Festering Desire

Chapter 20: Of the Halfmoon

Leo's home town was located in the Isle of the Halfmoon. It was a remote island far from the mainland that recently became a tourist spot. True to its name, the island had the shape of a half circle for most of the year; however, during the month of aphelion, when the sun is furthest away from earth, the other half of the island would surface from the low tides and combine into a full moon.

The local specialties were its fish cuisine, medicinal herbs, shrines and women. The women born and raised within the town of Halfmoon had renown of beauty that attracted tourists from abroad. People believed the local herbs grown only on the island's mountain were the secret to their beauty. These plants became a popular commodity as well.

Before the establishment of the republic of Faram, a country rebirthed from years of civil war in the north, the Isle of the Halfmoon was generally not known to the public. However, as trade routes opened up between the two nations, the Island became increasingly more valuable as a strategic location for refueling and resting due its natural harbor.

Yet, despite being part of Atlantica, the nation south of Halfmoon, the island remained highly autonomous and operated under strict rules when conducting business near its properties. This grieved many investors that saw potential in this place.


Riding the calm waves and gazing across the sun set above the tranquil sea, Leo thought back to the conversation with Jean earlier. The female agent had told him the mysteries enshrouded around his hometown and everything she knew about Halfmoon.

Surprisingly, there were many facts that the boy was completely ignorant of despite living there for a number of years during his youth. For starters, Leo knew his families were large, but he didn't know that they owned the whole goddam island and basically ruled as the local government.

The halfmoon island had been on top of the government's watch list for decades. Women from the island, or more specifically, female descendants of the Demilune family, or the halfmoon family as most people liked to call, had shown incredible talent for Anima throughout the ages. On the side note, Jean professed that Leo was the first time she ever heard about a boy related to that family.

Time and time again, women who came out of Halfmoon would always make a name for themselves in the world of Anima users before quickly disappearing back into the island. Anna was one example of the many. However, prolonged stay in the outside world had proven to be catastrophic to those of the Demilune family.

Despite their numbers with just a single island, estimates from the organization stated that, if all of the Anima users from Halfmoon could freely leave the island, they would account for roughly ten percent of the nation's total strength in the supernatural department. For reference, Atlantica could only mobilize about one-third of Anima users within its border, which was already quite a capable feat.

However, Maria was the sole exception of the family that only a selected few knew about, which Leo kept to himself when he learned of this fact from Jean.

As the place began to open up to outsiders, there had been numerous reports of tourists gone missing after treading into the mountain. As of now, there were already a few government agents like Jean that were stationed in the region. It was in the name of public security, since the island was still part of the nation after all, but everyone knew they were simply eyes and ears for the organization.

Yet, Jean still gave the name of one of her colleagues on the island, suggesting that the boy could ask for his help in case any situation arises.


Stepping off the boat, Leo was astonished by the vibrant activities of the port. A lot had changed since his last visit, he couldn't even recognize the way home anymore. Not seeing the person who he was expecting, the boy approached a group of local fishermen for directions.

"Excuse me, which way is the Halfmoon estate?" Leo polity inquired.

"Erm...boy. You must be a mainlander. They don't normally allow men into the estate." A rowdy fisherman responded.

"I am on a visit; I just want to know my way around here.." Truthfully speaking, besides Anna, the boy didn't know much of anyone else.

"Oh? Well, follow the main road once you are on the other side of the lighthouse. It should lead you to the foot of the estate where most tourists go." A nice old man answered Leo instead.

After thanking the old man and roaming on the trail, Leo made it onto the main road. From the base of the lighthouse, the boy soon saw a well-endowed lady with a summer straw hat standing next to a car and waving her arm from across the street.

"Leo!" Anna exclaimed and gave the boy a big heartly hug of suffocation.

"Why did you run off on your own, I told you I will pick you up." The big sister pouted.

"I wanted to look around the town myself. So much has changed that it's almost unrecognizable." Leo glanced back in nostalgia.

"We opened up parts of the island to tourists and had a boom in the industry. There is even an airport under construction." Anna proudly claimed.

"I see, that is nice. Are we going to the estate now?" Leo suddenly glanced in a certain direction.

The big sister bent down into the car to clear off the junks on the passenger seat; her round buttocks were shamelessly pointed upwards towards the boy. The thin fabric of her dress was biting in tightly against her rear, revealing the mature patterns of her panties and the indecent shape of her plump budding flower.

"Nope~ It's already late, so you will stay at my place tonight. Get inside." There were hints of excitement in her cheerful tone.

The back seats of the car were piled with strange decorative items and apparels. Leo did not question what seemed to be a giant machete hidden underneath, because areas next to the suspecting armament were littered with Anna's special erotic lingerie. The price tags were still attached, they were souvenirs Anna brought for herself during the visit to the mainland.

"Ara, should I try them on for you tonight? It feels lonely to wear them with no one else around." It was a teasing tone that also sounded alluring.

"Please do." Leo accepted the offer with a straight and serious face.

"Fufu, you have gotten naughty." The big sister giggled.


Passing by the local shrines and temple, the airport construction site, and the expansive halfmoon manor, the two arrived home before dinner. Anna lived in a traditional looking neighborhood where all the houses were constructed of wood. At the center, there was a large withered oak tree decorated in white ropes and talisman.

Anna heated up the meal she prepared during the day and the two gluttons had a gratifying feast. All the nutrients they absorbed seemed to have a targeted destination within their bodies.

Throughout the meal, Leo's eyes were constantly gravitated towards two particular planetary masses. The pair of enormous melons laying heavily on the table seemed to weigh more than all the food combined. When Anna leaned forward to wipe off the rice from his mouth, Leo heard the table slightly cracked under the pressure of her ample breasts pressing against its surface.

"Leo, the water is ready. Let's take a bath together."

Shortly after dinner, Anna already stripped herself naked with only a thin towel covering her voluptuous assets. The sharing of skinship was her favorite event of the day as it was many years ago. Leo had no choice but to comply under her doting gazes and entered into the expansive bath house.

"It's only been a few weeks, but you seemed to have grown bigger. Such a healthy boy." Anna mesmerized as she stripped Leo clean.

Glamouring towards Leo's strong and manly body, her delicate hands nimbly danced across his bulging muscles. She pressed her body forward in feverish heat. However, before the naughty fingers made contact with the slumbering dragon, Anna abruptly stopped her movements in response to a sudden enticing offer.

"Anna. Let me wash your back this time." The best defense was offense, Leo was determined to protect his chastity this time around.

The big sister was delighted; she quickly sat down on a bench and exposed the porcelain smooth skin of her back towards Leo. Her wide hips thoroughly covered the small surface area of the bench beneath as her buttock overflowed in lascivious shape. Even from behind, the boy could still see portions of her ample breasts from the sides of her chest expanding outwards from her erratic breathing.

"Ok, I am going to start. I will try to be gentle." - Leo

"Come, make your big sister feel good." - Anna

These were just simple and innocent exchanges as the boy brushed the impeccable tender skins with a sponge.


"Leo, come closer, you got to clean the front as well."

Anna pulled his hands into the depth of her mountainous valley. While Leo gently scrubbed against the pinkish areola, the great bounties were being kneaded into the forms of ultimate softness. Soon, following the big sister's guidance, Leo experienced the dynamite curves across her waistline with his hands. Slipping in-between her thighs, the sponge began to rub against the budding flower.

Then, from outside of the bath...

"Ah!! Yes! Leo, harder! Just a little lower... Ah! Not there... Too low! This is...! Hah... Hah... Hah..."

Echoes of erotic moaning pervaded throughout the house.

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