Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 251 251: Playing Games Requires Inserting a USB Drive

Chapter 251 Chapter 251: Playing Games Requires Inserting a USB Drive


"86, hurry, hack her system!" With no other options left, Renji anxiously sought help from the maid.

Fortunately, 86 did not disappoint him.

[*Speaking very quickly* Please, master, connect to the inside of Number 17639. As I am merging, I can hack into her program through master and gain temporary control to stop the self-destruction]


'There was a solution, but the problem was'

"How do I connect internally??" Renji asked with a face full of question marks after hearing 86's words, as he wasn't any kind of bionic being.

[*Speaking very quickly*. Master can think of it as inserting a USB drive]

Renji: "…"

Inserting a USB drive! With only the last ten seconds left in the self-destruct countdown, Renji already felt the Machine Servant in his arms getting warm and increasingly hot.

Without hesitation, Renji immediately opened the faceplate of his mecha armor and planted a direct kiss to the Machine Servant's mouth that was still counting down.

[*Excited* Well done master, USB drive inserted successfully, Number 86 is trying to hack in, please wait patiently master. Gentle reminder, please do not remove the 'USB' drive before the hack is complete]



[Reluctant to part. Report to master, hacking completed, I have temporarily taken control of Number 17639 and has reclaimed the command of the Machine Servant troop. Do you wish to issue an immediate retreat order?]

"Issue it!"

After kissing for almost 9.9999 seconds, Renji looked at the Machine Servant in his arms, whose self-destruct countdown stopped at "0.0001s.", well… it should now be Number 86 occupying the body of the Machine Servant, and he hesitated to speak.

In fact, when 86 asked him, it was merely symbolic. As soon as Renji kissed the Machine Servant, 86 had already successfully taken control and immediately ordered the rest of the "combat body" Machine Servants to retreat.

As for what those remaining 9.9998 seconds were used for...

It's hard to comment.

After receiving the "retreat" command from the command unit, the previously steadfast Machine Servants now fled decisively. Such is the nature of the Machine Servants, unemotionally executing orders with due diligence.

On the witch's side, Artius(Suthia) was wide-eyed.

It was unclear whether it was because she saw Renji kissing the Machine Servant or was surprised that the Machine Servants, who were supposed to "fight to the death" in the settings, actually fled, leaving the witch stunned on the spot, like a program with a bug, somewhat bewildered and at a loss.

It was too late by the time she reacted angrily and wanted to pursue them.

There are some unwritten rules in Dream Zero, similar to a game. As the "Miasma Master" the witch's range of movement is limited. Once she leaves her territory to a certain distance, she is restricted by the world rules.

The expression of hatred on the witch's face quickly disappeared, and her body turned into waves of red mist, gradually blurring until finally vanishing completely.

Renji finally breathed a sigh of relief at this point.

After disengaging the mecha armor and separating from the merger, 86 returned to her maid form, and the command Machine Servant, which had been hacked by 86, naturally also returned to her original program consciousness.

[Data confusion, attempting to recover, recovery failed, reason: unknown]

[Retrieving other mech body video footage]

[Analysis complete, data anomaly reason: attacked by an unknown mecha body]

After a series of rapid electronic self-talk, the command Machine Servant turned her gaze to the maid beside Renji.

The two maids looked very similar in appearance.

The only distinction might be that the Machine Servants in Dream Zero all had black cloth covering their eyes.

Of course, it only looked like cloth, the actual functionality might be similar to tactical goggles like sunglasses.

[Unknown mecha body, Number 17639 unable to recognize your code, please actively report your code and model]. A beam of light shot out from the black cloth over her eyes, quickly scanning 86 from top to bottom.

[*Obediently*. My code is Number 86, and my model is a home-

use maid]

[Unknown machine, your way of speaking is strange. Also, there is no record of any machine with the code '86' in Number 17639's database. Lastly, Number 17639 cannot understand your model. Please choose from control machine, combat machine, reconnaissance machine, or logistics machine]

[*Scratching head*. A home-use maid is just a home-use machine]

[Unknown machine, if you are applying for a new model, please describe the function of this model]

[*Hands on hips*. A home-use machine is specially designed to serve my master only, including but not limited to cleaning, cooking, expressing love, warming the bed, caring for and nurturing offspring]."

Before 86 could finish speaking, the blindfolded Machine Servant interrupted her.

[Unknown machine, please immediately explain the meaning of 'master' in your sentence. Number 17639 suspects you pose a risk of losing control.]

Interrupted, Number 86 seemed a bit angry and, without further communication, walked back to Renji's side, the message being quite clear.

86's action finally made the blindfolded Machine Servant notice Renji.

After the same scanning beam swept over Renji's body, the blindfolded Machine Servant's black cloth displayed a red light, indicating an "alarm."

[Target identity confirmed, not a program life from Dream Zero, determined to be an external intruder]

[Unknown machine, your actions have severely deviated from the Zero Code. Number 17639, as a 'control machine', has listed you on the out-of-control list and will immediately execute the recovery program!]

After the words of the blindfolded Machine Servant, the forty or so "combat body" Machine Servants saved by Renji also turned their attention to 86, drawing their weapons, preparing to "recover" 86.

However, at this moment, Number 17639, the control machine, suddenly opened its mouth and struggled, shaking its head while making muffled [ Nya Nya Nya] sounds as if something was blocking its mouth.

The "combat machines" below were not spared either. Under the command of the "control machine," they also dropped their weapons and made similar mouth-opening movements, emitting [Nya Nya] sounds.

After 9.999 seconds, this strange phenomenon finally ended.

[Warning! Warning! System vulnerability detected, suspected virus residue, losing control, immediately execute the Glory Program!]

[May the Emperor's Glory Last Fore... Nya]

[May the Emperor...Nya]

[May... Nya]


86 was finally reunited with her sisters, and Renji had deliberately stepped aside to allow 86, as a fellow machine, to communicate with her sisters.

But now it seems...

"86, what did you do to them?" Renji couldn't help but ask, watching the group of blindfolded Machine Servants in front of him continuously making a cute Nya sounds in a distorted manner.

[*Hee hee hee*. 86 has saved the process of master inserting the USB drive and implanted it as a virus into Number 17639, the control machine. Now it's repeatedly running in them. Rest assured master, it won't be long before 86 turns Number 17639 into master's second home-use maid Nya~]

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