Extra's Descent

Chapter 206: Turning Point 2.0 [1]

Brandon stood up as Amelia assisted him. Belle left them to their own devices and joined the fight.

Brandon met Amelia's gaze and asked.

"Where's Carl and Aurelia?"


Amelia pointed in a seemingly distinct direction. Brandon followed her direction, and there, he could see Carl and Aurelia—who was wearing a hood, hiding behind a tree.

There wasn't a problem if they found Carl. The main problem was Aurelia.

After all, she was an elf.

Brandon nodded his head and the two walked towards Carl and Aurelia.

"Carl, we'll go back to the city."


Carl looked at the missing arm with a worried expression. Noticing the look on his face, Brandon flashed him a smile and ruffled his hair.

"I'm fine."



Brandon nodded his head and turned towards Aurelia. She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Aurelia, you can't ter the human domain. But don't worry…"

He turned his head slightly towards Amelia and the two nodded at each other.

Brandon continued.

"Amelia will stay with you."


Aurelia nodded her small head and the group left shortly after.

They ran swiftly through the forest, careful not to attract the atttion of any monsters nearby.

But it was th wh Brandon halted in his steps.

Noticing, they stopped running and turned back, looking at Brandon.

"What's wrong?"

Amelia asked.

Brandon didn't respond as a peculiar notification appeared in his peripheral vision.

[Don't go!]


"...Did you receive one too?"

"Receive what?"

"A notification."

Amelia tilted her head and started fiddling her fingers in the air. It was a funny sight, it looked as if she had lost it and was clicking on nothing.


She shook her head.

"I see."

Now that was odd.

There were certain quests, such as the main act—where only Brandon received it.

But throughout the tire journey, Brandon and Amelia seemed to share the same quests.

It felt as if…

….The system was communicating with him.

It was truly odd.

"It tells me not to go."

"But you have to get treated."

"I know."

But for some reason, he felt like listing to what the system told him.


He took another step, just to test it.

[Don't go!]

Another one.

How peculiar.

The system had never acted like this before. And most of the time, its messages seemed robotic.

But now, it truly felt like it was communicating with him.


[Don't go!]

"I think we should go back."


"I know, I know. But look."

His eyes flicked towards the ice on his shoulder—which was prevting the bleeding.

"I think I'll be fine. I'll just…"

Brandon suddly neared Amelia and leaned close, whispering something in her ear.

"...Place my arm inside the invtory."

"....Is that a good idea?"

"It probably is. Could you distract them for a second?"


With such thoughts, Brandon walked back, fixing a set distance from them.

Oping his system, he placed his arm inside the invtory.

A sudd chill ran down his spine, and he felt subtle goosebumps run down his body.

The thought of placing his own arm inside his invtory made his skin crawl.

Th, Brandon turned back a and gave Amelia a thumbs up.

Amelia returned with her own gesture, and approached him shortly after. Carl and Aurelia followed closely.

"Why do we have to go back?"

Carl asked.

"Don't you have to get your arm healed?"

"Yes. But I'd like to wait for my sister."

"Oh. I understand."

Brandon gave him another smile. Suddly, Aurelia neared him and hugged his leg.

The little elv girl was attached to him for some reason.

And he too was fond of her as he crouched down and looked her in the eye.

Her expressions told him all he needed to know. He had only met Aurelia rectly, but they had already formed quite a bond.

He hugged her and caressed the back of her head, reassuring her.

"I'll be fine. Please, don't worry."


Brandon pulled away and stood up, holding Aurelia's small hand.

That being said, they ran back and headed towards where they once were.

It wasn't that far. It took them three minutes, and by the time they got there…





They were speechless.

Brandon's expressions turned grim and his eyes shot wide op.

All of the hairs on the back of his neck stood on d and he felt his hand start to tremble.

He was horrified by the sight that greeted him.

He truly couldn't believe what he was seeing.


His mouth oped but no words escaped. Just the sound of his shaky breathing.


With wide eyes, he turned his head slightly and scanned Amelia's expressions.

Just like him, her eyes were shot wide op and she covered her mouth with her hands.

It looked as if she was about to burst into tears at the momt.

But Brandon… he didn't feel that way.

Reality hadn't sunk in yet.

No, he wanted to dy it.


He turned his head back and stared in the distance.

A tall figure stood with long–platinum blonde hair. Purple flames seemed to velop his figure.

His arm was extded forward, piercing right through a certain someone's body.


No fucking way.

"This isn't real…"

He was just here a few minutes ago.

How did the situation escalate for the worse.

Why is Belle… dead?

And why is she… the only one dead.

"What the fuck are you useless bastards doing?!"

He screamed.

Seething rage, mixed with sorrow coursed within him.

After all, they stood froz with horrified expressions, staring at the Wraith who had just killed his sister.


Ba… Thump!

His heart started tighting, and he clched his chest.


Amelia's legs gave out and she fell on both knees, covering her mouth, as tears started trickling down her cheek.


After meeting several people in this world, the one he didn't want to lose the most was Belle.

He had already accepted her as his own sister.

He loved her like family.

And again…

…His family was tak from him.

Just like how his mother lost him, he had now lost a person he truly considered family in this world.

[Curse Assimilation]

It was at that momt wh cursed flames gulfed his tire figure.


The g suddly cracked, and Brandon's hair started turning ink–black, as well as his eyes.


Kicking the g, Brandon blinked forward, leaving a mixture of cursed flames and lightning in his trail.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

But before he neared the Wraith, the purple flames fully gulfed his figure.

The Wraith turned his head to meet Brandon's gaze.


The Wraith's lips pulled up to a chilling wide grin and a chill ran down Brandon's spine.

That was the last thing Brandon saw as the Wraith's figure burnt into a crisp. Ashes fluttered in the air and Belle's body fell on the g.

Her torso marred a gaping hole as it bled profusely.

But there were no signs of life as Belle's eyes remained close, her body froz still.

"Skill Weaver!"

He yelled.

"Revive her!"




"Revive my sister!"


"Go fucking kill yourself you useless piece of shit!"


The system was of no use. Brandon crouched down and held Belle's hand tightly.

"Belle…! Belle…!"


He felt a hand touch his shoulder and Brandon turned his head to glare at the man.

"Don't fucking touch me."

Th, he looked at all of the people prest a him—who stood still with horrified eyes.

"Don't you dare get fucking close you useless shits."

His palms touched Belle's torso, blood smeared his hand, and stained his clothes.

Cr… Crack!

Ice materialized out of thin air and the bleeding stopped.

"Belle…! Please! You can't be dead. Not now. Not like this…!"

Drip. Drip…!

"Belle… please!"

His voice cracked.

"Please wake up! Belle! Belle…!"

Drip. Drip…!

Before he realized it, tears poured down and he laid his head on her chest.

Sob. Sob.

"Belle… Belle…"

His shoulders trembled. Silce permeated the surings. The only sound that occurred were his occasional sobbing as he muttered his dear sister's name.


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