Everyone Thinks that I Like Him

Chapter 32

The first person to respond was Wen Renxu. He laughed haha and said, So hungry, Ill go have dinner.

Ill go with you!! Liu Yutian immediately followed Wen Renxus pace.

With this precedent, the other people scrambled over each other to rush outside, walking as lightly as possible. When they passed by Ye Zhous side, they also carefully glanced at them out of the corner of their eyes.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath and grabbed Zhou Wendao who fell in the back. He said with a smile, Where are you going? And like youve met a great scourge too.

Quaking with fear, Zhou Wendao glanced at him. Obviously, hed seen Ye Zhous smile countless times. How come this time its so horrifying?

And you guys. Ye Zhou ignored Shang Jin and stepped out the door. To the group of dilly-dallying people, he said, You made a mess in our dorm. Youre not going to sweep it?

There was great power in a crowd. The paper on the ground was soon cleaned up.

Ye Zhou sat in the chair and asked as if nothing had happened, What time did you guys come back in the morning?

Liu Yutian quickly glanced at Ye Zhous face and saw that he seemed to have restored his usual appearance and didnt have the low pressure when hed entered the door. He worked up his courage and said, Almost seven oclock

Then why didnt I see you when I left?

Ye Zhous tone became more normal the more he talked. Wen Renxu and Liu Yutian looked at each other and simply suspected that the Ye Zhou theyd first seen was fake. We ate and then came back, figuring that youd left at that time.

While they were chatting, Shang Jin washed his face, sat in front of the computer, and before putting on his headphones, said to Lui Yutian, I put the apples from yesterday under your desk.

Oh, thank you. Liu Yutian sized up Shang Jin . Seeing that he was also the same as usualeating dinner and playing game when he came backthere was nothing different.

Could it be that they were overthinking it?

The additional two uncertain inhabitants of 405 also observed for some time. Finding that Ye Zhou was still bantering with them as before, and Shang Jin had ate, reviewed and played games at his own pace as always, it couldnt be anymore normal. The two breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to let go the taut strings in their heart.

Liu Yutian scrolled through the schools BBS for a while before going to bed. As soon as he refreshed, a new post came up Is the Shang Ye number malfunctioning?? Todays exam is definitely the hardest in the long time Ive been in college!!

Liu Yutian quickly tapped in to investigate.

LZ: Since the Shang Ye number became popular in school, many students were drawn from all over to go kneel and bow in worship one after the other. This landlord is no exception. Before each exam, I must go to pray at the Shang Ye number. I have to say that the Shang Ye number is really effective. The advanced math algebra that had perplexed me before, this time went smoothly without obstruction. However, I never expected that finally, I would fall head first in statistics class. Originally, I could get a high score even if I didnt review statistics. This time, I could only pray that I didnt fail the course!!

1L: I didnt take exams for the past few days, so I didnt go over to worship, but I worshipped a few days ago and felt it was good.

2L: I feel the same, the effect is very good. Landlord, did you pray to the test god in the wrong posture?

3L: I made an offering of two apples to the test god the day before Christmas Eve. The test went very favorably that day.

11L: Fall! In the end, who said that the Shang Ye number is a test god? Its simply a mourning god! Previously, Introduction to Maoism was always open-book. Yesterday, I fucking went to see the Shang Ye number in passing and followed along with the crowd to worship it twice. As a result, Maoism was closed-book!!! My entire person collapsed!!!

13L: Me too!! Maoism was actually closed book! Hasnt it always been open book before?? When I received the exam book, I simply wanted to kneel down to the teacher!

16L: Feck, I just worshiped today. Can I go take it back now? The exam tomorrow is my weakness!

20L: I say, how was the exam today so unfavorable. Was the Shang Ye number cursed?

25L: Thats the test god. Who dares to curse it??

37L: The evil way! Exactly whats going on?

Liu Yutian watched as more and more people doubted the Shang Ye number, and suddenly, a divine light flashed in his mind!

Hed always thought that the atmosphere in the dorm these days was strange, but he wasnt able to say how it was strange in the end. Now, he finally understood!

Ye Zhous attitude was completely normal to them.

Shang Jins attitude was also completely normal to them.

Both of them had the appearance that they knew well, but this was the biggest abnormality!

It should be known that after Ye Zhou and Shang Jin lived together, the two people would have some unusual behavior.

For example, Ye Zhou would help Shang Jin organize his desk. For example, Shang Jin would no longer be a loner, but would go together with Ye Zhou to go to school and to go eat.

And now, the two men had returned to their original appearances. Saying that they had no problem was deceiving ghosts!

No wonder worshiping the test god was useless. The two test gods had a falling out, so where would they have the leisure to bless your group of peoples exams!

Liu Yutian held a skeptical attitude, logged into his forum account and sent a message.

365L Soaring in One Shot: To be on the safe side, everyone shouldnt worship the Shang Ye number these days!!!

This insiders words immediately attracted everyones attention, not to mention that Liu Yutian not only enlarged the font, but also marked it in red. As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

370L: Whats going on? Does this young hero know the inside story?

375L: Im just missing the last class! How can the ball be dropped at this time? When can the Shang Ye number get well??

382L: Urgent, urgent, urgent! When can it be well! In what way?? What can I do?

391L: Is the Shang Ye number broken?? Ill pay for it, only fix it before my exam!

Liu Yutian directly shut down the browser and no longer cared how the other people howled. The schoolmates on the forum were anxious, and he was even more anxious living under the same roof!

Its a pity that the classes were done and Ye Zhous foot injury had long since been well. There was simply no reason and no way to get these two people together to resolve their dispute.

Ye Zhou stood up from his chair and turned his neck, a bit unaccustomed after suddenly switching back to his original chair.

Thats right, the original chair.

After Christmas that day, Ye Zhous mood when looking at Shang Jin wasnt good at all. Everything related to Shang Jin would ruin his mood. The swivel chair sent by Shang Jin was regarded even more as a viper, and in a fit of fury, was kicked to a corner of the dorm.

And when Shang Jin saw his series of actions, he didnt even lift his eyebrows and completely took him as an invisible person. For Ye Zhou, this was the same as pouring oil on the fire. Following that, he resolved to ignore him.

Habit was a terrible thing. On several occasions, due to his habits, Ye Zhou almost went to Shang Jins table to help him tidy up his messy tabletop, but he firmly endured.

Ye Zhou wasnt a person who was good at cold wars. Whats more, after a few days, a large part of his anger had almost disappeared.

But he couldnt lower his pride to sue for peace with Shang Jin. Feeling a thorn in his heart, whenever he wanted to approach Shang Jin, this thorn would constantly remind him to stay away.

Shang Jin clearly kept his composure more than him: eating alone, going to the library alone, and playing games in the dorm alone, methodically doing the things on hand. It was as if Ye Zhous changes had no effect on him.

Ye Zhou vented his anger. Perhaps Shang Jin enjoyed his previous life more.

The next day after the test, Ye Zhou packed his things up and met up with Zhan Xing. He rode his bike to Zhan Xings side. Hey!

Zhou? Zhan Xing slowed down. Why are you alone. What about Shang Jin?

Ye Zhou ignored his question and said, Can we talk?

Zhan Xing slowed down and turned on another road with Ye Zhou. Whats up?

The dorms Ye Zhou callously said, lets change back.


Zhan Xing slammed on the brakes, and the tires on the ground issued a heavy wail.

Ye Zhou propped a foot on the ground, turned around and said it again, Lets change the dorms.

You two arent that bad, right!! Zhan Xing said flabbergasted, Isnt it just the sex not being harmonious? This kind of thing, just try two more times and itll be fine. Do you need to go so far as to separate?

Regarding the sexual disharmony, it was the most likely result after all the boys in the class, except for Ye Zhou and Shang Jin, had gathered together and come up with after several sleepless nights of discussion. Without a good solution in mind, Zhan Xings loose lips blabbed it all out.

Ye Zhous whole face was stupefied. Who told you we had disharmonious sex??

Zhan Xing was bewildered. If it was harmonious, why would you still want to separate?

Ye Zhou simply couldnt take a breath. Were this group of peoples head all filled with GV? How did they pass A Unis entrance exam like this!! [GV:gay adult video]

Who told you that I went to bed with Shang Jin. Were both innocent. Spread less rumors!

Then why do you want to change the dorms?

I Ye Zhou saw Zhan Xing with that gossiping expression and only feared that after he tore down one rumor the second before, no one would know what would come out the second after once it was dispersed to the whole class. Ye Zhou waved his hand, rode his bike and said, Forget it. Pretend I didnt say it.

That night, in the post that everyone was following closely, a familiar ID sent another message.

678L Soaring in One Shot: The two test gods quarreled, so

689L: Im freaking out!!! Just finished reviewing and heard this grievous news!

692L: When did they start quarreling?? It wouldnt be since Christmas Eve, that day??

702L: Quarreling already has such great power, if one day, the two test gods split

709L:Pei, pei, pei!! Can you say something good!! The two leaders of my great Shang Ye religion must be united for a hundred years!!

711L: Tear down the building, still cant tear down Shang Ye!

713L: Head can be broken, blood can flow, Shang Ye with one heart, never hatred!!

720L: Head can be broken, blood can flow, Shang Ye with one heart, never hatred!!

721L: Head can be broken, blood can flow, Shang Ye with one heart, never hatred!!

This post was instantly covered by the manifesto.

When Ye Zhou went to library the next day, he always felt that gazes were constantly hitting him. When he looked up, no traces could be found.

This strange feeling accompanied him all along to the cafeteria.

On the second floor of the cafeteria, by good or bad fortune, he happened to see Shang Jin before the meal window.

Unlike the previous few days, he now completed avoided Shang Jin except when he was resting in the dorm. It was impossible for him to ignore the other, so he might as well keep him out of sight, out of mind.

At lunch time, there were a bit more people. Ye Zhou held his tray, saw an empty seat and was about to go over. His plan was unexpected disrupted as a person behind him quickly ran to the vacant seat and occupied it.

Ye Zhou changed direction. This time once again, he hadnt gone over, when another person took it first.

Classmate, if Im not mistaken, you were just eating at that table, right?

Eating half your meal and carrying your bowl to change seats, do you have too much idle time?

Because he didnt know these people, it was hard for Ye Zhou to say anything. He choked back his anger and continued looking for a seat.

After repeating this a few times, Ye Zhou was finally able to secure a seat and the surrounding quieted down.


Ye Zhou placed the tray heavily on the table, pulled out the chair and sat down.

Did the devil come to the door today? Finding a seat was like fighting a war. Ye Zhou unscrewed the water bottle and took a sip of water. Not swallowing yet, he saw sitting opposite him wasShang Jin.

Ke kecough The water in his mouth almost spurted out his nose.

Shang Jin had been eating calmly, as if he didnt know the person opposite him whod cough himself into TB. After finishing his meal, he quickly packed his tray and left.

Ye Zhou quickly recovered from his abnormal behavior. This wasnt the first time hed encountered this. He still remembered that soon after school started, the entire class mistakenly thought that he liked Shang Jin. Hed been so taut that he lost his mind. But now, since he already knew what all these gazes represented, he could calmly face them and not respond to those gazes.

This time, not only the finance class, but as long as it was a student who was concerned about the Shang Ye number on the BBS, theyd determined that Shang and Ye, the two people not only had a falling out, but that conflict was also quite big.

Among the boys, the majority of them would get hands-on once they disagreed. But these two, not only were they too lazy to move their hands, they wouldnt even move their mouths.

It wasnt surprising that the Shang Ye number suddenly lost its divine power. After all, if these two people split, the first to be split would be the Shang Ye number.

Ye Zhou didnt return to the dorm at noon and also didnt go to the library. Instead, he found an empty classroom and sat by the window to bask in in the sun.

Only after looking at the date did he find out that it was New Years Day. With New Years Day arriving, the Chinese New Year also wasnt far off.

On Chinese New Year, the day when families reunited, his brother should also come back again.

He could hide past the Eleventh, but he couldnt hide past the Chinese New Year.

In the entire Ye family, the one Ye Zhou least knew how to treat was his older brother, Ye Heng.

When it came to his childhood, having a good older brother was something to be proud of. At first, Ye Zhou worshiped Ye Heng and also always taken Ye Heng as his goal. But later, when hed heard his parents compare himself with Ye Heng too many times, gradually, this kind of worship became a kind of jealousy. Even more than once, hed thought that if Ye Heng wasnt there, their parents might value him more and find that hes good.

The him who had this kind of thought was simply disgusted by his filthiness. It was clear that his older brother didnt do anything wrong.

Perhaps Ye Heng had seen through him. After he went to university, Ye Heng had rarely returned home. After working, he only came back during the Chinese New Year. He reckoned that something urgent had come up on this years Eleventh holiday, but Ye Zhou didnt dare to ask, and also didnt dare to meet him.

Ye Zhou shook his head and tried to focus his scattered thoughts on the textbook. At the moment, the exam was the most important thing. Instead of wasting time worrying about trivial matters, itd be better to memorize a few more facts.

Flipping through a few pages, he suddenly felt something on his head.

Ye Zhou quickly swiped his head and a candy slipped from his head while he was shaking it.

Pink wrapper with a strawberry pattern in the very center.

Ye Zhou picked up the candy and turned his head. Shang Jin was sitting on a table, holding a large bag of just-opened strawberry candy.

Shang Jin tore off the candy wrapper, popped in the sweet and asked, What are you thinking about? Shaking your head around.

Ye Zhou snorted and turned his head, pretending to seriously study.

Shang Jin got up from the table, sat beside Ye Zhou, propped his chin to look at him and asked, Still mad?

Ye Zhou had long stopped being angry, and didnt even want to be strangers with Shang Jin. However, confronted with Shang Jin taking the initiative to sue for peace, he couldnt help but say enigmatically, What right do I have to be angry? What you said was right. Id been striving towards a goal for an entire life, suffering untold hardship, and each time returning in disappointment. Finally, I have to rely on the charity of others.

This sentence was like a thorn that constantly pricked Ye Zhous heart. It seemed that everything hed been pursuing was a joke in the eye of others.

Im sorry. I was wrong that day. With a couple crunches, Shang Jin bit down on the candy and after swallowing, said, So I came here today to specially tell you something. The first is what is mine, I wont give to anyone else. If you want it, you have to rely on your ability to take it from my hands.

That still need you to say!! Ye Zhou proudly said, Im telling you, this time, Ive reviewed more seriously than before.

What a coincidence, me too.

After a week, the low pressure surrounding Ye Zhou and Shang Jin finally truly dispersed.

Having Shang Jin actively apologize, Ye Zhous anger also went along and the fire was also gone. He mercifully forgave the other, but there was still a little bit of dissatisfaction. Then, next time you recognize your mistake, just quickly come apologize. Dont think that if you drag things on that it could be overturned.

Shang Jin smirked, You should try to act less arrogant when I give you some ground.

Ye Zhou immediately changed the subject, How did you know that I was in the classroom?

Now, its very easy to find you inside the school. Shang Jin took out his mobile phone and found the recent hot post in the school forum for him to see.

Is the Shang Ye number broken? Ye Zhou took the cell phone in front of him and began to look through it. What the hell is this?

Shang Jin tore open another piece of candy. See for yourself.

Ye Zhou read the posts, and from his initial misgivings, it became astonishment, then chaos. Finally, he completely did not know what expression he should be making, especially when he saw the manifesto of the group of believers.

No wonder the gazes of the classmates around him today were so strange, and theyd also kept pushing him together to Shang Jins side. The reason was to let the two of them quickly reconcile and let the small three-wheeler restore its test god power.

How come I didnt know I had this ability. After flipping through hundreds of posts and still not knowing how Shang Jin had found him, Ye Zhou gave the phone back to Shang Jin and said, Im not looking!

Shang Jin glanced at him and flipped through to his own message.

1023L Anonymous: Have you seen where Ye Zhou is? Shang Jin seems to be looking for Ye Zhou.

1042L: Report! When I went out of the cafeteria, I saw Ye Zhou riding in the direction of the sports field.

1049L: He didnt go to the sports field. When I came out of the sports field, he was heading towards A Unis supermarket.

1058L: Sitting in the library, saw that he didnt stop and continued to ride forward.

1064L: Parked at the Wensi Building, and took his schoolbag and went directly into the Wensi Building.

Originally, I was planning to search classroom by classroom. When I came to the entrance, I met a classmate who said you were in 304.

Ye Zhou covered his head and wailed, I rarely come to the classroom for a bit of quiet. I didnt expect that my whereabouts were all seen.

Shang Jin put the candy on the table and took out a textbook from the schoolbag. Okay, lets review.

Yeah. Ye Zhou pinched the strawberry candy in his hand for a while, and an idea gradually formed in his mind.

The news that Ye Zhou and Shang Jin had reconciled spread all over the campus in less than an hour. All the schoolmates were eager to release firecrackers to celebrate.

The next day, students with great courage began to walk in front of the little three-wheeler and advanced to worship. After the exam, they gave their feedback on the post.

1652L: The Shang Ye number has been restored to usual. Everyone can worship the test god as much as they like!

1663L: I hope the two great test gods never ever take a wrong turn again. I completely cant graduate if another black exam week comes again!!

1670L: Todays exam went very smoothly!! Thank heavens that Shang and Ye reconciled before my exam!

1678L: Theres no need to say! Head can be broken, blood can flow, Shang Ye with one heart, never hatred!!

Wen Renxu bantered, You two must not quarrel afterwards. This is related to a lot of peoples life and death!

Ye Zhou rolled his eyes, quite speechless at this superstitious campus.

The exams which lasted for two weeks were finally coming to an end.

Ye Zhou relaxed a little bit. He didnt vigorously chew through the books once he had time as he had in the past few days. Instead, he went to the supermarket and bought some snacks to reward himself.

Passing the fruit stand, Ye Zhou saw the brilliant yellow of the lemons, hesitated for a bit, then took two.

Zhou Wendao curiously said, Lemons are so sour, what are you buying them for?

Ye Zhou laughed, To eat.

Zhou Wendao frowned as though hed already eaten a sour lemon and said, As long as youre happy.

Ye Zhou didnt speak, went to the candy area, took the strawberry candy Shang Jin usually eats and went to the cashier to check out.

Back at the dorm, there was only Shang Jin alone.

Ye Zhou put the snacks hed bought on the table and asked, Where are the others?

Shang Jin replied without looking up, Dont know, they left quite early.

Ye Zhou laughed heheh sinisterly. He took the lemon out of his bag and abruptly shoved it in front of Shang Jin.

Shang Jin pushed back a step and stared at him. Without speaking, he was able to convey his meaning: What are you smoking?


I dont want it.

Ye Zhou snorted, brought the lemon and fruit knife together and cleaned them under the faucet. Regardless of Shang Jins wishes, he arbitrarily cut a lemon slice and pushed it to his mouth.

Shang Jin retreated back two centimeters and re-emphasized, I said, I dont want it.

It doesnt matter if you want it or not! Ye Zhou hadnt started yet when Shang Jin dodged, getting up from his chair and standing to one side. Ye Zhou chased relentlessly, unwilling to let him off. He wont give up until he fed the lemon to Shang Jins mouth.

Shang Jin was forced into a corner and was helpless. This kind of situation, obviously he could have used a cold face to make the other back out due to the awkward situation, but because hed provoked Ye Zhous anger a few days ago, Shang Jin could only let Ye Zhou act up. Faced with Ye Zhous kabedon, Shang Jin, with arms were crossed, sighed and was about to speak.


The dorm door was pushed open.

Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu were petrified in place by the shocking situation in the room.

Excuse us!!!

This kind of scene had happened too many times that Ye Zhou didnt even care to stretch out an Er Kang hand now. Compared with being mistaken for having sexual disharmony, the kabedon was simply childs play. He could even continue his move after the door closed. Quickly take a bite.

Er Kang hand ()

What the hell do you want to do? Shang Jin took the lemon in his hand with an expression of you dont say, I wont eat.

This kind of thing cant be said. You must experience it first! This was the method that Ye Zhou had thought of when he saw Shang Jin give him the candy.

Shang Jin had apologized to him, but he owed Shang Jin an apology.

That day, his attitude was also very poor. Hed stood on one side and criticized Shang Jins way of life while clearly not understanding anything at all.

It didnt matter if people said that he was opinionated or meddling in other peoples business. He just wanted to let Shang Jin come out of his own shell and experience the joys and sorrows of life. He should not because of his fear of being hurtfight for nothing at all.

A life without a goal, whats the difference between that and a salted fish!

Ye Zhou looked at him expectantly, slowly extending his hand into his pocket, and urged, Hurry up, try a bite.

Shang Jin looked distastefully at the lemon in his hand. Without trying it, he could feel the sourness emitting from it. Finally, he slowly raised it to his mouth and took a bite.

The sour taste spread instantly to his entire mouth. Shang Jins teeth had been aching from eating apples these days. Who knew what madness came over Ye Zhou to make him insist on having Shang Jin eat a lemon.

As if still not enough, now that Shang Jin was so sour that he didnt want to speak, Ye Zhou still nattered on in his ear, Hows the taste? Sour?

Shang Jin was at the end of his patience and glared at him. Shut up.

It looks like its very sour. Ye Zhou took the candy in his hand and quickly opened it. Before Shang Jin reacted, he stuffed it into his mouth.

The sweetness of the strawberry candy slowly spread, gradually covering up the tartness of the lemon.

Shang Jin had eaten strawberry candy many times, but none was as sweet as the one today.

Which brand did you buy?

Its the one you usually eat. Lest he didnt believe it, Ye Zhou showed him the wrapper and smiled mysteriously. Dont you think its especially delicious this time?

Shang Jin didnt speak, which was tacitly agreeing with his statement.

Ye Zhou took a few steps, sat back down in his chair and said, When we were in elementary school, we all liked to say some famous aphorisms to remind ourselves. What was the phrase that you heard the most at that time?

Can your thought not jump around like that?

Ye Zhou also didnt count on his answer and said of his own accord, What I heard most at that time was the swords edge was sharpened on a grindstone, the plum blossom fragrance came from the bitter cold or without passing through a biting cold, how can the plum blossom be so fragrant. As for the meaning of these two sentences, I believe that you dont need me to explain.

Are you feeding me chicken soup? [ Chicken Soup for the Soul, i.e. feel-good motivational stories]

Youre so annoying, let me finish! Ye Zhou complained and then continued, Before you said that I suffered untold hardships and returned in disappointment each time, I admit

Shang Jin slightly frowned and said, I thought this page has already been turned over

But theres one thing I dont agree with, Ye Zhou interrupted him, Maybe many people think Im pathetic, but I dont think so. I feel unreconciled, but I will never pity myself. The pressure and obstacles are my motivation to move forward. Going through these experiences, the sense of satisfaction after succeeding is incomparable. Your life is going well and you dont think that its necessary to experience the pain of setbacks, but without these, how can you experience the greatest happiness and joy? Just like the strawberry candy you just ate, only after the sourness can you experience how precious the sweetness is.

When he said this, Ye Zhous eyes flashed.

Shang Jin bowed his head and avoided Ye Zhous gaze. What Ye Zhou possessed was precisely what he lacked the most.

Its said that the rainbow is seen after the storm. Although its clich, but its actually true. Ye Zhou patted Shang Jins shoulders heavily. Were so young and the storm has come. If were going to the top, as long as the we dont collapse under the wind and rain, we will never cower.

Shang Jin chuckled and smiled like Ye Zhou had never seen before. Ye Zhou may not be the best, but he was definitely the person least likely to be knocked down by difficulties. So, even if his parents turned a blind eye to him for so many years, he would still quietly walk to a place without people realizing, and hed silently summon up his strength and wait for the final flight. Shang Jin finally knew why Ye Zhou was so angry that day. Although he had never won first, he had always been proud of what hed achieved.

Whos one with you? Shang Jin swatted aside Ye Zhous hand, took the lemon in his hand and stuffed it into Ye Zhous mouth. Let you also experience the sweetness of the strawberry candy.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! Ye Zhou speedily spat out the lemon in his mouth, I hate sour the most.

With time to concern yourself with this rubbish, why dont you hurry up to review. Shang Jin pulled out his textbook and putted it on the table. Youre the one who asked me to be serious, so in the end, dont lose too hard.

Can I still be afraid of you?

The two people reviewed for an afternoon. Nearing five oclock, a slight noise came through the dorm door.

At first, Ye Zhou thought it was Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu coming back and he didnt pay attention, continuing to read his book. But the noise sounded for three minutes and still no one came in. Ye Zhou felt it was a bit strange and moved his swivel chair backwards. Coming back-to-back with Shang Jins chair, he leaned over and asked in a whisper, Did you hear any sound?

Heard, dont mind it. They will naturally come in when they want to come in.

It wont be someone playing a prank, right? He didnt hear the sound of the key turning at all. Ye Zhou got up and walked to the door. Hesitating to suddenly pull open the door, he gently opened the door.

Shang Jin was as steady as Mount Tai, not being distracted even a bit. Are you too impatient?

Ye Zhou held the doorknob. Anyway, he really was unable to keep his calm.

He opened the dorm door, and Liu Yutian and Zhou Wendao, who were affixed to the door, nearly threw themselves on Ye Zhou. Ye Zhou dodged to one side and asked, What are you doing?

At the entrance, beside Liu Yutian and Zhou Wendao, there were also Wen Renxu and Xu Yangjun. Seeing Ye Zhou come out, they put their hands behind their backs, forcing a laugh at him on one side, while sweeping a glance at the dorm door on the other.

Ye Zhou followed their gazes, and then saw a hook in the middle of the dormitory door with a 25-centimeter tag hanging from the hook.

Closed. Ye Zhou read the word on the front, then flipped it over. Open. What are you doing here? Want to sell something?

The two roommates and the two former roommates standing at the entrance you push me, I push you, I push you, you push me, but didnt speak.

Ye Zhou pointed at the sign and asked again, Mute?

Liu Yutian was pushed out by the three other people. He lightly coughed and flattered, This is to be considerate of you and Shang Jinbecause of your special relationship with Shang Jin, in the future, if youre both in the dormat that time, turn the sign on theClosedside. When we see it, justyou know! When you finish, turn it over to theOpenside, and wed naturally come back.

Its not easy to talk to your object in the dorm. Well try to make it as convenient as possible. Zhou Wendao stood out to claim the credit, This was my idea.

Good idea. Ye Zhou smiled insincerely, using his finger to mercilessly poke Zhou Wendaos head for half a day and said, Each and everyone of you guys, what are you thinking of day and night? Cant think of some healthier things? How many times has it been said: theres nothing between me Shang Jin. Why dont you believe it?

Fine fine fine, its nothing, its nothing, Wen Renxu answered in a perfunctory manner, then said with a smile, So youre done? Can we go in?

Ye Zhou held his forehead. Having a group of classmates who didnt understand human speech was really tiring in the heart!!

Shang Jin waited for them to come in, then he went to the door and looked at it. He flipped over the tag and said, Okay, then afterwards, you guys dont come back at night. Whod do things in the broad daylight?

Liu Yutian anxiously said, Hey, heythis is a little

Shang Jin innocently said, Isnt this what you said, giving us convenience?

Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu:

The next day, Shang Jin waited until after Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu went out, then deliberately went to the door and turned the sign toClosed.

What are you doing! Ye Zhou walked over and tried to turn it over. Like this, everyone would misunderstand that we have something.

But Shang Jin laughed without talking, and unyieldingly turned the tag toClosed.

In less than ten minutes, Ye Zhou heard that there seemed to be a little more sound of footsteps outside. Not only that, but voices also came out from the dorm door. The voices werent loud, but because the dorm was very quiet, Ye Zhou and Shang Jin were able to perceive them.

The two men looked at each other. Ye Zhou walked to the door and yanked the door open.

A group of familiar faces landed at his feet.

HehehehZhou, were justpassingpassing by

Ye Zhou snorted and pulled the tag down. A hand holding each side, he used a little force and the acrylic sign that had lasted less than 24 hours was snapped and conveniently thrown into the trash.

Ye Zhou patted away the dust on his hands and said, Tomorrow is the exam. Be careful that I dont curse you to collectively fail.

After passing through that black exam week when Ye Zhou and Shang Jin had quarreled, who would dare to underestimate the power of the test gods. The group of people scrambled over each other to escape the scene, for fear of being plagued with Ye Zhous resentment.

Really need to dose this group of people.

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