Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–

33 Episode 31: White Snake Woman And Fast River Down

We were on a boat and down a big river to the port town of Dollar Earth.

A wide river with a width of more than one hundred metres. The water depth is also deep.

Blue water was flowing abundantly.

We had lunch and the four of us played card games.

Celica laughs elegantly and does it hard, and Mea punches into the game with a serious faceless look. But when a good hand came, my tail moved and my skirt turned, and when it was a bad hand, my ears drooped and my hat snapped, so I found out.

I guess this, nasty river descent will go on forever.

- It was when I thought so.

Suddenly, the bowman screamed.

"Grab on to something! They're gonna shake you off!

"What!?" "What happened all of a sudden!" "Nothing -!?"

The passengers raised their voices.

The next moment, a dong shock ran to the bottom of the boat.

Tremors that make the whole ship float.

The passengers said, "Hi-ah!" "Wow!" and screams.

Mea stood like a cat, but Lapisia fell out of balance and rolled gobbly on board.

I scream.

"Celica, look at Rapisia not falling!

"Yes, Kaika!

Celica held the rolling Rapisia up on her lap.

After I saw it, I ran to the bow.

"What the hell is going on!

"O brave man, there's a demon out there!


I look around with a thousand eyes.

Then, fifteen meters long, a huge fish about a whale was swimming underwater. Big enough to even swallow the house, there was a shifty line of disastrous blades in his mouth.

"What a big fish."

"Because I'll manage to pull over to the riverbank and run away! Grab me somewhere on the boat!

No, you don't have to.


"Don't worry. I'll cut you loose, brave man."

"So, can you do it?

"If we can't do it anyway, it's fish bait before we get to shore, right?

The bowman was surprised with his eyes open, but nodded forcefully.

"Okay, man. I believe you!

"Move me somewhere easier to fight"


The bow moved the stern of the ship and went out into the middle of the great river.

Accelerate on the fast flow.

The big fish came after our boat.

A thick back cuts off the water.




Properties: [Water]

Attack: 2300

Defense: 1200

Vitality: 2000

Mental Strength: 500


Swallow: Swallow the whole enemy.

Bite Down: Crush the whole enemy with defense value ignored.

Surface Slash: Sharp back, also cleaves steel.

Flying Pressure Strike (Pressure Down): Fly up and squash with your body. Range attack.

Water Attribute Attack Disabled: Scale that plays the direct attack of the water attribute. Nothing works.


Open your big mouth and try to swallow the whole ship. I glowed in the sun and girallied.

- You think the water attribute invalidation is a pain in the ass... you idiot.

Water and wind are my family!

I pull out the machete and emit magic while standing on the upper stage.

"-" Sealing the Demon's Water Jail "!

The water glows blue, forming a plaid shape. It's not a direct attack, so it works.

The fish was caught and shook his body left and right violently.

Of course it won't break to that extent.

"Follow my name, breeze. Gather sharply and make it a blade."

I swung down my machete.

A sharp wind blade is released.

- Zuang!

Huge fish face, blowing up the top half of it.

My brain is scattered, and I can't move after the cramps.

Basharn, and raised a great blister, and the fish fell into the river.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

and cheered from the ship's passengers.

"Wow!" "Stopped by a blow!" "That's brave of you!

etc. I was admired by the mouth.

While the merchant praises, he says sparingly.

"Hey, that's just great. But you did a waste of time. Green Rivers are all made of luxury materials: teeth, scales, and lizards. The meat is delicious too. If it was just the size of the array, I would have given out thirty large pieces of gold. I did what I had to do."

"Were you..."

Was it a tuna-like luxury fish?

You didn't think to take down the demon and sell the material.

I had to make money, and I felt spared 30 large pieces of gold (3 million yen).

That said, I've already sunk at the bottom of the river.

From now on, will you also prepare a fishing rod?

Thinking about it.

Suddenly, the bowman screamed.

"There's another one!

"What!" "What!?

I saw the finger pointing at the bow.

Across the Great River, a giant fish greed river was chasing a white snake.

The white snake swims with his long body twisted and is desperate to escape.

"Fish are trying to eat demons." "That's good. - Run, run!"

The laughter of the passengers.

But I was concerned about something else.

Big as a snake. It seemed like it was five meters long.

White. - Upper torso?


I stared. Because I didn't think it was just a snake.



Name: Yetulia

Gender: Female

Race: [Divine Species] Naga

Class: Prayer LV65

Properties: [Water]

Vitality: 6000

Mental Strength: 4000

Attack: 1900

Defense: 1400

Magic Attack: 1800

Magic Defense: 1200


Water Spear Shooting (Water Spear): Strong water attack on the whole enemy.

Water Needle Strike (Spread Needle): High pressure water needle attack on multiple enemies.

Waterfall Axe Strike (Aquafall): Turn water into a high-compression axe and slash it like a waterfall. Range heavy damage.


- Hmm. Do you have a divine personality?

You look like a demon, but you look like a god beast.

If you're strong, why don't you fight?

And for a moment I thought, speaking of which, the giant fish was void of water attack.

I don't seem to have any weapons, and I guess I'll have to run.

I screamed with my hands on the barge.

"Hey, Naga and I did. Come here. I'll help you."

When I screamed, the snake woman roamed for a while before suddenly changing her angle towards me.

Snake woman coming towards the side of the ship. Big fish approaching right behind it.

I put up a machete and cast a spell.

"-" Hot Wind Slash. "

Shake the machete to the side and a slash will fly straight next to you!

- Zuang!

Cut a giant fish like a whale straight to the side.

Bashaan! and the fish sank with a noise.

Then Yetulia, the serpent woman, waved the body of the white serpent, swimming loosely to the ship.

On board screaming.

But I said.

"Don't worry. She is the use of God. So don't attack me, okay?

"Hino," "Why... no, I get it." "I'll do what the brave man says."

The passengers got quiet, so I got my hands on the boat.

Yeturia came to the side. Water drips from the long silver hair that reaches your back.

The upper body is a beautiful woman with white skin like snowflake plaster and a straight-up chest. But the lower body is a long snake covered in white scales. The snake part alone had four meters.

She warped her neat face, filled it with surprise eyes and looked at me.

"... Why, did you help?

"Mmm. Because I thought it was a god beast, not a demon. Didn't I?"

Yeturia opened her red eyes wide.

"You understand very well... yes, I am a man of divinity. That's good. You saved me. Thank you."

"Then why don't you bring me the fish you knocked down? They sell it high."

"... I'm not convinced, but after saving my life, a personal favor. Let's take it."

That said, I twisted a long snake's body and dived into the water.

You just said it. Did you spot me as God?

A while later Yeturia brought two giant fish.

I just don't get on the deck at once, so I stick it next to the ship.

Then Megna came to the side with the knife in both hands. Humph snorts rough, feet open and stands.

"Dismantle... Do"

"Can you do that?

Megna snorts.

The same faceless yet powerful will was shining in his black eyes.

My specialty, apparently.

I've decided to leave it to you.

"... well, that helps. That's the cook's daughter. I asked for it."

Meigna rejoices with her black eyes glowing.

"Good luck."

And he began dismantling fish larger than the entire length of the ship.

Riding the back of a big fish in one kick, waving a knife.

Cut the ela, drain the blood, sew the gap in the scales and cut off the meat vividly.

There was no waste in every step of the way and it was as beautiful as a martial arts dance.

I speak to the merchant.

"Can you buy me some meat or ingredients?

"Yeah, we'll buy out the material. However, the meat doesn't get sunny, so I thought it would rot."

"Right. That's too bad."

When I answered, Mea said it without looking back.

" if dried in the day, offal"

"I see. Dry overnight. I asked for it."

"So, brave man, what about 18 large gold coins for two ingredients and three large gold coins for dried meat?

"You don't know the market. Are you sure?

Since the demolition had not yet been completed, each material had not become an item and the "Truth Eye" could not be used. When appraised as a whole, the difference between one large gold coin and a hundred pieces is too wide to be sure.

- and.

Megna, who was dismantling with a tame hand, squeaks bosomly.

"This is a female. With eggs. It has to be forty large gold coins...... no."

"Hey, what! Green River ovaries!? Buy it, buy it in words!

The merchant answered with a raised voice.

But another merchant changes the color of his eyes and rises.

"Hey, wait a minute. The ovaries! I'll buy it all for 45!



"Yeah, 60!

I don't know what it is, but the auction started.

Female eggs seem to be such a luxury ingredient. Is it like a bunch of kids or caviar?

The auction was incandescent as other bowmen and millionaires began to mingle.

I left Migna alone.

He approached Yetulia, where he walked with his hands on the boat.

But one of the passengers tells me with his face stretched.

"Brave man, are you okay with being close to such a monster?

I saw Yetulia. Silver hair and white skin glow in the light of day. He was exposed to a bare chest at all costs.

"What, you. Are you hostile to humans?

She waves her head in a position with her hands on the barge. The dripping silver hair swayed heavily.

"I don't remember anything in conflict. But humans will attack us by mistake as demons."

"I see. It's definitely demonic."

To put it casually, Yetulia was annoyed.

"- Attacked by demons, chased by humans. Where do we live..."

A dark shadow cast over his neat face like a Yetulia sculpture.

I thought.

- This could be an opportunity.

If I help this guy, he can sell my name and increase the number of followers.

Instantly in my head, I put together a way to help.

I say arm in arm.

"If it feels like it now, there's no place for you guys to live, is there?

"Nah! And this, because you gods are fools."

"Wow! Listen to me till the end! You just have to make it if you don't have a place! - I mean, I'm a brave man! His name is Kaika. Call it that!"

And I whispered, "Don't say God," just in case.

A lot of things are over when you're scattered with God.

Desperate and deluded.

Yeturia seemed convinced and honestly nodded.

"Okay, Kaika...... but what do you mean, make a place?

"It's a simple story. If you want to get along with humans, you just have to appeal to yourself to be meaningful to them."

Yeturia leaned her neck wonderfully. Silver hair. Tilt gently.

"... hmm? I don't know what that means..."

"Humans are purposeful creatures. When we find out it's worth it to us, we'll take care of whatever it looks like. Bees that take honey look scarier than you, huh? It's a double eyed."

"Ya, sure... but what am I supposed to do? I can be of service to people..."

"Do you swim fast?

"You can't beat a man's ship."

"Oh well... just give me a minute"

I'll go by the bow.

"Hey, I need to talk to you."

"What is it, brave man? Say as much as I can."

"Is this ship your thing? Or is it someone's merchant possession?

"That's where Mr. Dride's at the auction, the shipowner. The Dryde Chamber of Commerce is a big deal in transportation and trading."

"Right. Then why don't you put a rope on the bow?

"What kind of flow makes you talk like that!?

"Do it, please"

When I told him [Testimony of the Brave] from his chest, the bowman obeyed him with his face up.

A rope was attached to the bow.

Give that one to Yetulia.

"Now you have to pull the ship."

"Huh!? You want me to pull a man's boat! There's so much to fool around with!

"But you want a place, don't you? Your stunt is that you can move through the water fast."


"It may indeed seem like they will be used. But that's only the first time. Leave it to me. I'll make your presence more valuable, and I'll make you a place."

"Is that true?... No, there's nowhere to be found anyway. Let's think we've been fooled."

Yeturia reached out slim and thin and received the rope from my hand.

Cold fingertips touched me for a moment.

And as I turned forward, she started pulling the ship.

Zazzling riverboat running out at high speed.

"Fast!" "Yabe!" "Ugh... looks drunk"

The screams of the passengers went down the Great River with fierce momentum.

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