Festering Desire

Chapter 41: Before the Dust Settled

Returning to the physical world, the blood submerging the boy had been completely absorbed; hot steams of fog were boiling off from his skin. In a similar fashion to the previous incident, his body began to dramatically grow taller in size as bulges of muscle expanded aesthetically over his new height. Never mind the pants, even his shirt did not escape the fate of being ripped apart.

"What do we do!? Sister! Did the demon take over the young master?" Filia spoke in agitation.

"I have faith in our lord, Filia. There is no malice coming from the young master." Yuria tried to remain calm with a drop of cold sweat.

Minutes after the transformation, the twins could feel a powerful radiance of spiritual energies flushing over their bodies. It sent an amplified version of a familiar electric tingling spike through their spines and all the way to their crotches. Naturally, before the overwhelming male presence of the mega alpha, the two ladies spasmed on the spot as they fell on their knees and mapped the floor beneath their rears with large puddles of clear nectar.

Judging from their bodily reaction, the twins were relieved that it was still Leo with his brilliant golden aura sending the thrilling warmth of Anima through their senses. They would have recognized the rotten and baleful energies of the demon's curse right away.

However, things weren't so simple for Leo's body. Beneath the crotch, a certain enormous limp mass painfully erected as gruesome bulges of muscles pulsated through its length. The two titanium orbs below also twitched and bounced as if they were alive from the massive surge of nutrients cramming inside. From the foreskins to the scrotum, they seemed to be struggling to keep up with the expanding mass that they encompassed.

From the sideline, the two sisters attentively watched the pink bulk of meat tightly outgrown the thickening foreskin after passing over a certain length, leaving half of the sensitive bare flesh exposed vulgarly in the air. At the same time, the scrotums of the two heavy sacks grew thicker and darker like hardened beast hides, but were still almost deformed in shape from barely containing the gigantic gonads within.

It was such a breathtaking sight that the twin's bodies weren't sure if they should feel excited or terrified. Even with their superhuman constitution, that enormous weapon of mass destruction was not something they could take in their bodies. The twins had to suppress their primal urges of martyring under such a magnificent instrument.

Just as the sisters were close to losing their sanity and attempted to crawl under the great beast, a figure finally came to the rescue. It was Maria, the stud's submissive mother. Not too late and not too early; she arrives precisely when she meant to be.

"Eldest sister?!" The twins exclaimed.

"Yuria, Filia, good job thus far, I will handle things from here." It was a calm soothing voice.

Maria erected a force field of Anima that sent the twins flying towards the entrance and had them land softly outside the gate. The doll mother, with her body modified to challenge the great beast, shall be the first offering to the divine.

Leo was standing in solitude, trying to hold back his bodily instinct from going on a rampage. Without moving an inch of muscle, his pupil followed his mother slowly walking towards him. Seeing her erotic body waving as she moved, it was a matter of time before he unleashes his inner lust.

"Hush little culver, you will soon be rebirthed anew, a sweeting, fresh and pure..." Maria tipped on her toes and gently brushed Leo's face.

Then, she looked down to the great beast pressing on her chest, wrapped her hands around the massive gland, lowered her head and sweetly kissed onto its bulging surface. With that slight stimulation, more gruesome veins surfaced from the whole package and a certain primordial desire was finally awakened.


Before the gate into the demon's lair, Yuria and Filia remained seated on the ground and shakingly waited for the return of their elder sister. Soon, they could feel the cave trembling and the floor began to quake. Loud pounding sounds of two bodies smashing against each other resonate sharply across the tunnel. Even at this distance, they could feel every tremor of clashes vibrating through their bodies from the ground.

The twins dazed aimlessly at the gate, watching dust and rock pebbles fall off from the cave ceiling. They hoped there wouldn't be a cave-in due to the intense battle ongoing inside. While they waited, their flowers had been constantly dripping due to the heated arousal. Not just the earth-shaking shock waves propagating through the tunnel, the immense tides of energies also made their bodies quiver.

They wanted to peek inside the gate, but their faces were first bombarded by a heavy barrage of saturated, thick and vulgar male pheromones the moment the door slid open. Even then, the twins could not see clearly through the dark and the dense mist of oozing testosterone. Instead, the image of the dominating rod laying havoc to every hole in its path surfaced to their mind.

At last, when the thunderous ravage of a certain pump unleashing its great tide echoed in the air, the twins also released a lustful torrent of their own. Eventually, hours upon hours after multiple blasts of eruptions, a thick grumous river of white seeds viscously flowed out like lava from the seams of the gate, still smoldering with hot steam of lecherous odor.


Meanwhile, in a dungeon located near the harbor town; James, with his years of experience in jail breaking, undid the shackle on his hands and escaped the cell in midst of the chaos. There were screams of terror and savage roars of frenzied beast outside; he was appalled by the brutality and bloodshed happening in the streets.

Along the roads to the dock, all he saw were corpses of deformed men cruelly butchered, tainting the ground in red. Flames seemed to be spreading like a wildfire, lighting the town with further despair under the red moon. At a distance besides the burning town hall, he could see faint figures of the sentinels locked in combat, jiggling their bountiful assets left and right.

"Just what were they planning for? To cause this horror, to sacrifice my comrade like that..." James had a perplexed feeling in his mind, a sense of his purpose being lost; he was in no mood to enjoy sight.

"I was a fool. I am sorry..."

The agent felt responsible for his team's death; he was tricked to lead his team into the cursed ground without protection as bait. The fake talismans resulted in his team being cursed, which alerted the sentinels to come after them. It was what all the Shuzen needed them to do, be the big fish to divert their enemy's attention.

While James was lamenting his failure, rain suddenly began to fall onto the island, pacifying the untended flame. The red moon above the sky had largely waned and hid behind the clouds; dark spirits seemed to be converging on the island's mountain. It was then, he noticed several shadows of tall figures approaching from the corner of the street. Reflexively, the agent hid inside the alleyway and observantly waited.

"Captain! This area is cleared and the evacuation is almost completed." One of the sentinels reported.

"What are the casualties?" It was again the same familiar voice that murdered his colleague.

"We suffered no losses in our ranks, but we were only able to evacuate about thirteen hundred residents, and about a hundred of them were inflicted with the curse." The sentinel spoke grimly; the fate of those uncounted souls was bleak.

"That is barely one third of the population..." The landlady murmured.

"And almost all the men we have found so far had been possessed." The agent was lucky that the dungeons he was locked in had a protective barrier.

Males had inherently weaker resistance to the temptation of evil and were the prime target for the spirits. In contrast, there was a custom for women to drink special brews from the herbs of the mountain, which help boost immunity.

The source of the curse was found in the locally brewed beers and alcohol prepared for the festival. They were mixed with the accursed blood of one of their powerful ancestors that fell from grace. It was fortunate that men were rather scarce on the island to begin with, or the chaos could have been much greater.

The damage done to the town had been insurmountable; it would take many years to recover to its former shape. Not to mention the economic damage of many properties being burnt to the ground. Yet fortunately, the newly renovated harbor and the ongoing construction of the airport had been spared from the fire.

Hearing the grim news, James ached in his heart. He felt partially responsible for this tragic event. However, there was nothing left for him to do on this island and he had a family waiting for him at home. The agent sneaked into the docks and got on a small boat he prepared for the operation. It was the emergency escape route packed with enough fuel to reach the mainland.

But suddenly, not even a minute after riding into the rough waves, a blade of slicing wind split the water below as it traveled rapidly over the sea. With years of experience surviving all kinds of niche situations, James properly reacted in time and did a sharp maneuver that barely dodged the attack.

"Looks like I get to live another day..." His back was drenched in cold sweat.

The agent looked back at the island and could briefly see the tall figure of the landlady standing on top of a cliff. Her colossal halberd was glowing with luminescent blue light of Anima; there was little doubt on who was the culprit of the ambush.

"The rumors are true; they are even more of a monster on the night of a full moon." The middle-aged man was considering an early retirement plan.

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