Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Chapter 91: He Made Graduation

Chapter 91: He Made Graduation

The Knight mansion pulses with life, the air thick with the mingling scents of alcohol and excitement. The graduation party is in full swing, the rooms filled with laughter, music, and the low hum of countless conversations. I stand in the center of it all, my head spinning slightly from the sensory overload after weeks of relative isolation with Erica.

Across the room, I spot Rachel and Tara huddled together by the ornate bar. Rachel throws her head back in laughter, her slim fingers wrapped around a crystal tumbler filled with amber liquid.

My gaze drifts to a nearby corner where Nikki, Justine, and Irma are engaged in what appears to be an intense discussion on whether or not lava is wet. Nikki’s hands move animatedly as she speaks. Justine nods along leaning in close to her with a drink in her hand. Irma, for her part, seems to be in a world of her own, her eyes slightly unfocused as she nods sagely, clearly not paying any attention.

A flash of movement catches my eye, and I turn to see Louis and Skye locked in a passionate embrace near the doors leading to the garden. Louis’s hands are tangled under Skye’s ponytail while her fingers clutch at the back of his shirt.

On the plush leather couch across the room, our mothers are engaged in what can only be described as shameless flirting. Mom leans in close to Vivian, her hand resting casually on the other Vivian’s knee. Vivian’s blue eyes sparkle with amusement as she whispers something that makes my mom giggle like a schoolgirl. It’s an alarmingly common site in this house lately.

And then there’s Brooke. Listlessly standing by a corner as a floater. No drink in hand. She seems almost like a hawk watching everybody.

Erica’s hand on my back brings me back to the present moment. Her touch is gentle yet insistent, her fingers tracing soothing patterns along my spine. I turn to face her, taking in her worried expression. Her blue eyes search my face, filled with a mixture of love and concern.

“Are you sure you feel safe, Jason?” Erica asks, her voice low and urgent. Her gaze flicks around the room as if searching for hidden threats. “We can ask everyone to leave if it’s too much. Just say the word.”

I turn to face Erica fully, taking in the sight of her. Her blue eyes, so often fierce and protective, now shine with a warmth that makes my heart skip a beat.

“No, Erica,” I say , my voice barely audible over the hum of the party. “I feel good. I feel okay.” I pause, searching for the right words to express the complex swirl of emotions in my chest. “I’m happy. I finally feel ready to live my life again.”

Erica’s eyes widen slightly with anxiety. I continue, my words coming faster now, tumbling out in a rush of gratitude and love.

“I’m thankful to you for helping me get through this,” I say, squeezing her hand gently. “And I’m surprised you pushed me to get out of bed. I know how hard that must have been for you.”

Erica smiles softly, the expression transforming her face. It’s not her usual predatory grin or the sharp smirk she often wears. This smile is gentle and vulnerable.

“It wasn’t easy,” she admits, her voice low and intimate. “Fighting with the constant urge to just lock you up, especially with how easy you made it on me...” She trails off, shaking her head slightly. “But I knew you needed this. Needed to reclaim your life, your freedom.”

I take a long swig of my drink, savoring the cool burn of the alcohol as it slides down my throat. There’s only Erica, her blue eyes locked on mine, her presence both comforting and electrifying.

“Honestly though,” I say, my voice low and intimate, “if you did lock me up, I think that would be the happiest ending of all.”

A spark of mischief glitters in Erica’s eyes, a fleeting flash of desire and possessiveness that makes my heart race. But as quickly as it appears, it’s gone, replaced by a softer expression. She leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. Her arms wrap around me, pulling me into a tight, quick embrace.

As she pulls away, her hands linger on my arms, her touch both comforting and electrifying. “Don’t give me any ideas,” she says, her voice a mixture of amusement and something darker, more intense.

There’s a look in her eyes, a fleeting expression that tells me she’s definitely considered this before. I almost want to dare her to do it.


As the night wears on, I find myself nestled on one of the plush sofas in the living room, surrounded by familiar faces and the warm buzz of alcohol. Rachel, Vivian, and Mom are squeezed in beside me, their laughter ringing out over the low hum of the party. Even Brooke joined our little circle, perched somewhat awkwardly on the arm of the sofa but with a genuine smile on her face.

Erica sits before us. She’s in the middle of what can only be described as a masterclass in impersonation, her target none other than Brooke. I watch, mesmerized and more than a little tipsy, as Erica’s features seem to morph, taking on Brooke’s characteristic expressions with uncanny accuracy.

“Ugh, disgusting,” Erica sneers, her nose wrinkling in a perfect imitation of Brooke’s disdainful look. She sweeps her gaze across our group, her eyes narrowed in mock judgment. The resemblance is so spot-on that, for a moment, I almost forget it’s Erica standing there and not Brooke herself.

Rachel snorts into her drink, nearly choking on her laughter. Vivian pats her back, her own shoulders shaking with suppressed giggles. Mom is dying laughing.

Erica’s not done yet. She straightens up, adopting a haughty pose that’s pure Brooke. “Hey, look at me,” she announces in a nasally whine that’s eerily similar to Brooke’s voice. “I work at Princess Pizza. Would you like extra cheese with that?” She mimes, tossing a pizza, her movements exaggerated and comical.

‘She is so good at imitating her voice. It’s shocking. That bit, though… Not great.’

I can’t help it. A laugh bubbles up from deep in my chest, erupting from my lips in a loud guffaw. The room spins slightly as I throw my head back, overcome by the Erica’s impression. I reach for my drink, taking another long swig. The alcohol burns pleasantly as it slides down my throat, adding to the warm, fuzzy feeling enveloping me.

To my surprise, even Brooke is laughing. It’s a bit awkward and a touch self-conscious, but it’s genuine. Her cheeks are flushed, whether from embarrassment or amusement, I can’t quite tell. But there’s a glimmer in her eyes that tells me she’s not offended by Erica’s playful mockery.

“Oh my god,” Brooke manages between giggles, shaking her head. “I do not sound like that!”

Rachel, still breathless from laughter, manages to catch her breath enough to speak. “No, I mean, she’s dead on with the voice at least. Granted, you would never say some of these cringey lines.”

I nod vigorously, my head swimming slightly from the movement. “Here, here,” I agree, raising my glass in a toast.

As we all clink our glasses together in a cheerful “Cheers!” I can’t help but notice that Erica and Brooke seem to be abstaining from drinking. Brooke’s glass is filled with water, while Erica’s hand is empty, her focus entirely on me.

In this moment, surrounded by laughter and love, I feel an overwhelming surge of affection for Erica.

Without really thinking it through, I lunge forward, attempting to push Erica onto her back. My goal is to get our faces close together, to feel the warmth of her breath on my skin, to lose myself in the depths of her blue eyes. But in my inebriated state, I severely misjudge both my strength and Erica’s stability.

‘I want her right now.’

Erica doesn’t budge an inch. It’s like trying to push over a brick wall. She stands firm, her athletic frame easily absorbing my clumsy attempt. Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise, a look of confusion replacing her earlier smile.

“Woah, tiger,” she says, her voice a mixture of amusement and concern. “You okay?”

I lean in close to Erica, intending to whisper seductively in her ear. But the alcohol has loosened my inhibitions and dulled my volume control. What comes out instead is a low, guttural growl that reverberates through the room.

“I want to fuck.”

The words hang in the air for a split second before the room erupts in raucous laughter. I don’t even feel embarrassed. Why should I be for wanting to be with such a beauty?

Rachel is doubled over, tears streaming down her face as she cackles uncontrollably. Vivian’s shoulders shake as she tries to contain her giggles behind her hand.

“It’s only 6 PM!” Vivian manages to choke out between laughs, glancing at her watch. This sets off a fresh wave of laughter from the group.

Brooke shook her head, her eyes very dissatisfied with me.

“He really is like a dog with a bone,” Brooke remarks to Erica, her voice tinged with exasperation.

Erica meets Brooke’s gaze, a knowing look passing between them. “I told you,” she says with a shrug, as if this behavior is completely expected.

Erica turns her attention back to me. Her blue eyes are dark with barely concealed desire as she runs her fingers through my hair, nails scraping lightly against my scalp in a way that makes me shiver. The tender gesture is at odds with the hunger in her gaze. It’s clear she’s just as desperate to be alone with me as I am with her.

“Let’s go say hi to some friends first,” Erica suggests, her voice filled with reluctance. She leans in close, her lips brushing against my ear as she whispers, “Then maybe, if you’re good...”

“I’ll be the best.”


As Erica and I make our way across the room, the world sways gently around me, the alcohol in my system making everything feel slightly dreamlike.

We approach Louis and Skye, who are standing near one of the large bay windows overlooking the gardens.

“Louis!” I call out, my voice louder than intended, causing a few nearby partygoers to glance our way. “Thank you for coming on such late notice, man!”

Louis turns at the sound of my voice, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Dude,” Louis says as he pulls back, his green eyes sparkling with genuine happiness, “I’m just hyped to see my bro!” He holds out his fist, and I bump it with perhaps a bit more enthusiasm than necessary, nearly losing my balance in the process.

“For real,” I agree, nodding vigorously. The movement makes the room spin slightly, and I feel Erica’s steadying hand on my lower back, a silent reminder of her constant presence and support.

I turn to Skye, who’s watching our interaction, with an amused smile. “Hi, Skye.”

“Hi, Jason,” she replies, her voice warm and friendly.

“How’s dating going for you two lovebirds?” I ask.

Skye’s face lights up at the question, her grey eyes sparkling with excitement. An almost arrogant smile spreads across her face, transforming her usually serene expression into one of barely contained joy and pride. “Actually,” she says, drawing out the word for dramatic effect, “we’re engaged!”

My jaw drops, eyes widening in surprise. “Engaged?” I repeat, the word feeling strange on my tongue. “That’s amazing!”

Louis awkwardly holds up his hand, and I can’t help but stare at the glittering diamond ring adorning his finger. It’s a stunning piece of jewelry, a large, princess-cut diamond set in gold.

“Yeah,” Louis says awkwardly. He’s clearly uncomfortable being the center of attention, especially for something so traditionally feminine from our world. I can see the conflict in his eyes, a mixture of genuine happiness and lingering discomfort with the gender-reversed customs we’re both still adjusting to. “I, uh... I get to show it off by wearing it all the time.”

His tone is a valiant attempt at enthusiasm, but I can hear the underlying note of awkwardness.

Skye, oblivious to Louis’s internal struggle with wearing a diamond ring, beams with pride. Her grey eyes are alight with joy as she gazes at the ring on Louis’s finger. “It’s such a turn-on,” she purrs, her voice low and sultry. She runs her fingers along Louis’s arm possessively, and I see him shiver slightly at her touch.

“What a nice ring,” I say, trying not to snicker. “It really suits you, Louis.”

Louis’s grateful smile tells me he appreciates the effort. “Thanks, man,” he says, relaxing a bit. “It’s taking some getting used to, but... I’m happy, you know?”


[Erica’s POV]

As I watch Jason mingle with Louis and Skye, a warm feeling spreads through my chest. His laughter, slightly too loud from the alcohol, rings out across the room.

I’m so engrossed in watching Jason that I almost don’t notice Brooke approaching until she’s right beside me. We take a few steps back from the main group, creating a small bubble of privacy in the crowded room.

“You’re not drinking today either,” Brooke observes in a hushed tone. It’s not a question but a statement of fact.

I nod, my eyes never leaving Jason. “I’m playing defense,” I reply, my voice equally low. “I love to drink, but I love Jason’s safety a hell of a lot more.”

Brooke hums in agreement. “Same,” she says simply.

“If he wasn’t roofie-proof, I don’t even think I’d let him drink,” I admit. “But luckily, all that sleepy time tea I’ve been making him drink worked out.”

Brooke nods slowly, her brow furrowing as she processes my words. “It’s insane to give someone trace amounts of a roofie,” she says, her voice a mixture of disbelief and concern. “That’s... that’s not okay, Erica.”

[A/n: Taking trace amount of rohypnol will not give you resistance to the drug. Do not take rohypnol. Do not use the drugs on others.]

I turn to face her fully, my eyes meeting hers with unwavering intensity. “It’s not like I was doing it behind his back,” I reply, my tone defensive but firm. “And it was months before Tessa came into play. I was just being cautious.”

Brooke sighs heavily, her shoulders slumping in resignation. She runs a hand through her long brown hair, a gesture that speaks volumes about her inner turmoil. “But clearly, it worked out,” she admits reluctantly. Her eyes flick to Jason, who’s still engrossed in conversation with Louis and Skye, his cheeks flushed with alcohol and laughter. “I’m so happy to not find out how bad it could have been for him had he not been... roofie-proof.”

She says that last word like it’s an awful curse, her lips curling around it as if it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. The distaste in her voice is palpable, a stark contrast to the forced neutrality of her expression.

In front of us, a commotion catches my attention. Tara, her dark hair streaked with electric blue, is swaying slightly as she approaches Skye and Louis. Her eyes are unfocused, a telltale sign of her inebriated state. As she gets closer, a mischievous grin spreads across her face, her gaze fixed on the glittering ring adorning Louis’s finger.

“Hey,” Tara slurs, her voice carrying across the room with the unintentional volume of the very drunk. “Thanks for putting a wedding ring on my saddle. It’s very sexy stealing away someone else’s property and then making them squirm for me.”

The words hang in the air for a moment, heavy with implication. Louis’s face drains of color, his green eyes widening in shock and dismay. He shifts uncomfortably, his gaze darting between Skye and Tara as if searching for an escape route.

Skye’s reaction is immediate and fierce. Her grey eyes flash with anger, her entire body tensing like a coiled spring ready to snap. “I told you I don’t want to fucking talk about it,” she hisses through clenched teeth, her voice low and dangerous. The joy and pride that had radiated from her just moments ago has vanished, replaced by a cold fury that seems to lower the temperature of the entire room.

Jason, still caught in the warm haze of alcohol, is clearly loving the unfolding drama. His eyes are wide with excitement, darting between the three parties involved as if watching a particularly juicy soap opera. A grin spreads across his face, and he leans forward slightly, eager not to miss a single detail of the confrontation.

‘He’s probably internally monologuing about something dumb right now. That cute little idiot.’

But before the situation can escalate further, I step in. My eyes wide with anger, I bark at Tara, my voice cutting through the tension like a knife. “You want to die?” I growl, each word dripping with menace. “No starting shit on Jason’s big day.”

Tara’s bravado crumbles instantly under the weight of my glare. Her shoulders slump, and she seems to shrink in on herself, suddenly looking very small. “Sorry,” she mumbles meekly.

As I turn back to Jason, I’m struck by the intensity of his gaze. His hazel eyes are wide and wild, pupils dilated with a mixture of alcohol and desire. There’s something almost feral in the way he looks at me, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath.

Jason takes a stumbling step towards me, his movements uncoordinated but determined. “Umm,” he slurs, his voice husky and thick with want, “can we go make love now?” The words come out in a rush, barely coherent, but the meaning is crystal clear.

I feel a familiar heat pooling low in my cunt, my own desire rising to meet his. The air between us seems to crackle with electricity, the tension almost palpable. I can see the need written plainly across Jason’s face, in the way his hands twitch at his sides as if fighting the urge to reach for me.

Brooke, standing beside me, lets out a long-suffering sigh. She pinches the bridge of her nose, her eyes screwed shut as if warding off a headache. “Really?” she mutters under her breath, her tone filled with complete and utter resignation.

“Babe, it’s only been a half hour,” I say, aiming for a tone of reason but falling short as my voice cracks slightly on the last word.

‘Who am I kidding?’ I think to myself. ‘I don’t know why I’m even pretending.’

Without further hesitation, I reach out and grab Jason’s wrist. His skin is hot beneath my fingers, his pulse racing. I can feel the tremor that runs through him at my touch, see the way his eyes darken further with lust.

“Come on,” I say, my voice low and husky. “Let’s go have a quickie.” I let out a theatrical sigh as if this was some great inconvenience, but we both knew the truth. I’m about to fuck his brains out, and the thought alone is enough to make my knees weak.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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