Festering Desire

Chapter 2: Of Book and School

Before midnight, in a double bedroom apartment, Leo walked out of the shower and stood before the mirror. It reflected a well-toned muscular build rarely seen on a boy of his age. At the same time, one can see thick veins popping in and out, pulsating throughout his body as if there was something moving under his skin.

The heavy meal earlier was not so easily digested; Yoma's spiritual energies were transforming from within and strengthening every part of his body. After the feast, the boy could feel the tingling burning sensation especially apparent in his nether region. This enhancement was normally celebrated, but Leo recently discovered a major side effect which the enhancement seemed to put a particular emphasis on.

He looked down on the intimidating bulk of mass that hung heavily between his legs and let out a sigh. The cold shower managed to cool down his body and subdued the erection, but it did not completely quench the heat between his crotch. His bulking twin orbs were fiercely protesting as they continued to throb violently. With every pulse, he felt the two weights hanging down below become slightly heavier, but that was purely his imagination.

Leo returned to his room and pulled out a large-thick-hard covered book from a hidden drawer. There was no doubt, these descriptions perfectly matched the book that looked like an oxford dictionary. Specifically, it was a grimoire handed down by his mother roughly two years ago before her death.

According to his mother, the letters on the book were runes carved into the pages by an ancient spell that can only be read by certain gifted individuals. It was his promise to mother that he would one day master its mysteries. Leo had been diligently studying its secrets ever since. The spell that binds Yoma and the cultivating technique of absorbing spiritual essence were all learned from the book.

"After this, I should soon be completing the first stage of refinement." Leo muttered as he reviewed the content; he had never felt this excited since a long time ago.

The boy then took out a pendant from his pocket and mesmerized in nostalgia. It was a token from mother that stayed with him all of his life. The pendant had a missing socket, there used to be a ruby like gem that shattered the day when his mother died.

"No rush, let's take a rest for today." Followed by a yawn, the boy carefully closed the book and returned it to the hidden drawer along with the pedant.

The cover of the grimoire reads - Bible Black -


The next day, in the morning of a certain high school classroom, trivial chats were rampant amongst the students. The girls would gather in their own group and gossip on the topic of men, while the boys would do the same and gossip on the topic of women... in 2D.

Paying no heed to the noises around him, Leo stared at the window next to his seat with a disinterested face. But filtering out the dull chatters, His ears then caught interest in a particular conversation. Behind his seat were three girls with phones in their hands sharing the news from social media. For some reason, their skins looked unnaturally tanned.

"Did you hear? There is a Yoma that only targets girls, and it claimed another victim at the nearby park just yesterday night."

"Eww..how scary."

"Oh! I read the blog a few days ago. The women in previous cases had their minds broken. Like addicted to drugs, they endlessly crave for something. None of them have recovered thus far even after treatment..."

The girl continued into excessive details on what the Yoma might have done to those women and purposely frightened one of her timid friends. The details reminded Leo of the vivid image of Karen wasted on the bench, which caused a slight throb in his nether region. Alerted by his own reaction, he quickly cleared his thoughts.

Coincidentally, his eyes caught on another interest while staring at the window. There was a fair lady wearing a white summer dress and a straw hat that blocked the view of her face. She stood idly at the school entrance. Staring into her voluptuous figure, the boy was somehow feeling nostalgic without knowing why.

"Leo! ...Leo!"

A voice calling out his name ceased his thoughts. At last, when Leo turned forward, his vision was covered by a pair of massive round globes. He can see the peach-colored skin beneath the fabric. The pair stood intimidatingly before his eyes and seemed to float with impressive buoyancy due to their daunting size up close. But for a moment, Leo focused his sight solely on a single lone button on the school uniform that managed to hold the two planets together.

"Hang in there! Mr. Button!" The boy sent his prayer, but he could feel the strain on the strings.

"Leo, look at me. No! Up here. Look me at the eye, not down!" It was a familiar feminine voice.

Fighting off the gravitational pull of the two planetary masses, Leo finally diverted his sight and met with her large emerald eyes. Yet amusingly, the girl's face suddenly turned red and her body fidgeted in shyness upon the eye contact. Her natural behavior looked unintentionally erotic.

"Good morning, Lilith. What is it?" Leo plainly asked his only female friend in the class.

"Uhm..." Her face reddened once more as her thighs throbbed against each other, but she still mustered the courage. "Please take this! Promise me you will read it before school ends!"

Lilith magically took out a letter envelope with a heart seal from her deep valley and forced it into Leo's hands. And without waiting for a reply, the girl dashed out of the classroom like a hurricane, leaving dust behind her wake. There was no exaggeration, the footprints left on the dented floor showed that the girl wasn't normal. The boy was left dumbfounded while feeling the warmth and sweet scent from the letter.

However, the class showed no surprise at the inhumane display. Rather, there was an uproar at the fact Leo received a love letter instead. Lilith was famous in school for her numerous reasons, being one of the prodigies from the awakening was the biggest of them.

Leo felt a pat on his shoulder; it was his next seat neighbor Timmy giving him the signature thumbs up. His friend Timmy had short stature and lousy blonde hair with a bandaid on his forehead. He was the kind of friend that always got into all sorts of trouble, but was always fortunate enough to have Leo bail him out.

The boy carefully put away the letter and proceeded to ignore the clamor surrounding him.


"Mmph!" A middle aged man walked into the room and the class ceased into an immediate silence.

He was the vice-principal of the school. A man with a bald head and thick glasses. Along with the vice principal followed an old priest dressed in a traditional missionary robe.

"Good morning, class. Ms. Yuri will be absent today, so I want to take this opportunity to invite an esteemed speaker, Master Yoda. He is an exorcist in our local neighborhood, I am sure some of you might have already known him. Please welcome our guest."

Master Yoda came to the front-center and started off by clearing his throat and slowly spoke.

"Students, I am Yoda. As many of you have noticed, there is an increasing number of supernatural cases in this town during the past two years. Whether it be vengeful spirits, Yoma or other supernatural beings, they all can be lethal on different levels. They each have their own differences, but they are all contrived from the same origin..."

Roughly three decades ago, a surge of spiritual energies called Anima gradually remerged back into the world. They were a mystical force that only existed in the past age of ancient times. After the re-discovery of Anima, many of the legends and myths were then no longer just simple tales. With Anima, the world order changed and supernatural entities unknown to mankind once again came into being.

paring the two for example, Yoma are usually more benign as they commonly appear in remote territories and operate on a less hostile logic. However, vengeful spirits are born with a grudge for men, and will actively lure and hunt their prey..."

Yoma are spiritual beings born of nature, a notable difference from evil or vengeful spirits that are birthed from the strong residual emotions of sentient beings after death. They both feed on Anima from nature to contrive their existence.

"But the advent of Anima also gave birth to awakened humans who are extremely gifted with its potential. The girl that just ran out of the classroom, as you all might know, surely is one of them. I can sense her Anima was very refined."

He continued to explain the three laws of Anima-dynamics, a theoretical principle of how chaotic energies of Anima are refined by exorcist or awakened humans through cultivation techniques or mediation to be of proper use.

Realizing the topic was getting too technical, the lecture digressed and continued on with most of the class half asleep. Even though the information may be of vital importance in their life and death one day, the students could not combat the hypnotizing voice of the old man.

"So, the most important thing you need to remember. When you encounter one of these things, you need to stay calm and observe its logic. They operate on rules of their own, and understand that rule may increase your chance of survival."

As the priest finished his last sentences, Leo recalled to the Yoma from yesterday. Just what triggered the creature to go after the two women? They do not simply go after any target. It is an interesting question that many cultured individuals would like to find out.

At the end of his lecture, the old priest scribbled a word on the board.

- VictoryHS -

"Please use the following one time only discount code at www for a 25% off in your next appointment!" The voice was firm and boisterous, which woke a lot of the students from their drowsiness.

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