Finest Servant

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Chapter 393 "Madam Lin"

Blast the mountain? Fairy Sister looked towards the cave in the mountainside, her eyebrows slightly furrowed: "No wonder they've hidden so well. So this is their wicked scheme. All they need to do is bury the gunpowder in the belly of the mountain, and ignite the fuse when the silver cart happens to pass by on the official road. Then there will be a landslide and the sky will change color. Let alone the silver, not many people would survive. This is indeed a brilliant move. I wonder how much gunpowder they have?"

"I'm afraid it's not a small amount!" Lin Wanrong sighed, with a bitter smile: "I made such a big noise in Jining to get the silver, yet these thieves made no sound. I've felt something was strange for a while, but I never expected that they would come up with such a wicked plan. No wonder they can keep their composure. With these few days' effort, they can get as much gunpowder as they want. What's blowing up a mountain cliff to them?"

Ning Yuxi knew that bandits were hiding on the other side, but she never thought they would be so malicious. If they hadn't discovered it in time, tens of thousands of government troops and more than three hundred thousand taels of silver would have been destroyed at once. The thought alone made her somewhat fearful.

"Fairy Sister, do you know how many people are hiding in that cave?" Lin Wanrong asked softly, looking at the cave entrance.

"They are highly vigilant, and the cave has only one entrance, so I can't investigate. But judging by the size of the entrance, if they have indeed hidden gunpowder inside, it can't conceal many people, no more than twenty or so," Ning Yuxi said calmly, her face full of confidence.

Lin Wanrong looked intently for a while; the cliff walls were steep, hard to climb. The cave was on the cliff, a natural barrier, easy to defend and hard to attack, giving off a "one man holds the pass, ten thousand are unable to advance" stance! If the government troops were to attack, success would be unlikely, and it might force the bandits into desperate actions, igniting the fuse. Even if no one was hurt, if the mountain was blown up, it would block the way forward, greatly delaying the progress of the march, something no one wanted to see.

Seeing Master Lin looking around suspiciously, Ning Yuxi gave him a puzzled glance and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"People!" Lin Wanrong said seriously: "Since they are ready and waiting for us to arrive, there should be spies nearby. Fairy Sister, have you seen any?"

Ning Yuxi laughed, "Look at you, usually so clever, how can you be so confused now? Before the government troops arrived, they naturally sent out spies to gather information. But now that tens of thousands of your soldiers have arrived at the mountain, everything is clear. All sides are surrounded by your scouts, carefully searching. Why would they come out now? Besides, it's stormy out there; hiding in the cave is both safe and comfortable. When the day breaks and your scouts retreat, they can come out to observe the situation then."

Lin Wanrong lightly clapped his hands, chuckling: "Sister Ning, your analysis is utterly thorough. If it weren't for you saving my life tonight, I would definitely think you were on the bandits' side."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who has colluded with them?" Ning Yuxi's eyebrows raised, and a touch of pride appeared on her face. "Twenty years ago, I assisted the Emperor in defeating Prince Cheng. Is there anything in this world that my 'Jade Virtue Fairy Hall' cannot do?"

‘If the Emperor doesn't put an end to your Hall with such arrogant attitudes, that would be strange indeed.’ Seeing Ning Yuxi brimming with confidence, Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "Of course you're not with the bandits. You and I are a family."

Knowing Lin San's character, that he was a relentless, indestructible charlatan, Ning Yuxi chose not to argue with him. Pretending not to hear his words, she snorted and said, "The dawn is only two hours away, and the army will have to take this official road. You seem so relaxed now. Have you come up with a plan to defeat the enemy?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "I haven't thought of anything yet, but being able to detect the enemy's plot in advance is a reason to be happy. The rest, we'll talk about it when we get back."

Hearing his tone, as if he was about to descend the mountain, Ning Yuxi glanced once more at the opposite cave, flicked her long sleeves, and turned to leave. Lin Wanrong grabbed her sleeve, "Hey, Fairy Sister, it's dark and blind out here, aren't you leaving me alone here? To play and then cast aside, you are too heartless!"

Ning Yuxi's expression turned angry, and she snapped, "What are you talking nonsense about? What 'play and cast aside'?"

"Is it 'play and not cast aside' then?" Gripping her sleeve tightly and refusing to let go, Lin San grinned mischievously and drew out a long "oh": "Sister, you are indeed sentimental and righteous. Your little brother is so grateful, I'm almost bursting with it. Since we went up the mountain together, naturally we should come down together!"

How could anyone be so shameless? Was this even a human being? Ning Yuxi sighed helplessly, pointed to the distant lights, and calmly said, "It's not that I won't escort you down the mountain, but that your troops are coming for you."

Following her direction, Lin Wanrong saw the distant torches, numerous in number, and heard the clashing of armor and swords. His spirits lifted, "It's Hu Bugui's two thousand soldiers. Old Hu is really slow; I'm already at the top of the mountain, and he's still on the mountainside!"

He already got the information, so he didn't understand the lack of it in others. With Hu Bugui's pace, to search through the hills in the wind and rain, arriving here at this late hour was already incredibly fast. If it weren't for Ning Yuxi's assistance, Lin San might not have reached the summit until the next evening.

Seeing Lin Wanrong striding down the mountain, Hu Bugui was momentarily stunned. He hurried to greet him, his face full of admiration, "The General is indeed extraordinary, able to arrive first even when starting late. I admire you greatly. Oh, who is this?" Looking at Ning Yuxi, standing beside General Lin without speaking or smiling, Hu Bugui's eyes widened in astonishment. Was there really such a beautiful woman in the world? Old Hu felt he had wasted his life.

Lin Wanrong, smiling, put his arm around Hu Bugui's shoulder and whispered, "Who is she? Ah, I can't go into too much detail. Anyway, Brother Hu, you know in your heart. I'm really not that romantic."

"Understood, understood." Hu Bugui couldn't help but chuckle, giving Lin Wanrong a thumbs up. General Lin was too extraordinary; every woman by his side was incredibly beautiful, each one more attractive than the next, making others green with envy.

"Brother Hu, have you found those brothers responsible for setting off the fireworks?" Lin Wanrong laughed for a while, then remembered what had been on his mind and asked.

Hu Bugui shook his head: "Of the more than ten scout teams we sent out, except for two that have not reported back, all the others have returned. Along the way, we discovered some traces they left behind. But those marks were faint and intermittent, as if someone had deliberately erased them. We looked for a long time, but lost their trail here."

Ning Yuxi nodded, her expression indifferent: "That must be it. Those two scout teams must have searched up to this point and been silenced, their bodies probably nowhere to be found."

"Madam, is this really true?" Hu Bugui's face showed horror. "Does that mean the bandits are nearby?"

"What did you say? What 'Madam'?" Ning Yuxi's soft and beautiful face suddenly turned ice-cold, like a gorgeous peony covered in a blizzard, sending chills down one's spine.

"You're General Lin's wife, aren't you?" Hu Bugui, a straightforward man, said carelessly: "Every woman with General Lin ends up as Madam Lin, don't they?"

"Damn!" Ning Yuxi lightly scolded, a flash of cold light in her hand, a small sword sliding out of her sleeve, swiftly aiming for Hu Bugui's neck.

Although Hu Bugui was a brave general on the battlefield, compared to Ning, he was far outmatched. Seeing this "Madam Lin" unsheathing her sword without a word, he had not even finished blinking when the sharp blade was already in front of him, as fast as lightning.

Lin Wanrong was prepared and quickly stepped in front of Hu Bugui, embracing his shoulder and laughing: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. Fairy Sister and I are just ordinary friends, nothing more than sharing meals and stargazing, really very pure. Brother Hu, don't overthink it."

Seeing Lin San block Hu Bugui, Ning Yuxi had no choice but to divert her sword's edge. The long sword brushed past his ear with a whoosh, and she snorted in annoyance, falling silent.

Hu Bugui nodded, thinking that this Madam Lin had quite a fiery temper. He wondered how General Lin managed to tolerate it, suggesting that he should find a gentle wife like Miss Luo.

Lin Wanrong explained to Hu Bugui what he had seen earlier. Hu Bugui was startled and exclaimed: "Blowing up the mountain? Damn, have these bastards gone mad? General, I volunteer to take three hundred suicide troops to seize that cave."

Lin Wanrong shook his head, pacing back and forth: "Brother Hu, we must not act rashly. The terrain there is treacherous. If they hold the cave's entrance, an attack by even tens of thousands would be ineffective. Moreover, the cave is filled with a massive amount of gunpowder. A slight mishap could lead to utter ruin. We must discuss this carefully; it requires a strategy, not brute force."

These words were true. If the cave were really filled with gunpowder, not just ten thousand, but a hundred thousand soldiers would be finished. Hu Bugui reluctantly said: "If we don't attack, do we just let them light the gunpowder and blow up the mountain? In that case, wouldn't all the silver be stuck here, unable to move? The imperial court's two hundred thousand troops fighting against the northern nomads are all waiting for this silver."

Pressure, that's what it was! Lin Wanrong's brows were tightly furrowed as he slowly treaded the mountainside, fine rain soaking his clothes. He was so preoccupied that he didn't even notice his feet stepping into the muddy water.

Hu Bugui, who had followed Lin Wanrong for quite some time, knew that he was thinking of a plan, so he could only anxiously watch him, not daring to make a sound. Ning Yuxi looked as usual, her eyes slightly moving, and her gaze fell on Lin Wanrong as well.

After a long consideration, Lin Wanrong suddenly let out a long sigh and then burst into hearty laughter. "Brother Hu, do you think I'm a hero?"

Where did that come from? Old Hu was momentarily stunned before quickly reacting, loudly responding, "If General Lin is not a hero, who in the world could deserve such a title?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled and slowly shook his head, "Brother Hu, I'm not as noble as you think. I'm just an ordinary person, equally afraid of death, but I've been just a bit luckier."

Hu Bugui stared at him blankly, not understanding the meaning of General Lin's words. Lin Wanrong sighed heavily, helplessly saying, "But this time, I'm afraid I really have to play the hero!" He glanced at Ning Yuxi, who hummed softly, "Don't look to me for help; I've already said that my duty is only to protect your safety. I won't be involved in anything else."

"As long as you promise that, it will be enough," Lin Wanrong nodded, whispering a few instructions into Hu Bugui's ear. Hu Bugui turned pale with shock: "How can this be possible? General, let me go instead!"

Lin Wanrong's face revealed a bitter smile as he patted Hu Bugui's shoulder, "Brother Hu, do you think I want to play this damned hero? Nonsense! I have more than a dozen beautiful and spirited wives waiting for me at home. Who would want to lose their life here? But if I don't go, who will? Brother Hu, are you sure you can quickly and safely deal with those bandits in the cave?"

Hu Bugui hesitated for a moment, then shook his head reluctantly, "I'm not sure, but do you?"

"I certainly don't," General Lin said with a mysterious smile, his eyes glancing at Ning Yuxi. He lowered his voice, "But someone can. If I go, she has to go. Sigh, being a pair of fated lovers with this sister, I'll just have to endure it."

Hu Bugui seemed to understand but not quite, and Lin Wanrong didn't explain further. He ordered, "Brother Hu, later you'll take the men to the cliff top and make some noise to scare those bandits. Come back down at the fourth watch. Then hide in secret, monitoring the situation in that cave. If they send out scouts to the cliff, report to me immediately. There can be no mistakes."

Hu Bugui still wanted to say something, but Lin Wanrong coldly humphed, his face darkening, "Brother Hu, this is not the time for sentimentality. If you really care for me, take a few blows for me on the battlefield next time. Now, you must follow the military order."

Helplessly, Hu Bugui accepted the command and left. Lin Wanrong stood quietly, silent, lost in thought.

Ning Yuxi walked to his side, glanced at him, and said reflectively, "Sometimes I think you're very clever, but at other times, you seem both foolish and dull."

"Do I have a choice?" Lin Wanrong looked at her with a bitter smile, "If I send someone else, Fairy Sister, would you be willing to take this risk?"

Ning Yuxi firmly shook her head, "I have principles. What I promise, I will do. But I can't expand them indefinitely. The safety of your subordinates is not within my responsibility."

"That settles it then," Lin Wanrong helplessly spread his hands. "After all is said and done, I still have to go myself, right? Fairy Sister, you wouldn't really abandon me, would you? If that's the case, I definitely won't go. Damn it, my life is precious. I have to make money, chase women, and teach Ning'er how to play with flowers. There are so many meaningful things I haven't done yet, how can I waste my life here?"

His words were full of passion, but suddenly he realized that everything around him had fallen silent. Turning his head, he saw Fairy Ning standing quietly, her eyes flickering, as if thinking about something.

Master Lin was momentarily stunned, and a sudden anxiety welled up in his heart. His eyes widened as he asked, "Fairy Sister, you're not serious, are you? You've made a promise! Isn't your Hall known for its integrity and keeping its word?"

Ning Yuxi closed her eyes in contemplation, seemingly ignoring his words. After waiting a while with no response, Master Lin became furious. "Damn it, playing with me? Women can be relied upon as much as pigs can climb trees! Sending me to die, do you think I'm a fool?" He shouted, "Cancel the order! Old Hu, prepare the fastest horse for me. I have to leave! You're in charge here!"

Ning Yuxi let out a chuckle, covering her lips, "How can you be so shameless to speak such words?"

Her laughter transformed her demeanor from cold to warm, like a hundred flowers blooming in winter. Master Lin sighed in relief and said gratefully, "I knew you wouldn't abandon me. Fairy Sister, you are too kind. I can't repay you, so how about ten hugs? I promise I won't take advantage of you!"

Fairy Ning suppressed her laughter and glared at him, "It serves you right to be frightened! Otherwise, next time you'll be assigning me to pluck stars and gather the moon!"

"That would require your ability, Sister," Master Lin said, a flattering smile on his face, "Honestly, sending you to deal with these little thieves makes me feel guilty. Once this is settled, I'll treat you to something good, like a hundred strings of candied hawthorns at three pennies a string."

This man's change of face was faster than a child's. Ning Fairy was at a loss and could only shake her head and smile, "Save your candied hawthorns, do you take me for a three-year-old? Let me make it clear, I don't know the situation inside the cave. Whether it can be resolved smoothly, I can't say now. I can only do my best. You wait here for my news!"

"Okay, okay," Master Lin nodded eagerly like a pecking chicken, then suddenly widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief, "What did you say? Wait here for you? Fairy Sister, you don't want me to go?"

"What would you do there?" The fairy spoke indifferently, "You'd be in the way, less useful than a monkey's help."

Moved, Master Lin tightly grasped Fairy Ning's sleeve, wishing he could pledge himself to her. "Sister, you've worked hard. I'll make you some excellent crucian carp soup. When you return triumphantly, I'll feed it to you myself. But you must be careful; there are guards at the cave entrance, surely armed with crossbows. It would be best to find someone to distract them first. However, with Fairy Sister's superb skills, this small matter will surely not trouble you, and you will undoubtedly succeed with ease. I will wait here for your good news."

"Is that so?" Fairy Ning's eyes twinkled, "Now that you mention it, I do recall that cooperation is indeed needed. It seems that only you—"

"Old Hu, prepare the fastest horse for me. I have to leave—"

"They're coming out, they're coming out." Old Hu came running, panting, and cried out, "General Lin, the bandits' scout is coming out." No sooner had the words fallen than two figures flashed before his eyes, and "Madam Lin" and General Lin vanished like the wind, disappearing from sight.

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