Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 157: Priorities

Chapter 157: Priorities


Creator's Light, she was stunning. She was always stunning, but in that dress… his cock literally strained against his pants and with his forehead still leaning on the door, he muttered a prayer because that wasn't why he'd come. But now he wanted to.

"Oh, Reth," she said quietly. "What's happened?"

He sucked in a deep breath and turned, his heartrate speeding up the moment his eyes landed on her. The dress pressed her breasts higher, and even though they were completely covered, it was as if they appealed to him for sucking.

He cleared his throat and forced himself to meet her eyes. "I'm afraid you're going to be late for the festival."

"What? Why? What's going on?"

He stalked over to her, stifling the urge to give the mating call and took her hands "Because you are so amazingly beautiful that I'm going to strip you out of that dress and take you, and they're going to have to do this again."

Her eyes were wide with confusion as he leaned into take her mouth, but she kissed him back, one hand on his chest, right over his heart. He purred in his throat and dropped his chin to kiss her neck as he started to fist the skirt in his hands, pulling it up—

"Wait a moment!" she pushed on him with that hand and took a step back. "You're serious?" she asked, her voice high and breathless.

Reth blinked. "Yes. Why?"

"Absolutely not, Reth."


"I am not going to be late because you can't keep it in your pants for a few hours."

"But Elia!" he whined, "Look!" He indicated his own, straining groin and she looked down, then rolled her lips in to stifle the smile that broke.

"Poor, frustrated King," she said a moment later, a distinct wobble of laughter in her voice.

"Just ten minutes Elia, I can make it good, I promise—" He stepped towards her, but she stepped back again and the noise that broke in his throat was one he hadn't made since he was twelve and his mother said he was too young to go the Rite.

"No. Just no," she said firmly, though her eyes were bright.

He didn't answer right away, instead letting himself think about having her here, quickly, frantically—she didn't even have to take off the damn dress, he could flip the skirt over her back and—

Heat flared in her eyes as if she knew what he was thinking, but she turned her head and took another step away from him. "Reth. This isn't funny."

"Am I laughing?"

She snorted, and caught herself. "I've never seen you so… whiney."

"I've never seen you looking… like that!" he spluttered, opening a hand and waving it up and down at her in the dress. "You should have warned me! This was a complete stealth attack. Very unfair!"

"Reth, stop. Now tell me, why are you here?"

"I told you—"

But her jaw went hard and she folded her arms, which just pressed her delicious breasts higher, which really wasn't fair at all. He groaned and closed his eyes. "I just wanted to make sure you have everything you need. I'm meeting Behryn in a few minutes to talk about the Bears. They're moving. We got word. So, I'll be busy right up until the feast. And I wanted to make sure you had everything…" he trailed off, his eyes sliding down her form. He swallowed. "Elia, we could—"

"No, Reth," she said softly, but she was smiling. "I love you, and I'm excited—tonight… tonight we'll make the most of this. I promise. But right now, I am incredibly nervous, and I need to focus, and we need to finish getting ready. We have everything we need. And I'm sure if anything comes up, the ladies can find it, anyway. You will make it to the feast, right? The Bears aren't here?"

"No, the Scouts are watching them. We're just making sure they don't decide to come raid WildWood. So… it doesn't matter. We have much more pressing things at hand right now! Or at least… they could be?" He waggled his eyebrows and beamed at her.

She giggled and stepped forward, and for a second his heart leapt. But she just pulled his face down and kissed him, then said against his lips, "I'll see you in an hour, at the feast."

"You know this isn't good for a man's health, right?" he said, pointing at his own groin again.

"You aren't going to trick me into looking at it, or touching it, Reth. It's time to put your big boy pants on and take one for the team."

"Oh, I have big boy pants already," he muttered. "You could see that for yourself if you'd just—"


"Okay, okay," he said, putting his hands up and pretending to pout. "I guess I can wait a few hours. But don't be surprised if I scandalize some of the sheep on the dance floor tonight. For Anima, they're far more… reserved about these kinds of things. And everyone is going to be able to scent how much I want you."

"Better than them scenting that you've already had me," she muttered and patted his face. "I love you, Reth. Thank you for distracting me. It was wonderful. Very good. Well done."

He blinked. Oh, she thought he'd been playing. Well..

"You're welcome, wife," he said with a smile and kissed her again. His groin twitched. "And if at any point this evening you feel like you need to relax—"

"Thank you, Reth. Please send the ladies back in. We really do need to get on with this."

He sighed and stole one more kiss, then turned on his heel and hobbled out the door, telling the ladies who were waiting in the dining room that they were free to go back in.

Aymora gave him a raised eyebrow, but he just scowled in return, and she laughed.

Damned women. They were all trouble.

He stalked out of the cave and decided to run back to the city. Maybe it would help ease the aching in his body.

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