Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 178 Scared



Andromeda managed to increase her pace, walking past the curve on the road hastily.

By now her breathing was ragged as did the throbbing of her heart.

It had been a long time since she found herself in such a situation.

To make matters worse, she wore a fitted gown which did not offer her much freedom to walk, in addition, the sandal's heels grazed on her skin, causing more friction as she trekked.

All she wanted was to disappear, get out of this suffering as quickly as possible and to her amazement, she saw two young guys walk out from an adjoining lane, far ahead of where she was.

Her heart leapt for joy in her chest as hope returned to her hopeless situation instantly.

She knew shouting was not an option as she did not want to be seen as a mad woman.

'If I can get them to help me use their phone, then I can rest and be saved from this hell I placed myself in.' Andromeda thought within her.

Hurriedly, she pulled her gown up, revealing the lower part of her thighs as she walked faster toward them.

Not too far ahead, she noticed another couple in the opposite lane from hers but they were even farther away from her than the guys were.

Regardless, she did not give up and moved.

Her breathing ragged greatly, her skin itched and burned. Her body felt like she was stepping on flames and needles.

At that point, she wished she could peel off her skin and just get out of it for the itchiness and frustration to end.

Soon enough she began to dance to a painful rhythm her body knew best as she tried to blink back the tears that had already threatened to spill.

With each step she took, the more her body screamed at her to stop but if she did... She knew she would lose the only hope she had since she had been trekking.

Boosting up her morale in her mind, Andromeda braced up and ran, knowing fully well what that singular action was going to do to her, she ignored the internal warnings her body screamed at her to stop.

After running briefly, she got close. Unfortunately for her though, the boys kept on moving.

Her eyes glistened with tears at this point. She could feel her body heat up internally and outwardly.

Her thoughts itched badly, she did not know if she could bare the torture anymore and not scratch her skin till it peeled off.

'Please, let this stop.' She pleaded internally. 'Let this stop already, please...'

She took a few more steps as her vision began to blur and the tears dribbled free.

"Help," Andromeda called out, stretching forth her right hand. "Wait... Please."

She did not care whether she would be considered mad anymore and threw caution to the wind as her hands latched onto her exposed lower thigh and scratched her skin anyhow.


This time she screamed loud enough for the boys to hear and they stopped.

A new sense of hope and joy washed over her as more and more tears flowed out of her eyes, rolling down her cheeks.

"Please, help! Ahh!!"

Forgetting anything around her, she screamed for help at the top of her lungs, scratching further into her thighs.

At the same time, both guys, and the couples in front turned around just in time to see Andromeda's outstretched hand as her eyes fluttered to a close.

"Oh my God!" The first boy exclaimed the moment he noticed her body began to fall to the side with her hand still partly raised in the air.

"Hurry, catch her!" The second guy yelled and immediately, both boys sprinted over in her direction.

Not being able to contain the pain and itchiness again, Andromeda collapsed to the ground.

"Help! Someone!" The first guy yelled when he turned around and saw the other couple standing.

They too, like the boys, ran over to where they were, as they tried to get Andromeda up from the ground.

"What went wrong?" The lady questioned the second guy, who had begun to tap on his phone.

"I do not know. I need to call for the ambulance," he responded frantically.

"Her body is red. Whatever you are doing hurry. I do not know if the ambulance would get here first," the young man with the lady quickly informed them.

"Her body is very hot. Her legs as well and her thighs are red," he added.

"We need to find a car to get her to the nearest hospital as soon as possible," the first guy informed them.

"True but cars hardly follow through this route, especially at this point in time," the lady informed them.

"Just still call on the ambulance and I would run ahead and pray I see a car in the next junction ahead," he informed the second guy quickly, earning a nod in return.


Getting up, he managed a small smile at the lady, "She would be fine darling. Please hold on to her."

Saying that he turned his gaze to the first guy. "Come with me."

Together they left the others and were about to run when they caught sight of a car coming from far.

Both guys stopped running and waved their hands at the incoming car while the older man rushed into the road, hoping to stop whoever it was.

"Stop! Help!"

At the same time, the driver of the car pulled to a stop close to them. Without a second thought, he rolled down to find out what was going on when the older-looking man rushed up to his side of the window in a frantic state.

"Please, help, someone fainted. Help take her to the hospital."

His eyes narrowed at the scene a little bit ahead of them and his brows furrowed deeply.

The only thought on his mind at that moment was none other than Andromeda.

The sheer knowledge that she was out there alone and may have trekked or something worse just waiting for him made his heart clench as he hoped nothing bad would befall her.

And this became another delay. Without being told he knew his judgement would be much.

Howbeit, due to the fact that two people crouched close to the said victim, he failed to see who it was.

Nonetheless from their actions, he could tell it was serious as the second guy waving at him already rushed over to join them.

Nodding his head, Liu Xueyi turned his car engine off, removed his seatbelt and opened his car.

He was not too bothered about the fact that this was a ploy for kidnapping or robbery.

If any of the aforementioned played out, the culprit would be sorry when he cut them.

However, he did not plan on letting his careful thoughts prevent him from helping someone.

"Thank you," the first man appreciated and beckoned on him. "Quick, give way let us carry her," he announced.

The second he said that the two guys hovering over Andromeda parted to the side, waiting to help the lady carry her when Liu Xueyi's eyes landed on her and his breathing stilled instantly.

His eyes remained agape as he stared at her with unbelieving eyes.

The one person he was rushing to meet had met with a misfortune he tried to prevent.


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