Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 40: Xiaojiu, Show Yourself!

Chapter 40: Xiaojiu, Show Yourself!

Chapter 40: Xiaojiu, Show Yourself!

"It's a pity, if he had changed to another combat profession, it would have been great!"

"Instead, he became a Dragon Tamer..."

At this moment, Liu Jinliang, the director of the Anning City Education Bureau, sighed regretfully.

Other principals and teachers also showed regretful expressions upon hearing this.


If he had chosen another combat profession, with his outstanding combat skills and instinct, his future potential would be limitless.

From the cautious and meticulous combat details alone, one could judge whether a person was suitable for combat.

Clearly, Qin Fan was such a person.

But now he had become a Dragon Tamer, unable to contract a dragon.

The legendary top-tier dragons all lived in forbidden zones inaccessible to humans.

They were as powerful as gods; an adult dragon could simultaneously fight three human fourth-transition powerhouses and remain undefeated.

If it were a top-tier adult holy dragon, fighting one against ten would be easy.

Even the lowest-ranked dragons, the earth dragons, would have power comparable to fourth-transition powerhouses upon reaching adulthood.

If Dragon Tamers could contract with dragons like earth dragons, this hidden profession would undoubtedly become an extremely powerful combat profession.

But unfortunately...

The requirements for Dragon Tamer contracts were too high, needing pure-blooded dragons.

And pure-blooded dragons...

At least dragon-level dragons met this condition.

In summary...

Qin Fan's profession was considered useless.

So far, no Dragon Tamer in the world had successfully contracted with a dragon-level or higher dragon.

Some beast tamers, however, were lucky enough to contract with earth dragons or flying dragons.

Powerful top-tier dragons would never be willing to become human slaves.

"Let's wait and see, and see how far Qin Fan can go. At this point, he might stop at the second level."

"Although the second stage is also filled with small monsters, these are all enhanced small monsters."

"With Qin Fan's current combat power, despite his excellent combat skills, he may struggle to effectively clear the small monsters, which could be problematic."

Liu Bin said solemnly.

As everyone knew, this was the job transfer examination.

It was a fiercely competitive battle.

Even if Qin Fan could pass the stages smoothly, he would undoubtedly be slower than others.

That meant even if he cleared the stages, his performance might not be satisfactory.

However, despite these concerns, they could only wait quietly for the result.


In the dungeon, Qin Fan, having quickly cleared the first stage, led Su Rou into the dark passage leading to the second level of the Tomb Maze.

As Liu Bin had mentioned, the second stage was also filled with small monsters.

When Qin Fan reached the end of the passage and pushed open the dust-covered stone door, what lay before him was a large underground palace.

This palace was filled with disgusting zombie monsters.

Roughly estimated...

There were nearly five hundred zombies!!

Of course...

The most surprising part was that among the five hundred zombies, aside from a hundred ordinary Entombed Zombies, the other four hundred were all mutated types!!


[Monster: Steel Zombie]

[Level: 18]

[Type: Humanoid Monster]

[Skills: Steel Skin, Steel Claw Rending, Spirit Roar]

[Grade: Silver★★★★★]

[Notes: Mutated by absorbing countless dark energies in the tomb, its skin is as hard as steel, with much stronger defense than ordinary zombies.]


[Monster: Cursed Zombie]

[Level: 18]

[Type: Humanoid Monster]

[Skills: Curse Claw, Bloodthirsty Aura]

[Grade: Silver★★★★★]

[Notes: Mutated by absorbing countless dark energies in the tomb, its attacks are cursed and it has an aura that boosts allies.]


[Monster: Knight Zombie]

[Level: 18]

[Type: Humanoid Monster]

[Skills: Charge, Trample, Death Hug]

[Grade: Silver★★★★★]

[Notes: Mutated by absorbing countless dark energies in the tomb, it was once a knight guarding the empire, with some combat skills and intelligence.]



Very tricky!

No wonder this was a test personally designed by the King of Hell.

The first stage was just an appetizer.

The second stage began the real test of the job transfer candidates' abilities.

Five hundred small monsters!

For a solo player, encountering this stage would be a headache.

Even in a team setting, it would be difficult to handle.

The main problem was the large number of enhanced mutated monsters.


Seeing the dense horde of zombies, Su Rou's face turned pale.

This was much more difficult than the Goblin Village!


The difficulty level here was far beyond the usual secret realm assault training in school!

Of course, this was also because Qin Fan had chosen the hell-level difficulty.

If it were the normal or hard difficulty, there might not be as many small monsters.

But hell-level...

This kind of difficulty was normal.

"Five hundred small monsters..."

"Currently, my individual strength is not weak, inheriting 20% of Xiaojiu's full attributes, enough to deal with these five hundred small monsters."

"But that would take a lot of time."

"If it were a usual situation, I would grit my teeth and fight without using Xiaojiu to train my combat skills."

"But now, during the job transfer exam, a delay of even one second could cost me dozens, even hundreds of rankings..."

"So there's only one choice..."

Qin Fan's thoughts raced in that moment.

Finally, he closed his eyes, clasped his hands, and shouted:

"Xiaojiu, show yourself!"

As soon as he spoke.


A large array with terrifying magical waves appeared in front of Qin Fan.


A deafening, pressure-filled dragon roar echoed from the magic array.

The next second.


A huge crimson dragon claw emerged from the magic array, stepping onto the ancient, worn-out palace floor, which quickly cracked under the weight.


A giant dragon head with horns poked out from the magic array, its majestic golden eyes scanning the surroundings.

Finally, a giant crimson dragon, more than ten meters tall, fully revealed itself in the palace.

It raised its head abruptly.


The ceiling was shattered by its head!

Its god-like eyes coldly swept over the five hundred zombies.


The rotten stench from the zombie monsters made Xiaojiu emit a disgusted low growl.

Without needing Qin Fan's command...


Xiaojiu opened its dragon mouth, and a scorching Dragon Breath poured out like a tidal wave!!

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