End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 128: A Situation of Extreme Peril

In the face of a formidable enemy, Jeremy, despite being in a dire situation, maintained a calm mind and unwavering resolve.

"Even with the cooperation of your deities, you still won't be able to defeat me!" he roared fiercely in the direction of Betak, the Vice-Captain.

Betak, the Vice-Captain, cast a cold glance at Jeremy, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, as though he firmly believed that defeat was no longer an option for him.

As the other Sun Knights gradually encircled Jeremy, Betak, the Vice-Captain, finally resolved to engage Jeremy in the ultimate showdown.

"O Great Sun above! Grant me infinite and boundless power! Allow me to vanquish Your enemies on Your behalf!"

Betak, the Vice-Captain, raised his weapon high, and in that instant, a searing beam of light descended from the sky, enveloping him completely.

After a few seconds, Betak, the Vice-Captain, emerged from the radiant glow, his entire being shrouded in a holy aura.

At this moment, it appeared that Betak, the Vice-Captain, had entirely lost all vestiges of human emotion.

His eyes fixed coldly on Jeremy, and with a mere flick of his wrist, he conjured an ethereal holy sword made entirely of light. This phantom sword flew directly towards Jeremy, cutting through the air with divine precision.

Jeremy was well aware that Betak, the Vice-Captain, had been bestowed with the blessings of the Sun.

Not only had the Sun granted Betak a portion of its formidable power, but it had also eradicated all of Betak's human emotions.

Betak, the Vice-Captain, had thoroughly descended into becoming a mere puppet of the Sun. Witnessing this, Jeremy emitted a mirthless chuckle. "You Sun Knights are truly the epitome of foolishness. Even if you perpetually follow the Sun, does it show you any semblance of compassion?

It merely exploits you, and when you are no longer of any use, the light you so rely on will abandon you."

The rest of the Sun Knights paid no heed to Jeremy's words.

To them, being endowed with the Sun's grace was a supreme honor, one worth any sacrifice, even if it meant being entirely transformed into mere puppets.

Jeremy, of course, was well aware that persuading the Sun Knights would not be a simple feat.

After all, the Sun, as a powerful deity, wielded not only the forces of light and heat but also possessed the ability to control human minds and impose restrictions through its divine laws.

Having delivered his remarks, Jeremy immediately activated two of his unique abilities.

The two skills Jeremy employed were "Wrath of the Seven Sins" and "Shadow Stride."

Under the influence of these abilities, his combat effectiveness surged dramatically, and his speed increased significantly.

These skills enabled Jeremy to nimbly weave through the relentless assault of the Sun Knights surrounding him.

Despite his newfound agility and power, Jeremy was fully aware that his current tactics were merely buying time.

Once Betak Vice-Captain fully mastered the formidable power bestowed upon him by the Sun, Jeremy knew he would stand no chance in a direct confrontation.

Hence, he aimed to distract Betak Vice-Captain using the tools at his disposal.

Jeremy first threw all the energy gemstones and soul crystals he had acquired in Nocturne City. These items inherently possessed the ability to absorb surrounding energies.

Including a portion of the power granted by the Sun.

This maneuver was designed to effectively hinder Betak Vice-Captain's control over this immense power.

Having set his plan into motion, Jeremy launched himself directly toward Betak Vice-Captain.

He understood that waiting for his opponent to fully prepare would only lead to certain defeat. Therefore, he chose to strike preemptively, aiming to eliminate Betak Vice-Captain before his power could be fully realized.

Jeremy's actions were immediately detected by Betak Vice-Captain.

Although Betak Vice-Captain had not yet fully harnessed the immense power granted to him, his innate combat instincts allowed him to fend off Jeremy's assault.

For a moment, it was impossible to determine an immediate victor between the two individuals.

The Sun Knights surrounding them refrained from assisting Betak Vice-Captain, fully aware that their proximity could inadvertently absorb some of the power bestowed upon him by the Sun. Thereby diminishing his overall strength.

"It appears that you Sun Knights place a great deal of importance on fair duels. None of your comrades are stepping in to aid you."

Jeremy remarked, attempting to sow discord between Betak Vice-Captain and the other Sun Knights.

However, his attempt to provoke internal strife was clearly destined to fail.

By this point, Betak Vice-Captain had shed most of his human emotions.

As the battle dragged on, Jeremy sensed that Betak Vice-Captain's power was growing increasingly formidable. He began to realize that he might no longer be able to completely vanquish his opponent.

At that critical moment, the urgent voice of Janna, the Goddess of Class Change, echoed in Jeremy's ears.

"Stop wasting time with the Sun's lapdog! Find a way to get through the Portal immediately! I can't hold on much longer!"

Janna's tone was filled with urgency, indicating her dire predicament.

It was highly likely that the Sun had gained the upper hand in their ongoing battle.

Realizing this, Jeremy decided to throw all his remaining rare weapons into the fray.

"This time, let's call it a draw! I don't have the luxury of wasting any more time with you. I have more pressing matters to attend to!" he declared.

In the blink of an eye, Jeremy activated his "Instant Teleportation" skill.

He executed multiple rapid teleports, closing the distance to the Portal until only a few meters remained. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not get any closer.

The rules set by the Sun were still in effect.

To breach the Portal's proximity, Jeremy realized he would have to use the skill he had obtained, "Pride of the Seven Sins." which allowed him to ignore such restrictions.

Just as Jeremy prepared to utilize "Pride of the Seven Sins" to bypass the Sun's imposed limitations, a sudden thought struck him.

What if, after his departure, Janna, the Goddess of Class Change, faced immense danger?

"I can leave through the Portal, but what about you? The Sun will never let you go. And I won't be able to offer you any assistance once I'm gone."

Jeremy's voice reached the Goddess of Class Change, Janna.

Janna was acutely aware that she wouldn't be able to escape unscathed once Jeremy left.

However, she believed this was the only viable course of action they had. At least, Jeremy's plan had a chance of success.

"Stop overthinking! You've helped me countless times before, now it's my turn to help you! Don't hesitate any longer, break the Sun's rule restrictions immediately."

Janna's voice grew increasingly urgent.

Reflecting her escalating disadvantage in the battle.

Janna knew she could not hold out much longer. If she were to fail completely, the Sun would be able to appear directly before Jeremy.

Despite her desperate plea, Janna's words failed to persuade Jeremy.

After contemplating for a while, Jeremy responded with a calm demeanor.

"No, I can't abandon you and leave on my own. We are allies, and naturally, we must fight side by side until the very end! I am convinced that we can find another solution."

Jeremy's words left Janna, the Goddess of Class Change, feeling somewhat helpless.

"There are no other solutions left! If you keep hesitating, you'll lose your chance to escape as well." She implored, hoping to persuade Jeremy to leave immediately.

However, Jeremy chose not to heed her advice. A sudden idea flashed through his mind, one that could potentially resolve their dire predicament.

Although he and the Goddess of Class Change, Janna, might be at a disadvantage when facing the Sun, what if they could find another exceptionally powerful ally?

The World was still trapped deep within the prison designed by the architects of the apocalypse game.

If Jeremy's skill, Pride of the Seven Sins, could truly be unleashed successfully, it might just shatter the prison confining the World.

With this thought in mind, Jeremy wasted no time and immediately shared his plan with the Goddess of Class Change, Janna.

The moment Janna heard his plan, an expression of alarm washed over her face. She believed Jeremy's plan was utterly impossible.

Moreover, Jeremy's actions would only infuriate the Sun and might even provoke other game architects to intervene personally.

"You mustn't use this method. We're already struggling against the Sun. If other deities join the fray, we won't stand a chance." Janna pleaded urgently.

"I understand your concerns, but even if other deities intervene, we can leverage the power of the World to wage a final, decisive battle against them.

I've made my final decision, and you don't need to persuade me any further. Even if you continue to try and stop me, my mind is set and unchangeable!" Jeremy declared resolutely.

Having made up his mind, Jeremy decided to ignore Janna's further attempts to dissuade him.

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