Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–

7 Episode Five: Changes In Determination!

A night when the starry sky never sees it.

I was driving south on the plain trail.

To escape the pursuit of the villagers while aiming for the Wang capital.

Running in a light foothold with Celica on his back.

Naturally, I'm not doing everything I can.

If you run for real, they could think you're a demon.

If that happens, you may not be a brave man.

I have to act with the utmost caution now that I have not secured a position in this world.

- Well, it's all since I became a brave man.

Be a brave man with lots of accommodation and you'll be able to do anything.

I am free to pay a vicious tribute to this village.

Thinking about that time, I had to look down on my face.

- and.

I heard the villagers from the rear.

"What a guy!" "With people on their backs, that speed!" "It's not just that!

Looking back, I stopped running with one or two of them and they were falling off.

A man who stops and looks up at the sky with a rough breath on his shoulder, or a man who lies on the ground with fatigue.

It was breathtaking as if I had even done a full marathon.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Well, it's best if you keep getting fewer chasers. It didn't seem like a demon.

Do you want to try harder for a while?

Run the plain. Far from the village.

I thought the chaser was gone and checked with a thousand eyes.

Then some villagers were still coming straight towards me.

Thought you wouldn't know my escaped direction because there's no moon, but the leading man is on an animal. I thought it was a horse, but it was a pig with long legs, to be exact.

That guy comes after me with a sore pig nose and a smell.

The distance keeps shrinking.

- You're a troublesome creature. His legs are fast, and he can't get away with it as fast as people can get him out.

Although the number of pig horses increased to two, the villagers on foot fell off one after the other.

Oh, I can use this situation.

I decide my mind.

- All right, when it's just the guy on the pig horse, let's knock him down.

So, you can rent a pig horse and go as far as Wang Capital for fun, and then you can magically hang it and return it to the village.

I'm getting tired of running too, so it's just fine.

When I decided that, my legs became lighter and lighter.

Run south on the plains for the Wang capital.

A villager on a pig horse comes after him.

Sometimes I say, "Stop!" or "Don't run away!" and so on, but ignore it.

Then about thirty minutes later.

It was completely just the villagers on the pig horses. They're coming behind me a few hundred meters or so.

The other villagers were completely gone.

- It's time, okay?

When I stopped, I unloaded my stuff.

Crouch down and lay Celica on the ground.

Then stand up in waste.

And he slowly advanced to the running pig horse.

The hem of the Japanese garment flickers and the waste squeaks.

As it approached a few dozen metres away, the figure of a villager riding on the back of a pig horse came firmly into his eyes.

The equipment seemed to be just rope and knife and no sword or armor.

- You're lucky.

I don't even have to use a machete for this.

I held my fist and pounded my fingers.

The villagers scream as they approach.

"Blame me, be prepared!

"I'm not letting you get away with this anymore! - Wow!

Suddenly, one of the villagers danced the universe. Fall out of your head and stop moving.

Then two pig horses collapsed to the ground.

The villagers were thrown out and rolled down the ground.

I scream out of surprise.


I gazed. Something dark, black... a blemish?

A villager with his hips off screams backwards with a buttcake.

"What, a goolworm!

Mimizu brought his head to rest. There are as many torso turns as tank crawlies. Is he about 30 meters long? The round mouth attached to the tip of his head had a surprising line of teeth as sharp as a knife.

I close my eyes and stare. - The Eye of Truth.



Name: Ghoulworm

Properties: [Land] [Darkness]

Attack: 0300

Defense: 0400

Vitality: 3000

Autoplay: 1000


Swallow: Swallow the whole enemy.

Crushing: Crushing every rock or armor that hides itself.

Pressurized: Crush with your body. Range attack.


Not only are they strong, but they recover on stiff.

Pretty nasty.

- Well, it's the same for me.

If we take this guy down, can we sell thanks to the villagers?

It was a little different than planned, but let's go ad hoc.

As I rush out, I pull the knife down on my hips.

Goolworm sticks it out of his head after a villager with an ass cake. [Swallow] Oh!


The villagers held their heads and closed their eyes.

"So yay!

I swung through the machete diagonally.

I'm in a flash!


Cut off Goolworm's head.

The impact blew Goolworm's head over there and his torso back.

The villagers open their eyes with surprise.

"Hey, what are you doing, man? You can't take it down!


Looking back, Goolworm's torso was about to rise. also black meat covers the wound so that the bubbles boil up and thrive.

My head quickly regenerated.

The head that slashed further over plays the torso in the same way.

Awesome reproducibility. It wasn't a recovery.

And I don't feel magic. It seems to be a regenerative force as a normal organism. Impossible.

"Regeneration isn't a level, is it... how are the other guys knocking it down?

"Hih, it's fire! We just have to burn it with magic fire!

"Well, unfortunately, I can't use the magic of fire."

I put a machete in my eye.

The villagers raise their voices when they see it.

"What are you doing, you! I can't kill you with my sword."

"Shut the fuck up for a second... be a long wave of phosphorescent light that obeys my name and slip through everything and reassemble it!

- "Photon Conversion" "

The sword's body is wrapped in a light purple light.

Goolworm looked at me and pointed at me after a sharp line of teeth.


"Can you ring a clock ago, this guy"


A goolworm sticks through my head with a sharp exhalation.


I waved a machete. Leaving a pale light trajectory, make the goolworm straight from head to torso. Purple phosphorescence scattered around the area.

The villagers watching behind me get angry.

"Not with the sword... we need to burn it down with higher firepower. Here."

Goolworm trembles from beside what I'm saying. also meat thriving, blocking the wound - still thriving.

The villagers round their eyes.

"Hey, what!?

The meat thrives with a bumpy, creepy sound. It swells like a mountain, and boggles and flesh solidification thrives on the flesh that was decent.

"Kishi, yeah..."

Goolworm turns himself around.

A big piece of meat thrived on his head and stopped moving.

As if a pile of black meat chunks appearing on the meadow could even evaporate, it emits a lot of smoke and disappears.

The villagers said with trembling.

"Ah, you. What have you done...?

"What? It's a tumor. He's got too much regenerative power, so he hurt his genes a little bit."

"Shiru, Shiru?

"Well, if you say you've regenerated the flesh indefinitely and converted it to flesh to the brain and nerves, you still know what I mean?

I just tried to expose him to ultraviolet light, to be exact. It doesn't work on normal animals, but I was absolutely right if I thought this regenerative power would.

"... I don't know, you're amazing! - Ah!"

The villagers looked over. The goolworm on the head that finished playing moved out.


"Take that one down, too."

I approached and tumoured and killed him just like the first one.

Then I went back to being a conscious villager. The other one remains stunned.

"Well, I saved your lives. Do you understand?"

"Oh, oh."

"You naturally know how strong I am.

"Yes, of course."

The villagers mock with a nagging laugh.

- Wow. If I trust this guy at all, I don't.

He seemed to talk to me to the detriment of leaving me like this.

If I don't go home, I'll kill him.

You can't be a brave man when you're a killer.

The night breeze blows and shakes the plain weeds in a sarcastic way.

Ha, and I picked up a twig that rolled to the ground when I sighed.

Next pull out the seemingly sturdy grass stem.

Gently cast a spell on that stem.

"The breeze that obeys my name, seal here the blade that cleaves. - The Wind Blade."

Then I tied the stem to the twig.

Stick out in front of the villagers.

"Try to get some grass wrapped around this branch."

"Heh............ whoops!

Once the stem was removed, a disease arose and the twigs were cut off spankly.

I pulled out another stem.

Nico grins and takes the villager's hand.

The face of the surprised and bewildered villager draws attention.

"Oh, man, no way!

He poked a flash of gap moving out to escape and wrapped his stem around the man's wrist.

The villagers' faces distort like they're about to cry.

"Whoa, whoa! Oh, my God!

I persuaded him to put my hand on the man's disappointed shoulder.

"If you cut or take off a thousand, and then you say something that's going to be against me, then it's span. So."

"Hey, what do you want me to do...!

"You don't have to do anything. You can go home like this. Just tell the village chief: 'The culprit and man he was chasing were swallowed up by Ghoulworm. Worm went after the runaway pig horse, so I picked it up." Me and the blame is dead. "

"Wow, okay, what's a pig horse?

"Oh, that animal you were on"

"You mean the boo-horse"

"That's it. So I have two boo-horses, so I'm gonna borrow one. If I take you home with me, you can lie to me. I'll deliver it later, so there's nothing to lose."


A man who nods strangely.

- All right, now, in addition to our safety, we're about to get a move on.

Again, I confirm with a masked grin.

"Come on, what did you say? Repeat. Otherwise, my wrist..."

"I say, I say! A man and blame were eaten by a goolworm. After that, we were saved because we were after the boo-horse. That's it, right?... When will you take this grass?

I said as I stroked my jaw.

"I take my exams and become a brave man. After that, I'm going to thank the village. About a month from now."

"Oh, you're gonna be a brave man... well, you're gonna be"

The villagers said when they saw the dead body of Goolworm disappearing as smoke.

Don't lie to me for once.

"Actually, that blame. I blamed him for a mistake."


"That's why I was on my way to the king's capital to get it corrected."

"Is that happening"

"It's what humans do. Everybody makes mistakes."

"I see..."

The villagers thought, um...

He's thinking about how much he'll get if he helps me.

Then he looked up at me and said:

"Okay. I'll help you. I'm Bailey. You can trust me."

"Right. Bailey, help me. When I become a brave man, I go see him. Until then, don't cut a thousand grasses."

Yeah, I know.

Bailey then took one of the stunned boo-horses home.

Well, I didn't cast a spell the more I wrapped it around my wrist, so it's okay to take it off.

In a different world with only celica allies, we need to keep about one of our insurance policies.

"Well, and"

I left him asleep on the plain. Return to Celica.

With intense fighting and other winds blowing where, he smiled and slept easily.

gives, uh, a long sigh.

- Don't see the same thing again when you're carrying this guy.

But I said, "Please help me. I want to live more," Celica wished, and I had to defend myself as a god more than I swore I would make it happen. It's going to be tough.

Or it's no wonder I couldn't be blamed until I was this age.

Aside from that, what do we do?

Do you want to cut the blame's status? But I see.

Unlike [state anomalies] like just genetically modified, it is going to defy God in this world to [alter] what has already been described.

I wish I could, but I'd avoid it if I could.

Maybe Celica's face and name are scattered on the state side in the first place.

From what I've heard, if you only become a brave man, you get discretion as to what to do with the blame.

So, until then, you want me to disguise you?

I looked at Celica.

White jacket on red skirt. Thin hands and feet like dolls. Big breasts deep up and down.

Sleek cheeks on long lashes. Waving blonde hair and white skin looked glowing in the darkness of the night.

... Beautiful. It's a waste of time to hide it.

Besides, the celica that behaves at will looks the brightest. I want you to be free.

- Do we have to do this?

God of this world, I will take on all sins.

So don't just punish her.

I knelt one knee beside Celica lying on the plain. Put your hands on your outstanding forehead. On the other hand, he touched his flesh first by putting his hand through a gap in his clothes.

The unlikely softness of a large chest and the slippery body temperature are transmitted to the palm of your hand.

"- The Eye of Truth"

Call Celica's status.

And he jerked off with his big breasts in his hand.



Name: Celica Elide [Rem Edelstein]

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Human

Occupation: Townsman [(= = = = = =)]

Class: Knight Lv5 [= = = = = Lv17]

Properties: [Water] [Light]


Fix, over.

Celica slept with a peaceful face, as always, even if she was luxuriously limbed.

By the way, I made sure that only I could see inside [].

When I go back to being a brave man, it's hard if I make a mistake.

But, well, I can't escape saying that when I've changed so far, I've been torn apart by the gods of this world.

Definitely kills me.

- Fine, I've already made up my mind.

I'll make sure Celica protects you.

Because as long as you become a brave man, everything should work out -!

When I brought the boo-horse and put my stuff on, I grabbed the celica and spanned over the saddle.

In her arms she felt soft and very light.

At that time, the wind blew through and swayed the weeds of the plain, making her blonde hair faint.

I went slowly towards the king's capital.

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