Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 166: Belonging

Chapter 166: Belonging


It was the most incredible chorus she'd ever heard.

Wide-eyed, she watched Reth call his people, and his people answer in a harmony like nothing she'd ever witnessed. Had his eyes, the warmth and love in them, not been even more compelling, she would have turned to watch the people, mouth agape. But she couldn't look away from him—not from the heat in his eyes, the tears that threatened, or the fierce pride he poured out on her in his gaze.

His chest swelled with his love for her so she could feel it.

Aymora hadn't warned her about this part, so she didn't know what to do. She simply left her hands on his chest and held his eyes, and thanked god that he was hers.

When the calling was done, he took her face in his hands and he kissed her so softly, it raised every hair on her skin.

Then, apparently unwilling to let her go, or to let the others become a part of their little bubble of love, he put one hand to her lower back, took her hand, muttered, "Follow me," and without further warning, began to lead her into the dance.

The music hadn't stopped while they'd been having their moment, but what Elia soon realized was that they were once again the center of everyone's attention. But most especially the Pride's.

It took a while to notice because she was drunk on Reth—on the heat in his gaze, on the way his thumb stroked her hand, on the powerful way he led her around the floor. But soon, as his eyes slipped away from hers now and again and the tension in his shoulders set tighter and tighter, she began to wonder what was going on around them. When she looked… all she saw was Leonine.

At some point the pride had surrounded them and as Reth had pulled her into the dance, they'd dropped back leaving space for the couple to spin and sway, but they weren't leaving. They stood in a circle, men and women, mostly older, but all facing inwards, and all waiting.

She saw Aymora and Brant on one side, next to each other, both their eyes fixed on her and she swallowed hard.


"I don't know," he murmured. "You said Aymora told you how to offer yourself, right?"

"Yes. She even gave me the scarf."

"So it isn't that—wait what? What did you say?"

His eyes were fierce and fixed on hers. Elia blinked. "She gave me the scarf to use."

Reth's mouth fell open and he turned to look at Aymora, whose expression didn't change, but her eyes pinched.

"What is it, Reth?"

"I think she… if she gave you that scarf… holy shit."


But he was pulling her to a halt, turning to face Aymora and Brant. "We need to speak with her," he muttered, tugging her across the floor.

The circle of Leonine seemed to close in some as they walked, but Aymora didn't move, she just waited for them to approach.

When Reth reached her, he only stared for a moment.

Elia looked back and forth between them, shocked to find? Aymora's lip tremble.

"She would have been so proud, Gareth," Aymore whispered, barely loud enough for Elia to hear.

Reth grunted like he'd been stabbed, and his eyes closed. His hand tightened on Elia's and he began to tremble.

Elia didn't know what was happening, but she sensed it was significant to Reth, and little to do with her, so she just hugged his arm and put her other hand to his back to let him know she was there.

"You… You gave her your scarf?" Reth finally managed a couple breaths later.

Aymora nodded. "Her love is real. And you deserve it."

"But… your…"

"I have no cubs, Reth. It would have wasted away in my chamber until my death. I was happy for it to be used by you. By Elia."

Elia looked at Aymora, then at Reth, but something cautioned her not to speak.

Reth shook like a leaf. Emotions chased like clouds in a storm across his face and she tightened her grip on him. What was happening?

"Do you mean to… are you saying…?" he trailed off in a croak.

Aymora finally stepped forward, put one hand up to Reth's shoulder and nodded. "I spoke with Brant and… we are agreed."

Reth put the heels of his hands to his eyes and coughed, then sucked in a deep breath before taking them away, blinking wildly. "I never imagined…"

"We are proud to take the role if you'll have us, Reth," Brant said, his voice low and gruff.

Reth looked like he would bow. His head was so low, his posture rolled forward in an attitude of submission she'd never seen him use. Elia was shocked and looked at Aymora, who only winked.

"You honor me, Brant," Reth whispered.

"You have earned honor in our people, Reth. Your father rests easily in his grave because your heart for your people honors them."

Reth looked at her then, his eyes wide, and everything he'd said a week ago, all the rage and disgust he'd had for himself—and some for her—because he knew he loved her more than his people flitted across his face. But she smiled and shook her head, gripping his arm. "It's true," she said.

Reth shook his head, but turned back to Brant and only said, "Thank you. The words… don't do justice to my gratitude."

"Oh, come, Reth," Brant said, his voice gruff, but Elia noticed he had to clear his throat more than once. "Let us take you both in and make this a double celebration."

Reth shook his head again, then his throat bobbed and he turned to Elia.

"What's going on?" she asked quietly.

"You are… do you want to be… adopted?" he said breathlessly.

"What?" Elia looked at Aymora.

The older woman smiled, her eyes crinkling where sun and time had weathered her skin. "Dear one, you are invited to the Pride," she said softly. "If you want to become one of us, we would make you family. The Pride has agreed."

There was a chorus of affirmations and approving growls from the circle around them. Elia's mouth dropped open.

"No Queen should be without a people," Aymora continued, reaching for Elia's arm. "We put it to a vote and the Pride agreed. You are one of us—if you wish to be. No one will fault you if you do not want to cut your ties with your former people. But if you wish to become truly Anima… you are welcome among us."

Elia threw herself at Aymora, who laughed and hugged her. She clutched the woman to her chest and fought tears as Brant stepped forward and clasped Reth—who seemed even more overcome than she was.

When she finally pulled back she just cried, "Yes! Yes, please! Thank you! I don't… I don't even know what to say. Thank you," she said, turning to look at the Leonine around them, who were all either smiling or crying. "Thank you." Then she turned back to Aymora. "What do I have to do?"

"Nothing," Aymora said with a shrug. "You are the Clan Leader's mate, claimed, and offered to our most dominant male, you have expressed your joy for our Clan… if you wish to be among us, you simply… are."

"I do!"

"Then," Brant said with a wink, "go forth and multiply. Aymora and I will be your parents—though do not fear, it gives us no more sway than we already held in your life. It simply means if you are ever in need of comfort or care, you can come to us and we'll receive you as one of our own."

Elia launched herself at the old man, who chuckled, but wrapped his arms around her, swaying back on his heels with the force of her hug.

"Don't cry, Elia, this is a cause for celebration," he whispered in his thin voice in her ear.

She pulled her head out of his chest and sobbed, "I know! That's why I'm crying!"

The man laughed, and passed her back to Reth as the Leonine began to circle and sway around them, calling to each other in time with the music, swaying their arms, and stamping their feet, weaving around and between each other in lines.

Elia wanted to learn the dance, so Reth showed her, his own eyes misty, and his voice rough. But soon she had the rhythm of it, and the two of them stepped into a line, continuing the weave of the dance until the song was done, and everyone went their separate ways—mostly in family groups, and many with shining eyes.

Elia turned to Reth and buried her face in his chest.

Neither of them spoke. But they didn't let go for a very long time.

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