Endless Evolution: Last Star

Chapter 135: The difference in the value of lives


Prago slammed his fist into the wall, right next to Adam's face, leaving a long cut on his cheek and a deep dt in the wall.

Th, Prago put Adam back in place, picked up the table, and sat down on a chair. He wt from furious to completely calm extremely quickly and that was not a good sign.

"Anyway, if you were an ordinary man, you would have be locked up for several years or ev decades, however... some military officers did everything to minimize your stce. How it annoys me!" Prago growled, clching his fist tightly.

As a member of the Azure Lotus, he wanted full equality betwe all sectors of society, so he wanted the Phantoms to receive the same punishmt as ordinary people. However, ev he couldn't increase Adam's stce beyond six months.

There was logic in Prago's words, because getting only half a year in prison for killing a man in public, in the First Ring, was the minimum punishmt. If some military officers hadn't helped him, it would have be two or three years.

However, Adam wasn't going to put up with it. He realized that against Prago he didn't stand a chance, but... he couldn't lose six months rotting in jail and wasting his pottial.

"Khm." Raina coughed, "That's not all. Adam Vinter, you're going to Fall Hill Prison, north of the Second Ring, for half a year. You'll be there for six months, and if you don't cause trouble, you'll be released in five. Furthermore, you must pay a fine of 00,000 credits and obey all orders of your ward unless you want your stce increased."

Adam frowned as anger began to bubble up inside him.

In fact, he felt no guilt for killing Baldhead, for he hadn't ev expected it to happ.

Since Adam had become a Phantom, he had never fought a normal person before, and he wouldn't do it, because he had no reason to.

What ordinary person would provoke K-Phantom? There was only one answer: a suicidal one.

Baldhead and his group were new to Proud Wing, so their superiors just used them, not ev warning them of the danger.

Adam realized this, and it only made him angrier, since it meant that someone in Proud Wing or Azure Lotus was watching him closely and had decided to remove him, at least temporarily.

'Tsk. Maybe Aid Hk did it...? I doubt he'd be interested, though. He may be a crazy bastard, but surely he'd rather spd his time on his experimts than on political intrigue.' Adam pondered internally, burning Prago with a glare.


Raina tapped the table and said:

"That's it for now. You won't cooperate with us, so the stce comes into effect immediately. I hope prison will reform you. Monsters kill people every day, so we don't need Phantoms doing it too."

"People...?" Adam raised an eyebrow with a cold stare.

Raina gulped, a chill running down her back.

"Tsk. Do you disagree with that? Do you think there are losses only among the Phantoms?" Prago snorted, unleashing his aura on Adam.

Normally, that should have be ough to silce the K-Phantom, but... It weakly affected Adam.

The reason was that Prago's aura, although strong, was not threating, as if it wasn't infused with the experice of difficult fights and the blood of deadly situations. Also, Adam was a Naturalborn Phantom, and that played a role.

Prago, as an Artificialborn Phantom, didn't know that Adam was the Naturalborn One. The fact that he was a K-Phantom couldn't help him get that information, ev his status as a prison ward was useless.

Finding out that some Phantom was the Naturalborn One was a difficult task achievable only in a few cases.

First, any Naturalborn Phantom, with the help of his Operator, could find out if another Phantom was a Naturalborn One. For example, Silvana had access to the special sources through which Adam had learned that Alexia was a Naturalborn Phantom. That required time.

Secondly, the Natiuralborn Phantom himself could tell someone, but it had to be another Naturalborn Phantom or someone with special status, like Ja. She was his personal doctor, but she had no right to tell anyone about it.

Sure, plty of ordinary people in the military, departmts, and politicians had this information, but they were all trusted individuals and carefully controlled the situation.

Ev if someone like Ja or Silvana had told someone about the Naturalborn Phantoms, they would have be quickly found and stopped. The person they told it to would be scared ough that he wouldn't say anything.

That was why Prago got a baffled look on his face. He didn't understand why Adam only slightly flinched at his aura, ev though he was just a K-Phantom!

"Monsters don't just kill Phantoms, it's true. Harvesters and military personnel also die a lot, but the Phantoms are the ones who fight the monsters. I have no complaints about ordinary people, especially departmtal workers. However... the one I killed, the bastard from Proud Wing, I don't feel sorry for him." Adam waved his hand.


Before he could say anything, Prago burst from his seat and brought his fist down on Adam's face.

At the last momt, Adam managed to block, crossing his arms in front of him. However, it only slightly reduced the blow, the impact threw him back.

"How dare you say that?! You killed an ordinary man, and you don't feel any guilt?! Ev if he wasn't the best person, that doesn't mean he deserved to die at your will!" Prago exclaimed furiously, his veins swelling with anger.

Adam wiped away the trickle of blood and slowly stood up.

"Yes, because by giving me trouble, he's already killed several Phantoms and dozs of people." Adam said confidtly.

Raina and Prago glanced over, they didn't understand what nonsse Adam was talking about. Baldhead was an ordinary man and... how could he kill others if he was dead himself?

"Hah, looks like you're too stupid to realize that. Actually, I thought, you as a K-Phantom, should have known that already."

Adam stepped forward.

"I killed that man, and now I'm going to prison for six months. That means all the monsters I would have killed in that time - will survive, and someone will face them sooner or later, a small fraction of them will die. Phantoms and Harvesters sometimes die wh fighting monsters, ev a child knows that."

Prago and Raina gulped. They hadn't ev thought about it from that side, because... it was too immoral, yet true!

"The truth is that a month of not having me - K-Phantom - in Dead Lands would be worse for the Citadel than losing that man's tire life. He wasn't a military man or a departmt employee, but a mere slacker, no... he was a parasite since he only made trouble for others."

Moreover, the fact that Adam's words were true was dangerous to Azure Lotus's ideology of equality betwe Phantoms and humans.

What equality could they talk about wh a month of one's life was more important than years of another?

"Kid... Be prepared, I'll do anything to make your life in prison a living hell. By the rules, I'm not going to break the law, unlike you little bastard!" Prago clched his fists tightly.

Th, after a momt's silce, Raina quickly completed the paperwork and led Adam down the hall.

The police officers were already waiting outside to take him to the prison.

Prago didn't want to go with him, because he had only come here to see Adam in person. He hoped to hear Adam's reptance, but instead... Adam had just pushed him into a cruel reality.

Step. Step. Step.

Raina stepped confidtly, heading for the exit. She wasn't worried that Adam would run away because th he would be immediately caught by the Phantoms working for the police - especially for such cases.


Raina stopped abruptly as a tall figure appeared from the corner - a man with gray hair and unusual amethyst eyes. The high collar of his long black coat covered half of his face - up to his nose.

Adam's eyes wt wide, for he was familiar with this man. It was Tron - the K-Phantom that helped them leave Gold Searchers Nest after the clash with Mirna and dark Phantoms.

"What...? What are you doing here...?" Raina muttered in a disbelief.

Tron cast a cold glance at her.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna intrude on you. However, I have to talk to Adam. Wait for him outside." Tron said calmly, but his voice sounded like a heavly order.

"But... You're not supposed to be here! You have to leave, now!" Raina was about to protest.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Tron's powerful aura made her forget how to breathe and drop to one knee. Ev Adam felt the heaviness.

'Damn... This is a whole other level. It seems that although they're both K-Phantoms, Tron is stronger than Prago.' Adam noted.

"You're an ordinary human and can't give me orders. You must obey, do your job, and don't interfere with me. I said - wait outside." Tron said macingly.

Raina, without a word, rushed away. She did not wish to stay here a momt longer or experice Tron's wrath.

Th, Tron turned to Adam with a calm gaze.

"Looks like you're in trouble, doesn't it?" Tron muttered, "I'll tell you right off the bat, I'm not going to help you avoid punishmt."

Tron's eyes turned cold, "After all, you killed a human, it can't pass unnoticed. However... rules only work wh the forces are equal, after all, the weak obey the rules of the strong, and the strong ones only respect their own rules, don't they?"

Adam blinked a few times, trying to understand what Tron was talking about.

Tron waved his hand.

"Never mind that. I came here for one reason - I have a message for you. It's from Dami."

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