, Well fix it up til whatever point he wishes it.

Zhou Huo choked.

This was too ambiguous.

Especially since Zhou Huo was well aware of Yu Suis inclination.

But if the relationship wasnt going to remain in a deadlock, that was a lot of pressure off Zhou Huo as a manager. He sighed. Well let things online stew for a while. In any case, with or without the live broadcast, you were bound to become a hot topic online anyway.

By the way, Old Qiao contacted me today. He just added me as a friend. I havent added Puppy yet. Send me his account.

After agreeing, Yu Sui hung up the phone.

Yu Sui sent Puppys account to Zhou Huo. Not long after, his mobile phone buzzed.

Zhou Huo pulled them into a group. He himself, Old Qiao, Yu Sui, Chen Huo and Puppy, all five of them.

The qualifiers are coming, Zhou Huo may have wanted to create a loving and peaceful environment for everyone. Even the group name was very unconventional: A whole family on friendly terms.

Yu Sui stared at the group name and for a second he thought hed been pulled into a group chat with his distant relatives.

Yu Suis mobile phone suddenly burst into a frenzy as Chen Huo fired off several messages.

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Whisper! Come out for Laozi! ah ah ah ah ah Im gonna kill you! !

! ! ! ]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [@Whisper, @Whisper, @Whisper! ! ! ]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Come out! come out! ! !


Yu Sui typed.

[Whisper]: [? ]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Video link. ]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [*Smile.* May I ask, who was it that was using this account?]

The video link Chen Huo sent was of Yu Sui and Shi Luos live broadcast just now. Suddenly, Yu Sui wanted to withdraw from the group.

After three minutes.

[Puppy]: [I just finished watching the video. Was Yu Suis account hacked? ]

[CoachOld Qiao]: [I saw the video. Did someone steal Yu Suis account?]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Obviously not. ]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Yu Shen, what do you want to say to your brothers who have been fighting by your side for several years? Is there anything youd like to clarify? ]

In the face of irrefutable evidence, what was there to clarify? Yu Sui typed: [That was me. ]

[Puppy]: [I am slowly typing out a small question mark.]

[Old Qiao]: [... I dont know how to feel about this. ]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [*Smile, smile, smile.*]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Yu Shen, it hasnt been easy on you. Youve been hiding it so well for so many years! Turns out you can actually play as a milktank! ]

[Puppy]: [+1, I learned today that my medic could play as a milktank all along.]

[Old Qiao]: [...]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [The mic is all yours, Old Qiao. You and Yu Sui have been on the same team for the longest time, please open your mic. ]

[Old Qiao]: [When Yu Sui first joined the team, I asked him once if he could play a traditional medic. ]

[Old Qiao]: [Yu Sui said no. ]

[Old Qiao]: [He even said that if he were to play as a traditional medic, his play would be an eyesore. It would cause peoples eyes to sting.]

[Old Qiao]: [At that time, everyone was very young. And very simple. He said so and I believed him.]

Yu Sui typed. [Its not as good as my assassin-type play. Am I wrong? ]

[Old Qiao]: [Its not as good, but is that what youd call an eyesore? As something that would cause peoples eyes to sting?]

[Old Qiao]: [Was I not worth it?]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Was I not worth it?]

[Puppy]: [Was I not worth it?]

[Whisper]: [...]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Do you know how I found out about this? Because Yu Shi and Shi Luos fans have decided theyve sprayed each other enough and have called for a retreat. I dont know which big brother was so considerate that suggested theyve insulted each other enough.

Afterwards, all these brothers sent out a wave of #WefeelSorryforChenHuo and went to sleep. ]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [They all responded en masse. These brothers went to my Weibo and they each left a comment We feel sorry for Chen Huo. Theyve already posted 20,000 comments.]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Thank you, thank you to the two great immortals for pulling me along into the hot search in the middle of their fight.]

[Puppy]: [Well, Im satisfied with my lot. No one thought to be distressed for me. When your popularitys low, you dont get any rights. Im happy.]

[Old Qiao]: [... I can comment you one.]

[Puppy]: [Nah, no need for that. It looks even lonelier when theres just one. Better none at all.]

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [The more I watch this video, the more irritating it is. Whisper, tell me, is playing a wet nurse fun? Does it make you happy?]

Yu Sui moved his neck around and typed: [Fun, my ass. Ive never played like this. I couldnt kill anyone. I had to hide and not get in anyones way.

I have no idea how Angel Sword has put up with this all these years. ]

The moment before Yu Sui pressed send, Zhou Huo, who had just been talking to Shi Luo on the phone, also pulled Shi Luo into the group.

The first message that Shi Luo saw upon entering the group was Yu Suis.

[Evil]: [...]

Yu Sui stared silently at the group chat. He wanted to ask God just how much evil had he done in his last life to deserve this.

Its all a fuss about nothing. Even if hed did something wrong during his young and frivolous years, did life have to be this hard on him?

Chen Huo was heartless in his simple-mindedness. Seeing that the other party to his misery had arrived, he said, tone dripping acid,

[Handsome Chen Huo]: [Evil, Yu Sui served as your milktank. Was it fun? Are you happy?]

After a while, [Evil]: [Just so-so.]

The corner of Yu Suis mouth ticked up slightly.

He sent a personal message to Chen Huo.

Send the groups entire chat record to Shi Luo.

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