Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Chapter 14: Elden Swing

Chapter 14: Elden Swing

“Yeah, if you go into the deep lore, you find out that Millicent is actually really into CNC.” My lesbian friend Justine spoke to me, practically foaming at the mouth with a need to info dump this on me.

I sat there, my mouth hanging open in disbelief. Justine was on one of her tangents again, her green eyes alight with glee as she insisted on the most blatant lie I’ve ever heard. “You’re kidding, right?” I managed to say, a chuckle escaping me despite my shock.

‘I was playing Elden Ring the other day, nothing seemed any different, but i never read the item descriptions. Did they really make Millicent into CNC? There’s no way right?’

“Dead serious,” she said, tossing her fiery red hair with a smirk, her voice filled with genuine fervor. “You thought I was all about Malenia, but nope, it’s Milicent now. A redhead into CNC. Fucking sign me up Jason. Lock that whore up and give me the key.”

I laughed, nervous for Justine’s soul. But on the flip side i’m pretty sure I’m in no place to judge.

“Are you two talking about Elden Ring.” A shy-looking girl with neon blue hair approached us. Her clothes seemed expensive.

“Yeah, do you play too?” I smiled at the girl, while staring at her. Confused i’d never seen in her in class before.

“Ahh, sorry. Lindsey Carter. Today is my first day,” She meekly spoke. “Yeah, I like it a lot.” She looked at me with her now widened brown eyes as if I was going to shoo her away. Most men in this world were like the snobby girls from my old world but on steroids. I hardly talk to them, but Erica said they’re basically all dramatic bitches.

I held out my hand to welcome another comrade in arms. Not many women want to talk about Elden Ring for some reason. “Jason Parker, its nice to meet you.”

Lindsey stared at my hand for a second. Then she looked in my eyes like i was trying to trap her. I tilted my head confused by her lack of decorum but maybe she’s just shy? Then suddenly she smiled wide and shook my hand with a great gusto. I laughed surprised.

Justine sat there a bit defensive but ultimately shook her hand too. “Justine. Who’s your best girl from Elden Ring.”

Lindsey seemed a bit confused. “Uhhh, Oh I don’t know they’re are just so many.” She seemed a bit cagey.

‘Maybe she felt like Justine was insinuating she was gay? I’m not really sure how Woke culture is here. I just know Erica is banned from Twitter. For what? God only knows.’

The bell rang and she waved good bye as she headed to the front of the class to meet with the teacher.

‘She seems nice enough i guess.’ As soon as she walks away I completely stop thinking about her.


The class was let out, and Justine and I left as usual. “Millicent’s sweaty CNC pussy kept me fucking wet during the entire class. I couldn’t even pay attention. I feel like she might even trump Michelle Obama for me.”

I start dying laughing and she followed suite. ‘I’m so happy Justin’s personalty hasn’t changed at all.’ It’s good to have someone the same across the two worlds.

As we continued down the hallway, our laughter created an echo against the walls, a bright contrast to the dimly lit corridor. That’s when Erica appeared, flanked by Tara and Nikki. Her beautiful, piercing blue eyes caught mine for a moment, but they narrowed as they shifted to Justine. A glare flickered across her face, a silent challenge thrown like a gauntlet.

‘I told Erica Justine is a lesbian, but she still seems apprehensive. But she said as long as she doesn’t try anything, I can be friends with her at school.’

“Hey, Jason, Justine,” Erica called out, her voice carrying a rough edge that didn’t quite match the sweet scent of roses I’d come to associate with her. She flicked a lock of blonde hair over her shoulder with a practiced motion, standing tall and imposing. “We’re playing poker tonight at my place. You two should come.”

I could feel Justine stiffen beside me, hesitation written clear on her face. I looked at Justine and whispered. “Hey you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I know she’s scary.”

Justine nodded at me understanding i was giving her an easy out, but she soldiered on. “Sure, It’ll be good to get to know your friends better, Jason.”


Stepping into Erica’s mansion, I felt the weight of its history press down upon me. The high ceilings felt like home lately. Justine’s eyes widened as we walked, her gaze darting around, trying to soak in every detail of the opulence surrounding us.

“Wow,” she murmured, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and disbelief. “This is... something else.”

“Yeah it feels evil right. Like, not an ethically sourced kind of rich right?” I barked out at Justine as my inner thoughts constantly sat in mystery of where the money for this place came from.

Erica gave me a stern glare as she lit a ciggerete in the house. She was growing tired of my fan theories of where her lineage got their money from. With a boastful smile she looked at Justine, “Wait till you see the poker room,” Erica said with a scoff, leading us down the hallway, her confident strides resonating on the marble floor.

The poker room was a spectacle in itself, a chamber dedicated to the game with regal green baize tables and walls lined with portraits of stern-looking ancestors. Justine’s eyes sparkled like they were lit aflame by the sight.

“I’ve Never seen a whole room just for cards,” Justine commented, her assertiveness briefly giving way to genuine surprise.

Erica smirked and flicked ash from her cigarette into a crystal tray on the table. “You haven’t seen much, have you?”

Erica plopped down beside me, her squatting posture a stark contrast to the elegance of the room. Her piercing gaze fixed on me, challenging and playful all at once. “So, Jason, do you even know how to play? Or do I need to teach you like your my child?”

I nodded, annoyed. “Yeah, I know how to play.” I held her gaze, unwilling to appear completely inept.

“Good,” Erica spoke, a disappointed undertone in her voice that only I seemed to catch. “Wouldn’t want you to feel left out. I know boys aren’t big on card games.”

‘I used to play poker in GTA 5 online all the time. I’d get fucking rinsed by little kids. I was absolutely dog shit at it. Maybe in this world, I’ll be better.’

“Let’s keep it friendly tonight, no money involved,” she declared, addressing the room as she sat in her seat. The usual stakes were set aside and replaced by something more benign.

“Come on, Erica! You’re taking the thrill out of it!” Tara protested, her objection laced with disappointment. She leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest in a defiant gesture.

Nikki, on the other hand, let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. My wallet was starting to hate these nights.”

Justine chuckled softly, easing into the dynamics of the group. “Friendly game it is then. Let’s see what you’ve got, Knight.”


The cards slip through my fingers, betraying my attempt at a poker face with each fumble. Erica’s laughter fills the room, warm yet edged with her usual brand of condescending charm. “Jason, you are literally dog shit at this game.” she teases, the corners of her mouth twitching with amusement.

“Maybe we can play Yugioh after this?” I joke, but only Nikki gives me a pity laugh.

“Looks like he needs a bit more... support,” Erica suggests, completely blowing by my incredibly funny Yugioh quip. Her blue eyes sparking with mischief. Before I can protest, Erica beckons me closer with a crooked finger. “Why don’t you come sit on mommy’s lap and see how a proper girl plays?” The words wrap around the air, playful but commanding. Intoxicating.

I hesitate, shooting a glance around the table to make sure it’s fine. Justine’s brows are knitted together, a silent question in her gaze. With an unsure shrug towards Erica, I try to gauge if she’s serious. She answers not with words but action, her strong hands finding my hips and guiding me down onto her lap as if I weighed nothing at all.

‘This doesn’t feel right at all. I feel like a little boy who just got uppies. But… Her hands are strong. I have heard it’s normal for boys to sit on girls laps here but the physics is weird. Granted, women are stronger here, so who fucking knows.’

I’m perched awkwardly atop her thighs, my cheeks burning hotter than the embers of her forgotten cigarette. Tara smirked from across the table, unfazed by the display, while Nikki chuckled, shaking her head.

Justine stares at us, worried, as if she thinks she needs to step in and stop a mob boss from claiming a damsel in distress.

Seeing Justine’s nervous dace Nikki chimed in. “Trust me, Justine, it was bizarre the first time I saw it, too,” Her voice tinged with humor. “But after seeing Jason last week when he took a few shots, you begin to realize he might be more of a bad influence on Erica than the other way around.”

“What does that even mean, i’m not a bad influence.” I bark out at Nikki.

‘That gangly bitch.’

“You spent like two hours trying to pin Erica down. One of the strongest girls in town. And then later in the night, after you drank more, you kept begging Erica to ‘rape’ you in the bathroom. Notice I used the operating word, rape; that was your exact wording choice.” Nikki spoke as if she was the keeper of the Akashic records. Forbidden knowledge I’d rather not let out into the world.

Justine’s green eyes dart between us, trying to piece together the puzzle before her. “I didn’t expect him to be so much trouble….or into CNC.” she mutters, clearly struggling to reconcile my submissive demeanor with the normal personalty I wear at school. “You’re just like millicent!” She yells as her and I break into laughter.

As Justine and I burst into laughter, our voices echoing in the dimly lit poker room, I feel Erica’s grip on my thigh tighten. Her fingers dig into my flesh possessively, a silent reminder of whose lap I’m sitting on. The warmth of her crazed touch seeps through the fabric of my jeans, sending a threat up my spine.

“Who the fuck is Millicent?” Erica asks, her voice laced with annoyance. The cigarette dangling between her lips bobs with each word.

Justine, her fiery red hair cascading over her shoulders, leans forward with a mischievous grin. “Oh, she’s this character from Elden Ring. Basically a clone of Malenia, the blade of Miquella. Excecpt the deep lore implies Millicent is into CNC, but not Malenia.” Her green eyes sparkle with excitement as she delves into the lore.

Erica rolls her eyes, clearly unimpressed by the gaming reference despite being a closeted gamer herself. She takes a long drag from her cigarette, the smoke curling around us like a serpent. “Why would a boy even like video games so much?” she asks, her piercing gaze fixed on me. “Shouldn’t you be more interested in, I don’t know, cooking or cleaning?”

I shrug, feeling the weight of her expectations pressing down on me. In this world, where gender roles are reversed, my love for gaming is seen as an oddity, a quirk that sets me apart from other boys. “I just find them fun,” I mumble, my cheeks burning under the intensity of her stare.

‘I literally don’t know how to cook or clean. I mean, I guess I know how to clean as well as she can.’

Tara leans back in her chair, a smirk playing on her lips. “Let the boy have his hobbies, Erica. Not like it’s hurting anyone.” She tosses a chip into the center of the table, the clatter of plastic against felt, breaking the tension.

Nikki nods in agreement, her short blonde hair bobbing with the motion. “Yeah, and who knows? Maybe all that gaming will make him better at strategizing. Could come in handy someday.”

Erica scoffs, her breath hot against my ear. “Strategy? In a game where you die over and over again? Sounds more like masochism to me.”

I feel a bit annoyed that she’s making fun of me for playing video games. “It’s not just about dying,” I protest, “There’s lore and world-building and-”

“Shh,” Erica cuts me off, her lips brushing against my ear and her fingers coursing through my hair. “I’m just teasing you, little one.” I nearly melt into her body as she uses a nickname that flips my degenerated switch. “But you are mommy’s masochist, hmm?”

I squirm in her lap, rearing to fuck. ‘It’s so embarrassing to be horny in front of her friends sober.’ I shoot her a glare as her eyes light up with hunger. She knows what she did.

Justine clears her throat, her green eyes flashing with concern. “Hey, maybe we should get back to the game?” she suggests, her voice strained with forced cheerfulness.

Tara snorts, tossing her cards onto the table. “What’s the point? We all know Erica’s going to win anyway. I was hoping Jason was gonna distract her, but he’s so fucking bad it hurts.”

“Thank you, Tara,” I spoke with resentment but with zero objection; she was correct.

Tara laughs and then decides to raise the stakes. “How about we make things a little more interesting?” she suggests, her voice carrying a dangerous edge. “Erica how about you wager your little boy toy for a night of fun with the winner of the next hand?”

Erica’s grip on my thigh tightened, her nails digging into my skin through the fabric of my jeans. Before I could tell Tara to fuck off, Erica was already talking.

“Excuse me?” Erica’s voice was low, dangerous. The playful atmosphere from moments ago had evaporated. “Jason isn’t a toy to be passed around, Tara. He’s mine.”

I wriggled uncomfortably on Erica’s lap, torn between feeling flattered by her possessiveness and embarrassed by the entire situation. Justine’s eyes darted between Erica and Tara, her hand inching towards mine as if preparing to pull me away from potential danger.

Tara held up her hands in mock surrender, a smirk playing on her lips. “Relax, E. I was just joking. You know I only go for boys with more... experience than he has.” She winked at me, making me feel like a communal dildo.

‘This is so fucked up. They’re talking about me like I’m not even here.’

Nikki let out a nervous laugh, trying to diffuse the tension. “Come on, guys. Let’s keep things friendly.”

Erica’s eyes narrowed into slits, her piercing blue gaze boring into Tara with an intensity like jet fuel melting steel beams. The cigarette dangling from her lips quivered as she took a long, deliberate drag, the smoke curling around her face like a vengeful specter. The air in the room grew thick with tension, heavy enough to choke on.

Tara’s cocky smirk faltered under Erica’s withering glare. Her dark eyes widened slightly, a flicker of nervousness dancing across her features. She shifted in her seat, the leather creaking ominously in the silence that had fallen over the poker table.

“H-hey, come on, E,” Tara stammered, her usual bravado cracking. “Remember what you said last year? You know, at Nikki’s birthday bash? You said if you ever found a boy you liked, you’d share him with us.”

I felt my stomach lurch at Tara’s words, a wave of disgust washing over me. The idea of being passed around like some kind of party favor made my skin crawl. I floundered uncomfortably on Erica’s lap, suddenly hyper-aware of her possessive grip on my thigh.

Erica’s reaction was instant and explosive. She shoved me off her lap with surprising gentleness, considering the fury radiating from her every pore. I stumbled, catching myself on the edge of the poker table as Erica rose to her full height, towering over Tara.

“What the fuck did you just say?” Erica’s voice was low and dangerous, like the growl of a cornered beast. Her blonde hair seemed to crackle with electricity, and her entire body coiled tight with barely contained rage. “You think I’d share Jason? With you? With anyone?”

Tara’s face paled, her earlier bravado evaporating like mist in the sun. She held up her hands in a placating gesture, her voice trembling slightly. “I-I didn’t mean anything by it, E. It was just a stupid joke, okay?”

Erica leaned in close, her face inches from Tara’s. The scent of roses and cigarette smoke mingled in the air between them. “Let me make this crystal fucking clear,” Erica hissed, each word dripping with venom. “Jason is mine. Not yours, not Nikki’s, not anyone else’s. Mine. And if I ever hear you suggest otherwise again, you’ll be wishing you’d never laid eyes on him. Got it?”

The room fell into a stunned silence, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Justine’s hand found my shoulder as she pulled me away from the potential fight.

Tara’s face contorted into a mix of fear and regret, her earlier bravado completely shattered. She swallowed hard, her throat bobbing visibly as she nodded quickly. “Y-yeah, E. I got it. I’m sorry, really. It was stupid of me to say that.”

After what felt like hours but was probably only a few seconds, Nikki cleared her throat, breaking the spell. “Hey, uh, maybe we should call it for the night?” Her voice wavered slightly, betraying her nervousness. “It’s getting late, and I’ve got an early practice tomorrow.”

Tara latched onto the excuse like a lifeline, nodding vigorously. “Yeah, yeah. That’s a good idea. I should probably head out too.” She stood up quickly, nearly knocking over her chair in her haste. As she gathered her things, I noticed a flicker of sadness in her eyes, a longing glance in my direction that spoke volumes about her true feelings.

‘She really thought Erica would just pass me around. What the fuck is this world?’

Justine, ever the peacemaker, stepped forward. “I’ll walk out with you girls,” she offered, her voice gentle but firm. She turned to me, her green eyes filled with concern. “You okay, Jason?”

I nodded, still a bit shell-shocked from the sudden turn of events. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks, Justine.”

As the girls prepared to leave, Tara paused at the door, turning back to face Erica. Her usual cocky demeanor was gone, replaced by a vulnerability I’d never seen before. “E, I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just...” she trailed off, her eyes flickering to me for a brief moment before returning to Erica. “Never mind. I’m sorry.”

Erica’s posture softened slightly, but her eyes remained cold. “Just go, Tara. We’ll talk about this later.”

With a final nod, Tara slipped out the door, followed closely by Nikki and Justine.

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