Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 266 Changes 2


"Wow, this place is truly awesome as a hunting ground for grinding our levels"

The ground covered in snow is littered with japtem as Solitary Tempest and the others slowly picked up the items from the ground after killing the monsters that they had encountered earlier, during their journey here, they already encountered a lot of monsters liked Ice Trolls and Horned Winter Bears.

"Yeah, my level rose by two already and we’ve only been here for three days. This is even faster than when we were raiding dungeons back at the kingdom" Tony said while squatting down and grabbing a necklace made from bones of animals and throwing it inside her storage space.

"How long till we reach Snow Village?" Viper stood up from his squatting position and turned to Solitary Tempest and asked.

When Viper asked that, the others also turned their attention towards Soltiary Tempest as they also wanted to know for how long are they gonna continue trekking this land covered in cold and snow.

"I think we’ll reach the village in another day or two just as long as we could find the clues that Michael had left behind," Solitary Tempest said.

"Let’s go, let’s continue on the road then," Black Sparrow said as he quickly took the lead and walked forward after he and the others finished looting the scattered japtem on the ground.

While the others are making their way towards Snow Village, a huge change is currently happening in the village.

"We’ll need to expand the village, and by doing that we’ll need to move the walls and clear up the snow on the ground that we’re expanding on to"

Michael stood before the people of Snow Village in the middle of the village whom they call the village plaza, which certainly doesn’t look like one at all.

"But even if we want to do that, there isn’t any place here to look for dry logs to fill up the missing space for the newly constructed wall" one of the villagers raised his hand in the air and said.


Michael snapped his fingers toward the direction of the man and said, "Exactly!"

Then he once again turned his attention to the crowd of people around him.

"That is why I have some of my friends who are already on their way here to bring a lot of dry logs with them"

"So your worries of no extra dry logs for the newly enclosed wall that we will build is almost solved, and now what we should worry about is clearing the snow who had been sitting there many years on the land we’re planning to expand to"

"Don’t worry, big brother! Grandma Sonya has a lot of tools inside her shed!" a childlike voice suddenly sounded from the back of the crowd, and when Michael turned towards where the voice came from, he saw Mara and Ant waving towards him from on top of a rooftop.

"Hey! Get down from there you two! It’s dangerous!" Carter pointed towards them and shouted while hurrying towards where they are.

"Run!" Mara yelled laughing as the two siblings hurriedly made their way down from the back of the house and ran towards where Miya is at.

"Hoho, these two youngins have become really lively since you arrived here," the village chief who is standing just behind Michael said with a laughed while looking at the two children running away from Carter.

"Really?" Michael threw a skeptical look to the old man, but when he thought about it for a second, the two kids did look really gloomy and down when he had first met.

A couple of minutes later, Michael assigned everyone their own task.

Some were assigned to clean the snow on the ground, others were assigned for cooking, and the rest were assigned for hunting more food so that they wouldn’t run out.

While Michael and Miya are the ones who lead the last group to go out there and hunt some game and bring them back to the village.

The two brought with them three hunters from the village as they headed out towards a place that looks the same from any direction that you’re looking at.

"Isn’t it better to wait for the others than venturing out there with just the five of us? Let’s not even forget the fact that we’d need to protect the three hunters if we ever come across a danger that the two of us can’t handle" Miya sent a private message to Michael through the system.

"Don’t worry, we’re actually moving towards the direction from where I first trekked through this place, so we’ll try to meet the others en route"

Michael just turned towards her and replied, and didn’t even bother answering her inquiry through the private messaging option of the system.

After all, for Michael, it just sounds stupid using the private messaging when you’re talking to someone near you, who is just literally just standing a meter away from you!

"So, we’re looking for the cairns that you had left behind on the way here?" said Miya.

The three hunters that Michael and Miya brought with them just listened to the two and carefully followed behind them.

The three hunters were precisely Carter, whom Michael first had a conflict before, then there’s a hunter called Anri and another called, Gus.

"How many are we expecting to come?" Carter respectfully said to Michael.

After all, he couldn’t talk casually to Michael like he did before after he became a noble and became someone who is now in the leading position of their village.

Michael looked at him and said, "A little less than fifty"

Then he saw the disappointment in their eyes which made him chuckle.

"Don’t worry, every one of them is capable enough to hunt the monsters in this land. Of course, that only applies to the monsters that Miya and I were able to hunt though"

"And anything bigger than them or monsters who moves in large groups would probably need all of all us to move and deal with them together"

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