Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 190 Another Way Out



Having Liu Xueyi utter those words to her, Andromeda felt her heart swell with joy.

It was not like she did so much but whether big or small, she accomplished something and he was happy she did it herself.

This was just one step away from her revenge plan and he knew it.

No matter what it took though, he was ready to help her rise by any means necessary. So long as it was legal and right.

The small smile that formed at the corner's so her lips caught his eyes as he gave a slight nod at her.

"Thanks, Xueyi," Andromeda gratefully appreciated him.

From what he said, she could deduce that he knew all she was doing. And although his information may not have been in-depth, he had the power to stop her and order her to know everything.

Regardless of how things played out, he did no such thing neither did her


They drifted back to their silent communication while fixing their gaze on anything other than the other person in the living room.

Several thoughts plagued Andromeda's mind and one of those was the fact that if he really came here just to say all those or was, he ready to let go and kiss her as he pleased?

Honestly, she still could not understand why she was like this, desperate.

It was as though she was a bird trapped in a cage while calling to her owner for help.

In this case, Liu Xueyi was the owner who needed to set her free.

"Umm, how have you been these days?" Andromeda inquired shyly.

Her eyes blinked more quickly than before while trying her best to act naturally before him.

"Hmm..." His voice trailed off while he tried to figure out the best answer to give to her without bothering to lie.

"You have been stressing out more than normal, right?" Andromeda inquired.

She did not bother hiding her concern for him and now that she looked carefully, he had eye bags, a clear indication he had been sleep deprived that week.

"I have but it is nothing. I would be fine. Tell me, how did you get everything done?"

"Hehe, I knew you would not be able to hold it in again."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"You have been curious about the matter."

Sensing he had been cornered, Liu Xueyi released a deep sigh but all he did in response to her statement was a small smile.

"Fine. I owe it to you anyways, so I would let you know."

His lips pulled back, revealing a much brighter smile at her acceptance.

Although she knew he had a general idea of what she did, she knew his curiosity would get the better of him later considering the aspect of how she found out was kept hidden till now.

Andromeda spent the next few minutes explaining exactly all that had happened and the help she got from her friends in everything.

By the time she was done, he made note of some things she would have done in a different manner.

Regardless, he had nothing but compliments for how her brain worked in tackling the matter.

Not wanting to cross the line with her, he spent more time discussing and laughing over normal things with her till it got late and he excused himself from the house.

In the end, she did not get his kiss and was left to long after him one more time.

Whether he was slow-witted or he did not get the signs that she was ready, Andromeda couldn't tell. All she knew was the fact that she was happy having to talk to him.


With everything going on, Andromeda already expected the news to blow up in a manner that would leave her busy for some days.

Irrespective she stood her ground and spoke when she felt like it to the reporters disturbing her for her actions and if really, she stole those designs from Divine Pearl.

And considering Wu Bai did not complain out loud, Andromeda already speculated his plan.

Countering them easily, she had people countering the news online.

Luckily, there were people who took her side greatly and when they reviewed her own designs, the specificity in designs and materials, several other people began to change sides.

It was at this point she had Divine Pearl sued for plagiarism and theft of her work seeing as they wished to cover up their crimes and turn it against her.

Obviously, Wu Bai had never expected for Andromeda to take such drastic actions until the lawsuit was brought to him.

Faced with a dilemma, he had to sacrifice his company or allow the culprit to go in for it.

Racing about from corner to corner in his office, Wu Bai had both hands crossed behind him while his brain worked so much in finding a solution.

When Lawyer Chang came to visit, he had wished to ignore the latter, unfortunately for him, seeing him or not could not change what had been done.

Immediately after he got the envelope and the document, his heart began to race at a much faster rate. Hurriedly, he asked his secretary to put a call through and have Beatrice come to his office.

He had warned her buts he said everything would go their way. Now, look at the dilemma he was faced with.

Knock! Knock!

"Enter," his deep voice responded in a low tone.

He did not want to be bothered except it was a solution the person was rendering. And when Beatrice found her way inside and spoke, a look of hope and fury washed over him at that moment.

Without uttering a single word to her, he watched as she went down on her knees before him, bringing her hands up in front of her face as she pleaded her cause.



"Please?" Wu Bai's lips fell open at her in disbelief. "Please, Beatrice? Do you still have the effrontery to request that?"

"I know I do not," she began, letting the tears she had been holding in finally spill out of her eye sockets.

"How do you think I feel having numerous reporters and paparazzi stalking me and crowding my company, asking me stupid questions?!" He hollered at her.

At this point Beatrice Zhang shrunk where she knelt, still pleading her sorry case.

She could not believe that the situation turned around and rather than Andromeda going in for it, it was her.

"This is not a situation of maybe, I am being accused and even sued. All because of you. So, tell me would please solve any of these problems I am facing now?"

"We would find a way."

"What way?"

"I have a plan," Beatrice quickly mentioned to him.

"Another plan that is going to fail, right?"

"I know it is hard, but do you trust me?"

"Trust? It is earned and you have lost the one you earned before," Wu Bai explained to her earing.

"I see. Fine then. If we can find the spy working for Andromeda here, then it would be much easier to pin the blame on her and make her look useless."

He did not say anything and walked up to where she knelt, taking a pause to glare into her eyes.


"We can make it that Andromeda's spy is her useless assistant back then who you demoted. We would frame her first before using her against Andromeda."

"But what if Andromeda denies and the assistant too? Do not forget she is with the Liu Corporation now."

"Yes, and if she is involved in many scandals, Liu Corporation would be careful in how they use her. No one wants a tainted image which is why we must search out ways to make sure she suffers and loses face."

"Okay. I would give you this chance to fix up the mess you created. Remember even if the Lawyer visits you, denying it would be in our best interest. We just have to make a scapegoat for this mess."


"Also, I would see what I can do with Andromeda. Scare her or plead for her to let it go for her own good. Maybe blackmail her with her former assistant. One way or the other, she is bound to falter."

Beatrice's face lit up upon hearing his plan as she pressed her lips together and pulled them to the side, revealing a mischievous smirk.

When it came to plotting against others, her specialty was revealed.

"Get up and get to work. We may still have time to correct this error."

Beatrice nodded her head and rose to her feet without any challenge as she turned swiftly, ready to head out and carry out her task better.

"Also, have them ensure the news on social media is taken down.," Wu Bai instructed, forcing her to halt in her steps briefly.

"I do not want anyone pushing and provoking her for now. We need to ensure we make her think we are withdrawing, then we strike back while the iron is hot."

"I got it. I would make you proud and then, you can have some of this to quench your anger."

Her fingers slid down from her stomach, trailing down in a relatively slow and torturous manner till they got to her crotch and she rolled her hips a bit at him.

"She misses you," Beatrice added and then winked at him.

"Get going. I would be sure to punish and pleasure her later," he instructed and let out a chuckle as he too made a turn, walking over to his desk.

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