Festering Desire

Chapter 8: The Slice of Life

The time was around noon, the most anticipated hour from the dull morning classes. With the sun looming right above the sky, the two best buddies, sworn brothers yet, sat on a picnic bench beneath the shade of a large oak tree. They were in a corner away from the crowded courtyard, which was bustling with numerous student activities that exhibited the liveliness of youth.

From their vantage point, they could see the long lines over at the popular food stalls, the sports game next to the courts, the performance of the school band, and lastly, the luscious thighs paired with the jiggling breasts of the female tennis team.

"This spot is amazing, isn't it? Just looking at them sparks your appetite." Timmy smirkingly said.

"Indeed, I am getting quite hungry." Leo nodded in agreement.

Timmy activated his eagle vision to scan the area. It was his signature ability as the president of the human culture research club.

"Look, that is the famous ashen white-haired princess from class B. She is the daughter and sole heir of her prestigious family, Elizabeth Von Carstein. But more importantly, she is thiiic!" The latter, of course, was the reason she was caught on the radar.

Timmy pointed to a proud and confident looking young lady from an enclosed tennis court. Her skin had a pale complexion and did not break a sweat despite playing tennis under the sun. She carried a pair of icy sharp eyes that looked down on most people like insects. It was said her cold stare of disdain can pierce through the deepest depth of one's soul. She was the favorite amongst the local masochists.

From the grace of her movements, the young lady had an aura of nobility around her. Timmy would categorize her as the classic Oujo-Sama type of girl. This was supported by the stature from her family being an ancient house of nobles even before the founding of this nation.

"Rumor says she is Yuuto's fiance. Hmph! I can't see how a scum like him matches up to her." Timmy scorned as he saw his arch enemy near the princess.

"Oh, Timmy. Speaking of which, I got something good." Leo said with a mysterious grin.

Timmy's phone vibrated from an alert. It was a video sent from his friend. Minutes later...

"Heh...this is amazing. Where did you get this?"

"Just don't let anyone know I gave you this." Leo put a finger between his lips.

Leo traced his eyes back to the tennis match. He could see what his friend could not. From a distance away, the high quantity of Anima flowing through the princess's body was distinctively transparent. Remarkably, she had a great potential from her natural awakening, and thus, a high tier Anima user.

Yuuto, the guy who was serving the princess with towels and drinks, possessed some Anima as well; but nowhere near the level of a natural born awakened. His assets so far had been an accumulation of his family wealth and time. He once thought he could make a play on Lilith, but got beat up instead.

Now, one might ask what is a superhuman doing in a sports team? Isn't that cheating?

Well, a powerful shot of the tennis ball launched towards Elizabeth with terrifying speed and momentum. Without making a move, the ashen-haired princess calculated her chances of catching that and let the ball bounce off to the wired fence, leaving a deadly mark on the ground.

"Well done, Lilith. It's my loss. Seems like your body got stronger. Congratulations." Without breaking her composure, Elizabeth gave a well-mannered reply.

"It ain't much, I just received some special help. Ah, it's time already. Good game." Lilith bid goodbye to her teammates and excitedly left the field.

"Yuuto, go replace Lilith." Elizabeth commanded in a tone that dictated the state of their relationship.

"Tsk." It was a silent grumble.

The young man knew he was a half-baked awakened and would only serve as a filler, if not a punching bag, in these games. But he couldn't refuse commands from the heir of the Von Carstein family, for his own family's future was dependent on her.

Most of the Anima users in the nation were born within the past three decades. They tended to awaken at a younger age. Overwhelmed with the surge of young populace having access to Anima, specialized schools such as this one had facilities for those with special needs. However, reforms for the standardization of Anima users were an arduous process and still currently undergoing.


"Timmy, are you feeling hungry?" While they enjoyed the scenery, Leo suddenly asked.

"Hell yeah, those meaty thighs look delicious." Timmy drooled.

"Here is the money, help me get the melon bread from that place."

Leo waved the cash in front of his friend's face and pointed to a shop; but seeing his reluctance to move his eyes away from the girls, Leo added another remark.

"Look, the clerk in that shop looks pretty cute, it is totally your type." It was a girl with aqua blue hair; she had a kind and gentle face that attracted Timmy's eye.

"" A decision was made within a mere second of glimpse.

Seeing his friend scurried onto the line, Leo looked back and found Lilith standing next to a tree staring at his direction. The girl was still in her sports skirt from the earlier tennis match. She waved her hand and approached the boy.

Her white skin was glistening with lustrous globes of sweat, soaking through the tight clothing wrapping the pair of breasts. The fabric was half-transparent, displaying the color and shape of the two melons that rose to the surface. They were colored pinkly due to the sultry heat. There was no reason to look at the female tennis team when one of the most erotic members was standing right next to him.

"Leo, I packed an extra lunch today. Would you like to try my cooking?" With a small blush, Lilith cheerfully took out a pink lunch box.

The boy gladly accepted the offer, the womanly fragrance from the succubus's heated body only enticed his appetite even more. To his anticipation, the content was a delicate assortment of sandwiches and snacks that seemed to be made with a lot of effort. After taking a bite, the happiness of not having to only eat bread for lunch overwhelmed his mind.

"It's so good!"

"I am glad. Mother said all I needed to do is to put in a lot of love and it would taste good." Lilith proudly claimed credit for her mother.

However, what is this suspiciously looking clear liquid at the side? It had a sweet and pleasant aroma of fruits. Leo curiously glanced at the absolute territory between Lilith's two juicy thighs under the skirt and recalled his memories; it looked awfully like the unknown substances that flowed down her legs from yesterday.

"Ah...that is the dip sauce. A lot of my love went into it. Please give it a try!" The girl spoke with odd enthusiasm.

"Hmmm..." The brave soul sampled the sauce anyway.

"Oh, it tastes like peaches."

"Bingo! You have a sharp taste."


Timmy came back and saw the delicious looking lunch box in Leo's hand. Overwhelmed by a strange feeling, he silently sat down across the couple and ferociously bit down on Leo's portion of bread. Watching the two being lovey dovey as they fed each other food, the lonely friend soon lost all of his appetite.

However, the grief did not end here for Timmy. He quietly watched as more girls showed up with their lunch boxes to offer Leo more food.

It was the three tanned girls from their own class. They wanted to properly express their gratitude to Leo from the last incident. Their names were Katy, Rika and Marin, which were names the boy couldn't remember until they re-introduce themselves again for the 3rd time.

The brief exchange was flirtatious from the trio of girls. Leo had plenty of opportunity to feast his eyes on their exposed breasts and feel their skins with his hands. They looked willing to give the boy the chance to a happy ending.

"I know a good place for dinner." (Katy)

"We can reserve a table." (Rika)

"You can bring Lilith along if you want." (Marin)

Timmy was astounded by the lack of reaction from Lilith as he watched the trio make their amorous advance on Leo. Rather, it seemed like the succubus welcomed them and even played along their inviting tease. Such life was the epitome of his envy.

After Leo finished all portions of lunch, he looked to his friend and reached out his hand.

"Where is my bread?" Leo asked.

"What...? Bread? How are you still not full?" Timmy was puzzled.

"I am still growing."

With that being said, Lilith instinctively looked down on the boy's crotch, and following her gaze, the trio looked down as well.

Timmy ended back up in the line for more bread.

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