End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 140: High-dimensional data

Though Emma was the first to dash towards the ruins of the oil refinery, it was Bonnie who arrived there ahead of everyone else.

After all, Bonnie's innate talents and her higher level placed her above both Emma and Claire.

Upon reaching the periphery of the wreckage, Bonnie promptly cast a frost spell.

With a flourish of her staff, two ice-formed birds soared into the depths of the oil refinery's ruins. At that moment, Bonnie's eyes were enveloped in a blue radiance.

What she now perceived was the scene unfolding through the eyes of the ice birds.

The two ice-formed birds surveyed the entire expanse of the oil refinery's ruins.

It appeared as though the refinery had been utterly demolished, with everything engulfed in raging flames. Whether equipment or creatures, all seemed to have been completely obliterated.

"How is it? Have you found any trace of Jeremy?"

Claire, the second to arrive, asked anxiously.

Aware that her own talents and skills were insufficient for locating Jeremy quickly, Claire placed her hopes squarely on Bonnie's shoulders.

By this time, the blue glow had faded from Bonnie's eyes, and her expression bore a slight tinge of disappointment.

She spoke in a low voice, "I haven't found Jeremy. It's as if he has vanished without a trace. However, I am certain he would never leave us so easily. No matter what kind of enemy he faces, he wouldn't be easily defeated."

Though Bonnie's tone was resolute as she spoke, Claire could discern the deep worry etched on her face.

At that moment, Emma finally arrived, her expression one of extreme anxiety, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"What are you doing standing around here?! Do you think you'll find Jeremy by just staying put? Hurry and come with me into the ruins!"

Emma's exasperated words barely left her lips before she dashed towards the wreckage.

Bonnie and Claire quickly grabbed her.

"Are you out of your mind? Rushing into the ruins now will only put you in immense danger. If Jeremy has to come rescue you, you'll be a burden to him."

Claire's words managed to bring Emma to a reluctant but necessary calm.

Emma collapsed to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Neither of you care about Jeremy! I'm the only one who worries about his safety!"

Faced with Emma's outburst, both Claire and Bonnie were momentarily speechless.

Just as they were about to continue their attempts to console her, Jeremy's voice suddenly called out from a short distance away.

"Don't just stand there! Get to a safe place immediately!"

The instant they heard Jeremy's voice, expressions of immense relief and joy spread across their faces.

However, upon confirming Jeremy's safety, the trio suddenly realized the perilous nature of their current location.

Without wasting any time, they hastily fled in a direction away from the ruins of the oil refinery.

They had barely made their escape when a violent explosion erupted at the spot where they had just been standing.

The Mechanical Amalgamation emerged from beneath the ground.

Its surface now covered in a layer of molten metal. Jeremy's earlier actions had indeed succeeded, but before being entirely consumed by flames, The Mechanical Amalgamation had burrowed underground.

Upon its emergence, The Mechanical Amalgamation did not pursue Bonnie and the others.

Instead, it turned its head towards the center of the oil refinery's ruins, where Jeremy was hiding in an enclosed compartment of equipment.

At that moment, Jeremy also sensed the commotion caused by The Mechanical Amalgamation. Without hesitation, he burst out from the confined equipment chamber.

"You are unbelievably resilient! After enduring so many attacks, you can still fight. How on earth did you acquire such formidable endurance?"

He muttered to himself while closing the distance between him and The Mechanical Amalgamation with remarkable speed.

Realizing that conventional methods had failed to subdue The Mechanical Amalgamation, Jeremy resolved to confront it head-on.

Utilizing his Basic Mechanical Mastery skill, he swiftly identified the weak points in The Mechanical Amalgamation's structure.

Through agile maneuvers and precise strikes to these vulnerable areas, he began to rapidly diminish its strength.

Although the recent violent explosion had not utterly destroyed The Mechanical Amalgamation, it had significantly compromised its agility and overall structural integrity.

As the battle wore on, The Mechanical Amalgamation started to fall into a disadvantageous position.

Jeremy's relentless assault, combined with his strategic targeting of its weaknesses, was proving effective.

However, what Jeremy failed to notice was that another form of energy seemed to be steadily gathering within the ruins of the oil refinery.

Meanwhile, Bonnie, who had reached a safe distance, suddenly recognized this energy. She had encountered it before in the Land of Eternal Night. Urgently, she shouted in Jeremy's direction,.

"Jeremy, watch out behind you! There's a force gathering back there that we've seen before in the Land of Eternal Night!"

Upon hearing Bonnie's warning, Jeremy quickly turned to investigate.

At first, he also thought that the accumulating energy resembled the power of the "Sun" he had encountered in the Land of Eternal Night. But after a more careful examination, he realized that the energy was only similar, not identical, to the Sun's power.

At that moment, Jeremy received a prompt from The Eye of Omniscience:

[Note: High-dimensional data is continuously accumulating. Acquiring High-dimensional data can help you level up and unlock sealed skills.]

"High-dimensional data? This is the first time I've heard of it."

Jeremy murmured to himself. Thanks to The Eye of Omniscience's prompt, Jeremy finally understood that the gathering energy was High-dimensional data.

Given that High-dimensional data was a form of energy, it could naturally aid Jeremy in leveling up. However, what intrigued him even more was that High-dimensional data had the potential to unlock his sealed skills.

Does that mean that High-dimensional data is actually more powerful than the rule-based energy possessed by the "Sun"?

Jeremy found himself deeply intrigued by High-dimensional data.

Nonetheless, he had to remain focused on his battle with The Mechanical Amalgamation. If he couldn't defeat The Mechanical Amalgamation, there would be no opportunity to collect this High-dimensional data.

Moreover, Jeremy faced another pressing dilemma.

How could he gather all this high-dimensional data? It appeared to be a form of energy, yet it also seemed like a stream of data that didn't exist in the physical world.

High-dimensional data didn't seem to be something that could be collected through conventional means.

As Jeremy pondered this, a shadow suddenly enveloped his position.

Looking toward the source of the shadow, he realized that The Mechanical Amalgamation had leaped high into the air and was now crashing down toward him.

Even though Jeremy was unprepared, his quick reflexes allowed him to evade The Mechanical Amalgamation's attack.

"I've had enough of you! You dare interrupt my thoughts? Fine, let's end this now!"

Jeremy roared, channeling all his strength into a concentrated strike aimed at the weakest point in The Mechanical Amalgamation's core.

Under Jeremy's relentless assault, The Mechanical Amalgamation disintegrated completely. A heap of twisted machinery scattered around, and a data core emitting a blue glow fell right in front of Jeremy.

With the aid of his Basic Mechanical Mastery skill, Jeremy immediately understood the significance of the data core.

The data core housed the High-dimensional data that powered The Mechanical Amalgamation.

It was this very High-dimensional data that endowed The Mechanical Amalgamation with its formidable strength.

"It seems I can use this data core to gather High-dimensional data!"

Jeremy exclaimed. Without hesitation, he picked up the data core and headed towards the densest concentration of High-dimensional data within the ruins of the oil refinery.

As Jeremy advanced, the data core began to absorb the High-dimensional data. Its color gradually shifted from light blue to sky blue, and then to a deep blue hue.

By the time all the high-dimensional data had been absorbed, the core had turned a shade nearing blue-violet. This indicated that the data core was almost saturated with High-dimensional data.

"Although I don't fully understand the applications of the data core or the High-dimensional data yet, collecting it is undoubtedly beneficial for me.

At the very least, it will prevent the mechanical monsters in The Iron Lair instance from proliferating." Jeremy mused.

Realizing that The Mechanical Amalgamation was a monstrosity born from the fusion of High-dimensional data and machinery, Jeremy concluded that if he could gather enough High-dimensional data.

The remaining data within the instance would be insufficient to create many more mechanical monsters.

With the destruction of The Mechanical Amalgamation, Jeremy's level finally surpassed 42. He now had attribute points to allocate.

Without a moment's hesitation, he distributed the majority of these points into strength and speed.

After all, with his skills currently sealed, Jeremy had to rely on the flexibility that his power and speed afforded him in combat.

Having gathered everything he needed, Jeremy waved towards Bonnie and the others.

Jeremy had previously instructed Bonnie and her companions to only approach him once the battle was over. Seeing his gesture, the trio swiftly made their way to his side.

"I've now gained a general understanding of The Iron Lair instance." Jeremy said with a smile.

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