Chapter 19

In front of the college entrance exams, all people were equal.

While rookie player Luo, endured humiliation and answered the language test, Yu Sui and Ji Yanhan were unable to break away from convention. They, like so many of the candidates parents, anxiously couldnt bring themselves to leave the examination site.

Instead, they endured the summer heat, waiting eagerly and anxiously outside, together with the candidate in spirit.

Of course, the two of them though, were inside the car. They lay the car seats flat, using the cushion as pillows with the air-conditioning at full blast and with drinks in hand. The summer heat couldnt get at them inside.

Ji Yanhan took a sip of his cola and looked outside the window, feeling absolutely stupid. Do we really have to wait here?

Of course. Yu Sui lay down. He put on his sunglasses and looked at his mobile phone. What if that little bastard suddenly comes out and were not here?

Ji Yanhan shook his head. I was looking at the examination room instructions while I was waiting for you. It seems you cant submit your paper even if you finish earlier ...

Theres always a what if in every situation. What if he pretend to be ill? Yu Sui lazily said, If he really ran away, who would take the next three exams for him?

After thinking awhile, Ji Yanhan agreed. He squinted as he took a look at Yu Suis phone interface. He moved closer and frowned. Are you still taking selfies?

No. Yu Sui took off his sunglasses and directed a business smile to his phone. Theres no training today so I thought Id do an outdoor live broadcast for everyone. Ji Shen is also here too. Captain, say hello!

Ji Yanhan: ...

Ji Yanhan simply collapsed. Cant you read the mood? That little whelp is inside right now preparing to come out and chop you down. And you still felt like doing a live broadcast?

Whats the difference between you and those who do live broadcasts of their familys funeral arrangements?

Whats wrong with me doing a college entrance exam live broadcast? Yu Sui urged. Hurry up! I still have 20 hours of live broadcast this month. Today, Im going to knock off at least 10 hours.

Ji Yanhan was left with no choice but to go along with it. He reluctantly smiled and made a peace sign with Yu Sui. He greeted the fans and hurriedly put on his glasses, embarrassed.

Yu Sui didnt feel there was anything embarrassing about this. Everyone here was bored. So what if he opened a live broadcast?

What are we doing out here? Sending Luo to take the exam, yup, the college entrance exam. Yu Sui stretched his legs, exuding a sense of healthy vitality, The holy light of compulsory education shines equally on every student including our e-sports players.

Of course, Luo is taking the exam willingly. Why wouldnt he? The college entrance exam is such a good thing, of course, he wanted to take it. When he went into the venue, his face was radiating with gratitude.

He even gave us a deep bow.

Chop me down? You guys heard wrong. Ji Shen was joking. Luo is very grateful that his alma mater hadnt given up on him and gave him this valuable opportunity to take the college entrance examination.

He also cherishes this opportunity very much. Its true. Im not lying to you. Why dont you believe me?

Why are you all saying I havent spoken a word of truth?

I dont know if hell do well on the exams or not...

Yu Sui suddenly thought of something. He asked Ji Yanhan, Can you have them hurry up a bit? Get them to quickly finalize Luos live broadcast contract? How about for his first live broadcast, he does a college entrance exam score reveal?

It will be exciting and a nice surprise.

A college entrance exam scores reveal... Ji Yanhan looked at Yu Sui, at a loss for words. He might as well smash the pot since its already cracked. Why dont I have the publicity department fly over here now? They can shoot him through the entire process.

Later, they can edit a college entrance examination documentary. What do you think? Will Shi Luo smash up our base?

This really was possible. Yu Sui could only regretfully give up.

Yu Sui continued to tease the fans. He was a very talkative person. He didnt need to interact with the chat. He could talk to the mobile phone without feeling the slightest bit awkward.

He could happily amuse himself with talking for a long time. In the time they were waiting for Shi Luo to come out, at first, Yu Sui was in high spirits as he held the phone and chatted; then, he half-leaned, half-lay down as he gossiped idly with the viewers.

And after another hour, Yu Sui gave an apologetic smile and said, This wont do. I didnt eat this morning. I think my blood sugars a little low so thats it for today.

Yu Suis lips were pale. The fans too felt that he didnt look quite right and so they asked him to quickly eat something. Yu Sui hurriedly closed the live broadcast.

Putting the mobile phone aside, Yu Sui quickly pushed open the car door and rushed to the side of the road to retch into a garbage can.

Ji Yanhan, who was in the car, took off his sunglasses and took a bottle of mineral water as he too got off the car.

The doctor told you already. You have to pay attention to rest. You probably hurt your stomach because you havent rested all night. Ji Yanhan frowned. How come you didnt vomit out anything?

Didnt you eat anything at all this morning?

Yu Sui rinsed his mouth and rubbed his cramping stomach. He gave a pained smile. Eat? I didnt dare to delay even a second and we still almost got here late.

Thats why I said before that you should just take a plane or the high-speed rail. But you insisted on driving over here. Ji Yanhan couldnt understand. Who could stand driving the whole night after having playing just played in a match?

Yu Sui drank a couple mouthfuls of water. If we took the plane ... Hed know what was going on as soon as he saw the destination on the ticket. You think hed go with me then?

I wouldnt be able to catch him if he tried to run at the airport. Itd be even more troublesome.

Ji Yanhan frowned. Arent you a little too nice to him?

Yu Sui wiped the water from his chin with the back of his hand. Hes a devil of my own making ... Lets not talk about this anymore.

Ji Yanhan was helpless. He said, Then what should we do about you? Should we buy some medicine for you around here? What medicine should I buy?

Is indigo woad root ok?

Indigo woad root cant do shit... Yu Sui said, half-dead, Its no use taking medicine. Just give me a cup of hot water.

Ji Yanhan said, Okay, you get in the car first. Ill get you something hot for you at the convenience store.

Yu Zheng nodded and got into the car, mineral water bottle in hand.

Not long after, Ji Yanhan brought some hot soup from a convenience store and got in the car. They didnt have much so youll just have to make do with drinking a bit of this.

Yu Sui wasnt picky. He drank the soup slowly and said much more easily, Much better.

Ji Yanhan looked at Yu Sui, and after a moment, said, How about you slowly retire, and then ...

Yu Sui felt a headache coming on. Here we go again. Who doesnt have any stomach problems? Weve had it checked before.

Its just a small problem. Do you have to go that far?

Ji Yanhan continued, Its okay to be unwilling to manage the club. These can all be learned slowly. When I first formed the team, I was completely blind to everything. Later, when I started the company, I was caught even more unprepared.

Fortunately, Minmin and her father were there to help. ... Lets not talk about this. Every time I mention it, you dont listen.

Some things havent been explained clearly. Im not asking you to work as my assistant.

Isnt it your birthday next month? Ji Yanhan smiled generously. How about I give you the entire FS Club was your birthday present?

Yu Sui didnt even have to think. I dont want it.

Ji Yanhan sat in his seat, paralyzed with exhaustion. Im not kidding. Im giving it to you. I really dont want to manage it anymore.

Id feel distressed giving it someone else. It would be better if I left it to you.

Yu Sui shook his head: Its impossible. There are a lot of good managers out there. Look for one yourself.

Ji Yanhan was left with no choice. Why are you so stubborn about this? Did you close the broadcast already?

Yu Sui glanced at his phone and nodded. Its closed.

Ji Yanhan talked more freely. You can only play pro for a few years. Youre not worrying about it now. You feel like you can play for another ten years.

I thought so too back then. But what was the result? OK, fine. Even if you could play for another ten years.

Ji Yanhan looked at Yu Sui with a serious expression on his face. What will you do in ten years? Have you thought about it? Good timing.

We both have a lot of time these next two days. Tell me what you think.

Yu Sui looked at Ji Yanhan like hed gone crazy. Have you been attending too many meetings lately? Really, the last person who talked to me like this was my high school counselor ...

Im passing on to you my precious life experiences right now! Ji Yanhan was helpless, Im not older than you by eight years for nothing, okay? If theres something you didnt think of, I can think it over for you. You shouldnt just think about training and competing all day long.

You have to plan for your own future.

Yu Sui said indifferently, Ive already thought about it.

Ji Yanhan said, Then you tell me about it.

Yu Sui smiled and said nothing.

Ji Yanhan said angrily, You just cant recognize others good intentions!

Yu Sui smiled, Okay, Sister Minmin has always disliked me because of the penalty fee from back then. After two long years, shes finally a little happy with me. Please stop trying to ruin our hard earned friendship, alright?

Its unlucky enough for her that shes fallen for you, standing by you for so many years. Dont do anything unnecessary.

Ji Yanhan was left with no choice and could only set aside this matter once again.

During their conversation, more and more people gradually gathered outside. Yu Sui looked out the window of the car and his eyes brightened, Are they coming out soon? Come on, come on. We have to be there to welcome him.

Ji Yanhan sighed and followed Yu Sui out of the car. He opened the back compartment and took out two bunches of flowers.

Yu Sui took one of the flowers from Ji Yanhan. He frowned, and cautiously expressed his doubts. This type of hydrangea seems to be used on a specific occasion ...

Ji Yanhan looked uncertainly at the flower in his hand. Is that right? I dont understand things like these. Didnt you tell me to buy the most expensive one?

Its that expensive! One bunch for two thousand yuan!

Its fine. Yu Sui himself wasnt quite sure himself. Maybe I guessed wrong. Hold it tight.

Yu Sui and Ji Yanhan stood side by side. Five minutes later, Shi Luo, surrounded by a vicious aura, walked out of the examination site. He was like the sun-shooting Houyi, like a warrior coming out of purgatory, his body emanating monstrous raging fires.

Yu Sui faintly sucked in a breath. He handed the brides hand bouquet to Shi Luo. He appeased him quietly, We have no experience with this kind of thing. I think the other parents are holding up sunflowers to symbolize besting the exam in one take...

Youll just have to make do with these.

Ji Yanhan also handed the brides bouquet in his hand to Shi Luo. Tomorrow, we will also hold sunflowers.

Shi Luo was so angry that he couldnt speak. He even thought of turning right back around and going back to the exam room.

Lets go get something to eat. You can take a noon break. Yu Sui urged Shi Luo to get in the car. Its too hot out here.

Shi Luo was flushed with anger. He stiffly got in the car. He sat by himself and closed himself off, refusing to talk to Yu Sui.

Hey... whats with this? You think I didnt earn as much as you do when I took the exam? Yu Sui held back from smiling. But unlike you, I never told them my annual salary was in the millions and I still took the exam.

Shi Luo ignored Yu Sui.

Are you really angry? Yu Sui smiled. Or are you angry because we werent holding sunflowers for you?

Shi Luo was so angry he was about to let out steam and he still didnt speak.

However, this just reminded Yu Sui of something. Yu Sui said, Or we could hold up a banner for you this afternoon. Is there still time?

Ji Yanhan, who was driving, tilted his head and asked, A banner? What would we write on it? A warm welcome for FS substitute player Luo to the exam venue?

Why do you have to emphasize substitute player? Yu Sui shook his head. Forget it, a big banner would be too ostentatious. Did you bring any of the staff with you? Lets just hold up some hand signs.

Having a small group of supporters should be fine.

Ji Yanhan was still more concerned about the content. What would we write on the signs?

Chck out ltst vl on n/o/v/l/bin(.)c//m

Yu Sui thought for a moment: Take the test one time, get happiness for a lifetime.

Shi Luo: ...

Ji Yanhan readily followed good advice. That can work. But it would be best if we come out with something a bit different.

Thats easy. Yu Sui put on his sunglasses and leaned back against his seat. This tests my b*tch, this will go off without a hitch.

Yu Sui came up with another one, Test and write, get life right.

Yu Sui was simply bursting with ideas. Ones exam story, the whole teams glory.

Yu ... Sui ... Shi Luo finally spoke, and he was practically grinding his teeth. One more word and ... Ill jump out of this car ...

Yu Sui got a stomachache with how hard he tried to stop himself from laughing. He waved and gestured for Shi Luo to take a quick rest.


Translators note:

I had to get creative with Yu Suis suggestions for the content of the hand signs. In Chinese they sound great, very rhythmic and it just wouldnt convey the same feel if I just translated them literally. Please forgive my weak rhyming sense. orz

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