Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 195: Uncle Chu takes the blame

Chapter 195: Uncle Chu takes the blame

Chapter 195 Uncle Chu takes the blame

Jiang Xinyan didn't put it in the women's clothing store at the time, and just picked the capes of her grandmother and mother in a hurry.

She took over a children's clothing store, and there were quite a few children in this team, mainly Chu Lixiang's cute baby caught her eye.

What's good-looking and delicious, I will think of him at the first time, and the other children are all dipped in the light of Chu Lixiang.

The officials looked at Zhao Yu and the others jealously, wearing majestic cloaks.

They don't even have a short padded jacket, hey! People are more mad than people!

The official leader has sighed countless times that fate is unfair, and he obviously also had the opportunity to film Miss Ma Jiang Er.

Seeing that the third uncle of the Chu family was worse than him, the pig's head and face had not disappeared, and the leader of the official messenger was balanced again.

Uncle Chu had a quilt by himself, curled in a corner. When he formed a team, he was with his youngest son.

But that little thing would rather squeeze with his brother than come near him.

Lonely and lonely, the word Chu Sanshu has only seen in books, and only now did he realize what loneliness and loneliness is.

Obviously he has sons and daughters by his side, but they don't even give him a look.

At the very beginning, I would give him a few white eyes, but now I am too lazy to give him the white eyes.

Uncle Chu had never hated the eldest prince so much, and Chu Lijie was also hated by him.

And the eldest prince who was hated by him, he wanted to tear him up even more at this time!

The emperor secretly hinted that the first prince, the confiscated property of the Houfu should be put into the treasury.

Especially the dowry of the eldest princess, when her mother and concubine broke up her daughter's childhood sweetheart out of guilt.

His mother-in-law gave her dowry, as well as his father's reward, to the eldest princess as a dowry.

The emperor's Dragon Shadow Guard reported that the property of the Hou's mansion was still in Zhuangzi and the shop.

The coffers of the waiting mansion are empty, the private coffers of the eldest princess are also empty, and even the dowry of the second lady of the prime minister's mansion is gone.

According to Long Yingwei's report, Miss Jiang Er's dowry is very rich, and there is also a panacea from Tianyi Valley!

Then, Long Yingwei reported that they saw that the dowry of the old lady of the Hou residence and the private treasury of Zhennan Hou were still there.

After returning to report to the Holy Master, the first prince brought a large number of people and evacuated overnight.

Actually, Chu Lixuan's private treasury was stored in the space by himself, and the time was when the eldest prince brought people to the waiting mansion.

In the large warehouse of the waiting mansion, the dowry of the eldest princess and Jiang Xinyan's dowry are still in the space without moving!

However, Long Yingwei didn't see it! What they saw was that the eldest prince was bringing people to move things.

Now, the memorials of the locust plague in various prefectures and cities floated into the emperor's imperial study like snowflakes.

The state capitals are crying for money, and the border camps are crying for food.

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing knelt on the stone steps of the Hall of Supreme Harmony every day, shouting to resign.

A few years ago, foreign enemies invaded and fought every year, and the treasury was empty for a long time.

The emperor wanted to exile Chu Lixuan's family, that is, he was greedy for the property of the palace.

Otherwise, Chu Lixuan, after more than a dozen imperial physicians, determined that he was disabled, so why did the emperor exile him?

It is a pity that the eldest prince took the lead, can the emperor suffer this dumb loss?

That is no, this is not, the emperor is embarrassing the eldest prince, and wants to force him to take the initiative to turn it over into the treasury, so the eldest prince is so angry that he is so angry.

Whatever he turns over, he gets a small warehouse and carries dozens of dowries.

The eldest prince knew that no one would believe what he said, so he simply refused to admit it.

also pretended not to understand his father's words, but he was sick to death.

When he returned to the residence, he beat Concubine Jiang again to vent his anger, and he sent someone to ask Chu Lijie to question her.

"Where did your father hide all the warehouses in the waiting room?"

Chu Lijie was dumbfounded. He was by his father's side all the time, but his father didn't have anything in the warehouse of the waiting mansion!

He remembered his father's gritted scolding, the eldest prince crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, trying to covet the property of their residence.

Therefore, Chu Lijie is a quick-witted person who doesn't want to let his father come back to the capital.

Since the eldest prince wanted to covet their property, he would ask him hypocritically.

must have hoped that he would cover up this fact, so the blame can only be thrown to his father.

"If you go back to His Highness, Caomin doesn't know! Caomin and Niangqin both live in Caomin's Niangqin's dowry village."

"Didn't you stay with your father all the time?"

"Caomin didn't follow Caomin's father all the time, and Caomin didn't even know that our mansion was going to be exiled."

This is a fact, Chu Lijie really didn't know it in advance, he only knew it the night before he left.

Moreover, Chu Lijie saw with his own eyes the gold and silver treasures in the large warehouse of the Houfu, but his father really did not take them.

The eldest prince scolded: "Your father is really not a thing, it is too much. He has taken so much gold and silver treasures, and he will not give you any part of this eldest son."

Chu Lijie:  

He was speechless, he despised the first prince in his heart, just greedy ink!

It was as if he really didn't take it, but he saw with his own eyes that the gold and silver treasures were in the storeroom!

He and his father walked on the road to exile empty-handed the next day.

Whether a person has gold and silver treasures in his hands can be seen from his facial expressions.

Besides, Chu Lijie is such a stupid person, the eldest prince is sure that he really doesn't know.

The eldest prince really wanted to kill Uncle Chu, but he wanted to put a long line and catch big fish.

He couldn't kill Chu Lijie, so he could only say politely: "Hey! That's your family matter, and this prince can't say anything. You'd better find a way to contact your father and give you the property of the Houfu."

Chu Lijie thought that the eldest prince was perfunctory to him and asked him to promise not to talk about it everywhere, so he immediately showed his loyalty and said, "My father will never take it out and never will."

Because, his father didn't have one!

The eldest prince asked, "You are so sure that your father won't take it out?"

"Yes, Caomin can guarantee with the head of the item, my father will never give it to Caomin."

"Why are you so sure?"

Chu Lijie is angry, eldest prince, you are enough! No one robs you, do you need to beat it again and again?

But he didn't dare to show it, "If you go back to His Highness, Caomin's father is already dead on the road to exile! The road lacks water and food..."

"Dead? Actually dead!" The eldest prince was shocked.

He didn't dare to kill Chu Lijie at this time. If he killed him, his father would think he would kill him!

"Then you go to the sanctuary with me tomorrow! Have you thought about what to say?"

"The grass people don't know! Please instruct Your Highness."

"You must tell the saint, you don't know where your father hides the property of the mansion, otherwise I can't keep you."

Chu Lijie thought to himself, as he thought, he wanted his father to take the blame.

He really didn't know whether his father was dead or not, but there was one thing that Chu Lijie understood very well.

In the future, their property will be hidden by his father.

Chu Lijie is a smart person, he thought of his words at once.

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