Endo and Kobayashi’s Live Commentary on the Villainess

Chapter 20 - That’S Troubling…

Guys in the athletic clubs live in sports jerseys.

Well, right now Im actually part of the broadcast club, but as a former baseball player I never really paid much attention to fashion. Im happy with clothes so long as they fit me most of the time, honestly.

But, I guess even I wanted to wear something a little nicer when I was going out on a date with the girl I like. Not that I really have anything nice to wear.

Not too long after passing through the ticket gate at the station we were supposed to meet at, Kobayashi-san came running up to me with a big smile. My first thought was that she really was way too cute and my second was that my clothing would look even worse if I walked beside her like that.

What the hell shes too cute Kobayashi-san is way too cute Damn it

As I muttered to myself, Kobayashi-san must have heard something as she stuttered.

Eh? Huh? W-whats wrong all of a sudden, Endo-kun? Um Im sorry I kept you waiting?

Kobayashi-san looking confused was cute as well.

The hair that she usually kept in a loose ponytail was braided up in a chignon. With a sleeveless white t-shirt under a haori cardigan, a light blue knee length skirt and pricey looking black heeled sandals, she looked neat and pretty. The straw bag under her arm was cute as well.

Ah, no, I just got here too early. A-anyways, Im the one who should be sorry, Kobayashi-san, you put in so much effort but I just came wearing

It was still five minutes before we were supposed to meet.

Seeing how different Kobayashi-san looked from when she was at home, with those clothes and that slight hint of makeup, Im sure she must have taken some time to prepare. Considering how little time I took, I was the one who was slow to get here. Actually, I wasnt really slow at all. I got here fifteen minutes ago. What the hell am I thinking about?

I was just wearing what I typically wore; a teams shirt, three-quarter jeans, normal sandals and a sling bag. That was it. I wanted to die. How could such a slobby existence like me walk next to such a cute girl?

Umm, I dont really get why youre so depressed all of a sudden, but Endo-kun, you have a good build, so even if what youre wearing isnt anything special, you still look cool?

Oh, an angel?

As Kobayashi-san tried to comfort me like that, I almost cried.

No, we were supposed to be celebrating, and its a date, so I should have put more effort in.

When I said that, shaking my head, she had a troubled little smile on her face.

Um, then, in preparation for our next date, do you want to go look at some clothes after eating?

Thanks. Ill leave it to you.

Eh? Did she just say next? Seriously?

After realizing exactly just what Kobayashi-san meant, it was like fireworks were going off in my head.

Not just breaking up after eating lunch together, but even going shopping together with a promise of next time

Alright, its decided. Now, lets go get some food! Were gonna miss our reservation!

With that, Kobayashi-san turned around and began to walk towards the station building.

I made a reservation at a restaurant that specialized in sweets and pasta. We still had a bit of time left before our reservation, but it would probably be best to get there early.

As I tried to follow after Kobayashi-san who had begun to bound ahead, I panicked when suddenly a wave of people came through the ticket gates behind us. A train must have just arrived.

But, just as I was worried we might get separated



A stranger who ran out of that crowd of people suddenly caught Kobayashi-sans arm, yelling something incomprehensible. What the hell is an Eifa?

N-no, let me go!

Even though I saw Kobayashi-san struggle feebly as he held her, no matter how much I grit my teeth I couldnt push past the crowd of people between us to get there.

Youre not Eifa?

The man, still holding Kobayashi-sans arm, had a puzzled expression after invasively looking her up and down. Was Eifa a persons name? Who?

What do you want from her?

When I finally managed to push my way through and glared at the man, he, at last, let go of her arm.

I started at the mans face as he absent-mindedly looked at Kobayashi, still seeming confused.

I assumed he was about 185 centimetres tall, but its hard to tell at a glance. At any rate, hes tall. Despite looking slightly suspicious having those sunglasses that were slightly too big for his face on, what little I could see of his face was neatly framed and he seemed a little stylish as well. His clothes looked like theyd come straight out of a fashion catalogue; a summer jacket and leather shoes. Yet despite how rich and popular he might look, there was something ultimately suspicious about him.

Ah. Um, sorry. Eifa was, uh, is my lover, she just looked so similar that I um, it was my mistake

Then, the man finally lowered his head. Kobayashi-san breathed out a sigh of relief. A case of mistaken identity? Maybe he really isnt a dangerous guy, then.

But, you do smell slightly like Eifa, though. But for her to be in this world No, its impossible

Mumbling to himself, he began to talk so fast I could barely understand. Nevermind, he really is a dangerous guy.

Smell? Whats with that Thats gross Is it my shampoo? Or, maybe the perfume Im wearing today?

Kobayashi-san slowly backed away with an expression to match.

I guess that explains why I thought she smelt so good. As the crowd kept pushing me on, I eventually came right up next to Kobayashi-san. Well, since there was such a suspicious person in front of us, I wasnt going to leave her side again.

Ahh No, I dont mean like Im sorry, Im really sorry. Theres been a misunderstanding. Its just that, the person I love, I havent met her in so long, its been hard to bear how lonely it is and, well, I was just a little confused

The man said that as he lowered his head in apology again.

A little my ass, get the hell out of here, you creep.

So basically, youre working on your pick up game? If youre finished, can you hurry up and leave already?

When I finally lost my cool and angrily told him that, the man raised his head, startled.

Thats not it! I would never do something awful like that! Pick up Something like that, I dont need to, I dont want to Ah, I really must look suspicious to you!

The man made his excuses as he waved his hands in front of his face.

Ah, um, I am

Cutting his words short, the man looked around quickly.

The torrent of people who had poured through the ticketing gate had finally moved on.

After double checking, the man slowly removed his sunglasses and showed his face.

What emerged from under those glasses was a perfectly groomed and stunning beauty. I guess he wasnt lying when he said he didnt need to bother with pick up lines. No, wait, havent I seen that face before.

Kuon Kirise

Before I could put a name to the face, Kobayashi-san spoke.

Thats right, there was a young actor with that name, wasnt there?

Looking slightly relieved after Kobayashi-san correctly mentioned his name, he once again hid that gentle beauty behind his sunglasses.

Thats right. I wanted you to believe me that Im not the kind of person who would try and hit on people in such a situation so frivolously like that. It really was just a mistake.

The man lowered his head again. I wasnt ready to completely accept he was the same actor straight away, but I had to admit that anyone with a face like that wouldnt be caught dead trying out such lame pick up routines.

I got it. Then, well be going.

With a sterner expression than Id ever seen from her, Kobayashi-san gave a curt nod and began to walk again.

You sure?

If it was my big or little sister here with me instead, Im sure they wouldve taken the opportunity to chat and take some pictures with a big name celebrity they suddenly ran into like that. I wonder how many things theyd try make him sign

So as I wondered if Kobayashi-san was fine with it, her stoutly swinging arms didnt slacken at all as she looked up at me with big eyes. Cute.

Im not interested. Were seriously gonna be late if we stick around too long.

As she kept walking, before chasing after her in earnest, I turned back towards Kuon Kirise and gave a slight bow of my head.

It was hard to tell from behind his sunglasses, but for some reason, I felt like he had a complicated expression on his face.

Back then I should have hugged her tight to me even though she was looking so delicate at the time but ahhhhh jeez when she looked up at me like that it was so cute I wish I could have just lived in that moment forever!

As I went over and over those moments at the station in my mind, I stabbed another piece of the pasta dish I dont remember ordering with my fork. Just why exactly did I get an eggplant dish? I dont even like eggplant. As the unpleasant flavour of eggplant spread through my mouth, I felt a little bit of my sanity return. Isnt this throwing me a little too out of whack?

Just what was that? The stuff from before.

Finally deciding I was tired of being confused alone about the situation with Kuon Kirise from earlier, I spoke to Kobayashi-san, who finished chewing on her salad before answering.

Ummm, I dont really know anything about the whole Eifa thing, but since its Kuon Kirise, it still makes me wonder, you know?

When Kobayashi-san realized I had no idea what she meant, she reached out and gently took one of the pieces of bread from the basket.

Oh, so you dont know about it, Endo?

Uh, let me see Kuon Kirise and MagiKoi are theyre connected somehow, right? But I cant really say if what he said was important or not Yeah

Kobayashi-san herself said that she didnt know what Kuon Kirise was talking about either.

Umm You know about the hidden route in MagiKoi, right? The God route.

Despite being a little in the dark before, I could at least nod my head along to that.

Um, that God character who was only a voice in all the other routes was actually a guy you could capture, right?

When Finne awakens after Baldur is injured or killed in the other routes, she hears the voice of God] speak to her and say My dear child, do not weep, but if you clear all the other routes including every normal and bad end, you unlock the chance to capture him too.

I wasnt quite sure of myself, but Kobayashi-san nodded at my words.

Right. Finnemamas father is a Duke, so the pretty far-fetched explanation was that Finne could hear the voices of the Gods by being a descendant of a branch of the royal family, and that leads to the God Route. And in that secret ending Finne, who became the bride of God, is taken to the world where he lives, which looks remarkably like modern Japan And, well, do you know the rest?

I dont.

As I shook my head, Kobayashi-san gently nodded and continued.

You dont know, then? I guess you wouldnt, huh. Well, it turns out that God was actually an actor who goes to K University whilst moonlighting as a deity, going by the name Quon.

Thats Isnt that pretty much a one for one with Kuon Kirise?

Even though apparently it was all coincidental, the fact that his character model resembled him as well was too much, and eventually people started going all Eh? Theres a game where you can romance Kuon Kirise-kun, and hes a God as well? Kirise-kun is a God so the game must be Godly as well, it turned into quite the rage amongst the Kuon Kirise groupies for a while because of that, didnt it?

Well, coincidences do happen, so maybe that all really was one. But

But if you combine all that with the fact we have a strange connection to the world of MagiKoi now as well, and adding on to that the weird things the real Kuon Kirise was saying, dont you feel like were getting swept up into something really big all of a sudden?

As I quietly asked her that with a slight shiver, Kobayashi-san calmly nodded.

Hey? I know the name that he called me before was Eifa, not Finne, so I cant be one hundred per cent sure, but that bad feeling, its still there

Thats right.

I really did want this to just be some kind of strange coincidence.

Kobayashi-san just had the fortune to by chance run into a good looking actor, and that was the end of it. I wanted to think that.

As my face grew more and more rigid, Kobayashi-san suddenly called out to me with a smile.

By the way, I see youve been leaving all the big pieces of eggplant alone, dont you like them? Or are you saving them to eat all at once?

I dont like them.

But, for some reason, I didnt want to say it.

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