Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 407 Worried



"Where are you? I'm coming over." 

Liu Xueyi knew it was going to be useless trying to deter his friend away. And really, he knew deep down that he actually wanted a friend right now.

"The tennis court but I..." Liu Xueyi barely got a chance to speak when Xu Fang ended the call.

He knew his friend meant it when he said he was coming to see him. 

Left with no choice, he sighed, placing his phone in his pocket. Minutes later, he placed another call twice to Andromeda but the same answer was greeted to him.

At this point, he knew he couldn't just leave. He had to wait for Xu Fang first before continuing his search blindly.

Also, there was no news from Rong Bolin. He did not wish to pester the latter as he knew he would be combing all the places he could to find Andromeda for him.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Fang drove in but as soon as he stepped out of his car to greet his friend, a call came through Liu Xueyi's phone.

He watched from where he stood the worried expression written all over his friend as he checked the caller and placed the phone on his ear.

"Hello, Bolin?"

"We've found a lead on Andromeda."

Liu Xueyi's eyes went wide as hope flashed in them. "What did you say? Where?"

If it were a different situation, Rong Bolin would be filled with laughter at his friend for how eager he was but he could sense the worry laced in his tone. 

"We traced the footage from the company, she did not go anywhere in the city. She drove out of it."


Keeping his phone pressed to his ear, he gestured with his hand for Xu Fang to get back into his car and follow him. 


With her rage, a part of Andromeda still wished Liu Xueyi would call.

And when his call came through, she had been so pained she left her phone silently and dropped it inside the car. 

For the longest time, she sat on her car's bonnet and watched the sky until a car passed and suddenly slowed down, reversing in her direction. 

Without sparing too much of a glance, she snickered inwardly and focused on the trees in front. 

If the rider was a stupid guy hoping to lure or speak sweet nothings of foolish words to her hearing, she would so much as curse him and drive away. 

She could not be bothered with guys now and their lies. 

She was angry and it marred her stunning beauty. 

Her blonde hair fluttered in the wind, washing it over her face as her gown moved in the same direction. 

She kept her hands crossed, her mind fighting for its relaxation to be bothered about her clothes and hair, not about the stranger walking over to her. 


Her heart drummed wildly against her chest at the familiarity in the voice and the use of the name. 

Only two people did that fondly—her boyfriend and her previous crush.

Now she wondered if her ears were deceiving her as to who it was and when she snapped her head to the side to see, it really was one of them.


A smile warmed its way into his eyes as they closed a bit when his eyes met hers. "Hello, Andromeda."

It has been some time since they last saw each other. She wasn't expecting him to be around here—the middle of nowhere for no just cause. 

It was a bit suspicious but she was sensible enough to understand that coincidence also happened. 

Throwing away all the nasty thoughts running through her mind, Andromeda rushed up to him and dived into his embrace—an act that Xie Tian never truly expected. 

He had driven out of the city to a nearby hot spring to relax his head when he caught sight of her blonde hair. Rich as it could be, he recognized her anywhere.

Wanting to be sure, he peered at her figure through his mirror and immediately knew it was her. 

As to what she was doing there, Xie Tian did not know but he was sure he would find out. However, he never expected his sweet Andromeda to dive right into his arms. 

The first few seconds went by slowly with neither of them doing anything but when he heard the sniffles of her cries, Xie Tian felt a sharp pain run across his chest, making his heart ache. 

He realized his love for her a little too late but seeing her happy, he decided to let it go and give her what she truly wanted and needed—the love of another man. 

Similarly, he had Liu Xiao Xiu's love knocking at the door of his heart. Although it seemed lame, he decided to give it a try rather than cry over a one-sided emotion and also make Xiao Xin happy.

But seeing her hurt today, his feelings and care rushed back in and he held her close to his body, gently soothing her back. 

"Andy, what's wrong?"

"Don't say anything. Just stay still."

She had planned on calling Gu Jun but decided not to disturb her friend. There was still an issue she had not discussed with him.

Whether or not he had found out she did not know but he had his problems. She did not want to worsen it and decided to wait until she felt better, she would return. 

Meeting Xie Tian now, one of her confidants and close friends back then, her walls broke as she sought his comfort without divulging the secrets. 

"What happened, Andy? I cannot sit back without knowing. Did Liu Xueyi do anything to you?"

She sniffed but did not say anything and shook her head. 

Knowing the latter, he was bound to want to seek revenge for her and to stop him, she knew she would have to spill her personal matters to him.

This was not her plan. 

"Andy," she heard his breathing quicken on his chest. He definitely was not taking things as lightly as she expected him to. "Tell me or else…"

She tightened her hold on him. Her little actions succeeded in stopping his words from coming out. She was stubborn he had to give her that. 

"Shout again and I will cry."

Xie Tian rolled his eyes and shook his head. You never change, do you? Fine. I won't ask."

Several minutes passed before Andromeda pulled back and wiped her face with a single word of apology on her lips for soaking his shirt in her tears. 

"For you, there is never a problem. As much as I would love to stay out here with you, night would soon befall us, we must return to the city. I cannot have you getting into danger, okay?"

Carefully thinking about it, she nodded her head in understanding. 

"We can visit a restaurant over coffee or any meal while you tell me who made my feisty Andy cry." 

Appreciating his smiles, Andromeda agreed and they got into their cars with him leading the way. 

Following her trail from Rong Bolin's direction, Liu Xueyi soon found himself driving far and out of the city with Xu Fang behind. 

On and on they went hoping for a cue or something to find Andromeda. Suddenly, Liu Xueyi caught sight of a blue piece of cloth by the side of the road and immediately pulled over.

Even though Xu Fang did not know what it was about, he did the same and waited for Xueyi to step out before doing the same.

"Xueyi?" His worried voice called from behind him when he saw his friend pick something up. 

Xueyi on the other hand, had his gaze fixed on the blue small shawl on the ground. He had seen this before and it wasn't long. 

The memory of her having it tied around her neck today flashed at the back of his mind. 

When he saw it, he was going to complement it but the situation that befell them that day did not call for that. 

He squeezed his hand, holding the material tight when he felt a certain wetness from it. 

Liu Xueyi opened it and recognized what it was. 

His brows creased a little. As irritating as it was that he touched the mucus of he nose, he did not feel anything of that sort, rather he was reminded why such would happen. 

"She was here," he spoke gently to Xu Fang's hearing. 

"How do you know? I mean that could be any..."

"It is hers and she was crying." 

Liu Xueyi shut his eyes and clenched his jaw hard. He had hurt her badly. He was sure of it.

"What now? We do not know if she continued the journey," Xu Fang reasoned.

"I know Andy, she shouldn't have gone far without reason. If she wanted to stay away from me, she may have booked a hotel or something not driven to a different city when she has work. Something is not right."

Liu Xueyi lifted his head, his eyes staring at the sky. "She may have gone back."


Ignoring Xu Fang, he reached into his pocket and brought out his phone to call Rong Bolin when his call came in. 

"Bolin, I need your help to..."

"Xueyi, her car has been spotted in the city," Rong Bolin spoke at the same time, cutting his friend short.

"Andromeda has been found. She is at Crimson District Avenue - Spring Breakers."

He did not speak for a moment, taking the time to calm his breathing and the excitement coursing through him. 

"Thank you. We are on our way."

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