Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 160: The Glittering Queen

Chapter 160: The Glittering Queen


Elia hardly dared breathe in case she broke the spell.

She and Reth had arrived for the feast and had almost immediately been circled by a crowd, all dressed for the feast and excited, children dancing, and the adults bowing, smiling, beaming. Elia had stood, not touching Reth, but cautious, expecting the people to give their focus to him as they usually did. But to her surprise, many reached out to her first—especially the females.

"You look beautiful, Sire!"

"That dress! It must be Candace's work?"

"Will you hold my hand, Majesty?" from a small child Elia realized with a start was Lupine. The little girl stood in front of her, her eyes wide and staring, one hand extended towards her.

Gahrye and the others had warned her—it was very important she not be seen to choose favorites tonight. Not align herself too strongly with one tribe or another. That she be viewed as a person of peace, embracing all the Anima.

Smiling at the girl, but uncertain whether this advice extended to the children, she looked quickly at Reth—who was beaming. He knelt down in front of the small girl, pretended to bow, then took and kissed her extended hand. She stared at him, her eyes so wide Elia could see the white all the way around.

"Your Queen would love to hold your hand," he whispered to her, glancing at Elia over his shoulder. "But because she is Queen, she has to hold my hand tonight. Can you forgive her?"

The little girl nodded solemnly, then took her hand back from his massive paw and clutched it to her chest. "I'll let her go with you tonight," she whispered back.

"Thank you."

Elia almost cried at the tenderness he showed the little girl—and a wolf, at that—but he just patted her shoulder, then straightened and tucked Elia's hand under his arm, leading her towards the stage.

It took them half an hour to get to their seats in the end, because so many people wanted to stop and speak to both of them. When they finally got there and Reth pulled out her chair for her in a show of ceremony, he'd thrown he an excited look—like a child, sharing a secret. She'd grinned back, but neither of them spoke of it.

This was an excellent start.

Aymora was already seated to Elia's right, and when she'd settled in, the older woman leaned in. "An excellent start, Sire," she whispered.

Elia shot her look. "Since when do you—"

"Tonight is a night for standing on ceremony. Don't fight it," Aymore murmured through unmoving lips, looking out over the people. "Allow yourself to be honored. To any watching closely, it will affirm your position. For tonight you are Queen, not Elia."

Elia sighed but nodded and made herself push her shoulders back, but keep her chin low. Aymora huffed her approval.

The feast was delicious, and despite her nerves, Elia found herself able to eat generously. She'd been worried the butterflies inside her would kill her appetite. But one whiff of the succulent meats and marinated vegetables, and her body remembered how hard she'd been working.

She devoured every bite.

Reth leaned into her ear more than once, his hand on her thigh under the table. "Are you well?"

"Mostly," she murmured back, turning to meet his eyes—and finding them hooded, and hot, she'd had to smile. "Down, boy," she chided.

Reth chuckled. "You have no idea how beautiful you are when you smile," he said and touched her jaw with one finger. "I want you so badly, I'm ready to eat you."

"That would be very messy," she joked. "And there are children present. Terrible example."

He chuckled. "Truly, though, Elia… are you well?"

Trust Reth not to let her ignore her nerves. She dropped her hand beneath the level of the table and took his hand. He squeezed as hard as she did. "I'm terrified," she said honestly. "But I want to do it. I want to see… I hope…"

"It will be well. Just be your true self and if any attempt to interrupt or question you before you're finished, look at them the way you look at me when you think I'm out of line."

Elia blinked. "They might… interrupt me?"

Reth shrugged. "I hope not. But it is allowed, yes. If they want to test you."

"Excellent," she muttered. Reth squeezed her hand again.

"I'll keep glaring at them, just in case."

"No! Don't do that. Reth, you have to let me do this. Fail or succeed, they need to see me do it alone."

He held her gaze for a long moment, then nodded. "You're right, of course."

Elia pulled her head back with a jerk. "I'm sorry, did you just say… can we get a witness to the declaration my husband just made…" she said softly, turning as if she was looking for someone to answer her bidding.

Reth growled in his throat, but his eyes twinkled.

They were both quiet for a moment, then he squeezed her hand again. "Creator, be with my wife tonight," he breathed, only barely loud enough for Elia to hear him. "Show them her spirit and her magnificent strength. And let her bow to no one… even me."

Elia put her hand to her mouth as Reth met her gaze, his own tense, but warm. "I love you, Reth," she whispered and leaned in to kiss him. Audience be damned.

He sucked in when their lips met softly, chastely. When she pulled back his eyes were hooded again. "I think you better get started, wife, before I steal you away and to hell with this Festival."

Adrenalin shot through her veins. "Now?!" she squeaked.

Reth scanned the market, nodding. "Their bellies are full, and they're smiling. I can't think of a better time."

She swallowed and looked down the table towards Gahrye, who was already looking at them that wistful pinch in his eyes that Elia often noticed when she and Reth were together. Her own heart sputtered in sympathy for him, but he cleared his face and arched an eyebrow in question.

Swallowing hard, Elia nodded.

With a deep breath, Gahrye pushed back his chair and stood. "Attention, everyone!"

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