Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 182 It Is Time



Listening to the sweet apology coming from Liu Xueyi's tempting lips, Andromeda found herself fantasizing about his kisses rather than the fact that he was apologizing to her.

His eyes glistened with tears as he watched her take in his appearance.

Heaven knew he did not know how he could hold it in anymore.

He was losing himself every time to her. If this wasn't love then what was it?

He did not mind that one particular lady got the whole him this way.

It was both exhilarating and comforting at the same time. As well as scary.

It meant her actions could get out all of his emotions in such a way.

Here he was, a man who had closed his heart to love a woman, falling hard for one in a matter of months.

No matter how hard he tried to place it, he could not find any reason not to love her.

And even the thought of her kissing another guy could not remove his heart from her.

At that moment, Liu Xueyi finalized in his mind to tell her the truth and ignore whatever had happened before.

If she got mad at him, then so be it but it would give him a chance to confess how he truly felt to her.


"Shh…" Andromeda instantly cut him short, placing a finger between his lips. "I am sorry too."

"No. I was the one out of line."

"Shh," she hushed him again.

Her sweet chocolate gaze softened and a smile touched the corners of his mouth.

"No more apology."

Without giving him any form of warning, Andromeda brought her face closer to his, removing her finger from the way as she pressed her soft lips on his.

She had wished to do this since yesterday, even the day before, but she did not get a chance to do so.

Now, they were alone, with no disturbing crush or fan girl. Just the two of them.

That was all that mattered.

Shutting her eyes, Andromeda wrapped her hand around his neck, pulling him closer to her as her tongue worked its magic and teased his lips, seeking an entrance.

Not wanting to disappoint her, he shook away his initial shock and parted his lips for her, granting her the entrance she needed in deepening their kiss.

Shortly after, they broke the kiss, wearing warm smiles on their faces as their foreheads collided.

"Would you hold me in your arms and pet me to sleep?" Her soft voice asked in a pleading tone.

"No need to ask."

Falling to his side, Liu Xueyi provided the comfort she needed and decided to forget everything for the now.

There was no rush anymore.

And although they had not finalized things, he was happy she was open to him once more.

Without asking, he decided to take into consideration the reason why she kissed someone else as she was drunk that day.

With that, he let his worries go and cherished the moment he had with her instead.


Things progressed fast and soon it was close to the day for Divine Pearl's fashion show.

All the while, Andromeda kept a low profile and instead of getting busy with her feelings for Liu Xueyi, she channeled all of her energy into getting the needed pieces of evidence to make Wu Bai pay for the hurt he had caused her.

Aside from that, another reason why they kept apart was due to Liu Xueyi's busy schedule.

Not that she complained, it helped her focus better on her plan.

Picking up her phone from her desk, Andromeda placed a call to Gu Jun.

"Hello, Jun," her face lit up instantly as though he could see her. "How are you?"

"Fine and you?"

"Same as usual but somehow excited," she informed him.

"Hmm, might I ask why?"

"Yeah. It is time."

Gu Jun's brows knitted together with her vague words, "Time?"

"Yes. The person I asked you to help me tail."

"Yeah, the one who met up with Beatrice Zhang right?"

"Aye. I got some information about him from Xie Tian."

Immediately, Gu Jun sat straight on his chair as he prepared to hear the conclusion of the matter.

She had called his attention to the issue in need of his help earlier, the week before.

"Yeah. Thanks to your contact and the pictures taken, plus his suspicious movement for the past few days and the intel Xie Tian got, I found out his real identity and the fact that he is involved in theft, robbery and hacking."

"Hmm, interesting."

"Yeah. Very. He isn't clean. This would further help my case though. Now it is time to bring Wu Bai down, leaving him restless before his supposed stolen fashion show."

'Good one, Andromeda," Gu Jun praised.

"Thanks. I will send the details to you as well. Help me go through them. I want to call our guest in all of this."

"Sure. Send to my mail. I got you, bestie."

That pleased smile was on her lips again and her eyes held a glint of humour in them.

She had begun to envision the kind of problem that Wu Bai would find himself in and how it would be too late for him to make a change in his clothing line if he found out her claim was true.

In the end, his supposed big fashion show would be a big flop, carried by the media.

He would not only have his name ruined for his failure to maintain his name, especially with Starlight Apparel taking a big step in improving their work.

More than that, she was going to expose them as the thief they were.

Ending the call with Gu Jun, Andromeda searched out Wu Bai's number and immediately dialed the number.

She waited a few seconds before it was answered from the other end of the phone.

"Hmm, did someone finally realize what a mess of a company she ran off to and want to plead for me to accept her back with open hands? Or is it that he doesn't treat you as good as I did when we were dating?"

Andromeda's lips curled upwards revealing a wry smile on her lips but she refrained from saying any words to him.

"Hahaha," a burst of terrible laughter fell off his lips instantly.

"However," he began. "If you are willing to beg and announce to the world that you and I are together, denouncing Liu Xueyi and his company, then I can consider taking you back."

She blinked cutely before placing her call on record.

"Also defame them and state he blackmailed you into joining his company. Do that and I will accept you back."

Andromeda could not believe the useless words coming out of his mouth.

She kept mute for some seconds before releasing the laughter she had been holding in.


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