Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 160 I Have Proof



After making her plans the previous day, Andromeda set out to work with little to no worries in her mind.

All she had needed to ensure Beatrice Zhang's plan was a total failure had been put in place. However, for now, she was going to act calm.

Even Liu Xueyi was not informed nor did she let anyone in on her plans and focused on it solely by herself.

She had her quote noted in her mind while she made her solo plan of vengeance. After all, she was the one who was used. It was best she did it herself lest anyone talked her out of it.

With that, she went about her day and by the time she arrived home, she felt her heart swell with excitement, in hopes of her plan to catch the thief.

Upon entering her house, she took off her light coat, hanging at the side of the living room before making her way straight for her room.

Once in, her gaze swept through her room and was shocked to meet everything intact, save for the books on her desk that had been slightly shifted just so the thief could do that which he wanted.

A satisfied grin adorned the corners of her lips when she saw this. Indeed the person Beatrice Zhang had paid to steal from her did quite an awesome job in making things too real.

However, when you pay attention to too many details, one could easily spot them.

She took slow steps towards her desk and glided her fingers along the edges of the books on top before turning halfway as she shot he gaze at her ceiling.

Staring right into her eyes, was the sweet little camera she had installed in her room, placing it at the right angle where it could get the exact view of every singular activity going on.

She turned her body around again, and this time, instead of lowering her gaze to her books, she looked up and her eyes met a picture hanging on the wall.

On it, she had hidden and installed the second camera in a way it was not obvious to normal eyes and stayed hidden.

She did not need to bother about it, all she knew was the fact that now, she had her evidence and she could get back at them.

'Beatrice Zhang, thank you for digging your own grave by yourself and making things quite easy for me. I have been patient enough. Now I have proof.'


By the evening of that day, everything was properly handled with Jin arriving at Beatrice Zhang's meet-up point out a crowded restaurant.

Both of them took a different table with their backs to each other while they sipped their ordered drink.

Unlike Jin, Beatrice Zhang ordered a nice meal to go with her juice while they converse slowly. As much as she had hired someone to do her work for her, she was one meticulous human being.

All through their conversation, she kept her gaze peeled on the road ahead, scanning everywhere stylishly.

She knew he was careful but one could not be too sure and it was best to do things rightly.

"Miss Zhang, I have done all you asked for."

"Good. You have the file?"

"Yeah, I did not want to steal her sketchbook so I took the pictures of the works present."

'Good. You weren't supposed to steal the sketchbook lest she reports it to the authorities and we have things difficult for both of us."

"I know. Anyways, here is your flash drive. I am going to drop it now."

The minute the words fell out of his lips, he moved his hand towards hers letting it graze her fingers as she too began to tap lightly before touching him and taking the small flash drive in her hands.

A unique smile formed on his lips when she took the device from him and he pushed forward a bit, picking up his glass of wine and taking a big sip of the drink as he released a satisfied sigh.

"Finally. I am done. I guess we can do better business again in the future Miss Zhang. I'm off."


He stood up and took his leave, having no fear or worry now that he had completed his end of the bargain.

All that remained was his complete cash to be wired into his account.

Beatrice remained seated, watching her surrounding carefully once more before keeping the flash drive inside her purse and continued to eat her meal.

With this weapon in her hands, she was sure she could maintain her status in the company for another few months while she brainstormed on the next action to take in cornering Andromeda, one way or the other.

p *****

Days seemed to have moved a bit too fast for Andromeda but she kept her eyes and ears peeled in Wu Bai's company, watching out for what Beatrice was going to do.

Just as she had done before, she acted normal as though nothing was wrong and she noticed nothing.

This time around, whenever she drew, she let her iPad do the work and if at all she was to make use of any sketchbook, she kept it properly hidden where no one would ever think to search.

At the same time, she took note of the fact that her seeing of Liu Xueyi had reduced and a part of her felt bitter that perhaps her words had hurt him but she could not be more glad that she did else, he may have caught on to her one way or the other and she could not have him interfering.

While those thoughts accompanied her, she failed to realize that Ye Yuan's secret life was indeed tasking for him at the very moment and they had begun shooting for a new movie.

That and being saddled with his duties as the CEO of the company, having so many expectations to be met, left him completely tied down he did not have time to steal a kiss from his Andromeda.

However, that weekend was going to be different for him. He finally got to take a break and now he wished for nothing but to spend another fruitful Saturday with Andromeda.

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