Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 398 Fighting Back



With the blinding rays of the sun seeping through the opening in the curtain, landing on the messy-haired face of the young girl, Fang Daiyu fluttered her eyelids open.

All through the previous night, her body had undergone serious exercises with none other than her golden ticket - Sun Yichen.

She had expected that with how drunk he was yesterday; he would get tired easily after a round or two. 

To her amazement, Sun Yichen had no plans for that. He was frustrated. Always being the good kid and the one to push his family business up. 

Now that he had it all crumbled for tampering with the wrong person, he felt like venting, releasing all the pent-up emotion. 

Who would have thought someone shameless would be willing to offer herself?

"Uurrrgh," Fang Daiyu groaned in pain as she managed to rise to a sitting position on the bed. 

The previous day, Sun Yichen took her from the VIP lounge and booked a room to settle their carnal desires. 

Her lips pulled back as flashes of the night before seeped into her brain. She felt filled and happy. He had entered her with no condoms at all. 

Looking down at her body, she rubbed her stomach, letting more smiles spread on her lips. 

"Soon I shall be carrying a Sun in my womb. Hehhee, baby, mommy is brilliant," she self-praised. 

Her eyes scanned the room, taking in her surroundings. There was no sign of him being there with her, safe for the residues of their DNA staining the bedsheets. 

More than anything, Fang Daiyu was happy at the fact that she achieved what she wanted. 

"Mother will be proud of me. He lasted way longer than his brother ever did. I just found myself a strong man."

She looked around in search of her phone only to find it on the small nightstand by the bed. Reaching for it, she picked it up and turned it on.

Her eyes widened as shock registered in her eyes. 

"It's noon!" Fang Daiyu yelled in shock. Never had she expected to have slept that long. They had stopped their lovemaking by 5 am and she slept off right after. 

She had been too tired to take a bath and so was he. After all, they did go on for six hours plus. 

Without wasting much time, she tried to get up from the bed when she felt a jolt of pain rush through her body like an electric current. 

"Aaahhh…." Her head stung as did the pain in her waist. "Damn it. Now my walking step is going to be a mess. Bloody hell that should be the least of my problems. How do I sneak back in and explain to Dad where I was without calling?"

She shook her head and supported herself with the wall. Her eyes shone seeing the mess her face and body were in through her reflection in the mirror. 

"Such a feisty and passionate man." She bit her lower lip for a second. "I need to call Han Qing. She would be the perfect alibi for me. But first, I need a bath to look presentable."

Taking in a deep breath, Fang Diayu did what was necessary texting her friend before going for a thorough bath. 

By the time she was done, she placed a call to Han Qing, requesting her assistance to come and pick her up.


Driving into the Sun residence, Sun Yichen parked in front of the house and stepped out casually. 

His head banged a lot thanks to the over-drinking he did the previous night and the marathon sexual exercise he was engaged in. 

His lazy eyes scanned the environment and the cars that were in the driveway. Something was wrong and he could sense it. 

Someone or some people were in their house. Which meant it couldn't be good. His father wouldn't just bring his business associates home. 

There was trouble.

Inside the Sun mansion, Sun Wu Jang sat down on the long couch in his living room with a grave expression on his face. Two men sat opposite him on an equally long couch.

The look in their eyes told anyone who saw them they meant business and were not here to play or for a friendly visit. 

"Sun Wu Jang, I would ask for the last time, where is my money? You said by the end of the month you will make full payment to Black Spade. You haven't," the first man stated matter of factly. 

"I said…"

"Your business has crumbled and you had the guts to reach out to us in need of help when you haven't paid back the 300 million you borrowed," the second man chipped in. 

"I know what I promised. It was just an attack from a…"

"Excuses! You should have thought of that before risking annoying the Liu Corporation. You should know that Liu Houyi would never let anyone go who tampers with his precious grandson. Yet you attacked."

"All I did was for the sake of business. You should all understand this, Jang and Wei."

"There is nothing to understand, Wu Jang. This is business. We need money to do business too. Unlike you we do not bite the wrong fingers and know where to poke our noses," Mr. Jang uttered.

"I know."

"No, you do not. If you do you would not be in this mess now."

Sun Wu Jang gritted his teeth. They were behaving as though they had not messed up before and his case was the only bad egg there was.

"See, we would have helped but the Big Boss wants us to…"

"The Big Boss wants what?"

All heads turned in the direction the intruding voice came from. Sun Yichen walked into the living room giving off a mysterious vibe with his head held high and his gaze darkened.

"T-The…" Mr. Jang swallowed hard.

"Get a hold of yourself. They did not hold the same prestige as they once did, Jang. The Big Boss needs his money."

Casting a cold glare his way, Sun Yichen ensured every ounce of will and power in him was sent out as his imposing aura intimidated Mr. Wei. 

"You said so yourself. The end of the month. This is only midway into the month. Don't you think what you are doing is harassment?"

Mr. Wei scoffed. "You talk big for a puny rat about to go completely under."

"And your brag is big for a messenger ant about to get crushed. Do not for once think that because of the little setback the Sun family has, any other group or family can put us down. If I must, I would squash anyone who gets in our way. Never forget that."

"Get our money, then you can not only dream big but talk big and no one would mind, Sun Yichen."

"Mr. Wei!" Sun Wu Jang retaliated. 

He hated anyone looking down on himself or his family. Sun Yichen scoffed a bitter laugh. As soon as the sound left his lips, his eyes darkened further.

"Utter one more word about that money before the month ends and I shall be suing the Black Spade."

Mr. Wei's brows squeezed.

"I am sure if I request three hundred million as compensation fee and all that, you will not be complaining or Black Spade would be forced to sell you and your entire family to pay for it while making an example out of you to others in the organisation."

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