Floating Island - Triple S Talent

Chapter 153: Healing Orb

Inside the spacious and futuristic elevator, Lein and Mr. Darso chatted casually while waiting for the lift to reach their designated floor. The atmosphere inside was comfortable, with soft lighting and an elegant interior design, reflecting the advanced technology of Pertiwi Hospital.

"Mr. Darso, what do you think about the impact of the system in this realm on our medical skills, we humans from Earth?" Lein asked in a relaxed tone, but his curiosity was evidt. As someone in a high position, he wanted to understand the perspective of a specialist like Mr. Darso regarding the system's influce on the medical field.

Hearing the question, Mr. Darso took a deep breath, seemingly gathering his thoughts before answering. His face displayed a mix of seriousness and awe. "Honestly, the system has had a tremdous impact, Mr. Lein," he answered firmly.

He continued with a deeper tone, "By utilizing the system and the ergy prest in this realm, we are able to perform many medical actions that we could only dream of back on Earth. There were so many limitations there, whereas here, those boundaries seem to have vanished."

Lein listed atttively, realizing he was hearing valuable insights from a professional in his field.

"For example," Mr. Darso continued, "wh we conducted internal organ examinations on Earth, we could only rely on technologies like electromagnetic waves and X-rays. While useful, the results were oft unclear and lacked sufficit detail.

But here, with the ergy available in this realm combined with our system, we can view the internal structures of human organs very clearly, down to the smallest cells."

Mr. Darso's voice carried a deep emotion. As a doctor, he had a great passion for saving lives, and for him, moving to this divine realm was the realization of his dream. In this place, his desire to provide better medical care than ever available on Earth had become a reality.

Lein could feel the hidd emotions behind Mr. Darso's words. A deep longing to do more, to save more lives, was evidt in every word he spoke.

The two exchanged a glance, briefly connected in a shared understanding of how crucial this technology was for the survival of humanity in this new realm.

Their conversation was interrupted wh the elevator door's display showed the number 5.


Lein and Mr. Darso stepped out of the elevator and were greeted by the sight of the 5th floor, which was just as magnifict as the floors below.

Lein noticed a large scre hanging from the ceiling, broadcasting important information easily accessible to anyone. Soft, comfortable lighting filled the tire room, while assistant robots were visible at every corner of the floor, ready to offer help. The efficit and tidy reception desk looked busy attding to patits, a routine activity on every floor of this hospital.

However, there was something differt on this floor. Lein noticed the slightly anxious faces of patits waiting. This was not surprising, as the 5th floor was where surgeries and in-depth examinations were performed. For those expericing these procedures for the first time, anxiety was understandable.

"This is the 5th floor, Mr. Lein. The floor where critical medical actions are tak," Mr. Darso explained patitly.

Lein nodded, understanding the situation. His eyes were drawn to a few unique-looking doors on this floor. The doors were shaped like a plus sign (+) with a bright gre sprout logo. Lein quickly realized that these were the doors to the operating rooms.

"Come, Mr. Lein," said Mr. Darso, guiding Lein toward one of the operating rooms.

In front of the door, Lein saw a device with several buttons and a scre that looked futuristic. Mr. Darso had to press a few buttons and undergo a retina scan to op the door.

[Retina scan in progress, please do not move.]

A mechanical voice was heard, providing clear instructions. Lein observed calmly, waiting for Mr. Darso to complete the verification.

[Idtity verified, welcome, Doctor Darso.]

After the mechanical voice ceased, the door slowly oped, emitting a bright light that momtarily obscured the view from outside.

"Let's go in, Mr. Lein," invited Mr. Darso as he stepped into the room.

Lein followed Mr. Darso into the operation area, a vast room radiating an aura of futurism and extraordinary sophistication.

Soft blue light emitted from various medical devices placed a the room, creating a calm yet technologically advanced atmosphere.

The room was filled with several transpart orbs about 3x3 meters in diameter, evly spread out. Each orb seemed to float above a platform that appeared disconnected from the floor, creating a mysterious floating ssation. Inside the orbs, Lein could see patits being examined by doctors using advanced equipmt in front of their computers.

However, what surprised Lein at this momt was the strange and unusual description displayed on the device in front of him.

[Healing Orb]

- Energy: ,000

- Purity: low

- Level: basic

- Creator: Blue Planet Human Race

- (Observation) Conducts basic-level observation of living beings within its realm. Observation results depd on the ergy purity level.

"Creator? Blue Planet Humans?" Lein muttered in confusion. He th recalled that Nita had once informed him about this—that some scitists working at Origin Laboratory had created items that could integrate with the system.

However, since he was still in another realm earning contribution points at the time, Lein had to postpone visiting. His next plan was to visit the Origin Laboratory; he couldn't wait any longer. Right now, he was ev seeing the items they had made firsthand.

Although filled with many questions, Lein set them aside for now and continued to observe the operating room situation.

"This is our operation area, Mr. Lein," Mr. Darso began his explanation with a proud tone. "The transpart orbs you see here are our most advanced diagnostic tools. Patits ter them, and the attding doctor conducts a thorough observation using real-time statistical data collected by the advanced computers in front of them.

This data includes all kinds of information, from heart rate, blood pressure, and oxyg levels to DNA analysis."

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