Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4692: The strongest king

Chapter 4692: The strongest king

In this way, you come and go, the two sides continue to fight, each has failures, and each has success.

Almost all the top players who play in the back are not very different in combat power. Almost no one can win two games in a row. Each battle consumes a lot of power.

Slowly, there were only six or seven people left to fight the Heaven Extinguishing Army.

Lu Ming, Tang Jun, Xi, Shi, and a strong man from the Tiandi clan, plus two other masters.

On the Celestial side, it was similar, and only six or seven people were left to fight.

This battle has reached its final juncture.


On the battle platform, there was a shocking roar, and the two masters broke out the strongest move, and then both retreated violently and withdrew from the battle platform together.


"The next battle, leave it to me!"

The master of the Tiandi tribe stepped forward and stepped onto the battle platform.

This person was named Rong Jin, who originally existed at the peak of a divine lord, and at the peak of the divine lord, he was also an extremely powerful existence.

Even if he was suppressed in the First Heavy of the Divine Lord, not many people were able to fight at the same level.

"Forbidden, I will meet you."

There was a grim voice from the Celestial Race.

Then, a stunning woman stepped onto the battlefield.

"Da Meng Tianjun, is the Great Dream Tianjun!"

Many people in the Exterminating Army took a breath.

"is her!"

Lu Ming was also shocked.

Da Meng Tianjun, he has not only heard of it, but also seen it.

This person, known as one of the strongest heavenly monarchs in the Heavenly Palace, stood at the pinnacle of the Divine Lord Realm. It is said that he once had a trick to make all the creatures of a galaxy fall into a dream, which is terrifying.

"The strongest Heavenly Monarch of the Heavenly Palace is finally about to appear!"

Tang Jun whispered, his face solemn.

"The strongest Tianjun in Tiangong, is he strong?"

Lu Ming asked.

"Very strong, very strong. There are only four of the four heavenly temples that can be called the strongest heavenly monarchs. When they were young, every one of them was an amazing talented genius, all from that era. The pinnacles have suppressed an era, and they are all emperor and goddess."

Tang Jun explained.

Lu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly.

When this kind of character was young, although it was impossible to be as strong as Ye Qiuxian, it was probably not weaker than Ye Chu Tianji, Ye Ling Hongye.

This kind of character, even if suppressed in the First Heavy, is absolutely powerful.

"Big dream!"

Rong Jin whispered, his eyes very solemn.

"Rong Ban, are you sure you want to fight me? You are not my opponent."

Da Meng Tianjun spoke indifferently, with strong confidence in himself in his voice.

"I haven't played for so long, now and then, now, I may not lose."

Rong Jin sneered, two different brilliance filled his two heads. In the end, his body quickly separated and split into two.

One yin and one yang, two completely opposite energies burst out, rushing towards the Great Meng Tianjun.

However, Da Meng Tianjun stood there, motionless, did not mean to dodge or resist, Ren Rongjin's attack bombarded him.

When the attack of Rongban bombarded Dameng Tianjun, his body shattered like a phantom and dissipated in the air.

"this is..."

Rong Jin changed abruptly, and the two bodies exploded with intense energy, madly impacting outwards.

"what happened?"

Many people who killed the Heavenly Army were stunned.

In their eyes, the Great Meng Tianjun is step by step, slowly moving from one side to the forbidden city, but the attack from the forbidden rush is blasted toward the air directly in front. It seems that there is no such thing as the slowly approaching Great Meng Tianjun. See general.

In the end, the military ban broke out with full force, and the energy rushed in all directions, causing the Great Dream Tianjun to step back.

"It's a dream. It's a terrible dream. Rong Jin was recruited unknowingly."

Lion spoke, his face was very solemn.

"Are you caught in a dream?"

Other people were also violent, including Lu Ming.

This big dream Tianjun is really terrifying, and it can make people fall into a dream without knowing it. This is simply impossible to prevent.

The key is that the target is still a top-level master such as the military ban, and it is inevitable to get hit.

However, Rong Jin is a top-level expert after all, and he is not completely free of resistance. If he misses a hit, he knows that he has been recruited. He bursts out and launches an indiscriminate attack, just to buy time for himself.

His two bodies exerted two completely different energies, colliding with each other, generating destructive energy, rushing in all directions, and at the same time, they are also trying their best to crack them, wanting to rush out of the dream of the Great Meng Tianjun.

"Huh, just superfluous!"

Da Meng Tianjun spoke indifferently. Her body was covered by a mysterious glow, and at the same time there were layers of mysterious fluctuations, constantly rushing towards Rong Jin.

Such fluctuations can aggravate dreams.

Facing such attacks, Rong ban could only break out an indiscriminate attack to prevent Tianjun Dameng from approaching.

But this method consumes divine power very much. After a while, Rong Jin sweats profusely and his breathing becomes heavy. Obviously, his power is consumed very seriously.


At this time, Da Meng Tianjun suddenly accelerated, shaped like a sharp sword, and rushed towards Rong Ban.

"No, the attack of the military ban has weakened, and Da Meng Tianjun is about to start the final attack."

The lion exclaimed.

Before the lion's voice fell, the attack of the Great Meng Tianjun approached the imprisonment, and her hand burst out three kinds of strong heavenly power.

Yes, the Great Meng Tianjun controls the three strong heavenly powers, and the three strong heavenly powers converge into a sharp sword to stab the ban, like a bamboo, constantly breaking the defenses of the ban and stab him Of the eyebrows.

On the side of the Exterminating Army, everyone's hearts couldn't help but raised.

This really pierced the eyebrows, but it was dangerous.

At the critical moment, Rong Jin roared, and his body suddenly moved laterally, finally avoiding the critical point, but Heavenly Monarch Da Meng Jianguang cut diagonally, almost splitting Rong Jin's body in half.

In the end, Rongjian evaded the key, but suffered a severe blow.

However, this attack awakened Rong Ban.

"Time, space!"

Rong Jin roared, and the two bodies spun quickly, turning into two vortexes, rushing towards the Great Meng Tianjun.

"It's actually the power of time and space."

Lu Ming was taken aback.

The power of time and space is actually the power of time and space that is being displayed by the military ban, and it is actually stronger than the power of time and space of the time and space spirit rat.

The talent of the Heaven and Earth Race is truly terrifying, capable of displaying two completely different opposite powers.

In the past, there were different powers such as heavy and light, high and low, yin and yang, cold and heat, and now even the power of time and space is used.

The two powers, turned into a terrifying attack, enveloped the Great Meng Tianjun, as if to drive the Great Meng Tianjun into an eternal unknown place.

Da Meng Tianjun gave a soft sigh, and shot with all his strength, a terrifying field enveloped the battlefield.

This is her big dream field.

Obviously, the Great Meng Tianjun also raised his combat power to the extreme, and fought against the military ban.

The big dream domain and the power of time and space confront each other, and the battlefield is in chaos.

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