Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–

28 Episode 26: Midnight Views (Gathering Information 5)

I was walking in the city at night.

The dry noise of waste rings in the cobblestone.

Then we reached the royal castle in the heart of the city.

Naturally, the large gate with both openings was closed.

I spoke to the middle-aged gatekeeper standing on the lookout, like a public tale.

"Good evening. I'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Who... brave man. Evening."

"Do you know what the king's bedroom is?

"I was wondering if the king's bedroom was indeed the top floor facing the south courtyard... why the hell?

"No, I was just wondering. Thank you."


I walked away from the door after a curiously inclined gatekeeper.

Around the outer walls of the castle.

I stopped at the road along the south fence.


Calling the wind to follow me, kicking the ground and flying.

Arc in the night sky and I flew.

And I rode the roof of the castle.

I'm going to look at the room on the south side in Chili Eye. High number of rooms.

One of them was a king who went into bed and read books. He is wearing a sleeping roll and a nightcap.

The side table was lit with lamps.


I flew into the sky again and stepped down to the balcony in my room.

Open the terrace window and enter the room. It wasn't locked.

As he entered the bedroom, the king raised his face from the book.

"Hmm? That was definitely a new brave man. Was it Kaika... brave men can see the king at any time, and I have permission to go anywhere, but can you think of some time? It's time for bed."

"Excuse me for being late at night, King. But I really wanted to ask you something."

"Huh. What?

"Does the King want to defeat the Demon King?

"Mm-hmm? Ask me something funny. Naturally."

I felt no lie or falsehood in the words.

I correct my residence and ask questions.

"So do you know how far the Demon King's influence extends into this kingdom?

Then the king leaned down with a deep crease between his eyebrows.

Looks like you know something.

I tried to squeeze out my bitter voice.

"I see. I see you've been sneaking in late at night. I didn't want anyone else to ask me."

"Yes, it is"

"That's brave. Different eye... This country feels strange somewhere. That's been happening for a long time. I felt like I was under the influence of the Demon King."

"Exactly, King"

"But there was nothing to prove. I just had to nod as they told me. If we were to move badly, we could have been wiped out like my father."

"I see. That was wise."

"How much I've waited for the emergence of a brave man who can defeat the Demon King... but let me advise you. He also said that he was unbeatable to the Demon King."

I even went by the bed.

"Even this, is it?

Stare at the king.

The king looked at me with his eyes that looked at the bottom, even as he tilted his neck.

And I shook my lips.

"Oh, yeah! Not a true brave man with the power of light! Oh, my God! I said I didn't see the light then."

- After all, did the king have the power of a mentor who could see the status?

I nodded forcefully.

"Yeah, I was just hiding it to get through the Holly Gate."

"Huh...! I didn't know I could do that......! Seriously?"

"Yeah, that's right. The blame system is a system that kills people who can be true braves."

The king exhaled a long, long sigh of relief. The mustache shakes without any force.

"Was it... I thought so too. Then the young man is also a man of light... sorry for his helplessness."

"Don't let it bother you, king. It's really helpful to have someone to talk to."

"Are you just here to hear that?

"If we defeat the Demon King, will the blame system be removed? At the same time, the correction and apology that it was a devil's ploy."

"Uhm. If you're going to defeat the Demon King, I promise you as much as I can"

All right. Now Celica will be able to "live more" as a true princess even after she regains her kingdom. All you have to do is defeat the Demon King.

"And when you find the culprit, will you let me know?

"Mm-hmm. The church keeps the culprits involved. It's hard."

"Was it Vernus?"


If the Church is strong, it will be difficult to speak out.

The demon king's breath will definitely be on him.

Should I solemnly clear the area around the top of the church in my spare time?

Let me ask you something.

The king asked me if I thought so.

"Is there anything else?

"Right. What should we do about the people who are at the forefront of the demon king in this country?

"Uh-huh. It's a difficult problem. 'Cause there's a possibility that you might be threatened and forced to obey."

"Right. So let's just get rid of what seems vicious."

"Uhm. Let's leave that area to Kaika, the brave one"

The king nods to eagle fried. The nightcap rocked.

I bowed my head.

"Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me."

"Good luck with that. I want this country, this world. I'm counting on you."

To my surprise, the king bowed his head to me.

I didn't expect you to bow your head against me for being younger than you are.

"Leave it to me, king"

I wondered if I could do my best for this king.

I bowed my head again and left the castle behind.

Upon returning to the inn, Lapisia slept next to a celica exposed to white nudity.

The hem of the Lapisia piece is turned, and I see childish underwear and a flat stomach. The face is over Celica's chest. He was grabbing his big breasts like a baby and burying his face.

Celica looked painfully.

When I pull the two apart, I take out the [proof of bravery] and mess with them.

"Pick someone to add to the party"

The arrow came out, so I turn to Lapisia.

I put him in the party. Once you look behind the [Testimony of the Brave], confirm that your name has been engraved.

"Oh, boy."

Exhaling one sigh, he interrupted into an empty space and slept.

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