Festering Desire

Chapter 10: An Unexpected Visit

Within the sultry living room, the couple sat quietly together on the chair. Thick seeds were leaking out of their intersection and viscously traveled along the base of Leo's manhood, dyeing portions of the chair and his swollen twin orbs in white. The floor beneath was flooded with a small pool of the excess viscous ooze dripping down from above.

Even after several massive releases, the boy's towering rod continued to throb violently in full force inside the honey well of the deflowered maiden. Being considerate of his partner, Leo tried his best to relax and let Lilith rest comfortably on top of his body. However, the constant uncontrollable twitching of his monstrous manhood still vigorously stirred her sensitive spots.

Feeling the scorching mass still encompassed every corner of her interior, the succubus knew Leo had much more stored within him and thirsted for another serving of his potent hot seed. But at the same time, she also knew her body was at the limit, anything more and she might be reduced to a mindless sex doll. To avoid a repeat of what happened at the warehouse, what was left of her reasoning had to fight an uphill battle against her lustful instinct.

Through a fateful fortune, Lilith was saved by the bell. In the midst of the pink lecherous smolders emitted from the succubus's heat and sweat, the sounds of doorbell ringing managed to bring back her senses.

With their mood interrupted, the two looked each other in the eyes and laughed. Lilith took a deep breath of relief for the impeccable timing. Leo told whoever was outside of the door to wait while they quickly cleaned themselves.


There was an unexpected visitor waiting anxiously by the door. It was Yuri, the young female teacher, who had been absent from school ever since the incident at the park. She must have known the boy's address from the authority in school. Nevertheless, since the young woman also brought with her, undoubtedly, a bag of food, she was invited into the room without question.

But of course, Leo was slightly concerned about his teacher as well. Surely that was the case.

When Yuri arrived inside, her nostril was bombarded by the dense miasma of an unknown strange odor; there was a tingling itch slowly spreading around her crotch. It was enough to make her brain dizzy, but she quickly shook off the inexplicable feeling due to an important matter weighting on her mind.

"Yuri-sensei, I am glad to see you. What brings you here today?" The boy was sitting across the table in fresh clothing.

The female teacher had looks of sadness in her eyes. A sorrowful mood was looming over her.

"Leo, I wanted to properly thank you for saving me and Karen. Without you, I would be...I wou..." Before Yuri finished her sentence, she burst out in tears.

Leo was perplexed by the sudden development, he lacked the experience to deal with this kind of situation.

" Yuri-sensei! What is wrong?!" Lilith came out of the shower and rushed to Yuri's side.

The succubus's hair was glistering with water droplets and her clothes were messily worn. In her human form, she carried the crying woman into her ample bosom, which surprisingly, were much larger than the bosom of the woman being held.

Yuri was popular amongst the students, especially from girls that wished to protect their innocent teacher from the lustful gaze of men. The frail woman was adored by all parties; Lilith, was no exception as well.

"My friend, Karen. She needs your help again..." Recovering from the tender emotions, Yuri began her explanation.

After the treatment from Leo, Karen was delivered to the hospital for further examination. With only a feeble feeling on her body, she felt mostly fine during the following day. It was confirmed there was no trace of Yoma left and all she needed to do was rest.

However, up until yesterday night, the woman began to constantly crave stimulation within her womb. It was a similar symptom from the victims of the same Yoma, an irresistible itch tormenting their body. The doctors were shocked to find out she was somehow under the influence. It was a puzzling scenario as most people in this world were still unfamiliar with Yoma's tendencies.

Yuri was horrified by the state of her friend. The doctors had said they will need a higher ranking exorcist to examine Karen like the rest of the patients. Naturally, these kinds of Anima users were hardly accessible due to the severe lack of personnel. Not knowing what to do, Yuri could only ask the only person she knew for help.

"Leo, we need to help Yuri sensei." Lilith urged.

"Check up on that woman again at the hospital? I suppose I can." Leo was reminded of the sensations inside that woman's flower.

"Oh, just what can I do to repay you?" Yuri spoke with teary eyes.


Almost an hour later, at the hospital.

Leo and the two women arrived at a specialized patient's room under the guide of a nurse. From a distance, they could hear strange muffled cries that sounded like painful moans. At the patient's block, the nurse pulled the curtain to the side and revealed a woman tied up against the bed in ropes, twitching heavily and struggling to move.

Karen's body was skillfully tied in a bondage like in certain films with certain fetish. Her hands were bound together with the bed frame, her legs were spread open and folded in half against her thighs. Her eyes were covered in a black band of cotton and a ball of cloth was wrapped inside her mouth, muffling her unintelligible cries.

The ropes squeezed out the curve of her bosom while a single strip traveled in between the breasts. In front of her exposed panties, there was a small puddle of clear liquid over a plastic sheet, accumulating the sporadic orgasm every time the patient woke up.

"Ah, the sedation wore off." The nurse said as she went to prepare a new batch of drugs at the nearby counter like a chemist gone rogue.

"Why is she tied up like this?" Leo looked back to Yuri.

"Eh..." Yuri wasn't sure how to answer.

"Let me explain. Ahem!" The nurse interjected.

"It may look cruel, but if we don't restrain the patient's movements, when they wake up from sedation, their bodies become uncontrollable and would start to...umm, masturbate in self destruction. One of them even had a really bad rapture in their genitalia."

To quench their irritations, the female patients would do all kinds of inexplicable things to their sensitive parts. The cravings were endless; hence, anything they did became excessive and inflicted self-harm.

"Ah! Don't take off the blindfold, they also become sensitive to light." The boy stopped his hand after hearing the nurse's warning.

"So, this is how you tied them!? In this position?" Lilith was amazed by the skillful bondage.

"Err....this is the only way I know how to tie someone up. Hehe." The nurse put a finger near her cheek.

The three visitors began to wonder what was the nurse's previous occupation and what kind of shady hospital they were in. But they have to admit, the technique was very effective, the patient could barely budge.

Yuri asked the nurse to leave them some time alone while Lilith went with the esteemed nurse to learn about her skill.

"Leo, please check on Karen." Yuri pleaded.

Nodding his head, the boy placed his hand on Karen's abdomen and probed the interior with his Anima. Indeed, the remnant of that Yoma he once removed was again incubating within her womb. Coating his arm with his own special life force, Leo peeled the panties on her exposed crotch and slowly slid his hand inside, one finger at a time.

This time, Karen climaxed right away the moment Leo slipped his fingers in. For every finger added into the flowery garden, another burst of the water fountain followed. Her body must have its sensitivity dialed to the max. The woman fainted after a strong convulsion like last time when Leo finished the deed.

A miniature of the Yoma was pulled out, except it was much larger than the previous one hiding inside her. It somehow looked even more menacing and energetic than the previous one. Then, just as he was about to crush the creature, a voice called out from behind.

"What are you doing?"

The boy looked back and saw a suspicious woman dressed in a black uniform. It was Jean, the female agent who had been monitoring him in secret. But this time, she was in the hospital for another mission and was surprised to see Leo. Curiously, she followed him here.

"Taking care of this thing?" Unfazed of what he just got caught doing, Leo showed her the miniature creature despite the suspicion.

Jean glanced at the stretched gap of the patient's flower and looked back to the grotesque entity on Leo's nectar-soaked arm. Her body shivered for a moment, but she quickly processed the situation and understood what the boy just performed. There was a thick layer of highly refined Anima wrapping around the boy's arm; it was what prevented the creature to simply turn ethereal and slip through his grasp.

Being an Anima user herself, she could tell what an incredible feat it was to capture a spiritual entity, no matter how miniscule, with just bare hands. The boy didn't need any spells in preparation, no talisman or tools to channel his anima; no wonder Anna viewed so highly of him. But the way it was done... Jean supposed there was no other way. The only one to blame was the Yoma that chose the womb of females as its carrier.

The female agent re-composed her thoughts after she indignantly glanced at the boy.

"Nurse! Please check on this patient again for any spiritual signature." Jean called out to the nurse who was sharing her experience with Lilith.

"Eh!? Ms. Valentine? When did you get here?" The nurse squeaked in surprise.

"Go, now!"

"Yes, Ma.am!"

Several minutes later, the nurse returned with a strange looking device that was embedded with runes and talisman. After tinkering with the device, she removed the wet ball of cloth. Then without hesitation, she mercilessly shoved the big long black looking stick from the device into Karen's mouth and activated runes with her Anima.

Indeed, the nurse was an Anima user as well. It was a requirement for tending patients related to supernatural incidents.

"Wow. There are no more abnormal spiritual readings. Ms. Valentine, what did you do?" The nurse was amazed.

Jean ignored the nurse and looked very sternly at Leo with bitter eyes.

"Boy, there are six more victims that suffered from this particular Yoma. I speculated that you were the one that vanquished the main culprit. Would you mind treating the other patients as well?"

Jean couldn't help but to shiver once again when she thought of the treatment method, but Yoma removal should be done as soon as possible, delaying treatment only increases the potential of risk. If worse comes to worse, the victims may never recover to normal human beings. As expected of an agent from the special organization, she was quick to accept reality.

However, Leo shook his head after he crushed the bug in his hand. Jean was slightly surprised, but only gave the boy a questioning look.

"I removed the creature from this woman two days ago. But it somehow came back. We need to figure out why before I treat the others."

From the sample of the Yoma's spiritual energy in his hand, Leo could tell they had the same signature from the main body that he absorbed. Without its main host, the boy wondered how Karen was possessed with the creature again. There were many doubts in his mind.

"Were there any more victims after her?" Leo pointed to Karen; she should be the last woman that was violated.

"No. One of our teams has been tracking the Yoma since its first victim. Its trace completely disappeared after you took care of it two days ago." Jean shook her head.

"Hmm... bring me to the other patients. I want to see them first." The boy had a wild guess.

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